
8 Reviews
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Dreadful sequel
9 July 2006
I found it poorly written and directed, badly acted and painful to sit though. The endless facial muggings of Johnny Depp and wasted use of Orlando Bloom, was a sad sight to endure at 11:30pm. The audience walked out talking about how disappointed they were at this movie. Out of six people in our group, two had enough, and left early, and the rest of us, die-hard fans, were too stunned at how poorly the sequel was done, to move. Hopefully the third installment will improve. The movie was terribly dark and repetitive. Repetitive use of "squid face", "squid face" and "squid face"...did I mention the movie was repetitive?.....
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Charming and Delightful
9 July 2006
This was a very fun film. Meryl Streep is a comic genius. After so many movies with "dick jokes" (Click) "bathroom humor" (Click)and "vulgarity" (any Martin Lawrence movie), it is nice to see subtle, graceful humor, delivered by a master! The supporting cast wins in their efforts also. The film captured the philosophy, politics and strategies of corporate America and the fashion industry. TDWP shows that the reality of life forces us to make choices that don't always please those around us. The only point that I would make different is that sometimes it is OK to move on from old relationships that have past the "expiration date". Sometimes change involves letting go and moving on. This isn't an indication that the person is morally wrong or has a character flaw. Life changes, people grow and new horizons are to be explored with new friends. Letting go is a part of moving forward.
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Poseidon (2006)
Guilty Pleasure
30 May 2006
I enjoyed the movie, I was engaged the whole time. It is a perfect movie to "get away" from it all, after a stressful day at work. It's one of those movies that you settle in with your popcorn and soda and let go of the concerns of the world. Yes, there were more cheesy scenes than all of Wisconsin, but c'mon, look at the "entertainment" on television.

Like relationships, movies work best with low expectations, and high acceptance, then everything tends to be a pleasant surprise. It helps to understand going into the theater, that it's not "Gone With The Wind". It was a great distraction and thrilling adventure, when I wanted to "escape" for a few hours. It was a guilty pleasure.
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Transamerica (2005)
Excellent film!
3 April 2006
I felt uncomfortable going into the theater on Sunset Blvd on opening night, with my boyfriend. The subject matter was unusual and we had no idea what to expect. The film was funny, poignant and had the courage to show compassion for a condition that is the topic of many tasteless and offensive jokes. Felicity Huffman absolutely deserved the Academy Award, but they couldn't give it to something this controversial. Pity, Somehow, I was even offended by John Stewart's cheap shot at transgendered women in the opening. The writing was wonderful and the young actor is destined to be "hot" in Hollywood. This is not a sensational movie that would offend anyone. It showed the humanity of us all and the courage of those challenged with transsexuality, We all just want to love and be loved and be comfortable with ourselves. Movies like this inspire all of us to take risks and to be true to ourselves. I glad I got past my original discomfort and saw the film.
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Excellent movie, robbed of Best Picture...OK Jen, take a breath, let it go...
2 April 2006
As a straight woman, seeing it with three friends, we were moved to tears by this film. I think the "homophobic" pseudo-liberals of Hollywood showed their true color "YELLOW" as in cowardice. They would not vote for a film about love between two men. I live in LA and when I heard a producer friend, who is now just an "acquaintance" say that "Of course they wouldn't give it to a movie about "bf" gay cowboys". I was livid and I asked people who voted if they saw the movie and many of them said no. They were uncomfortable with it and had no desire to see it. The "politically correct" race relations in Crash was a safe issue, homosexuality was not. What a bunch of closeted, hypocritical bigots! What can I say, to have both a gay and trans-gendered theme film nominated for Academy Awards is wonderful. I pray that more funding and talent and clout go toward excellent films like these and alleviate the hatred and stupidity of our society. If anyone connected to this film reads this, you did a remarkable job!
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Oh Puhleeesse!
22 January 2005
First of all, can we have a decent movie without getting hit over the head with a "political correctness" club! This is a story of two African tribes murdering each other and the blame is placed upon the European colonists who originally "elevated" one tribe over another (because they had more Caucasian facial features) which "created" the bloodbath. Then the "white foreigners" were blamed for supplying them guns! Then the "white governments" were blamed for not doing anything during the genocide, because "they didn't see Africans as worthy of their time and concern". There is a similar situation in Iraq, after Saddam has executed thousands of people and everyone is protesting our involvement. The film was well acted, and very good, but enough of the insidious attacks on our culture! If there was a message here it is that people, regardless of race, are responsible for their choices and actions. It was infuriating to hear that millions of innocents were slaughtered by fellow Africans and the Westerners are to blame. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the individual to choose to kill or not. Enough already!
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22 January 2005
What the hell did they put in my diet coke? I sat down for a movie, not a psychedelic montage to the ocean. After the hype of Lost in Translation, and how beyond disappointing THAT was, (Tokyo on PCP?) I should have known better than to see another "critically acclaimed" Bill Murray film. Presented with another life choice, I again picked the wrong door! As Cher sings "If I could turn back time". I would have gone to theater 6 instead and spent my time trying to figure out which one is Mary Kate and which one is Ashley. The only thing that kept me from completely crawling over 18 people to get out with my sanity was some semblance of David Bowie music.. Just say no, pass, none, nay. nyet...
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The Aviator (2004)
For once the hype is accurate! A must see!
22 January 2005
Leonardo Dicaprio, once again, shows his depth as an artist and his ability to carry a film. He deserves the Golden Globe, and his due as an outstanding actor. Howard Hughes, the man, remains a mystery and the portrayal of his obsessive compulsive disorder was a powerful view into his inner hell. The beginning scene set the pace for a journey into his privileged and dark world. The Aviator showed the torments and gifts of genius. Amazing job by all involved! Wardrobe, music, special effects, direction, acting...all award winning contributions. I left the film moved and disturbed, which shows the power of this film. Wonderful performances by all the cast and the time"flew" by...
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