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Baby Driver (2017)
Favourite movie of the year so far
18 June 2017
Now I have to admit that i haven't seen a lot of Edgar Wright movies, I've heard a lot of people praise him for Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, Shaun of the Dead, The World's End. I've only seen Hot Fuzz and wasn't a big fan, but the trailers for Baby Driver were really good and I just went in with an open mind.

This movie is only as good as the lead character called Baby. I haven't seen Ansel Elgort in any movies but he gave a great performance as Baby and the character was great and relatable.

He's a getaway driver for heists and always listens to music because of an accident that happened when he was young. The reason for him to listen to music is explained and a great reason and I love that he listens to a classic IPod. I had an IPod like that so that made it relatable and just Baby is a great character, so that really made the movie for me.

Other than Baby, the rest of the movie is also great, I absolutely loved it, there really are no issues I have with it.

So besides the main character, what else makes the movie great? Well, the side characters are really good as well. Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm, Lily James and so on, they're all really great. I totally believed the love story between Baby and the girl Debora. I honestly was afraid of that but they made it work perfectly.

Another thing I loved was the soundtrack, throughout almost the entirety of the movie the score and the soundtrack is used and it works perfectly. They made it another character in the movie.

Of course this is also an action movie, so the question is how the action is shot. Well, if you saw the trailers you could see some really cool shots there, the movie is no different. The style is great and luckily most of the action is shot with long takes and all in frame. I was so into the action because it was so well shot and it was practical. I have to admit that I don't know if they used CGI but that's the great thing, if there was CGI, I didn't see that it was CGI, so that's great.

They also make the action line up with the music, and not in a way that it's stupid and doesn't work but in a very clever way that it only makes the movie better.

So essentially everything this movie needed to do for me, it delivered, great action, great characters, great soundtrack. It's an extremely fun movie, I had a blast with it, it's my favourite movie of the year so far and I hope that there are movies to top it because that means this year will be awesome. Baby Driver is a 10/10.
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A lot of fun
20 September 2016
After I saw the trailer of the movie I was expecting a fun western with just good action and nice characters because the cast is great on paper, but then the question of course is if it also works for the movie. Well for me it worked. I just had a lot of fun with it.

I have to say that I haven't seen the original movies that this is a remake of so I didn't have that to compare it to, therefore if I compare it to something, I compare it to other movies I have seen.

Because the movie has a lot of things I have already seen in other movies (I won't say what because that may be considered spoiling the movie). Therefore the story isn't what makes this movie and if you're looking for a great story, the movie might not be for you.

What the movie does have first of all is a great cast that delivers. Denzel Washington gives the best performance of the movie by far but also Chris Pratt shows that Guardians wasn't a fluke, Hawke, D'Onofrio and just the entire cast works very well together for this nice team of 7 misfits that has to save the town.

Also the action is great, it's very true to the old westerns. There are some very tense stand-offs and when the shooting starts, the action is fantastically shot, directed and just well executed.

And the movie has a good sense of humor, there are good comedic moments that give good levity to the movie.

Because the movie actually is pretty towards an R-rated movie, it has some harsh and brutal things happening that might not be for kids. It's one of the most mature PG-13 movies I have seen.

All in all, the Magnificent Seven is a fun time in the theater, probably not as good as the original but better than most remakes these days (looking at you Ghostbusters) and I give it an 8.5/10
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If you watch this movie, watch the Ultimate Edition
31 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the Theatrical Cut 3 times and the Ultimate Cut twice, I notice a big difference. The TC has a lot of flaws and is just bad while the UC has a lot less flaws and while the UC is still not great, it's not bad and a lot better than the TC.

These are the things I liked about the Theatrical Cut:

  • Ben Affleck as both Bruce Wayene and Batman is great, he is smart, charming and has some very good action. I can't wait for Affleck's solo Batman movie.

  • Alfred also is great, Jeremy Irons and Affleck work great together.

  • It's Zack Snyder so of course the visuals are going to be great. The movie is very pretty.

  • The action scenes (even though there aren't a lot) are great to look at. When Batman and Superman are fighting and later when the 3 fight Doomsday the way it's choreographed and shot is very good and just some kick ass action.

  • Batman in the warehouse is the best of the entire movie. Those 3 minutes of Batman kicking ass is awesome.

  • The first 20 minutes is quite good actually, it has to set up Batman in this universe and that's done quite well.

  • Wonder Womanis simply awesome and I can't wait for her standalone movie.

Things that the Ultimate Cut improved over the Theatrical Cut:

  • Editing, the TC was horribly edited because it had very weird cuts that didn't make sense to me and the UC fixed that. It made for a way more cohesive movie.

  • Superman's motivation for disliking Batman is almost non existent in the TC and the UC made that more clear. In the UC we see Superman go into Gotham where he sees what Batman has done but the TC left all of that out.

  • The plan that Lex Luthor has to set up the Batman and Superman fight makes a lot more sense, the UC shows a lot more backstory to how that works.

Things that still don't work for me after seeing the UC:

  • Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was horribly miscast (I know that he's the son and not Lex himself but we were promised Lex, not his son, and they have the same name). Everyone who knows the character of Lex in the comics knows that Luthor is a smart precise and calm man. In this he's a lot more like the Joker and has some very weird and annoying moments.

  • The Martha scene is still there! If you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about and that scene is just so effin dumb...

  • Lex Luthor has no real motivation to dislike Superman, he says some things about gods but there's never a moment that explains what Superman did to him for Luthor to dislike Superman. It could have been as easy as saying that Superman killed his father but that doesn't happen.

  • The dream sequences. For some reason that I still don't understand, Batman has dreams where he sees what happens in the future and it took me out of the movie. I know the under title of the movie is Dawn of Justice but that could well have been the title of the movie and Batman v Superman as under title.

  • The Justice League is introduced because Wonder Woman got an effin e-mail from Batman. I mean an e-mail? How stupid is that! And Lexcorp also had time to make logos for all of them......

  • The very end. They make the choice to kill off Superman which doesn't work because we've only had 2 movies with him and we don't care enough about him. But we know that he's going to appear in Justice League because the dirt floated. So you make a choice that pisses me off and then make another choice that pisses me off even more? *insert curse words* MOVIE!

  • Batman kills. He's always been a character on the edge but never killed without regret (except for the Dark Knight Returns but I don't like it there either). In this movie he's killed about 20 people and that's without counting the dream sequences.

And lastly I have some issues with the marketing:

  • The 3rd trailer spoiled Doomsday so I knew almost everything that was going to happen in this movie before actually seeing it.

  • The trailers showed almost all the action so I was misled and thought the movie would have way more action than it actually had. I timed all fight scenes (BvS, Batman in the warehouse and Doomsday) and I got to a mere 17 minutes. In a 3 hour movie....

  • There were too many clips and trailers. I know it needed to market itself but thanks to this movie, I limit myself to watching 1/2 trailers at the most for a movie from now on. This movie was overmarketed and it didn't pay off in the end because it underperformed a lot at the box office (especially domestically).

In the end I enjoy BvS more than most people I think because the good outweighs the bad. Batman is my favorite comic book character and he was very good in this movie (minus the killing of course) and there are just some really awesome things that I enjoy and therefore I give it a 7/10.
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Frozen Fever (2015)
Doesn't make sense
6 May 2016
OK so I LOVED Frozen, that is a great movie but why does this short even exist? To make money? That's the only reason I can think of...

I mean the first Frozen is about Elsa having these magical ice-powers and at one point she decides to build an ice-castle where she then lives. This means she is completely fine being around ice right? And then in this short, she gets a fever! How can one who is perfectly fine with ice get a fever? Simple answer: She doesn't! It just doesn't make any sense.

Oh it's also about a birthday party for either Anna or Elsa, I totally forgot because it's completely forgettable. So all in all, watch Frozen if you haven't already and don't watch this. Just wait for Frozen 2, that should be good!
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If you liked Olympus Has Fallen, you'll like this better
3 March 2016
So the trailer made me want to see this movie and I didn't see Olympus Has Fallen at that time. So I watched that yesterday and I liked it, fun action movie with some noticeable flaws.

Today I went to see London Has Fallen and I liked it better than the first one. The action scenes were a bit better than the first and more intense, the lighting and cinematography improved quite a bit compared to Olympus and the scale was bigger.

To get a little more in depth on certain matters that I liked: Gerard Butler is made for this role, he makes for a very likable action hero that gets the job done. He did that in Olympus and now in this one he did it a bit better I think.

The rest of the actors also do a good job, nothing really great but I got why everyone of them had a motivation to be there.

As I said the action was better than the first and with that I mean there is a good build up and when it starts I was invested in the scenes and wanted Gerard Butler to kick ass.

There are some issues with it though. In Olympus Has Fallen and the trailer for this movie I already saw that the CGI was really bad. Some explosions look really fake and it's weird that they didn't put more effort into making that look better.

Also this movie, like Olympus, is very patriotic. I think Americans will like the movie more than the rest of the world. I didn't mind it too much (I'm Dutch) but other people might find it somewhat annoying. What is a bit weird though is that they casted a Scot (Butler) to play an American. And the guy just doesn't have a good American accent which is just a bit weird.

Also some other technical elements like editing, sound etc. were quite poor during parts of the movie but I didn't mind it that much.

So all in all it's a dumb fun action movie and I'd recommend watching it, 7/10.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
It's so bad I had fun laughing at it
28 February 2016
I seriously have a hard time understanding how this movie got made. There is hardly anything good about it. I really don't get why I saw what I saw, nothing in the movie made sense. I didn't give it a 1/10 because I liked some things: The girl Zaya is so beautiful, every time she's on screen I can enjoy her. The guy who plays Jamie Lannister in Game of Thrones was likable. That's pretty much everything what is good in this movie. I don't even know where to start with listing the bad things. I will start with one thing that bothered me straight away: the showing of the title. When they showed the title after the opening logos they threw a really loud music bit at it and I knew that was going to be an issue (I saw it in IMAX so everything was enhanced). Throughout the entire movie it tries to be so loud that I thought I was going deaf. Some sound effects and music bits are so incredibly loud that you can't understand what is going on. I also thought I was going blind at some points, the light switches on and off so much at points that it really is blinding. Also I was getting a headache, the camera-work is so dumb that it made me dizzy.

Of course the entire movie is made in the computer, the title of the movie should be CGI of Egypt because none of it looked like Egypt. You can clearly see that everything is shot in a green screen studio because the lights on the actors never match any lights in the background. Also every background looks fake and 2-dimensional. Even the CGI on the gods is so noticeably bad, I laughed every time they changed. I laughed so hard at the changes because it looked absolutely terrible it was really funny.

If you look at more basic movie terms like pacing, tone, cinematography, writing, directing, it fails at every single thing. The writing was so bad, you can tell that nobody thought there was actual "clever writing". The directing is hardly there, nobody delivers a good line and nothing made sense. The tone changes so drastically throughout the movie, every scene is vastly different from the previous one that you can't focus on what actually is going on. I think I tuned out completely after 15-20 minutes. The pacing also shifts drastically, I never had a clue how much time actually passed because it switches so much it's hard to understand. And the cinematographer was either drunk or high, the look of the movie even changes every 5 minutes that it's really hard to get what they were going for.

So with all that said, I can say this is absolutely terrible but when you can rent the DVD you should see it because it's so bad, you'll laugh a lot. I had a great time watching the movie because my critical brain switched on and laughed at every incredibly bad thing. 2/10 because I had fun watching it and it had very few redeeming bits in there.
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Deadpool (2016)
Best comic book movie ever
14 February 2016
My most anticipated movie of the year, I went nuts for it, I had a hard time sleeping because I was too excited.

So was all the excitement and marketing worth it? Yes, yes, yes, it's so great, I had so much fun, this movie will be for everyone and has you entertained from start to finish. Wait, not everyone, because it's a hard R. Seriously, anyone under the age of 17 should not by any means see this because it's very violent, has bad language, graphic nudity, drugs, has some "love" scenes and has a lot of overall jokes that kids won't understand.

For the ones who don't know who Deadpool is, he is someone from the X-men universe which is made by the comic book company Marvel. If right now you're thinking "so it's a superhero movie and I don't like those" don't worry, it makes fun of superhero movies a lot.

The story is about a man called Wade Wilson who is a mercenary that get's diagnosed with cancer one day. The only way he can survive is to make him a mutant so that his body can fight the cancer. So when he does become Deadpool he appears to have made an enemy that goes after his girlfriend.

That's what you need to know about the movie, now everything that is awesome about this movie. First off the genre, it is everything, seriously it has aspects from every genre. It has a love story that actually makes a lot of sense so it has romance. It also is a superhero movie because it involves the X-men but it also makes fun of all the superhero movies.

So it is also a satire, but not only a satire on superhero movies but also on pop-culture today and on movies in general. It's also definitely a comedy, I laughed so hard during this movie that I had issues catching my breath for laughing uncontrollably. The jokes are varying and everything in it is so funny.

It also of course is an action movie because the action in it is very good and very violent and this movie definitely couldn't be done without an R-rating. It also has some horror things in it, when Wade is made into Deadpool it's actually horrifying.

Then I will say that every actor portraying a character in the movie works perfectly, Ryan Reynolds is born to be Deadpool. He was exactly what the character of Deadpool should be: A kid in a man's body that breaks the 4th wall and has fun throughout the entire movie.

Also his girlfriend works perfectly and their relation is totally weird but believable. The villain Ajax, played by Ed Skrein, is a very good villain and you understand why Deadpool wants to get him. And in my personal opinion, this is by far the best portrayal of Colossus in a movie to date. Then we have TJ Miller as the best friend of Wade who is hilarious and even the taxi-driver Dopinder who they also managed to make funny.

I have one single issue with the movie and that's that it is too short. The movie was so brilliantly put together that when they got to the 3rd act of the movie I thought: "it's almost over but I don't want it to". Luckily there has already been an announcement for a sequel, so I'm happy. Also if you haven't seen it yet, stay in the theater to the end of the credits because there is a great end-credit scene.

Deadpool is the most entertaining experience in a movie theater I had in a very long time and it's a brilliant movie, go see it if you haven't already. Definitely a 10/10 which is my 10th actual 10/10 I ever gave.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Blew me away
1 February 2016
Jurassic Park is simply amazing, it has everything going for it and ever since I was a kid this was a movie I could put on and enjoy.

What is so good about this movie? Well a lot of things actually but let me begin with the cast. Everyone in the movie acts well and I especially enjoy how funny Jeff Goldblum was. Even the kids aren't very annoying and I know it's very hard to get kids good in a movie so I really liked that.

Alright, the best thing of the entire movie is simply the effects. The use of animatronics, models and CGI are incredible and it holds up even today in 2016.

The look of the dinosaurs are also really great. Every dinosaur looks like you would expect them to look and I think that there was a lot of time spent to make them. So considering that, it is just incredible.

Also the tension is very well built up and the suspense is something that Spielberg does incredible. So the movie gripped me and never let me go until the end, that was amazing.

There are very few bad things in it, basically nitpicks and if I want to explain them I have to spoil the movie, so I won't.

That's all I have to say about Jurassic Park, I can not imagine that people hate it. There may be a few little flaws but I don't really care so that's why I give it a 9/10.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Great begin for Batman!
1 February 2016
Batman begins was a great return for Batman. This movie made me a fan of the character and it's one of my favorite superheroes now.

To begin with my list of things that I like is the entire cast. Christian Bale is a very good actor with a great portrayal of the character of Batman. But also the rest of the cast, everyone played very good roles and I also think that everyone playing characters from the comic books did a great job.

What I also loved about the movie is something everybody loves about this movie: making comic book movies mature and serious. The movie is a lot less ridiculous than the comic book movies before this one and introduced the audience to something new.

However with the movie being a new tone to comic book movies, it still has a lot of fan service. The design of the Batsuit, the Batmobile, the Batcave and everything that has to do with Batman looks great. So even though it's a new take on comic book movies, it still has things that fans like.

Also the title makes perfect sense, because the movie really shows how Bruce Wayne gets to be Batman and how it began. It sets up very well for the Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises so I loved that.

I do have a few issues with the movie though. If you're like me looking for a lot of Batman action and fighting, you may be a little underwhelmed. This movie doesn't have a lot of Batman action, it makes sense though but I wanted a bit more. Also there is a lot of exposition in it that explains a lot and sometimes I got a bit bored so that is a bit of an issue with it.

That's what I think, it's a very good set up to the character and definitely worth the watch. I did say I have a few issues with the movie so that makes me give it an 8/10.
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certainly not the Finest movie
1 February 2016
So I was very excited for the movie after seeing the trailer, knowing it was Disney and the cast was great. But then I saw the movie and I was very disappointed. I think mainly because the trailer spoiled a lot of things for me and was somewhat misleading. So do yourself a favor, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, watch the movie without watching the trailer because it might be a better experience.

Anyway I want to start saying what I did like about this movie and why it's above average. The movie is about the coastguard saving people in a ship that is torn in half on the sea so whenever they're on the sea, the scenes are great. There is a good build up to the scenes and the look of it is very good. Disney continues to show they can do great live action movies with intense scene.

Also the actors act well, for what source material they've been given, the acting is good. Especially Eric Bana and Casey Affleck played their roles very well and I liked seeing them in this movie.

Also the movie is based on a true story and I think they showed it well. I didn't know the story behind it but after seeing it, I cared for it more so I think they translated it well.

But then we have a list of things I don't like, first off the character development. When the movie starts it tries to give a back story to the main characters but they rush it and I couldn't care too much about them. I honestly believe they could've spent a little more time on setting up the characters so that we could care more about them.

Then what I found annoying is that it tries to be funny but it isn't. I know when a movie tries to be funny but when the entire audience in my theater doesn't laugh at all during the entire movie, it's not funny. So I hated that the movie tries to be funny but isn't.

But my biggest complaint about the movie is that I was bored a lot during the movie. I think they could've cut about 20-30 minutes out of it and it wouldn't hurt the story or anything. When a movie loses my interest and I actually go to the bathroom because I won't miss a thing, I don't like it. I also found the movie very predictable, everything happening I saw coming before it happened. I guessed the end before the halfway mark which I hated.

So that is what I think about the Finest Hours, I didn't like watching it but when I thought about it afterwards it wasn't as bad as I initially thought so that's why I gave it 6/10.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Hardy makes every movie he's in better
1 February 2016
Legend is every gangster movie ever. If you like gangster movies you'll probably like it and I did like it.

The best thing in it is Tom Hardy playing 2 roles. I like him more after every movie he's in because he shows that he can act very well and he does every role thrown at him. Weather it's a villain in Star Trek Nemesis, a villain in Batman, the protagonist in Mad Max, or whatever other roles he does, he can do it.

In this movie he plays Reggie Kray who is the lead gangster of their organization and is an overall likable guy that also is the womanizer. He really did a great performance in this movie as just Reggie alone. However he also plays the twin brother called Ron Kray who is a paranoid schizophrenic who is gay and just completely crazy. His portrayal of this character is also great and funny as hell. Almost everything he does made me laugh so that was really nice.

Also the humor is very good, the movie had a lot of funny moments and I laughed a lot while seeing it. Just watch the movie to see why.

This movie does have flaws, I was actually annoyed by some parts or some things in general that hurt the movie in my opinion. Like I said, the movie is nothing new to gangster movies so if you want something new to it, don't watch it.

What I also found very weird in a bad way is the pacing and tone of the movie. The pacing sometimes speeds up or slows down and it can be hard to follow what is happening. Also the tone of the movie switches drastically some times what felt off putting. The movie makes me think it's funny and somewhat lighthearted, even when there is action. But then sometimes they go really dark and serious that I don't feel was done well.

So that's basically all I can say about Legend, I enjoyed the movie mainly because of Tom Hardy performing amazing and there was a lot of humor. 7/10 is what I honestly think because of the good and bad things in it and I hope you find my review useful.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
a true story I knew about but the movie made me care
1 February 2016
This movie isn't really a movie I usually would want to watch but the Oscar buzz had me watching it. And wow it is very good, it hit me on an emotional level and my jaw dropped some times.

It's about a team of journalists and all of them are very good actors. It is very logical that Ruffalo and McAdams got their nominations because they're among the best actors in movies this year. However Keaton, Schreiber, Slattery, Tucci and others are also great. Just for the performances alone it's worth the watch.

The way they handled the source material is also very well done I think and it's a very compelling and moving story. I knew bits of the story but after this movie I felt bad for everything that happened. Some reveals in the movie had me dropping my jaw or even say "Oh My God" just because it was unbelievable. The movie is very well directed and edited to become one of the year's best.

The only reason you may not like it is because it's a movie with a lot of talk and not much actions. It's very much dialog driven so if you don't like that, you may not enjoy the movie. Even though the actors make the dialogs very interesting and compelling but that is what I think.

Anyway, that is without spoiling what I thought of it. I give it a 9/10 because it was really good and definitely worth watching.
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favorite movie ever.
20 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I will be the first to say this isn't a perfect movie but it's very close to it. This one follows up Star Wars which was so great at the time that it would be hard to follow it up. But by god they've done it, not only a good sequel but better than the original. Yes there are a few nitpick moments but they're overshadowed easily by all the great things in this movie.

To begin with the characters, we now have a more mature Luke that has learned a bit more about being a leader for the rebels and even his connection with the force has grown to a point where we see him become this great Jedi. However there still is a lot to learn and that's why we are introduced to Yoda. Yoda is a puppet but it never feels like that, he feels like an actual character that is just too great. Every line he says is just so quotable and useful that the audience really gets a feel of the force. This is a perfect way to continue what we learned in Star Wars but make it even bigger and more understandable so that we really get what Luke should feel. We also get introduced to Lando, which is an old friend of Han and it was very interesting to see why he did what he did. At first you think he's good because he seems like Han's friend but then he betrays him, however in the end he chose to help them out and ends good. To see this much conflict in a person in so little time was done great in my opinion and I loved how they used him in the next movie following this one. In the last movie we saw a little glimpse of a love between Han and Leia but now they bond even more and in the end we really care for Leia losing Han in the carbonite. During the movie we get a lot of funny banter between them leading up to this love and it just feels real. 3PO and R2 have split up so now 3PO is with Han, Leia and Chewie and he is still the funny droid from the first one. There are a lot of funny moments where he interacts with Han and the others so it definitely has a lot of humor as well, more than the first. Vader has now had a defeat in the first so he is out for revenge and every scene he is in you feel his menacing presence, you're scared of what he will do but also understands why he does things.

The story also works great, after the last one the empire has regrouped their fleet and have hunted down the rebels up to the point where they're hiding on a snow planet called Hoth. This is exactly what you would want from a movie called Empire Strikes Back, they are hunting down the rebels because of what we've seen in the last movie. When this movie ends you really know that the Empire has won ground on the rebels and the rebels are crippled so now the rebels have to regroup between now and the next. It's the perfect way of showing the Empire actually striking back and it makes for a darker but still very interesting movie following up the first.

The effects and visuals are once again incredible for it's time, it doesn't look like an old movie, there are a few dated things but its still a beautiful looking movie with excellent usage of practical effects and sets instead of computer generated things that look fake. The battle of Hoth and the TIE fighter pursuing the Falcon through the asteroids are intense scenes that look incredible. Also the lightsaber battle improved compared to the last one, not only are the lightsabers better visualized but they choreographed it a bit more to make it a bit more intense but still keeping it grounded and personal.

I also want to say that it's a movie with a lot of humor, funnier than the last one, and a lot of good progression in the relationships of the characters. The love between Leia and Han feels real and at the end you instantly want to see how they deal with getting Han back. Yoda makes for a great teacher for Luke and learns Luke what it is to not only be a Jedi but also a good person. And to be more specific about this, he makes for my favorite scene ever in a movie, not just Star Wars. This is of course the scene where the X-wing is sinking and he tells Luke that it is not impossible to get the X-wing out of the swamp. By using the force this can be done, Luke tries and fails and when he does Yoda explains him the true spirit of the force. With this he not only makes the force understandable for Luke but also the audience and when Luke then says that it's impossible, this little creature uses just his fingers and his incredible connection with the force to get the X-wing out. This shows the ultimate power of the force and it's possibilities.

Then lastly about the ending, I think it's brilliant, having Vader as Luke's father makes it so personal and gives us a human side to Vader which was needed to make him more of a character instead of this menacing villain. And then to end with the questions about how it will end with Luke and his father, about how they will get Han back and of course if the rebels will find the strength to defeat the empire. It gives us everything we wanted out of a sequel and left us wanting more. It's the perfect end to a perfect sequel in a great trilogy. And the force will be with us, always.
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2nd best Star Wars so far
18 December 2015
With Empire Strikes Back being my all time favorite movie, loving the entire original trilogy and being a huge fan of the franchise, seeing this one was exactly what I wanted after Return of the Jedi. This is the Star Wars movie we have been wanting since 1983. The reason I gave it a 10/10 after watching it once is because I can't find anything I didn't like. I am going to watch it again tomorrow and after that probably some more times and maybe my opinion will have changed but everything in it was great.

To begin my list of things I loved are the characters, old and new. Rey exceeded my expectations and is my favorite female protagonist character since Sarah Conner in T2. She made me care so much for her and we see a great character arc. Finn is a very funny and good character who also shows a great emotional change throughout the movie and has a few funny moments that a made the entire theater laugh. Harrison Ford has the time of his life recreating Han Solo and he knocks it out of the park. His banter with Chewie is classic and even some good new things. Kylo Ren was my most anticipated character for this movie seeing that he would succeed my all time favorite movie character Darth Vader. What can I say, he's very great, epic, the new lightsaber is really cool and he makes it that way. Then we have Poe Dameron who I feel was underused, he's not much in the movie and I just wanted to see more from him but maybe we'll get it in Episode VIII. Snoke was a bit like the emperor and also great for the little part he was in there. Phasma looked promising but had hardly any screen time. Of course I was as surprised as others about BB-8, people thought he could've been like Jar Jar but he was a lot like R2 and very funny.

Enough about the characters, the best thing of the movie was the immense use of practical effects. We know that JJ likes to make the movie real and not use a lot of CGI and it shows. Everything in this movie looks so good and real and original that it blew my mind. The cinematography was mindblowingly good and I really felt that we were again in that galaxy far far away of the originals. If I nitpick a little bit, I would say that there are some CGI moments where it shows it's CGI but I'm fine with it. All action scenes were filmed beautifully and made me feel nervous for what would happen, I caught myself reacting with my face to what happened on screen because I was really invested. All explosions are real explosions which makes for more realism and excitement. I should also give credit to the costume design department, everyone in this movie was dressed perfectly. The new stormtroopers look great, the rebels have nice suits and our main characters are dressed just right.

Then as far as story goes, from the moment the text-crawl starts you know this is going to be a great one, no silly political things of the prequels but just good old Star Wars. They tell us what is going on and it just makes sense with this being 30 years after Return of the Jedi. I won't spoil anything but if you're a fan of the originals, this story is just what you want from a new Star Wars movie. And when the movie ends all you want is Episode VIII to start, that is one of the best things a Star Wars movie could do, like they did in Empire Strikes Back, to end with the public wanting more.

What can I say more, I am a huge Star Wars fan and this movie did everything right for me, I am going to watch this multiple times in cinemas and even more after on Blu-Ray. Go watch this movie and enjoy it!
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the four is accurate, but it is not at all fantastic
5 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this is the 3rd attempt to make a new Fantastic four film. To be honest I thought it was going to be good, at least better than the 2005 take on it but I was wrong. The trailer had some things in it that weren't in the film which made the film worse than I thought it'd be.

I recently realized that all Marvel films since 2008 have been around 2 hours and take 30 minutes to tell an origin story. This one however lasts only 100 minutes and it takes more than half that time to set up an origin story that we already know and don't care for anymore. I could live with the first 50 minutes if the film would have been 30 minutes longer where it actually showed more of the Fantastic four. The end is rushed and not at all imaginative because we have seen it in a lot of other superhero films.

The cast is not interesting, the characters have no chemistry or fun together. I honestly liked the ones from 2005 better, Sue Storm and Reed Richards were better than then than now. They still can't get metaphors right and just call the bad guy victor Von doom (seems like drax from guardians)

I can't even call this a Marvel film because it's not at all good like the ones from the MCU. I also saw that there's a sequel coming in 2017 and from all the sequels that are coming in 2017 (Guardians 2, Thor 3, Spiderman reboot etc.) this is the one I won't watch.

I'm just so mad that they can't make a good Fantastic four film. Oh wait, they can, it's called the Incredibles and it's perfect...
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Love it more every time I see it
2 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, the first time I saw this film I liked it but I was multitasking so didn't really have the focus. Then I said to myself another day to watch it again and I liked it way better. Then after I've watched it about 3 more times and every time I have more I love about it.

It has to be the best Marvel film because it's so much more than that. It actually does not have that much superhero in it, it feels more like Star Wars. I am a huge Star Wars fan and this film is making me feel the same feeling I had with Star Wars.

I'll just name the things I love and what I would others want to love as well:

  • Great cast. Chris Pratt is Star Lord and god is he great. He is funny, smart, strong and turns out to be a really good leader. As a leader he actually chooses to play to the strength of others, he let's them do what they do best and it works. Then we have Rocket and Groot, two bounty hunters who are both misfits to society, however they also are just amazing. They're funny, emotional, strong and have a really good bond. Then we have Gamora and Drax and they're also good strong characters. Lastly I want to say that the villain, Ronan, is a great villain, just see for yourself.

  • Memorable score. The music pumped me full of adrenaline or made me sing. The songs on Peter's Walkman are very nice 80's songs and the film music made me have goosebumps and I just enjoyed it so much.

  • CG. I have seen enough films to recognize bad and good CG and here it just all seems like it's real, I couldn't see any mistakes (maybe if I watch it more often closely I'll spot some) and everything just works.

  • Epic action scenes. From the second scene until the second to last there are quite a few action scenes and they were just epic. All the scenes still have me watching the screen wondering how they're gonna get out of it and luckily there are some twists to it. Also, every time when it becomes a little too serious they throw in a bit of humor to lighten the mood and it's perfectly balanced

  • Funny as hell. Seeing that sci-fi films are usually quite serious, this one just has great humor. A lot of times the 80's songs are used to lighten the mood and make people laugh. Also the characters are really funny, every character has their own way, Drax is very literal, Groot is very not thinking but doing, Star Lord is done by Chris Pratt so that speaks for itself, the list goes on and it's just very nice to have such a good comic relief.

  • Finally some things about Thanos and the Infinity Stones. *Warning, spoilers ahead for the MCU* Apparently in the coming films in the MCU, it's going to focus way more on the Infinity Gauntlet. This is a glove that uses all the six infinity stones for an epic power. However we've only seen short fragments so far. In Captain America we had the Tesseract and in Thor we had Loki's scepter, but we had no idea those were infinity stones (this is explained later). Then in Thor: The Dark World we had the Aether and there is finally said something about infinity stones. But Guardians finally gave us a story about them. There are 6 and can be used to destroy everything. In this film, one of the stones is used to destroy things. So we finally know a lot more about these things and that is going to be very important of the upcoming infinity war films. So the nerd in me was very satisfied with this.

All in all a great film and I'm definitely looking forward to Guardians Vol. 2
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Fine movie but I'll tell you why it's way of LOTR
31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll begin with saying that it's a decent movie, you can see they put in a lot of effort and luckily some of the effort is good.

With that said I'll start with why it's way of LOTR or any good movie.

1. It's too long. WAY too long. The LOTR movies were based off 3 big books, these three 2.5/3 hour movies were based off a small book that was used to set up LOTR. I personally didn't read the book but even I could figure out that all the action sequences of the movie weren't based off of big action sequences in the book."I actually got bored during a lot of scenes because nothing was happening.

2. The characters are forgettable. We once again have a fellowship, this time called "company of dwarfs" and I honestly only remember Thorin (who is the leader), Balin (because I knew the name of LOTR) and Gloin (because he is the father of Gimli). You also have Fili, Kili, Oin, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur but I never knew all those until I played the game "LEGO the Hobbit" (which also is a bad game). I also just noticed that all the names are pretty similar so I guess coming up with names wasn't that hard...

3. Too much use of Deus ex machina (when they get saved/don't die last minute). Every time that there is an action scene, at a certain point a character is about to die, however there is no suspense because you know they can't kill off main characters seeing that there will be 2 other movies. People get into trouble but are saved by some miracle and continue like nothing happened. This means no suspense and no big surprises, just a bunch of dumb action sequences.

4. Too much reference to/use of LOTR things. Of course when you are doing a prequel to LOTR you're gonna have a lot of things that have to to with LOTR but OMG are there a lot. Even the Star Wars prequels didn't have so much and I thought those were better in that way. First of all, when I think of Bilbo finding the ring, I think of the 20 second shot in LOTR, not the 20 minute scene in the Hobbit. The scene was nice because we saw how clever Bilbo was but it's once again stretched to the fullest to fill up time. Also, when I think of the story when Bilbo turned the trolls into stone, I think of the 20 second part he told in LOTR, not the 20 minute scene of the Hobbit (which has horrible CG, but I'll get to that). Then there is a part when the company comes to Rivendell, which could have been shorter of not in Rivendell but they go there to see the same things of LOTR cause it worked there so it'll work again in this movie right? Well, not really.

5. Terrible CG. When LOTR came out it had epic use of computer, so good that you felt everything created was real because it still looks real today. Now we're 10 years later so they should've done even better right? NO, all the computer created characters looked like they were made by a computer, rather than have a real feeling. In the sequence where they come to the underground goblin town, the goblins look bad. Then they come to their king and the Goblinking is one of the worst CG characters I've ever seen. The characters don't act like he's real, they don't make him look real, it's just a bunch of CG used to make money, rather than to make a good movie. Also, as I said before, the trolls in the troll scene look bad, not as bad as the Goblinking but still quite bad.

6. The ending. I hated the fact that they were saved by the eagles and that they didn't bother to fly just a little bit further to the mountain. The first one is a Deus ex machina so that has been written before. The second part is that if the eagles had flown just a little further, a lot of stupid and unnecessary parts of the second and maybe even third movie could've been skipped. Even though I liked the Desolation of Smaug a lot better than this one, it still has some weird parts that could've been skipped.

So it seems like I hated the movie. I don't, I like it for what it is but I just like to point out some stupid things that this movie did wrong.

Also, if you do like the Hobbit then good for you, don't let people like me tell you otherwise but in all honesty, it's not a good movie, just a way to get Peter Jackson and his crew more money.
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made me remind of Star Wars
6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first like to say that I enjoyed the movie and it's a very good sequel to the 1st one and the Avengers. I think it's also better than the first because I like the story better and there are more twists to the story, the first one was pretty straight forward. This one's got action, drama, comedy which is all used very well and everyone that is someone have their good moments. Thing is that the alien worlds and space battles made me think of the Star Wars battles, I really like Star Wars and I didn't really wanted to see it in this movie, that is what made me dislike it a little. And of course the use of "epicness" as in all avenger-like movies is just a little much, but I accept it and still enjoyed it. In the end, I will recommend it to everyone who enjoys a good superhero movie and I'll most likely see it again soon because I like watching movies that I like a few times.
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