
5 Reviews
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Apocalypto (2006)
Almost a Masterpiece
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one unique film: The Passion of the Christ meets Braveheart. This is a film that does not flinch, that is relentless in it's storytelling, that is brutal, honest and beautiful. Mel Gibson has taken yet another enormous gamble and has proved he is, strangely enough, a brilliant filmmaker. To tell a tale in ancient maya with it's original language is a huge risk simply because it can go so wrong so easily.

Yet, having said that, this is a film that has a major flaw: the script. The script feels dry and preachy. Which is too bad because each and every performance is brimming with passion.

The story deals with a small village in the jungles of central America. They are brutally attacked by the Maya and are brought back to it's capital. It's amazing that this small village has never made contact with this immense civilization, yet, geographically aren't very far. It is at least one day distance from each other. On this historic day, our hero is then saved by an extremely rare occurrence: a solar eclipse. Then we learn that his partner gives birth a few hours later (in a way that is completely preposterous) and, of course, the climax is such a whopper that I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

What I am trying to say is that it is clear to me that Mel certainly has something to say and will use extreme measures to make his point. What are the odds that each of these four major moments in this man's life all happened in less than 24 hours! How many times have you seen an eclipse? Had a child born underwater? Apparently encounter a huge civilization that your village has never seen before, yet they are very close proximity? And, this one day, come the Europeans. Come on Mel! Be a little realistic! This film could have been a masterpiece yet Mel decided to get too preachy and forgot the story he was trying to tell.
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Caché (2005)
It was good for a while . . .
17 October 2006
This film did not meet expectations. I thought this was going to be a political thriller dissecting the french treatment of the Algerian colony. Instead, this is a two hour film that could have been told in half the time. After watching the film, I felt that what I just watched could have simply been a prologue to something so much better.

Allegory to the French thinking? Perhaps. Brilliant statement in regards to the European treatment to the Muslim world? I guess so. I wouldn't truly know. Is this a masterpiece of film-making? I don't think so. I find it brave that the director is taking up such difficult subject matter. And he doesn't slam his views on your head. The film is effectively objective but never meets the sum of it's parts.

I won't rant about the lack of resolution or anti-climactic ending we are offered: I didn't like the way this film dragged and dragged and dragged. During my second viewing, I constantly thought, "That should have been cut shorter." and "That added nothing to the plot." I will admit I enjoyed the film more the second time I watched it, but all the more frustrated on how much better this film could have been. It doesn't need music or a resolution or even more plot. It needs to be shorter than 2 hrs.

In my mind, the worst thing a director can do is bore his or her audience. I think using long master shots can be very effective in building suspense however, if I wanted to watch a shot of someone house where nothing happens, I would videotape my own house and sit back and enjoy.
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Sure to divide audiences
24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film that should not be viewed alone. There is much going on in this film that it is bound to start a debate.

I saw this film with my spouse and what was interesting was that even though we both enjoyed the film, we still had a heated debate.

Before I get into that, I must stress the quality and professionalism of this film. Everyone involved proved to be up to the task in this challenging picture. Edward Norton and Phillip Glass are in peek form. The former shows skill, commitment and passion in his role; he is completely believable and often stunning in his performance. The music score in my mind could not have been more perfect. Like the film itself, it is mysterious, hypnotic, modern yet appropriate to the setting of the tale. The music at it's best isn't even noticed, rather heightens the mood and the suspense.

Though my wife and I agreed on all these points, she enjoyed the ending and resolution more than I. I found the weakest part of the film was it's climax: Eisenheim's disappearance from the stage and from Vienna. I believe that an explanation is needed here. An explanation of how Eisenheim is able to fool the entire city and escape completely unnoticed. This is a major plot point that is not clarified; instead, left in the dark along with all the other illusions. My wife disagrees. She argues that it is part of the mystery and a reveal would ruin the suspension of disbelief. In fact, if the filmmakers did explicate the illusions (particularly the phantoms), it would feel cheap and boring. She would have felt she was spoon fed the plot.

I think that in a film, when you build to climax, place your protagonist in peril, you need to explain how the character escapes. When James Bond or other super spies are captured, it would feel silly if the audience are not shown how he gets away. My feeling is, not revealing how he escapes demonstrates lack of creativity.

Oh well. Can't agree on everything.

However, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would recommend it. It will certainly spark some debate.
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Lie with Me (2005)
Like Watching a Student Film
17 July 2006
Apparently the director forgot to graduate from film school. There wasn't a single redeeming quality about this film: choppy editing, amateurish photography and lighting, terrible music, flat performances, awful pacing. The only thing I found shocking about this film is how boring it was.

In my mind, if you intend on shocking your audience (which the director may or may not have intended), you need to establish some sort of a story with some sort of characters with some sort of motivations causing some sort of interest in the audience. Then, with explicit sexuality I may feel some form of tension. With this turkey, the only tension I felt was the resistance of a remote control button.

Is it just me, but when two people are talking in a club, aren't they usually screaming over music? Wait, there was no music playing in the club; all the people were just standing and dancing to nothing.

"Lie With Me" is easily the most boring movie I've seen this year. Next time I'll take the title more literally and take it to bed.
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flaws are few
27 October 2005
Who can ask for more? Taking my 2 and 4 year old children was a risk, I admit. But well worth it. They were enthralled from credit to credit, with their parents beside them.

I have taken the kids to films before with mixed results: too scary, too boring, too sophisticated, whatever. With this film, however, I was glad to see a smart film with wit, style and a sense of passion emanating from the screen. Any film that takes 5(!) years of production to make, good or bad, deserves some respect for the bravery and the patience it takes to film a film like this.

O.K. I'm gushing a little. Then again, why wouldn't I get excited? Looking through the movie listing today only reminded me of the poor quality of films that are distributed. At least for the moment Regardless, W & G is a film well made. Perhaps the originality wasn't the most inspired, nevertheless, well told and well paced.

Too much adult humour? Too many sex references? Maybe. Though my kids didn't quite catch them. Too young. So, in my case, I didn't really notice.

Well, needless to say, I liked it.
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