
142 Reviews
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
What the hell is this? The Magicians but no magic at all.
16 July 2022
The title says "THE MAGICIANS" but theres almost no magic in this show. How can you call the show Magicians, but you present us gay stuff and lots of nothingness.

Season 1 was decent, after that ... trash, trash, trash! We have magicians, but we have no magic, no enemies to fight. I was expecting to see a group of magicians, that will fight some monsters, i was expecting to see some incredible effects and spells, immortal enemies, and bad ass magicians, but instead you gave me, stupid drama, gay stuff, a "magical" kingdom and stupid script.

I can't belive that there are sooo many big scores, do you guys realise that you boost a sh1tty show right?
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Absentia (2017–2020)
Naaaah, just nah! Waste of time and energy.
16 July 2022
For me personally, this isnt a 7 stars show, this can be at max a 4 stars show. I started watching it because of Stana Katic but the show was boring even from the first season.

The "action" that happened wasnt moving me at all, i was sitting on my chair without any hype in me, just watching bored and with a straight face what happened. I struggled so much to watch it all, hoping that will become better, but it only got worse.

Starting with season 2 I begun to skip from time to time because was way too bad and I couldnt bare to waste more time with it.

I gave it 3 stars and I still think that im too generous. Im pretty sure that among us are viewers that loved it, and will say thats the best tv series EVER, but not for me. I think the imdb score is pushed by someone to be this big, is impossible for a show like this one to have such a great score.
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
You know what I really hate?
27 January 2022
I hate the fact that they tried to make the character Hertz a smarty-pants and failed. No matter how smart he was supposed to be, he simply couldn't knew in such freaking short time what he knew.

Like the hooker thing // " find me every God damn lactating hooker " .. how he knew that Smith will go with the baby at a hooker?

Or how he knew that Smith will be in that abandoned hotel?

Or how he knew that Smith broke that car window and stole it.

There are many other things that don't make too much sense. He was supposed to be smart as character but come on, if u ask me they blew it. Really hated the Hertz character, and now because he was the villain but because he was very bad created.

Still, the movie was very good, and only because had LOTS of action.
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The Turning (2020)
Rate is way too low and unfair.
16 January 2022
When I saw the movie rate I knew that is some garbage movies, because most of time, this kind of rates equal trash movie. But this movie was pretty good. OK didnt had some super scary stuff in it, as horror for me was mediocre, but overall was a good movie, I think this movie deserve a 5/10 or even 6/10 (general rating). You guys should stop comparing very old and original movies with remakes. Theres no remake that would be atleast as good as original. Every single time the original is better. Like in a movie series, from 6 movies the first one is always the best. Really sad to see a good movie such underrated. :(
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Straight 10 ... don't care for "critics".
7 January 2022
Saw this movie like 3 times in total, and now I decided to score it and leave a small "review". Was amazing, romance, comedy, very well written, very well played, good actors... yeah I'm a fan of Adam Sandler movies, he makes good ones, atleast I liked them a lot.

I know that there are lots of haters, and probably gave even 1 star :)) but let me ask you this:
  • If this will happen to you in real life, will you go thru the same hell and still stay with her? (I'm pretty sure that the answer is no!)

Amazing movie 10/10, hands down, loved it!
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Devil's Due (2014)
29 December 2021
This movie is simply TRASH! Honestly whoever gave more that 3 stars, have really big problems... those that gave 9 and 10 stars, they are simply brain dead. This movie was very trash, bad filming, bad acting, bad scripting/writing, bad EVERYTHING. Nothing horror, no mystery ... just a was of time. There's a 0.000000000000001 chance that you'll like it tho, soo watch on your own risk.
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Simply a bad sequal.
15 November 2021
The first one was good, this one is simply bad and makes no sense to me sometimes.

Like, those girls go inside the house (b/e) take their phones, change the number and no one sense them? The girl was behind her stool and she a grown woman didnt sensed that someone is behind her. Then when both of them are away from home, those girls go inside their house take all the furniture and sell it to strangers, thats theft my friend, and afaik is punishable with prison time.

Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne kind of hold this movie up otherwise would be a pathetic movie.
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Another Round (2020)
Waste of time ... for me atleast.
3 November 2021
The movie was very boring, really made you fall asleep. Nothing interesting happen in this movie, all you see is alcoholic teachers and nothing else.

I see that the movie was really apreciated by lots of viewers, well thank God we have different taste in movies.
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Nah, don't waste your time with this one.
30 October 2021
I may not have terrific tastes in movie, but this one is pretty trash. If you have low IQ like me and still laughs at fart jokes, the beginning is funny, and how he rides the dead dude on the sea while he keeps farting, that was funny. But except that is pretty boring and honestly is bad overall.

He carried that corpse everywhere with him, was clear that he is dead.. atleast that what i understood. And a few days later, he press the dead men chest and he start eliminating lots of water from his mouth and simply came back to life.. come on!

To be honest, after some point I stared skipping 2-3 minutes here and there, cuz bored me very much.
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A decent spanish horror movie..
14 October 2021
I don't watch spanish movie in general, but after I saw the other day some horror movie from them, I saw this as recommended so today i watch it.

Unfortunatelly I wasnt very impressed by, acting was decent, story wasnt that good and kind of unclear ... and let you make your own version of what really happen" .

Atleast for me there was nothing horror about it, nothing scary ... but was good to watch since i try to teach myself some spanish .. and was nice when i understood some lines without subtitle :D.
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11 October 2021
This movie honestly deserve more than 6.6 score. As horror was very good, managed to keep me on alert mode, tensed up and in my case if a movie does that, is a good horror movie. Really enjoyed the story, acting was good.

All this ghost story thing that happened in this movie, gave me from time to time a vibe of The Invisible Man. I dont know why others didnt liked the movie. They offered us a few horror scenes, had a lot of mystery and was good as a thrilled either. Really loved it!
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Old (2021)
Pretty boring and definitely not horror
10 October 2021
When I saw the name M. Night Shyamalan and Horror ... I automatically had GREAT expectations, but I ended up disappointed.

M. Night Shyamalan makes good horror movies, I watched some of them and really impressed me, but this one wasnt horror at all, and if I remember right is the second horror movie from him that I do not like.

The idea was OK, but too bad that wasnt more impressive and more horror. What was supposed to be horror, that the island can make you X years older in one hour? Meh!
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Pandorum (2009)
For a horror, was bad :(
4 October 2021
For a horror movie was pretty boring and static. I watched 45 minutes of them walking thru some huge ship, crawling around finding new crewmates, just to see after 45 minutes some kind of some ancient vampires things.

After 1h of watching starts to make some sense and turn a bit better.
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
Another boring one with huge score....
18 September 2021
I don't understand why this movie have such a huge score. For me this movie was extremly boring and totally not interesting.

I know that the movie is about that woman and her pills but is very depressive and I cannot watch it... everything that happen there bore me to death. I cannot stay focused too much on this movie, i lose interest very fast.
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7 Days (2010)
Kind of boring ... probably its only me. You should give it a try tho, maybe youll love it.
7 September 2021
As I see lots of you loved this movie, but I found it very boring and pretty awful ... really I barely stayed awake to watch it. Is way too static and lost me from second one. Probably its me, and im stupid and dont get it.. but was awful, I DONT KNOW IF NOT TO RECOMMEND IT OR TO LET YOU WATCH IT AND TELL US AFTER IF YOU LIKED IT OR NOT.
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Unthinkable (2010)
For me... this one was very boring.
6 September 2021
I really can't rate this one too much, because for me was a boring movie. The entire movie is about a terrorist who planted 3 bombs in 3 different cities in US.. he was dumb enough to show his face on camera, he was caught and tortured for 1 hour (movie time).

I didnt saw a message in this movie, no feeling, no solid story, no good acting.. for me this movie was just a waste of time and money (to create it).

I know that is Samuel L. Jackson but still for me didnt made any difference, movie was still boring and totally not interesting, I feel like I wasted 1h30min for nothing... i mean we find out in the end one simple thing that comes to be true... thats all.
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Frailty (2001)
This movie really is a masterpiece. WOW
1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still shocked about how good this movie was. The movie started so nice, showing us the family, the father and 2 sons, all was good until that night when the father saw the angel who told him about the demons that are on earth and that he need to kill them.

At first I thought that the father went crazy or developed some mental illness or something and had hallucinations but still he affected the little kid a lot because he believed everything the father said... and thats how serial killers are born :) but watching it until the end was really worth it cuz wasn't really anything like that.

The demons actually were pretty bad people, the first woman was some murderer, the old man was a pedophile, and the rest probably were as bad as others. So they didn't murdered demons per se, they killed really bad people. Somehow in the end really put some question inside of you head, was there really and angel who game the father those names? We saw the angel on that scene where the dad was at work under the car. But why an angel give him the name of really bad people, to kill. Isn't God like against murder?

What I don't understand was why Fenton was a demon, he didnt do anything wrong, he was a kid ... the only bad thing he did was killing his father on that night, but the father knew that Fenton was a demon before that.

The visions were real, somehow Adam like his father could see the bad things others did when he touched them, that FBI dude confirmed that when Adam touched him and we saw the vision of him killing his mother, the FBI agent said "how did you know".

Then another interesting fact was that the next day those that met him couldn't remember his face, and on the video tapes was static over him so no one could identify him.
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The Giver (2014)
I dont think that I gave spoilers, but still YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
18 August 2021
Imagine living in a world where you are actually an mindless drone, a prisoner. Because trust me, those humans that lived in that world were not free humans, they couldnt do anything without the accept of some elders. They had lots of rules, and most of them were very stupid, but still they respected them. They were never curious why they dont have free will ... and im saying this because for example, if you would like to do something different like holding hands with a friend, was forbidden, why no one was like "hey why i cant hold hands, why i cant kiss the girl that i like for example, why is this forbidden?"

Jonas asked his father a simple question: "Father do you love me?" and his mom immediately said same stupid line "Jonas precision of language, please" .. so as I said, MINDLESS DRONES! They don't know what is hate, what is love, what is real happiness... they dont freakin see colors because of that "sameness" or how the hell was called.

They were spied by that old lady everywhere.. inside their so called homes, spied outside, spied at work.. everywhere, even in that triangle thing, even there was some camera that showed what they do inside. They were under surveillance non stop, no privacy... that world they lived in was a prison.

But, over all the movie was amazing, really loved it. The ending was good, but I feel like something is still missing. I would love to have 10-15 more minutes, with him going back, to his girl ... grab her and bring her to the house, and movie simply ending with both of them and the kid in that house.
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The movie is simply amazing!
14 August 2021
I watched this movie for the second time today, and was as good as first time. Honestly now, if you dont like this movie, theres something serious wrong with you... you should visit a doctor or something.

The story was very good, acting was perfect, animals were cute and awesome in same time... really, just watch it... you'll probably love it, like I did. If you want someone to tell you the entire story and plot just read other reviews, i didnt came here to type the entire movie for you to read, just watch it, is better. :)

I've read some dumb reviews like 1/10 and 2/10 stars.. those guys are really freaking dumb, im shocked that they live so long. How can you say that this movie is horrible ... are you that stupid?
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WTF is wrong with you people? Why you rate this movie so low?
13 August 2021
You guys are crazy af. I dont understand why this movie have a rating under 6.5 atleast.

Is the 2nd time I watch it and was still freaking funny and really enjoyed watching it.
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Death Warrant (1990)
Was good enough for me ... I liked it!
12 August 2021
In these kind of movies, I never understood how shitty of a living person you can be, to allow other inmates to kill other inmates during night. I mean you got your job as prison guard, and youll allow some scumbags to bribe you to open their cells and let them kill others?

Or even you, as a guard, to hurt and kill other human because you have some power over him? If you are a prison guard and you allow those killers to manipulate you, then you are even worse than them.

I am a big fan of Van Damme, I love his movies, I got some hate from some friends that dont like him ... but I dont care, I enjoyed almost every single movie he made. Yes, I said "almost" because, come on let's be serious ... no matter who you are, how good you are, youll have shitty movies.

Movie have good prison fighting style, lots of betreyal and lots of scums, especially the free and rich ones, who can choose who live and who dies because they have money.

In movie someone said "We are killing criminals. Garbage" but the real garbage is him, the one whos free and play God with other peoples life.
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Was a nice second movie tho, can't complain.
11 August 2021
I knew that they wont do other 2 movies with same main actor. First one with Liam Neeson was pretty good. This one had a new actor but the movie was still good enough for me. They revived some bad dude that died in that helicopter crash, idk how the hell he survived, but hey revived him and now he and darkman will have a second round.

Cant say that i liked this one as much as first one tho... but was good enough.. All I hope now, is that the last movie would be atleast as good as this one.
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Darkman (1990)
The 1st movie in this trilogy is pretty damn good
11 August 2021
I loved the idea behind this movie, with Peyton becoming some rage monster after he was desfigured severely and left do die in his lab. What I didnt understood why does he have that sudden rage, probably have something to do with the liquid where he was "drown'.

On the scenes with shooting was bad, for example when they come to that warehouse, they enter and start shootin' randomly. Why? Why you enter a building and start shooting like an idiot instead of looking first to see if is worth wasting bullets.

When comes to special effects, well im indulgent after all is a movie from 1990, but still the special effect were ok, not too many but those that were, were good.

Now all I hope is that the other 2 will be as good at this one, and hopefully with same main actor, not a new story and a new character. Liam Neeson played the role of the Darkman flawlessly.
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Ghost (1990)
Very good, you won't regret it, trust me!
10 August 2021
I really thought that will be something bad, but surprisingly was very good. Apparently for some horrible human beings money means everything and you'll kill even your best friend for them...

Over all was an amazing movie, what bothered me a bit was the ending, that scene where she a living person could see the light and his ghost, thats a bit weird. We all know that the light can be saw only but the spirit when he is ready to pass over, not by everyone. For this you can blame Ghost Whisperer series :D.
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The Cell (2000)
I can't say that I really ENJOYED the movie ... but was good.
7 August 2021
There is a big chance that I didnt understood the movie. For me wasnt nothing amazing, was a bit boring in the first half and a bit disturbing in the rest of time.

Can't was that I was thrilled watching it, but in the end was a good movie, a bit terrifying but was ok.
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