
1 Review
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An example of garbage cinema, Scavenger Killers is a poorly made film
1 July 2013
I had the misfortune of seeing Scavenger Killers premiere at the Hoboken International Film Festival. What a poor choice for an opening night film.

The film seemed like it was written by a horny 13 year old boy. There was little plot, other than a lawyer and judge who are serial killers, having sex every third scene. There is no reason ever given why they are serial killers. About 15 minutes into the film, there is pointless full frontal nudity, whereupon over half the audience had already walked out.

Even worse than the abysmal writing, was the directing. There was nothing spectacular about the camera work. With the most interesting camera shots, being bad techniques used in the 80's, but not in a good way. The use of the camera moving in the motion of the weapon came off cheap and amateur in its execution. The film wasn't quite a horror film to fulfill the fan of cheap horror movies. It was in no way a thriller or crime drama, leaving smut and soft-core porn the only categories it might fall under. Nothing unique or original about the film.

The acting was bad. The judge might be the only quality performance. Although his character is poorly written with little motivation. The lawyer was terrible. She acts more like a stripper than someone who is educated. I guess since the writer isn't educated, how could he create an educated seeming character. The FBI agent after the serial killers is a mute in a wheelchair, who makes you wonder what the writer was thinking with a character who I supposed is meant to offend ALL disabled people. It was probably the worst performance in the film, surrounded by bad acting. Screech is in the film, who interacted with the main characters for 30 seconds. Making a cameo appearance that looked like it was shot somewhere other than the film, perhaps his agent's office, was Eric Roberts. His character seemed like an afterthought to have more names in the film, much like the pointless appearance of Robert Loggia. The late Charles Durning was in the film, disgracing his name by having been part of such a film, in footage that looks like it was taken from an old television show. And none of the performances seemed like they were given any direction from the director, or knew what the film was they were working on, as their performances appeared.

The next morning, I checked out of my hotel early, not wanting to see what else the festival would show, given this garbage pornography was the opening night feature.

Scavenger Killers is a horrible film, that looks like it was made by a group of first week film students with a script one of their little brothers wrote. There is no intelligent dialog or thought in the plot. If you ever come across this in the dollar bin of videos, save your money. Not worth the watch.
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