
68 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Ouch, my head!
26 September 2021
I know there are hard core Nolan fans out there, but most of his movies just hurt my head! This is one of them...what the (bleep) is this? It made no sense, start to finish. I did watch the whole thing, and at the at the end, I was just as confused as I was at the beginning.

I only ever liked one of his movies...and that was Memento. The rest of his his movies just made my head hurt. I only watched Tenet because I got HBO free this week...there was a parody team who called the show NOLON, and I loved that...although I hate them (Cracked on YouTube) because they have more trolls working for them than living under all the bridges in the world (snicker).

But I digress...I just don't get Nolan anymore, and this movie just spins it's makes no sense, and anyone who likes it is just hoping to score some Nolan points :)
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Great movie, but confusing message (VERY minor spoilers)
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'd like to say that Disney has done it again. This movie was well written, edited, and executed.

Dragons are the "harmony" of the world, but because of something humans did, they slowly lost their power and dumped the last of their energy into saving humanity, but they were too late to save themselves. Hoping to restore harmony, the main character's father called for a diplomatic meeting in hopes of restoring the world to its former glory. All looked to be going well until one of the factions betrayed him, throwing the world into further darkness. In response, the daughter (the main character) went in search of the legend of the last dragon hoping that it could help her restore the world. After finding that dragon, she tried to convince the humans that they should trust each other more and that that was the reason the world plunged into darkness.

(Here's the minor spoiler) The dragon convinced her to trust the daughter of the queen that betrayed her. Taking the dragon's advice, she convinced a peaceful meeting where it appeared the other daughter was going to be cooperative and all would be well. SURPRISE! That daughter pulled a weapon for some reason (albeit hesitantly) showing that you can't ever trust anyone.

So what's really the point of this movie? Can we trust? Can't we? Beats me.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie and it's a must-see, but I still don't get the point. It's actually realistic in my opinion. NO, you can never trust your enemy, but sometimes coordinating with them is necessary.

(7/10) Just for the confusion, otherwise 9/10.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Sloppy, very sloppy
16 October 2020
I know I'm late reviewing this, but there are more streaming services out there than R. Kelly has. That bad joke aside, let me tell you about this series. This series is like a combination of JJ Abrams Star Trek with its stupid lens flares, combined with millennials instant gratification. My point is, the show tries to move too fast. This is especially evident when the Klingons are being subtitled. Unless you speak Klingon, good luck...even Americans can't read that one can! This show just needs to be cancelled...the directing is sub-par and so is the writing and just fails on so many levels.
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Gigli (2003)
Normally, I watch the whole film before doing this...
19 September 2020
I hate doing this, but for a "theater level movie", this ranks in my bottom 10. I started watching it, but within 15 mins, I said "Ouch, this is melting my brain". Ben Affleck said that his only regret was doing the movie Daredevil. Keep telling yourself that, Ben. Gigli was so bad, there's not many words to describe it. Let me just say this -- if I were the writer/director/editor, I would say this: "Cut, Print, BURN IT!" Yes, it's so bad, it needs to be erased from history. This "movie" is beyond bad in that it violates my "unforgivable sin" in movies -- a muddled plot. You never have the slightest idea what's going on or why. Why they made this movie...also a mystery. Just...don't watch've been warned!
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Think of it as an above average SyFy special
16 September 2020
This movie hard to review without spoilers, but I'll do my best. A boy and his "father"? (That's not well explained) as well as a close friend are being led to a location that the boy fells drawn to. The US government is in hot pursuit because the boy is exhibiting strange abilities that he has yet to understand. Along the way the boy gains more understanding of what he is and where he must go to return to where he belongs. The movie was made very well, and the cast and acting are excellent. The only downside are all the unanswered questions, most of which are backstory questions or details about the boy's powers and homeworld. However, this movie is worth a look if you're bored one night...that's why I watched it on Netflix. 6/10...entertaining, but vague, but they did what they could in a 1h:50m runtime
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Away (2020)
Piiiiigs Iiiiin Spaaaaaace
10 September 2020
Guinea pigs that is... This is just another show that proves my point -- going to Mars is a dream that should be forgotten. There is no logical point, except for bragging rites (like the human moon landing of '69), and odds are everyone would die horribly or go nuts. We just don't have the world political unity, nor the technology to do a realistic Mars landing with astronauts, and this movie shows that. Every decision made and every country involved had an ulterior motive. I can't say much more without adding spoilers, except to say: is this show worth getting Netflix by itself? NO! 7/10 Not bad, but nothing special
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Supernatural: The French Mistake (2011)
Season 6, Episode 15
Tied for my favorite Supernatural episode!
19 July 2020
This episode was so well thought out, I wish I wrote it. Sam and Dean Winchester literally become Jensen and Jared. The only unrealistic element was implying that they resented each other in real life. A recurring line in the episode was " least they're talking to each other." I couldn't stop laughing as both actors pretended to adjust to being in reality. Even if you're not a fan of the show, I'm willing to bet you'll love this one. The best parts were -- they had to come to grips with the fact that magic doesn't exist, and they tried playing their characters but pretended that they didn't know how to act. The other episode tied for my favorite was when they both got sucked into the Scoobie-Doo genre.
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The Misery Index (2019–2022)
Are You Kidding Me?
11 July 2020
I was watching another show when this came on after on the same channel, so I got "exposed" to it. Like most of today's gameshows, this is pure trash. I'd rather watch the Real Housewives of Skid Row than watch this idiotic piece of crap again! The jist of the show is this -- you get shown an embarrassing incident and you have to choose either which is more embarrassing, or in other rounds, how high on a scale of 1-100 "psychiatrists or psychologists" rated the level of shame. Fat chance they actually had "experts" rank them, my guess is they just used a random number generator. You'll never know, the crew and contestants signed a contract which will get them sued if they talk, even if they're right. Please steer clear of this. Game shows used to be rigged in the past, today they're even more crooked...oh no, I violated my NDA! Pat Sajak is gonna have my legs broke! ;)
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The Price is Right (1972– )
It was once great, now it stinks!
9 March 2020
I don't blame Drew...yes, Drew is a crappy host, but he's not to blame for the way the games are played today. In the "old days" people stood a fighting chance at winning...there were some days when people would win 6/6. Today you're lucky if you get a game where you have a fair chance of winning. Take the game Pathfinder for instance. If I were on the show, I'd just tell Drew "Give me $1000, and I'll let you kick me in the nuts and we'll call it even." I suspect that everything is rigged to increase's all those producers care about today, nothing is honest. Just cancel the show and let it die with honor.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Suck-ray blue!
18 February 2020
Just to be fair, i only saw the pilot episode because EPIX gave me a free-preview. I think they were trying to lure me in by showing me the pilot episode for free, but it backfired. The pilot episode was a complete mess, but then again, most pilot episodes are. The actors haven't settled into their roles yet and the writers are just starting, so the story is still in development. I hope that's the case, because it was just awful! First off, most of it is in French, and unless you speak French, there's no time to read the subtitles, and the subtitles are too small. Second, it's not clear who or where the aliens are or when they'll physically arrive. Third, the pilot episode didn't give a clear description of what is going to happen. Just steer clear of one of my heroes (Jay Sherman) once said "If we stop watching bad shows they'll stop making bad shows...if the show stinks, JUST DON'T WATCH! :)
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Evil (2019–2024)
So what is "Evil"? (VERY minor spoilers)
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is about a disheartened psychologist and a priest-in-training who investigate odd events and crimes for the police...and to try to come to grips with their own personal demons. It's almost like a supernatural version of the X-Files, except instead of aliens, it's questioning whether or not there are truly supernatural forces of darkness affecting mankind, or is it just the darkness that lies within us? The psychologist is the skeptic, and the rookie trying to keep an open mind, but even he's not sure what he's seeing sometimes.

(Minor spoiler) Just like the X-Files, which showed no proof of aliens until the far, all investigations have had a logical explanation. But...will they always? That's the big question -- will they someday involve a plot where the only explanation could be supernatural? Stay tuned to find out!
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The Witcher (2019– )
The good, the bad, and the ugly...
23 December 2019
The Good: Like many have said, the writing, directing and editing are top notch. Henry channels his inner Christopher Lambert from Highlander...yes, for anyone who knows Highlander you know what I mean. It's not a bad thing though, he and the rest of the cast perform flawlessly. The story is fun and immersive, you always want to see what happens next.

The Bad: They jump back and forth in time quite a bit, and it's hard to tell when. Most of Henry's character's scenes early-on, I assume are the past. The blonde girl, Ciri's scenes, I'm assuming are the future...judging by her age, I would guess 16-18 years. But they never tell you when or where you are, so you have to put it all together yourself.

The ugly: It's tough to tell which faction is what, who's side who is on, who is who, what is what...once again, you have to put it together yourself.

My advice...this is one you need to binge-watch. If you watch it one episode at a time you'll forget where you were or what happened. But that seems to be the new trend in most series. I gave it 9/10 only for that...if it had better continuity, 10/10.
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6 Underground (2019)
Not a bad concept
14 December 2019
A very interesting idea for a movie. A team of 6 who are thought of as dead form their own "black ops" team. The only problem is, it was filmed poorly. It was edited in what I call the "jittery" style. Lots of jumping around, nothing smooth...there's no time to take in the moment, it's all just go go go. Think of it like Deadpool if you put it on 2x speed. My guess, they tried to cram too much into 2 hrs. My advice is, this should have been a 6 episode limited series, not a 2 hr movie.
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V-Wars (2019)
Not bad, good writing, good acting (only minor spoilers...may not even be)
5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For once, Ian Sommerhalder does NOT get to be a vampire. First off, they drink blood but they aren't really vampires. They are infected with some kind of ancient compound that makes some mildly ill but makes others transform into creatures that have heightened senses and drink blood. Ian's character seems to be immune, while his best friend was "turned". The series is about his quest to find out why some are immune and if the transformation can be reversed. The acting and cast are first-rate, the writing is amazing, but yes, it's nothing too original. If you have Netflix and like this kind of thing, it's a must-see.
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Momma Named Me Sheriff (2019–2021)
Can I rate this lower than 1?
24 November 2019
The only reason I watched this is that it reminded me of Brickleberry. That was a show that was stupid, but had some promise and humor. Now let's get to this show. It is, in a word -- unwatchable. The writing is nonsensical, the jokes aren't close to funny , and the editing looks like it was done by someone banging their head on a keyboard. I'm not usually "too" mean, I'm just honest, but in this case, I'm going to be mean. This is a slight exaggeration, but I'm semi-serious. All of you involved with the production of this show better go back to school or consider a different line of work...this*ws! Start to finish, it's just horrible.
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Treadstone (2019)
What's going on?
13 November 2019
I already read a review similar to the one I'm going to write, but here's mine: It started out promising, and them midway though the pilot it descended into madness. The plot that we thought was clear becomes splintered. We get glimpses of what's happening, but no clear objective. There seem to be at least 3 in the past, one in the future, and one in southeast Asia. And each show bounces us between them so fast we have no idea what's going on. Did you ever see the movie Funny Farm when Chevy Chase wrote a novel? His wife's review of his book is kind of like this show. In one episode you get 3 flashbacks, 2 flash forwards and then you have someone who gets a flash-sideways :).
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It's crap, here's why
19 July 2019
Just like the author of Maze Runner ripped of Hunger Games, so did Justin Timberlake watch "The Wall", he thought "hey, I can make a few changes to that games, and make myself a crapload of money. Here's why: trivia questions, the ability to both quickly win or lose tons of money, no true control over anything, and (the best part) lots of drama--in the form of "interesting" people and their families. TV today is getting so derivative that sometimes I wonder if this is real or possibly staged. I miss the old days with real game shows. There are only 2 games shows that I can swear today are still at least somewhat honest -- Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune...and even then sometimes I have my doubts.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Sometimes...not watching is better....
10 July 2019
Ouch my head...I only watched this out of morbid curiosity, and I was right. This movie is a pale shadow of the 1989 classic, and even the 1989 movie wasn't "that good." But just like the 1989 movie, the best character is Jud -- who was played by Fred Gwynne in 89 and John Lithgow in this reboot. There are a few clever allusions to the afterlife that weren't in the first flick, but I still say, unless you don't mind paying 1.75 for the redbox, just watch the original.
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Us (II) (2019)
Lots of people already got it right...major spoilers
10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off -- it truly is hard to review this movie without spoilers. So I say "screw it", it's spoiler time! Ok, first off, this is a great movie, but that being said, there are more plot holes than craters on the moon! From the trailer, you already know that a family is being attacked by their "doppelgangers." And I must admit, the backstory is clever. The government created clones of people to see if those clones could be used to influence their counterparts. Ok, that in itself is idiotic, but that's not the best come the spoilers -- The mother is the clone, but she chose to forget that -- she switched places with the "real" girl when she was about 10 years old. When the clone married her husband, her counterpart was "forced" to marry her husband's clone. Ok, that might be possible, but now for the parts that make NO sense. Both pairs had to children who were EXACTLY the same age and looked EXACTLY alike. That is, at best, 99.99% impossible...the only way that could happen is if when the couple on the surface had kids, the government IMMEDIATELY cloned them. Ok, now that I've vented on the plotholes...this was a good movie, just don't think too much (like me).
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The Rookie (2018– )
The Rotten Tomatoes people say it all
18 October 2018
Once again, I think those critics have "binged" the series. Whereas, most of us civilians only got to see the pilot. But, I've still come to the same consensus. Nathan is carrying this show -- if you watch this mediocre show, it's just for him. He's got no support -- everyone is angry with everyone, everyone sends everyone "mixed signals". This is just Quantico packaged in an LAPD setting. I'll give it more time, but so far this is all I have to say -- if you like Nathan, keep watching. If you're new to his work...this is not him at his best, don't waste your time. Go watch reruns of Firefly (Serenity) or Castle instead...much better. (so far)
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Maniac (2018)
What the heck?
10 October 2018
This is a show indicative of today's drug-addled society. What exactly is it about, why did anyone write it, and just plain...why? This show makes no sense. There's no clear plot, no clear intention, no clear...anything! It's will greenlight anything. I should make some psychedelic crap up so I can sell it to the online streaming crap we have today...why not? Society is jjust getting more stupid by the second, I should probably help out! My head hurts, and yours should too. I'm out.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
What am I watching?
16 June 2018
Ok, here's the deal -- I've been know not to "pull any punches", and in this case...this is gonna hurt. What is this show? I mean really, what's going on? Does this show have a plot, does it have a point? Why am I watching this? Nothing is explained -- give us some backstory for f---'s sake! Who writes this stuff.

OK, I admit, the critics that are giving this mess raving reviews may have seen the whole first season before us civilians, but come on! The writing, the editing, the plot -- it's all horrible. I have NO clue what's going on or why. This show sucks on so many's like my parents, and their parents used to say -- "s--- or get off the pot!" I want to see some plot form NOW or I'm dismissing this show. 3 episodes was more than enough time.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
I can't review this fairly without some spoilers (mild ones)
31 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film reminds me so much of Prometheus (2012), in its style and content. If I didn't see if was written by Garland, I would have sworn Ridley Scott did this. When I did my review of Prometheus, I said "only people who are religious, philosophical, scientists could like this"...well here we are again.

I'm all 3, and I loved this crazy flick. Here's my take on it -- a small meteor hits earth and brings with it alien DNA and...something else...some of their technology I believe. It is most likely a bio-attack on any planet that supports life...ANY life. Was this a targeted attack on earth? That's the big question...on a planet that is roughly 70% water, the meteor hit Central America. The meteor not only had alien DNA, but also put up a barrier that acts as a field that reflects...well...everything. It can create hybrid life, make people go insane, and make people forget what they're doing and who they are.

At the end, without going into too much detail, my question was -- did the aliens succeed in their ultimate desire? Did it just happen that way, and was there no intent? And ultimately...what now?!?!? :) Enjoy!
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Justice League: Doom (2012 Video)
Glad I caught this one!
9 March 2018
Although Batman trusts the Justice League, he was always worried the day may come when one or more of them might turn, get blackmailed, or possibly just go insane and be a threat to the world (himself being no exception). Therefore, he created a special protocols for each team member that could be used to incapacitate them should that event ever arise.

Vandal Savage (being one of the most intelligent villains) found a way to hack Batman's computer and weaponize these fail-safe protocols making them deadly to each team member.

Recognizing that his own protocols are being used against his own team, it's a race against the clock to locate each team member, analyze what Savage did to each one, and find a way to disarm it before it's too late...

My favorite part of this film was when Batman explained what he had done, he was asked how he could have done such a thing. His response -- "You mean none of you have thought of doing the same thing?" When his team implied that they would never imagine such a thing he said, "Then you're fools!"

This was a very deep and intense film, and it's a must-see for DC fans or fans of superhero sci-fi in general.
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Yea, um, no
24 January 2018
Ok, first off, if you loved Dances with Wolves, then just stop reading now, and mark my review as unhelpful. For everyone else, or those who didn't like Dances with're in for the same crap.

This is a very well thought-out and well-scripted movie, but it's so slow, and damned confusing. The plot moves with the pace of a political convention. It's hard to keep your attention span active, this movie will literally lull you to sleep, just like Dances with Wolves did to me back in 1990.

So, honestly, I'm at a loss here, I don't know what to tell you. Go ahead, watch it and find out for yourself. But I swear, this is one of those expensive movies where they pumped money into boosting public opinion so that it would be "uncool" to say that it was "bad". It's not the first time and it won't be the last.

I'm tired and this movie made me fall asleep, night everyone. :)
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