
5 Reviews
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Overrated and Underwritten
8 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well I too had heard read all the breathless reviews and comments about how this movie might deserve the Best Picture Oscar so I went to see it today. What a major disappointment! 1) If you read the other reviews you will learn from members of the U.S. military who served in Iraq how unlikely the events of this movie are. They mirrored my own thoughts; as the movie played I - a complete civilian - kept thinking to myself, "say WHAT? there's no way that would happen like that.." 2) There's very little that actually happens in terms of plot. A new bomb disposal guy shows up to replace one who was killed (a death that isn't really clearly explained). The new guy gets an adrenaline rush from his work. His attitude puts others at risk. THAT'S IT! 3) This movie is nowhere near as suspenseful as claimed. If you want suspense try one of the Bourne movies. If you want to see a war movie that's emotionally powerful, try renting Go Tell The Spartans, which is about the Vietnam War, and stars Burt Lancaster (who told me PERSONALLY in a serendipitous supermarket encounter that it was a film he was immensely proud of and one he viewed as some of his finest work, and which he was still upset had been largely ignored in the wake of the over-hyped Apocalypse Now), or an old WWII black and white classic Sink The Bismark, which, especially for an English film, is unbelievably heart-wrenching. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON Hurt Locker.
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Fun but far too many gaping holes even for a fantasy
17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There's a point at which some works of fiction ask you to convert the "willing suspension of disbelief" which we must bring to any fictional work into "throwing all critical faculties completely to the winds", and that's what happens here. This film is mildly entertaining for a while..until you start actually thinking about some of what it asks you to take for granted. 1. Weather on demand. While we've all seen wave making pools, has anyone actually seen the technology to create violent localized storms? (While there are some who claim the "secret" government has such weather control technology, even they supposedly can only do it over a large area.) On a sound stage, this could only have been done with giant fans and large, obvious water-spewing machinery. Where were the fans and the other machinery? Or are we supposed to believe all that weather just came out of thin air? 2. Ventilation. With all the car exhaust and heat generated by the community and the artificial lighting, there obviously would have to be giant air conditioning systems (remember, the dome was supposed to be a closed, sealed location) to dissipate the heat and provide fresh air. Where were all the giant vents that would've been needed? The a/c equipment? The constant noise that large a/c equipment generates? 3. Wouldn't Truman have noticed that there were never any airplanes or helicopters seen flying anywhere? Wouldn't he have asked "why don't we have any aircraft here?" I can't think of any "excuse" for that which would have been even remotely plausible. 4. For this "community" to have gone on so long, it would've meant that all of Truman's "schoolmates" weer actors who grew up there along with him. Does anyone really think that so many children (actors, no less) could have kept such a big secret for so many years? Come on, now! You can bet that more than one kid over all that time would've felt the need to spill the beans. 5. Laura Linney's character was initially shown as a cheerleader. That means that the island's high school played competitive sports with other schools. So...does that mean they NEVER played an "away" game?? Wouldn't Truman have thought that to be a little strange? And would all of the opposing team's athletes have agreed to be bought off and keep silent? How much money would it have cost to buy the silence of those kids, in addition to all of those mentioned in 4. above? No t.v. show would have been able to marshal the huge budget necessary to pull all of this off on an ongoing basis -- not to mention the huge budget just to pay all of the hundreds of actors. 6. All t.v., radio, magazines, newspapers, movies and internet (yes, internet existed when this movie was made) coming to the island would have had to be censored of any references to The Truman Show. There's no way a t.v. network would be able to exercise such total control. Truman would have noticed that the only media were locally generated. Wouldn't he have asked why he was cut off from everything else? 7. Even if the supposed explanation that he was adopted by a corporation was valid, the moment he was restrained from free movement of any kind the corporation (and thus Christof) was committing the felony of kidnapping -- a federal crime which wouldn't have been excused. 8. There were even internal inconsistencies..e.g., "Christof" said in the Harry Shearer interview that all revenues for the show were generated by product placement. If that's so, then why did "Meryl" have to hold up various products to the camera and deliver spiels? 9. We're supposed to believe that "Meryl" was so upset by some of the manifestations of Truman's waking-up process that she breaks into tears and claims she "can't work under these conditions, it's not professional". But at the same time, we're supposed to believe that living for years in a sham marriage with a man she doesn't love (and presumably, routinely having sex with him) was perfectly okay with her, simply because it was a paid gig! That's pretty cold, even for Hollywood.
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The Godfather (1972)
Even this movie's goofs were great
17 September 2006
We all know what a wonderful movie this is. I saw it on original release in the Netherlands on a weekday afternoon with perhaps 5 people in the theater...when Michael killed the cop and the gangster and walked out right before the intermission, you could hear everyone in the theater gasping from the relief of pent-up breath. The Godfather has one of the great goofs ever shown. In the scene where Sonny beats up Carlo on the street in front of Carlo's bookmaking operation, there's a shot of Sonny swinging a roundhouse right to the left of Carlo's face; you hear the impact on Carlo's face (nice Foley work), and Carlo's head is jerked to his right from that impact. It is all quite persuasive except for one thing: the camera was positioned directly to the side of the fight on a line at zero degrees of angle, and so you can clearly see Sonny's hand miss Carlo's face by at least 4 or 5 inches. A phantom punch! I get a kick out of this every time I watch the film.
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This is a powerful movie best appreciated by those who...
17 January 2005
have some respect for and knowledge of tribal cultures where the shamans have authority, the people are "tuned in" to the natural world, and "nature magic" is understood on a gut level by everyone from childhood onward. I saw this film many years ago and loved it; it's still excellent. If you like it, you may want to read "The Heart of the Hunter" by Laurens Van Der Post, a classic about the Bushmen in South Africa. This film will be of value to anyone who has someone in their family who's made a mess of his or her life because of alcohol. Grab the drinker and make him or her watch it and that person may get a sense for how destructive that behavior is. Anyone who wants to learn about the Bear Spirit will learn something here as well.
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Should have passed on this one!
2 December 2004
I heard a lot about how wonderful this film was supposed to be. Then I made the mistake of watching it. 1) Worst lighting job ever; almost every scene was underlit. Perhaps she was trying to make a point that the characters' lives were dark, but puhleeze, it's no fun when you have to keep peering intently at the screen just to have a hint as to what's going on! 2) Acting was mediocre AT BEST. Bill Murray for an Oscar? You're kidding, right? All he did was assume an attitude of tired disappointment. It was a one-note performance that showed little depth and didn't come near his work in, say, Groundhog Day. 3) The female lead was singularly uninvolved and uninteresting. 4) This movie had nothing to say; it had no discernible pace OR tone. 5) Sophia Coppola may have talent, but it's not on display here. 6) There were a couple of chuckles to be had -- that's it! 7) This is probably the most overrated movie of the last couple of years.
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