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Anime for the action lover/psychology major...
25 May 2006
Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira(Japan, animated, color, 2001) A.K.A. Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door or Cowboy Bebop: The Movie thanks to Bob Dylan's lawyers and the lackwits at Columbia TriStar Films Cast(French dub): Bruno Muellenaerts(Spike Spiegel) Arnaud Leonard(Vincent Volaju) Stephane Flamand(Edward) Shinichiro Watanabe's 1998 series Cowboy Bebop is considered by many to be a classic of animation on television, oozing style, violence and a great jazz-based score from every pore of it's existence. After a somewhat lengthy absence(long enough for Cartoon Network to release an English dub), the Bebop crew return in this fabulous film(released in North America in 2002 to some quite positive reviews from art house critics) that takes an interesting story and expands it in a way the series couldn't, there's some SERIOUS philosophical depth here, not as much as, say, End Of Evangelion, but enough for your average action flick.

Opening with an insanely cool convenience store robbery sequence(replete with memorable dialogue and a cool "fish-eye" framing technique) and not letting up until it's VERY METAPHORICAL and beautifully animated ending. CB:TNT packs on humor, drama, thrills and DEEP THOUGHT by the crateful. You'll laugh, you'll scream, you'll shout "THAT WAS F**KING COOL!!!!", you'll have the distinct urge to crash a lecture on the human psyche! This movie has it all!

Our protagonists are Spike(lazily voiced by a bored-sounding Muellenaerts), a slacking loser of a bounty hunter who harbors an "interesting" past, Jet(I couldn't find a voice credit for the French dub on IMDb), a ex-cop and master of vegetarian cooking, Faye(same as last note), a problem gambler with amnesia and Edward(given a soulfully bizarre lilt by Flamand), an androgynous female hacker with zero attention span and an unholy amount of flexibility(which she spends most of the film demonstrating). After a search for a local hacker with a five million dollar bounty on his head goes horridly wrong, the gang are left in pursuit of Vincent Volaju(Who Leonard lends an inherent amount of spookiness to), a bioterrorist with a military history who supposedly has been dead for the past three years., and really is!

After close to two hours of comedy, violence and mind-f**k plot developments, the end credits roll and you may wedge your way from the edge of your seat. The film entertains on many a level and will more than certainly please fans of the series as well as newcomers. Despite me having the desire to watch it French, the film is best experienced with the English dub(close to flawless, expect minor characters are wooden and there are a few agitating accents) or the original Japanese(despite the "authenticity", I never enjoyed the Japanese voices for the Bebop crew, except Jet) with subtitles in a language of your choice.

Verdict: 100/100, not be missed by anyone who loves action or anime.
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Duelin' Firemen! (2000 Video Game)
What the hell did I just watch?!
21 September 2005
I saw this "film" out of sheer moronic interest in some of it's stars, King Buzzo, Mark from DEVO, Dr. Timothy Leary, The Boredoms, what's not to like? The answer? Most of this excruciatingly stupid excuse for a short film.

The cut of it I saw ran a mere seven minutes, the first time I watched it, I thought it was slightly funny, upon a second, more sober viewing, this became a torment to watch.

Poor sound and picture, choppy editing, mediocre cinematography and directing, not to mention okay-ish acting, a horrid plot and terrible dialog.

There are only two types of people I'd recommend this to, sadomasochists and LSD addicts.

Fans of any cast members will be miserably disappointed, if you wish to see the cast in better form, rent Hoch Zeit, watch a VH1 rockumentary, track down the "Elevator" episode of Space Ghost: Coast To Coast, go to a screening of The Theory Of De-evolution, or just buy a Boredoms/Melvins/Fantomas/DEVO record, you'll be glad you did.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Tarantino's greatest film to date!
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is more than merely a good motion picture, it's a pop-culture phenomenon.

Everyone remembers the characters, played flawlessly by the horrifyingly diverse cast, props especially to Samuel L. Jackson humorous yet chillingly effective role as the jerry-curled, Psalm spewing Jules and Tarantino himself as the paranoid Jimmie(Who will always be remembered for the excellent line "I don't need you to tell me how f**king good my coffee is, okay? I'm the one who buys it. I know how good it is. When Bonnie goes shopping she buys SH*T. Me, I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when I drink it I want to taste it. But you know what's on my mind right now? It AIN'T the coffee in my kitchen, it's the dead n***er in my garage")

Most importantly, the film's dialog will be forever over-quoted, it ranges from factual("You see, this profession is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherf**kers. Motherf**kers who thought their ass would age like wine. If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does. If you mean it gets better with age, it don't") To comical("And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese? No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the f**k a Quarter Pounder is. Then what do they call it? They call it a Royale with cheese. A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac? Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac. Le Big-Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper? I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.") To the outright bizarre("The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright. He'd be damned if any of the slopes were gonna get their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.") To the film's most famous line("The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.")

The cinematography is spot-on, for the trademark trunk camera angle to the continuous take sequence, it's breathtaking to watch.

The interconnected stories are well-written, but the pacing is a strain on the mind, if you want to watch this film without killing your own brain, get a hold of the Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates versions, the play the stories in order, thank God.

But the one thing that will most likely confuse viewers the most is the contents of the briefcase, the answer will likely never be revealed, I'm sure Tarantino intended for there NOT to be answer.

If you're looking to peer back into the tornado that is '90's pop-culture, give this a look, If you thought Kill Bill Vol. 1 is he best movie ever, watch this, it'll likely change your mind. Quinten Tarantino's Pulp Fiction receives a well-deserved ten blargs out of ten.
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Mimic (1997)
Close to perfection
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Guillermo del Toro is one of the horror/fantasy/sci-fi genre's greatest directors, no contest, but this film reeks of studio meddling to cut down on the intelligence and pack on the screams.

This nearly ruined the film.

But beyond that, you have one of the most inventive thrillers ever created, like some sort of Cronenberg/Hitchcock lovechild, it mixes unique filming techniques, human drama, and freaky-ass insect thingies that kill people.

Plotwise, the insect plague idea is very inventive, and the twist of the infected roaches cross-breeding with termites and mutating into Naked Lunch-level atrocities also delighted and frightened me.

On the other than, probably due to the aforementioned studio meddling, there is one incredibly stupid plot hole that will make viewers pull into a total "WTF?!" moment, I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, by browsing this page chances are you already know what it is.

The acting ranges from serviceable to excellent, Mira Sorvino turning out a great performance, her best since Mighty Aphrodite(And most likely her best of the early-to mid '90's judging by some of the tripe she's been in) and Charles S. Dutton provides the comic relief as vulgar subway security guard Leonard.

The makeup and gore effects are exceptionally good, thanks to some assistance from Rick Lazzarini's Character Shop(del Toro himself had a specials Effects company, they did not do any work on the film and are now defunct)

Overall, worth looking into for a good scare, or Hell, even a good film in general, I henceforth give Guillermo del Toro's Mimic.......... 9 blargs out of 10 (Reviewer's note: Although del Toro directed the film to completion, he has since disowned the film after viewing the theatrical cut)
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Excellent idea. mediocre execution
16 June 2005
I'd first like to state this comment is NOT religiously biased, I choose not to follow religion, so I'm not biased towards believing this story or finding it stupid.

The story of Joan Of Arc is fascinating to say the least. It shows the prejudice of the religious community both in times long gone and now, and for the twenties, it's quite well filmed.

The cinematography is impressive in some areas, but the initial scenes are weak beyond description, the extreme and over-used close-ups becoming tiring and Dreyer's distaste for make-up results in some very unwanted glare from certain actors' faces.

But the thing that harmed this potentially perfect film the most is the fact that it lacks sound, had Dreyer waited a few years or attempted to get more or done anything to acquire sound mixing equipment, this film would have been better, the intertitles give the most obvious of the film's dialog and the minor chatter and several important scenes leave to read lips, this kept Passion de Jeanne d'Arc from being the religious epic to end all religious epics.
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Desined to be a Cult Classic
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen Chow's done it again! He's made an entertaining and violently amusing Bruce Lee-inspired Kung Fu flick!

Thankfully spared from dubbed motion picture Hell, this received the proper subbing job and it really doesn't affect the story or humor in any way, the sight gags are fairly good and the conversations are quite comical.

But this film's shinning quality is the violence, it's quite gory it times but never disturbing, not matter how absurd the death is, it's always funny.

Plus, Brother Sum has to be the greatest character in motion picture history!

Bruce Lee fans will especially recognize references to his films, and if you thought Kill Bill was a marvelous gore-comedy, you'll dig this, 10 Blargs out of 10,
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The only movie that ever scared me,
25 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I think The Amityville Horror's credibility as a true story is negatory, other than the Ronald DeFeo connection, it has zero truth to it, but f**king Christ! This movie is damn scary, it puts the original and the sequels to MAJOR shame, I'm seen movies that are supposedly "horrifying" *COUGH!THE GRUDGE!COUGH!THE RING!COUGH!* The opening scene scared the Hell out of me, if you want horrific child murder, you've got it! Ryan Reynolds is really f**king creepy as George Lutz, the scene where he tells Billy to hold the log while he cuts it is seriously horrifying, but this movie has to be the most competent horro film of the past year and a half, ten!
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Clone High (2002–2003)
My favorite show!
24 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was an absolute classic, I haven't seen it broadcast anywhere in about a year, but I still have vivid memories. The dialog was well scripted, and God, the VA for JFK is hilarious, it actually sounds like Kennedy! But the character who really shines is Gandhi, 'cause he's nothing like Gandhi! He always ends up being the funniest character of all of 'em, even the little robot Principal Scudworth has lying around that calls everyone "Wesley". The episodes are always funny, classics being *WARNING! SPOILERS!* The death of Ponce, the malnutrition episode(Complete with Marilyn Manson's beautiful rendition of "The Food Pyramid Song"), and the Rock Opera episode with Jack motherf*%#ing Black! Andy Dick really annoys the hell out of me, but that's my only complaint, brilliant series, if you've got a thing for both history and witty humor, you'll love this! Nine and a Half out of Ten
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Se7en (1995)
Really damn scary, but my fave movie anyway,
8 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film out-an-out frightens me every time I watch it, having seen it last about a month ago on IFC, Brad Pitt in his only decent role and the unforgettable Morgan Freeman pull their characters off to a T(Dumbest phrase in the English language ever!) Ambient and just plain disturbing score by David Bowie, Brian Eno and Trent Reznor really set the mood of the film, brilliant editing for opening and ending credits(For full effect, get the Criterion disc!) and the film editing itself is visceral and creepy. The crime scenes scared the Bejesus out of me, Greed being the scariest, lumps of flesh on a scale to balance his wallet?! Really frickin' creepy, and the ending is still under debate on what really occurred, how creepy is that? Classic film, scary as hell, but worth the nightmares, Ten,
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GameSpot TV (1998–2022)
I love this show!
25 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching the series since it's days as "Extended Play" and I have to admit there still are several flaws, 1.Too many reruns! 2.The announcer sucks! 3.The bitching about war games is retarded Good things 1.The Golden Mullet Awards 2.The skits 3.Reviews of anticipated games that end up sucking out loud 4.Adam Sessler's antics 5.The Ramones T-shirt 6.The Half-Life 2 review, 'nuff said, Overall, it's good, but lacks the intelligence of Judgment Day or Reviews On The Run, If you want brains, watch Reviews On The Run, you want humor, watch Judgement Day, want a vaguely stupid combination of both, watch X-Play! Note: the views expressed in this review are solely mine and not respected/accepted/understandable to some/most others, viewer discretion is advised while reading a review by myself, restrictions apply, results may vary,
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The horror! THE HORROR!
25 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hoo boy, get out my official list of crappy movie ideas: 1.Talikng animal films 2. Films starring musicians who suck at acting 3. Filmmakers scorning other filmmakers in their movies 4. $100 million dollar budgets 5. Remakes of classics 6. Leonard DiCaprio films Add a new one..... 7. Sequels to Jim Carrey movies WITHOUT Jim Carrey This films contains elements of numbers one and four, and every bit of seven, please, low-budget actors in lead roles, terrifying misuse of Ben Stein's classic character from the first, not to mention wonderful, film, a carbon-copy of the original's musical number, and a nightmarishly bad performance by Alan Cumming. The script is dumb and ILM's fantastic special effects are wasted on this horrid Hollywood sequel, I thought Paul W.S Anderson was a crappy director/producer/screenwriter/Hollywood show-off, but the production crew here are really dim-witted, big budget, total losers! Avoid, worst movie this month, and we had Constanyine come out too,
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This is Heaven for those who hated "Smells Like Teen Spirit"!
7 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was a thought-provoking, sometimes really friggin' confusing look at the career of the band in their big fame moment in the late '91-early '94 period, props to the producers for making it clear that Kurt died without saying or showing it and the performances are nothing short of cool, my three faves are: 1. Aneurysm 2. Smells Like Teen Spirit on Top Of The Pops 3. and every other damn performance! This also has some comical backstage and interview clips including the really funny scene in which Krist goes into extreme detail about Hilary Clinton's S&M fetish, Nirvanamaniacs will love it, but common viewers, in the words of Kurt himself, "Stay Away!"
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A quality movie, yet too condensed for those who really treasure the books,
4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First thing you notice about the film, Jim Carrey is the main chunk of star power, sounds like your typical no-ambition film-from-a-novel adaption, it isn't that bad, but it's no LOTR, which seems to be the best of the recent crop of big-budget novels-turned-to-films. The cast is fitting for their roles, you may be unfamiliar with most of them, but needless to say, they've got a fair amount of talent, and cameos from *WARNING! Major Spoiler!* the legendary Dustin Hoffman, the uncanny Meryl Streep and the kinda-funny Cedric The Entertainer make this a nostalgic little ride for movie buffs, the truth of the matter is this is a good film, but a flawed a adaption of a modern classic of American literature, this certainly held my attention for two hours, if it will hold your's depends on how much you enjoyed the books or Jim Carrey's antics,
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A dream come true,
26 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This film is fantastic, I don't really like Wes Anderson that much, but I've never hated a Bill Murray film, First, the imagery and art direction is quirky and light-hearted, I love the red hats and tacky Addidas shoes, and Wilem DaFoe looks generally amusing in short-shorts, Second, the soundtrack is good, the original music is scored by Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO and the songs that Uganda sings and plays are Potugese translations of classic David Bowie songs, Third, Owen Wilson performs fantastically as Ned Plimpet, the man who may or may not be Steve's son, this is the first film in which I didn't totally hate Wilson's performance, I actually cried in the theater when his Ned died, and finally, it has the single greatest line in film history, "F*cking amateurs, you left your dog here, you idiots!" Well worth the admission and yes, believe the hype on this one, Oh, and props to them on the faux-Costeau documentary sequences where Zissou constantly points to the wrong objects on the diagrams, charts and maps,I had a hard time keeping a straight face seeing this, do not take this as one of those "Everyone should see it" reviews, it IS a Wes Anderson directed/produced/written comedy with Bill Murray in the star seat, so it is offensive and bizarre, so if you like satire and enjoy unique cinematography, check this out, if you hate anyone of the key players to the film ,I probably wouldn't suggest this to you,
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