4 Reviews
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
Absolute Brilliance - must continue!!!
17 November 2014
Having just watched the 2nd episode of the 3rd (and apparently) final season of this awesome series I can honestly say that for this to end after just 3 seasons is one of the worst production decisions on TV ...ever!

The storyline, as before, is captivating, the delivery at breakneck pace is brilliant and carried over by some of the best acting I have seen in years. Directing this series must be both a challenge and a joy because to end up with a product that is not only entertaining and interesting but always totally absorbing! The actors who carry over these episodes cannot be praised highly enough, I would love to single out individuals, but to do so would be a complete and utter disservice to all of the other members of the cast from the person who fills in as a bit part player to the highly recognisable stars. Suffice to say that those with the biggest profiles should be proud to be able say that they have been able to add their polished contributions to the series as a whole.

If there is anyway that my review can contribute to achieving a reversal of the decision to not continue making more episodes, then I sincerely hope that this will prove successful.

An old saying sums it up ..................

"You don't know what you've got until you lose it!!"

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Interstellar (2014)
Movie = Good ...... Music = Poor/Overpowering!
10 November 2014
I enjoyed the basics of this movie although it does have lots of areas that you could pull to pieces, but in saying that I would probably have given it a 9/10 as it did keep me interested until the end.....

HOWEVER>>>>>> What caused me to mark it down to a 6 was the awful music!!! to say that it was loud is not really accurate, it is OVERPOWERING! In some parts you struggle to hear the dialogue it was that bad. I find it very disappointing when a director resorts to using this type of cheap trick(the loudness) to crank up the tension, when honestly the action, the acting and the plot coupled with the excellent CGI would have been enough, for me it had the opposite effect, it actually caused me to lose interest as the movie went on because of the annoyance factor.

I should have heeded the warning as this director used the same trick, to a lesser degree on Gravity, which I thought again used loud music/sound when it wasn't necessary.

Sadly, I will not watch this movie again because of the sound, but if it is re-scored or even reissued without the music, then I will definitely watch it again.

As with everything, you should make your own mind up and decide what you think.
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The Unfunny Comedy!
25 May 2013
What a disappointment. As someone who actually thought Hangover II was even funnier than the original, I was looking forward to seeing the third installment which promised to take us back to where it all started "Las Vegas" with more of the same humor?? How wrong I was to believe that! Gone was the spontaneous feeling you got from the Wolfpack waking up not knowing what has happened to them, which I felt was the most interesting part of the first 2 movies as you followed the characters as they hunted for clues into the night before! In this 3rd serving we get a boringly flimsy storyline that dragged on, very few laughs, a short visit to LV and a script that could have been written by a ten year old! Stu (Ed Helms) has few interesting scenes and is for some strange reason constantly put down by Alan (Zach Galifianakis, who has now been given the central role of the movie along with Leslie Chow(Ken Jeong) who's antics were bordering on childish stupidity. Bradley Cooper who plays Phil was given more time and lines but failed to be convincing in the delivery of the character. Sadly this was a movie too far for the writer/s as it was totally unimaginative and as I said at the beginning extremely disappointing.
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Nice Movie, Shame about the lead actor
22 May 2013
When watching this movie don't go into it with any preconceived ideas concerning the original Wizard of OZ and while it does link with the original in a few areas, the format is nowhere near the chirpy little musical led by Judy Garland. The story line is OK, but not original in it's concept. It was though enjoyable if taken as a stand alone movie, some of the scenes are pretty good the twister and the big finale. I was mainly disappointed by the acting of the lead character'Oz' played by James Franco. I thought it was a very weak and poorly acted performance, which if it had been better could have made a huge difference to the quality and rating of the movie entirely.
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