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The Royal (2003–2011)
The Royal T.V. Series Review updated since 2003 by PAS
17 December 2012
I Originally reviewed this television series in 2003, and I still see the repeats on ITV 3, and I still enjoy them. my other review still stands in what I think about new bosses, when you work for an old boss, everything is happy until the old boss retires, then when a new boss arrives you get his way of doing things at your work, often not how you like to do them, this is what happened at the Royal hospital Middleditch retired and Harper came and changed everything I did like Ken Hopkirk and Lisa Hopkirk, and Alan vending machines make awful tea and you do not get a lot for your money, I also thought that DR.Omarod (Gordon) is a good doctor and I would not of minded if he was my doctor or Gilian his wife I also admired Mr.Rose as a good surgeon and Sister Bridget as a good nurse and listener to our problems I also remembered Mr. Carnige he was also a different boss to Mr. Middileditch but mellowed after the staff had meetings with him about his methods at working practises. I also remembered Matron she was a very good one as well
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E.T. (1982)
I Am E.T. This review is as if I was E.T. then Paul squires again!
17 December 2012
I Only Came To your Earth, to explore your plant life with my mum and dad, but I got chased by some curious men who were interested in my species, unfortunately, my parents spaceship, left me behind,later on, I found some bright lights, I did not know that this was where you humans lived. I found myself, in a strange place, someone's back garden, there was this strange but monstrous creature (a golden dog) then I met a small boy, who wanted to keep me, he also had two other earthling people and one grown up lady, this was Elliot's mother, later on when I settled in, Elliolt and his family looked after me, and helped me to get home again I got emotionally attached to Elliot and the little girl dressed me up in old clothes and taught me to talk "E.T, ET." I said to Elliot when he came home from school and I built a communications device in the forest, but I caught exposure and nearly died but when I discovered I was going home, I got better and my heart glowed under my costume so I after a Long goodbye session, went home. I personally this is me now( Paul squires writing as myself) now, think that this film is a classic weepy, and it is now 30 years since it was made and I find it watchable with great music, I thought I would review this film first as though I was E.T. Then as myself I liked the space backdrop and did you know, they used real Doctors in the film! I first saw this film in the cinema in a village called Spilsby, then on video VHS and I am going to get it on DVD. I really like this little story it shows us that not all Allen's are evil and not friendly!
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Good Film Just do not forget to log off on your computer....
16 December 2012
I Have just bought this on DVD, and I like it lots, One thing that Miles, or (Moles), forgot to do, is that every time you Finnish your computer sessions is to log off or shut down! The music for this film is excellent I like two tracks written by Jeff Lynne I found Madelene to be very pretty and clever with the cello, And I found the story to be funny how can a computer fall in love? it is not possible I also wondered how a geek like miles could pull a girl like her and why did he not tell Madelaine about his computer? I personally would not buy a computer like Edgar without it is checked over by a p.c. tech guy! The graphics on the film I found great. and I also am glad that I have finally bought both the DVD and the CD of the soundtrack I was surprised to find that the producer was Richard Branson and that it is released on Virgin films ltd I can watch this film without getting fed up with it as it is 95 minutes of fun and good music typically 1980's style I once borrowed it on video a long time ago that is where I first saw this brilliant film.
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These People Saved My Life.....
24 September 2008
All I can remember, from what the Doctors Told me, These people, where miniaturised, in a Submarine, and injected into my cardioid artery. The first part of the voyage was incident free, until they met with a strong current, and set them off course. They had to go through my heart that the surgeons stopped, this was already slowed down as was my respiration to 6 breathes per minute,After they went through my heart, they revived it (Only just) and proceeded to one of my lungs. There they had to stop, as they ran out of air. You will never guess how they replenished their air supply, they tapped into my left lung and when i inhaled their air supply was filled up. Then they went into my ear and the surgeons had to be quiet!! and after that they finally went into my injured part of my brain. There they used a laser to repair my damage. after that 5 of the team swam towards my optic nerve and the surgeons scooped them out of my tear duct of my left eye. when I came to, the Doctors told me that these brave teams saved my life, and do you know what, I actually believed them. In this review I was reviewing this film , by pretending I was Banes, the shot man. This film is excellent if you want to find out about your body. I enjoy all the special effects, If I was in the team, I'd rather be upstairs, then inside Banes body. I would like to work with the Cornel and be on the computers. I also thought that the Proteuous was beautifully designed and looked correct. The effect of the blood corpuscles can be done with looking at a larva lamp, the blobs are similar.This film is available on DVD, but has to be ordered from Zavvi, formerly virgin record shops and costs £13. they can get it for you in 24 hours and can be delivered to your house for free, or to the shop. I for one, is going to try and get it. I thought that the man who played banes, had an easy part to play in this film. All He had to do, was just lie still and sleep all the way through the film. I recognised Donald Plesence and Racca welsh. So Ends this review I'm going to give this film 10/10.
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Animal Farm (1999 TV Movie)
I have a dream that I'd like to tell you about.....
27 August 2008
This film, is just like the book, that I studied at my school, with a group of us. I feel for the animals, yes we do take all their food and milk. and I liked all the voices provided by top actors and actresses. this is what happens when companies take over small businesses, they become like Napolean and the other pigs. in the book, the animals sing beasts of England and beasts of Ireland in the oh my darling Clementine tune, the film version was different. I felt for Jessie the dog when they took away her pups. This I Thought wears unfair. If I'd been an animal on this film, I would of been the farmer's cat and I would of said to the pigs, "How dare you take away those little pups" just you try and take away my kittens, I'll scratch your eyes out" I would give those pigs what for! this DVD lasts 90 minutes, and contains no extras or subtitles, but is not bad for £1 at my local supermarket. I'm going to giver this adaption 10/10 but it fails on the fact that the DVD contains no extras. this does not alter my ratings, as I enjoyed the story. yes the film did follow the book, but the song was changed slightly. How do businesses become like the pigs? the answer is, they make all the decisions for the companies, leaving the small company bosses powerless to control the company. in other words they become greedy! hence the phrase fat cats or in this case fat pigs!
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Wild Child (2008)
Your'e Going To Boarding School Now!!!!!!
27 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Attention rebellious teenage Daughters, This is where you will end up If you misbehave. Straight away, I found this film lively, and there was plenty of action to keep me occupied! Polly is your typical teenage lass, Who I thought, was difficult to control,But she played one prank too many, how she managed to dive into the sea overlooking her house, had me beat! without killing herself.But throwing those clothes in, and telling everybody to help themselves from the boxes of Rosemary, Especaily when you are new to the area and have had the stress of moving house, really was too much for her father. I also thought that all the girls where pretty, and Emma Robertson played a brilliant part of a spoilt Americain wild child I did not like Harriet, I thought, Just who does she think that she is?? and the girl who sneaked down stairs for some ice cream, reminded me of Billy Bunter.(Midnight Feast) if it had been me, I would of nicked something from the cooked meats lines! While I saw this film in our cinema, I will own up and say, that I was drooling over the girls. I felt that I wanted to push Freddie out of the way, and claim my prize (The Girls) I am going to rate this film 10/10. Also what Polly said about England and the school, was so funny after seeing it on the website also the things that the girls dreamt up to try and get Polly Expelled, I thought brilliant. all those tricks where very well thought out, what surprised me most was who had written this story, Lucy Dhal who is Roland Dhal's Daughter. I am going to get this on DVD and treasure it for many years.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
I'd Leave this ship right now, if I where you......
27 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is my very first gory DVD. Wheh I saw all the decapitations I was not scared, as I watched the feature's first. The people who salvage ships, did not pay attention, to Kate, that little girl. she looked sternly at them to warn them to leave this ship. Indeed, on the DVD you have to solve clues in the messages like building bricks, to see extra footage. I did find the baked beans scene very scary when it changed into maggots! and those rotten bodies in the laundry room. I was surprised that the passengers did not see that trip wire, it reminded me just how cheese is sliced! If I was there, I would of left this grave yard alone. I enjoy this film, but it is best viewed with the lights on! or just dimmed. The best thing would of been just to blow the ship up and leave. what surprised me is at the end when the dead people came out of the new ship. there was a lot of gold blocks on that ship, I estimated around 2 million or more.For gore and special effects I'm awarding this film 10/10 I got this DVD at my local supermarket for £2.99 money well spent I'd say.
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Shaft (1971)
He is a complicated man but no one understands him.....
19 August 2008
I dedicate this comment and all this typed work to the memory of Isaac Hayes 1942-2008. This is some mother of a police gangster movie ever made, in my eyes. John Shaft has a "Don't Mess With Me" attitude, for example, we see him just walking across the road as if there where no cars on it, Taxis are trying to get by him, and he just says "Get out of my way" and when the Taxi drivers hoot he sticks his finger up at then and says "Up yours" charming I thought. Also I should mention poor Bumpy, because Shaft, tosses his son out the upstairs window, Bumpy says "He threw my son out of the the god dam window" and The tune brilliantly composed by Issac Hayes "Bumpy's Lament also had me in tears a bit! I also like the tune Cafe Reggios, this tune if you want to do an air guitar then this is the best tune to do it to, as Mike Toles on electric guitar on this tune is very guitar predominant. I also like it when Shaft's boss says to him "where are you going to whom shaft replies "I'm gonna get laid" laughing. I also like the bit when that man tries to sell Shaft a watch he says"Timepiece brother? then shaft produces his badge and the man says goodbye brother" I also like the bit when Shaft in the bar posing as a barman says to those two men "where are my manners, I have not introduced myself, my name is John shaft Freeze" and shows them his badge again. This is Issac Hayes best works, and he will be surely missed I also think that a lot of you who read this, will agree. It was not until 1976, that I first heard Issac Hayes music with the single Disco connection I also like the tune no name bar. I have the CD and the album and the cassette of the Shaft soundtrack I also think that who ever reads this, should now start buying Isaac's back catalogue if you like that kind of music R.I.P. Issac Hayes. 1942-2008.
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WALL·E (2008)
This is a warning to all of us if we don't.......
19 August 2008
This Is A Nice little story, But as my heading states this is a Warning to all of us, who live on this planet.Of how it will end up if we do not look after it. The Film's background colours are brown and grey, with brown skies. Wall-e does clear up and recycle all rubbish, but he will not be there to clear up after us. The colours only brighten up when we are taken aboard the sterile conditions of the Axion spaceship, and we meet the clean bot who says "Forgien Contaminant" and cleans it up. Unfortunately all of us, who migrated into space aboard the spaceship, have become fat and lazy. I like Eve and I think that she is sleek and very modern looking, I cannot blame Wall-e for becoming smitten with her! I also think that it was a good idea to reestablish B'N'L at the spaceship, I also do not mind having my meals brought to my chair. If I where on that spaceship, I would help the captain with the controls, instead of that George the auto pilot. I have got the music CD and the tunes are brilliant. I hope that when they release the DVD, they include the sketch with the magician and the hungry rabbit and the trouble he went through to get his carrot. Yes Pepole, this is how the earth will become in 700 years from now, if we do not do anything to keep our rubbish under control.Even the supermarket where I work will become like the BNL on earth seen at the beginning of this film, if we are not care full enough
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Russian Revolution with good Music.....
13 August 2008
I will start this review, by saying that I have just bought this DVD off my mother for £3! I have had the L.P. since I was young, and the music is brilliant, written by Maurice Jarre, (jean Michel Jarre's father)The scenery is lovely but freezing cold, I am writing this review from memory, as I have not watched this film yet. As I remember, this film starts off with a funeral, and the story is based on the Russian revolution, with a march. The most famous thing about this film is the stirring tune ,Somewhere my love. That has been covered by nearly all our orchestras. The version that I have I think is the most Superior. The Metropolatian pops orchestra conducted by Nicolai. If you want to see Russian sights, than this is the film to see. also good acting by Omar Sharieef and Julie Christie. When you get the DVD, you get two discs in it. This film is definitely worth buying on DVD, and is a good feature.
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Convoy (1978)
Breaker 1,9 do you have a copy on me?
8 August 2008
Breaker one nine, This Is big Alexander calling the Rubber Duck, I'm going to comment, on your film. I bought this gem of a film on my recent 2nd holiday on a DVD. I did some research on Kris Kostoperson and he is the same age as my mum, 72! I quite liked his big black Mack truck, Hold On, I see a Bear in brown wrapping, Played by Ernest Bognine who is still alive! he is 90 years old. His call sign was Cotton Mouth! I really enjoy this film, and I have the single, by C.W.Mcall. I also liked the lorry Love machine, later renamed Pig Pen for obvious reasons! I also thought that Dirty Lyle was funny, Oi! I want your car! after the truckers damaged all the police cars at the café. I also thought that the scenery in the film was very American in appearance. Most of the trucks in the film where Macks, they only used 24 trucks and added more by trickery. In the film. I did not know this. I also like the CB language as Dirty Lyle (bear in the air) puts it, I also thought that the man who says "Attention Mr. Rubber Duck stupid! as Lyle says "You are doing it wrong" Dirty Lyle 's car who he commandeered off those kids, was a big V8 by the way, this explains the engine noise being loud. I also liked it when Lyle crashed into that farm! I did not think that I could get this DVD, as this film was made in 1978. I'm going to give this film 10/10, for entertainment value. Over and Out good buddy. This is Big Alexander, on the side, I'm gone now bye bye
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Iron Man (2008)
Very Technical Film
23 May 2008
I went on my holidays recently, and I came Across this film, listed in the resorts Cinema. So I bought a ticket to see it, and I was amazed by all the robotics, and I thought to myself, I would not mind having, an Asistant like Pepper Potts. I also think, that Tony Stark must be very rich, to have his own firm. I also think that he made, the right decision to stop making weapons, and design that very good and fast iron suit. Only that bald headed man, wanted to continue making weapons I also liked all the computer effects in the film, and the history of Tony Stark. I am fascinated by machines and robots. I cannot wait for this film to come out on DVD, I will be the first one to buy it. I liked Gwennys Paltrow, I think that she is beautiful. I am also glad her character survived and was not killed off, in the film. I like all Marvel Comic based films. I did not read any when I was a boy mind. I do not like warfare and If I had my own company, I like Tony would not make missiles or weaponry. I am going to give this film 10/10 for all the effects in it, and for the storyline. there was a lot of action and it had me engrossed for all the time it was on. I was not disappointed at all Well Done Film Team. I now look forward to Iron Man 2 a-s-o.
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A Delightfull Story
8 August 2007
This is a very good Story, about Susan White (Rita), who is 26, she should of had a baby, but first of all, she wants to discover herself. or her inner soul. So She goes to the nearby Collage. There she meets this drunken teacher Frank Bryant. We see him looking for a certain book, "The Lost Weekend" by Charles Dickens, behind that we see a bottle of whisky. He drinks quite a lot of it, just before he is about to give a lesson to a room of 20 young Students.He does not listen to a Student when he asks Frank a Question, He just stares out into space. I quite like it when in one of his lectures, he says:"did you see Peer Gynt on the radio" he annoys the Bursar and is warned about his drunkenness, to which he shouts "Sod Them!" I like the music and I think that Julie Walters and Micheal Caine, is a very good combination here we have two good actor and actress roles and one good story, You never get tired of seeing this film, and This Film is British to the core! I think that Denny, should of been more supportive to his wife, Susan does say to Frank that Denny is "Thick" I also like the quote: Wouldn't you simply die, without Marhler" I also think that the record player should of switched itself off like mine does!
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Only Fools and Horses: To Hull and Back (1985)
Season 4, Episode 8
My favourite Episode
30 May 2007
I really like this episode of Only Fools And Horses. my best bit is when Del Boy sees Denzil in his truck,and Denzil says "NO" To him. I also like Slater when he says,"I'm Chief (Spits it)Inspector!" Del boy gets trapped in Denzil's truck, and ends up in Hull (Whatsit'sname) I also like it when Rodney drives the van over our Humber bridge, in the days when it was £1 to cross it.(£2.50) now!, and the toll attendant says that will be a pound, and Rodney says, I've got 75P and the attendant says that's not a pound, Rodney says, I've only got 3 wheels, and the attendant says, Pointing to the sign, that's got 2 wheels, but it's still a pound. That van misfires all the time, I find that highly amusing, and when it will not start, Rodney says, I'll clean you! I also like it when Del Boy and Rodney hire a fishing Schooner to Holland. Denzil says that he is haunted by Del Boy and he is convinced that he is seeing things, so imagine his horror when he sees him on that boat.. I also like it when they get lost and ask the man on the gas rig, "Excuse me, where is Holland?" I am going to rate this 10/10
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A Very Good portrayal of the 1912 disaster...
30 May 2007
This is the first time, that I have reviewed a Disaster movie, But this actually happened! The Titanic, was a beautiful Ship, and I felt that, it was very sad that this was her Maiden voyage.I enjoyed the part by Kennith Moore,And was surprised that the designer went down with her. I have this film on a video, by Rank Ltd, I wonder where they got the titanic set from? I thought that all the acting was superb and there was a lot of panic also. I liked the quartet of musicians and I was moved to a tear when one of the quartet sang that song, as the ship sank. I thought he had a good voice. I was disappointed by the Calafornion's captain, he should of followed the example of the captain on the Parthia, as soon as the signal came from the Titanic, he turned the ship around and the crew did all they could to help pick up survivors, while the other ship, wanted to know who the titanic was. I also liked the tour of the Titanic you get while watching the film. From the Captain on the bridge to seeing the engines. I thought the same as the Titanic's captain, after the rockets where all fired, "are you blind or what??" The Calafornion's captain spent most of his time in his cabin asleep! The second officer, thought it was an advertisement,for a tobacco company. I think not!! I thought that the radio operator Sparks did very well. I know S.O.S. 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots! I also know a few facts about the Titanic, but I',m not going to put them on here. I knew just how the Diesigner felt when he went down to see the damage that the iceberg caused.I am going to give this film 10/10 for historical importance.
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Jennifer (1978)
Brilliant Use Of Power Over Bossy Spoilt Girls........
24 May 2007
This Is one belter, of a film. I have just watched this video. I thought that Sandra Trmayne, was a rich spoilt brat, who thought she ruled the school. And her Principal was bribed by huge cheques for $1,00000 to keep her there. Then Jennifer came along, Just a red headed brunette Girl, of a poor background, Who I thought was very pretty! and down to earth. her father encouraged her to use the power from the night! Sandra was not happy, unless the other girls obeyed her,I would of said "Just who do you think you are??" You are not in charge!One quote in this film holds true, beware the mask of beauty, Do Not trust Anyone! I did not like the way Sandra treat Jane, just because she did not do as she was told. After one prank too many, Jennifer then asked for the power and strength to be given to her, She put her hands into a box of deadly snakes, and when Sandra and the team kidnapped her that night in the boot of the car, I recognised the music used it was Toccata Also Sandra was not paying any attention to her teacher, she was sex obsessed all the time, this I would of found totally unacceptable. While Jenny was becoming a nice Girl and very bright! despite being poor. I liked the little kitten, but it met a sad demise, I know that Jenny did not do it. I am going to rate this film very high 10/10 I have had this video laying under my bed for ages. I am glad I dug it out, as there was nothing on telly.
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A Wartime feast
3 January 2007
This film, comes from the time, when Meat was in very short supply. and you were very lucky if you got your supper of bacon. The Pig I thought was very well trained to do what it did, I also did not realise that the police could arrest you if you had loads of meat in your larder. I enjoyed the whole film and Found the Mother funny when she saw the pig, but was told, "when you answer the door, there's no pig" and when she said to the chap " You Smell" it was the pig that smelt not him. So If you liked your meat, you had to go Canny! as they would say in the war. This film to me was very well made I would not of liked to been a Butcher then, as crowds of House wives wanted their scrag end every day and "Would you like a sausage," I would have to say 12,000 times a week to my favourite house wives (Friends)One thing comes to mind, I would not keep the pig in my kitchen as he has nowhere to do his business! I would put it in a sty that I had built in my back garden.
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The Champions (1968–1969)
Action All the way.....
17 December 2006
Well, What can I say, other than these people are Super in every way. I quite like Sharon Mcreedy, I enjoy this pure Nostalgic Series And I have the boxed set of 9 discs 30 episodes, I did not realise that they had made so many, I also think that it is a great shame, that they have not made any more. I wish that I got given these powers, Imagine me, being knocked off my cycle, somewhere and being knocked out cold, then waking up in a special hospital. Later on, I discover that my body has been enhanced. Just like Richard Barrat. These stories are 50 Minutes of pure action and suspense all the way, You cannot fight these 3 people, as they would defeat you in all forms of weaponry. The music is well written, and to me, puts a wonderful picture of 3 super beings in my mind, The sort of powers that the champions have are the same as our domestic dog or cats, Improved sight, Improved hearing and touch. and the strength of 10 men for Richard and Craig and the strength of 3 women for Sharon. Who I thought was beautiful and intelligent. When I was a boy, I had a huge crush on her!!!! Now I can see why, on my DVD set. The box is very nice and it comes with a free booklet all about the series. I also thought that Trymane was a good boss, firm but he got things done!
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A Funny Version of Superman
5 December 2006
This Is one good movie, To me, it is like a funny version of Superman, If I had a girlfriend like that, I would not dump her! For one thing, she could get you the perfect Present for Birthdays and Christmas. I have a play station game called Jaws Unleashed! in this game, you are a great White Shark, and I cannot ever recall G Girl pulling me out of the water and hurling me at a couple making love! then the couple throwing me out of their bedroom window. this does not happen in my game! This film also reminds me of Clark Kent! I did enjoy this film a lot and I did get a jolt when Jenny appeared with a chain saw in Matthew!s Dream. I do not have any grumbles about this film at all. Just do not dump Jenny that is all you have to do. if you do not love her then you should not chat her up. Hannah was nice I thought, I found that Professor an interfering person I'm going to mark this film 10/10 for a good comedy picture. I forgot to say what presents she can get you, Well first of all, if you wanted a racing car set, She would get you the real thing! and if you wanted a Clock that strikes, she would get you a Public clock! not a normal Grandfather clock! and if you wanted a train set, she would get you a real train! in other words, all her presents would be huge! Just like that shark was.
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Cars (2006)
A very nice story ......
29 November 2006
This Story to me, is about racing from a car's side of the story, you have rivals, all eager to win that trophy, But Lighting Mccqueen shows us that the Trophy is nice, but not important! he helps that blue car who got knocked out of the race over the winning post. In this film, I enjoyed all the characters, this is typical Pixar, all the characters have big eyes and clear voices. I also do not know what a Hudson Hornet car is, I only got the DVD this morning, 29.11.06 I throughly enjoyed the whole film! I also liked the Italian cars, the yellow one is modelled on the Fiat 126. I also liked Sally, the Porsche 911 This is a good film, for the racing car fan, I think that Lighting Mccqueen is modelled on an American V8 Corvet! I also liked it when he saw a red truck, and said to him, "Mack?" and the truck said "No I am a Peterbillt!" I did not think that A Race car can repair a road ! I have the Playstation game and I highly recommend it, this game does closely follow the film. I also liked Matey the breakdown truck. As you can see, I have given this film 10/10.
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Click (2006)
Do Not fast forward Your life Too Far Ahead.....
20 October 2006
This is a first for me, as I have been to our local cinema to see this, usually I review a film that is in my collection. Right, now for the film, I really enjoyed it, Imagine you could control things in your lives, smart eh! not really when you start fast forwarding your life, you find things happen that you do not want to happen, I found the film funny, and serious at the same time, The remote control, does have other good uses, such as turning the volume down on screaming children and barking dogs, The pause we saw, can be used for hitting someone and then walking away, later on we release the pause control, and OWWW! That hurt. It is also handy if I had it to stop speeding car drivers and To lock doors downstairs while I am on the internet or trying to watch something on telly. I found the actor that Played Micheal a good actor, and the special effects where I found very clever indeed, But Micheal should of listened to the shop keeper who gave him the remote, Also this film shows us, that we rely on remote controls more than ever now, it was also a surprise to me to see David Hasslehoff, I thought that kit the car would not be far off! but not this time, I also think that i would be frightened if I dreamt that dream, why did Micheal not use the back or rewind button ? also what would of happened if the remote had been fitted with an eject button, you could use that to eject someone off your favourite seat in your lounge, or to put the dog or cat outside! Also do not forget the OFF Button. is fitted to remotes. What would of happened if Micheal used that? that I would of liked to have seen.
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Chicken Run (2000)
The Sad Life Of the common Chicken.......
19 October 2006
Let's face it, the average life of your typical chicken, is not at all glamorous is it ? well not on the Tweedy's farm. This film to me, reminds me very much of The great Escape. Ginger is the chicken equivalent of Steve Mccqueen, She spent more time, at the beginning of the film going into the coal bunker. In The great Escape, Steve mccqueen was escorted to the cooler. I liked it when mr's Tweedy says: "They're Chickens you dote! they don't scheme, and they are not organised!" but we know that they are. the film to me, is a load of fun! I also liked Mac the Scottish hen, mr tweedy is an oafish pot bellied man with two rot-willer dogs and I also liked the two rats Nick and Flectcher and I also liked rocky. I have the DVD and it brings me great Pleasure watching it. I am going to give this film 10/10
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Clockwise (1986)
Lateness is a discourtesy to others.......
11 October 2006
If you are ever late or have got to be there for a certain time, and yes you are organised, (Brain Stimpson) Then this is the film for you. At the school where he is the headmaster, you cannot do anything wrong, or bully anyone, as he can see everything! This is the ideal school for all children, place the headmaster very high up, give him some powerful binoculars, and a good p.a. System glass windows all around his office, and you have got yourself, a very good surveillance system. Right, or is it left? the train is for 10:25 for Norwich, he asks a very famous ticket collector (John Bardon) now Jim Branning in Eastenders, " Are we on time today?" the ticket collector says to him, "Norwich on the left" Mr Stimpson then gets on the wrong train the 10:27 to Plymouth! then it all starts to go wrong. he leaves his speech paper, on the train, he hijacks Laura just as she is pulling out of her parent's driveway, in a Morris 1100 car, They go to a hospital to find his wife, they then fill the car up with petrol and he does not pay for it, and so on, But he arrives on time 17:00 for his funny, but different speech! All in All a very good Brirish all round film, Some of this film, was filmed in Grimsby, I also like the Music! in the film. I also like his "right, you over there, 9:20!!" when you misbehave in the playground! for example, he says, "Don't run Sharon Seeds, 9:20" by the end of the morning, at 9:15, there is a long Que to see him in his office! I really enjoy this good British Film, by Thorn E.M.I. John Cleese is a very good actor and a funny man. Remember Fawlty Towers ? in this film he does behave very Basil like in the scenes with the phones. when the money runs out.
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Supergirl (1984)
A Very Enjoyable Adventure
27 June 2006
I have just bought this film, on DVD. I thought that the story was well written, and I really like Helen Slater. Faye Dunaway played a very Upset Selina. Who must understand that we cannot have everything that we want Now! you must accept what you have for the present. I thought that Supergirl was very much like Clark Kent in the fact that she was gentle to people. I have waited for this film to appear on DVD for ages now. If I had been in that city at the beginning of the film, I would of designed a shuttle service to Earth so that the residents could go there for a holiday. I would also of loved to of been Supergirl's close friend who would of helped her to fight Selina, It was also nice to see Jimmy the Photogragher from the Superman Films. This film to me, gets too many bad Reviews, I cannot fault it in any way, even the music that is composed by Johnny Goldsmith is beautiful I would not of minded a Supergirl 2,3 and 4 like my SuperMan DVD'S I have also in my collection. I am going to see Superman Returns on July the 14th Supergirl is one WOW Film to me. I would not mind a big Poster of Supergirl in full costume!
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Juggernaut (1974)
One Dangerous Plot.......
6 June 2006
I am going to say now, that I was gripped by this motion story, I thought that the bombs were well planned out, and they had all sorts of Booby Traps inside them to foil any attempts to defuse them. But who was Juggernaught and why did he pick on this ship? I liked Richard Harris in this role, I also liked it when he quoted when he was told about his next job being on an ocean liner, "Oh Good I would like a Holiday" does that mean then, if a bomb was planted in a Supermarket he would of said "oh good, I would like to buy some groceries first" I do not think so. I also thought that Omar Shareef was a good Capitain I also saw Roy Kineer as well as his second mate and Entertainment officer I also liked it when Fallon Said Cut the red wire chaps R.E.D. Red we all know that the red wire carries the current needed to fire the bomb I was surprised when we saw that Trembler Swicth on the rear of those bombs. We also learnt that if a ship is seen with a red flag it is carrying explosives! I really did enjoy this film. I would not mind it on a DVD!
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