
6 Reviews
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Ares (2020)
After the very first scene pulls you in... the series disappoints you.
17 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The very first scene is very interesting, and the first episode manages to keep viewers entertained but then... it seems to spiral out of control as uninteresting characters keep hogging the screen and mostly nothing happens. The horror elements fail to scare or to entice the viewer. Rosa seems interesting at first but then you lose empathy for her as she dives deep into a society she knows absolutely nothing about, sacrificing all she was and all she has for no discernible reason.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Turning the Shining into a modern-day superhero movie
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Regardless of what Stephen King thinks about the Kubrick adaptation of The Shining, it is still fondly remembered by movie lovers everywhere. This new movie, however praised by King as being a worthy adaptation of his novel, manages to fail where Kubrick succeeded. It's more of a slightly serious take on a superhero movie than a horror movie.

There is absolutely nothing scary about this movie, not even the few jumpscares it tries to pull are successful, and worst of all: everything that seemed enigmatic or mysterious in Kubrick's The Shining is quickly explained away and dealt with.

In the end, it's a very in-your-face movie about learning to deal with your own fears, traumas and even issues inherited/caused by one's family, rather than a horror movie that will leave you puzzling over the meaning of things or human nature. Every single horror element is fully explained, every mystery is revealed, every (simple) analogy is spelled out for you. Nothing is left to the imagination. Even the very "Shining" from the first movie, an otherworldly awareness that very few people had, is turned into X-men mutant-superhero-like powers in this one. And, oh, the reason that some people have the Shining? TO FIGHT EVIL. The whole "with great power comes great responsibility" thing. Again. It's laughable. American culture is completely obsessed with the superhero narrative as of late, and it's seeping into what some deem to be psychological horror, yet it seems people are too dazzled by the state of things to notice and choose instead to just take it and perceive it as fine.
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Black Mirror: Smithereens (2019)
Season 5, Episode 2
A mediocre episode with grandiose presentation
21 June 2019
Black Mirror has gotten its message concerning how addictive social media can be in many episodes across its seasons. This one is the most inept at it, with a huge buildup to a very predictable and uninteresting story, with an unnecessary open ending. Despite the great cast and performance, this episode falls flat for its bland backstory revelation and unsatisfactory character motivations and wrap-up.
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What/If (2019)
It has to be deliberate
26 May 2019
It's one of those so-bad it's... enjoyable shows. The way it's shot, the dialogue... it's all so cringeworthy. Some characters are followed for no reason at all, and they all feel shallow and unreal. Still, if you watch this as a parody of bad soap-opera like television, it could be a load of fun.
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Ibiza (2018)
One of the worst films ever made
25 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't believe how they wasted the talent of some good actresses and actors in this movie. Even if you write it off as "It's just supposed to be a funny movie, it's not supposed to make sense", this movie fails miserably in every regard. It's unfunny all the while except for maybe one or two scenes with Vanessa Bayer (whose capacity at being funny is overshadowed by the terrible script, horrible dialogues and unlikable characters).

The protagonist acts like a complete child the whole movie and is rewarded for doing so in the end, seemingly because her shunning of her responsibilities and unreliable nature was a good thing all along. Her shallow personality is only matched by that of her romantic interest, who - SPOILERS - she ends up with by the movie's end, which was unpredictable given how boring both of these characters are as well as the fact that a minor romantic interest shows up twice during the story, manages to be much more likable and interesting, but is somehow completely forgotten by the time the credits roll.

This film is currently being sued for not having been filmed in Ibiza. So it doesn't even deliver on the location the movie takes its title from. I've never felt exposed to such utter waste of time. I can only hope the people responsible for this disaster never try their hand at writing or producing anything else, and I dearly hope the cast of this movie learns to not sign up for productions with baffling scripts like this one in the future.
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Dark Tourist (2018)
David Farrier hosts a show about Dark Tourist... all the while criticizing Dark Tourism
24 July 2018
It's unbelievable. I started watching the show because the subject matter fascinates me, but the host's attitude in every episode is that of someone who is deeply critical and markedly opposed to museums and attractions dealing with the human fascination with death and horror. It's as if a deeply conservative right-wing Christian made a documentary series about pornography. Everyone he meets he immediately seems to antagonize, pushing the person (unsuccessfully) to say something controversial, only to then insert his voice-over narration bashing the attraction and the person who runs it. I wanted to learn about sites where Dark Tourism happens. Instead I learned about how David Farrier gets easily shocked and offended about the very topic he chose to cover. Disappointing.
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