17 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
J Lo is absolutely horrible!!
25 May 2024
Let's face it: we're going to need a new scale for bad, just for this one. One star is far too generous for a movie this tedious. As bad as J Lo is in this film is quite rare. The last time a character annoyed me so much is when I watched Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker.

She is whining and nagging like an adolescent in puberty the entire time! It's simply unwatchable. And the CGI some people are celebrating? Come on, it's on the level of Power Rangers.

This movie is stealing from Avatar, Star Wars, Terminator and Pacific Rim but doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in the same sentence as those movies.

We are just being forced to watch J Lo in close up almost the entire length of the film and it's not pleasant. It feels like having your arm twisted the entire time.

She never was a good actress but this one was the worst, without question. All the dialogue is tedious, the CGI is dull, the action is ludicrous and the story simply makes no sense! Afterwards I was simply asking myself what I had just been watching and moreover: why I had been watching it.

Netflix keeps upping their prices and this is what we are getting for it? Even Rebel Moon II was better.. although that was already pretty bad.

I find it really difficult to find a positive aspect in this movie. I would simply advise not to what this. It doesn't offer anything.
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Napoleon (2023)
It's just so boring
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I've read all the critiques about the historical inaccuracies in this film but to be honest; I didn't care. I'm not watching a documentary, I'm watching an exciting movie about a historical demi-god. Or.. at least.. that's what I was hoping for. I'm a big fan of Joaquin Phoenix as an actor and Ridley Scott as a director. So I was expecting a beautiful epos like Gladiator, The Martian etcetera. I was hoping for an actors performance like fireworks never seen before. Napoleon is such a remarkable and interesting character so what could ever go wrong with a film like this, an actor like Phoenix and a director like Scott.

We'll.. apparently everything! This must be the most boring movie I have seen in years! It's dull, it's tedious, it's simply uninteresting. And the most boring of all is Phoenix as Napoleon! How can he play Napoleon as one dimensional as he has? There's no emotion. No depth. No fun. Watching Phoenix in this film is like watching grass grow!

Then the battles must be awesome..? Right? Wrong! I mean, they're not horribly boring, but not worth watching hot be honest. We've seen so much better. Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart and even Lord of the Rings, those movies had exciting battles. In this one I found myself scrolling my phone even during the 'action' scenes.. That's saying a lot. Nowhere does it explain what makes (made) Napoleon such a genius on the battlefield. It doesn't build up to anything. Within 75 minutes he goes from an unknown army captain to his first banishment to Elba. In between it's mostly awkward encounters with Josephine which are uneasy to watch. Then he leaves Elba, comes back, finds himself at Waterloo, loses, gets banished to St. Helena and dies. Nothing from the first to the last minute was even remotely interesting.

The problem isn't that the the film is historical inaccurate.. the problem is that the film is simply boring.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Social justice bullocks
25 June 2023
Apparently, you are not allowed to use words as w0ke and tr@ns in your reviews, so I had to make some adjustments.

Yep, this was a fun series.. It was a sort of guilty pleasure as it obviously has NOTHING to do with hospital reality. A hospital soap opera I guess.

But, with season 3, they infected this flick with the w0ke-activist-virus. Tr@ns, BLck. Lvs. Mattr. And all the other shenanigans..

Unfortunately this took the fun away from the series and made it politically activistic and very unpleasant to watch. The critical race theory is intertwined in every episode. I made it up to episode 6 before it became unwatchable.

I simply started getting frustrated with the actors and hoped they themselves would get infected with a deadly virus.

It became horrible in season 3!
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23 March 2023
Come on people! I don't actually believe anybody seriously liked this mediocre tedious stuff. It's boring. It drags on. It doesn't go anywhere.

It's nog even intriguing. Only 'the autopsy' was actually pretty good. The rest was no better than the most boring episode of Outer Limits, X-Files or Twilight Zone.

I see people rating this a 10/10.. seriously? Come on..

I mostly liked the films of Del Toro but this crap doesn't do it for me. His introductions at the beginning are kind of awkward and uneasy to watch.. He can write, but he clearly can't present ..

No, I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Oh god not The Walking Dead all over again??!!
20 February 2023
First off: I don't know the videogame. Never played it, saw it or heard of it. So I never actually planned to see this show but the reviews were so extremely good that I had to find out for myself what made this so geniously good.

By the end of episode 3 I can honestly tell you: I haven't got a single clue!!

My god, it's like the next season of The Walking Dead and we've had an overdosis of dat already. It simply had nothing new to offer. I've seen this all before. Zombies, people building fences around villages and growing their own vegetables.. BORING!

Tedious "Bold and the Beautiful" like conversations dragging on and I'm wondering all the time: WHY? Why make this show? What new does it bring to the table? It's all been done before.. and not just once.

Most annoying so far is that horrible 14 year old stupid girl. What a poor casting. I wanted to shoot her within 10 minutes and kept hoping something bad would happen to her..

All those halleluja reviews are part of a mass hysteria.. It must be, because this is totally overrated. It's just NOT VERY GOOD.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
20 October 2022
Yes, it's mostly entertaining but the excessive drug use was starting to bother me halfway S2. For a show about MMA-fighters there's so little fighting. It's mainly an endless episode of drug use, smoking and drinking.

I see insanely ripped and fit bodies, especially Jay who is the star of this show, but he hardly ever trains. All these guys ever do is drink, smoke, snort coke and shoot heroine. They're all punks and junkies, not athletes. It's really annoying. Halfway S2 I noticed I didn't care anymore about what happened to any single one of them anymore.

That probably wasn't the intention of the show..
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Woke destroyed it al!
20 August 2022
S1 was simply brilliant. S2 was horrible! It's Woke, Wokier, Wokiest.. Woke is a cult, a virus and destroys everything it touches. It has infected Netflix, Prime, Disney and now AppleTV+

What a shame. For some reason I only felt sympathy for Mitch Kessler! He's not a perpetrator, he's the real victim, the true hero! Wish they had given him an actual part in S2 as he's the only one worth watching.

Last year after watching S1 I gave this a 9. Halfway S2 I changed my rating to a 5. Woke sentiment killed it.

What a shame..
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For All Mankind (2019– )
20 August 2022
One of my all time favorites. Yes, sometimes there is some social drama but the developments are awesome. From the moment the alternate reality kicks in, we start to see what could have happened if space exploration wasn't abandoned. It shows us a world technically advanced by at least 20 years. Lunar bases, settlement on Mars etc. But always in a way that's seems realistic. Things we are about to make reality as we speak. They always intertwine the fiction with the reality and it kept me on the edge of my seat. Especially going to Mars in season 3 had me gripped. I can't wait for season 4 and hope they keep it up at least a few more seasons.

Love it!
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Tedious .. pretentious.. boring!
15 August 2022
I watch many many series and have a divers interest in all sorts of genres. It doesn't happen often that I decide to 'cancel' a series, especially when I have invested several hours already, but this one: I simply couldn't stand it anymore!

I made to so S2 E5 but my brain just died..

American Gods is tedious, pretentious, boring, incomprehensible, uninteresting and for some reason it just DRAGS on! Episode after episode and halfway season 2 still NOTHING happened. It's more exciting watching the gras grow. It's no more than a series of lengthy uninspiring monologues that lead nowhere. I offend wanted them to just SHUT UP! So many tedious words combined in a sentence without actually saying anything.

It's like watching a play written by a drunk and depressed less talented brother of Shakespeare. I hate canceling a series that I wanted to like so much but I have to! I must admit to myself that this is the weakest ever! I hated it.. And I hate myself for believing it would get better if I just stayed with it.

I hated it. Every single episode..
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Patriot (2015–2018)
3 August 2022
I did my best.. honestly.. I even managed to watch the fourth episode but this must be the most boring uninspiring series I have ever watched! It's like watching grass grow, but more boring. Nothing happens! I told myself: something must happen soon.. but I was wrong. I felt as if I was part of a psychological experiment: how long can we make a viewer watch a series in which nothing happens??

This is an absolute waste of time. People who gave this a 10 must not be right in the head.. or they got paid to give a high rating. It's absolutely unrealistic to give a rating higher than 2.

Plan to watch? Don't! Watch the grass grow instead. That offers more excitement.
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For Life (2020–2021)
Destroyed by political BLM sentiments..
22 February 2022
Loved season 1 but season 2 is unwatchable. For some reason it went from an honest exciting show to a dreadful politically biased pro Black Lies Matter monstrosity. Got sick of it by episode 7.

For some reason Netflix has surrendered it's integrity to the ramblings from the Woke-lobby's and anti-white sentiments.

They should have left well enough alone.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
The ending it always should have had!
25 January 2022
Absolutely wonderful! Dexter was living in borrowed time and this was the one and only possible ending.. the ending it should have had 10 years ago. Great finale!
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22 November 2021
As a Marvel fan I was looking forward to this one! But after nearly 20 minutes I had to turn it off: this is unwatchable! Such a shame as I'm quite curious about the rest but NO WAY I'm going to watch this annoying crap the first 2 episodes, just to find out if the rest is less bad..

What a missed chance.
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What a drag..
29 February 2020
This movie itself is like a dreadful marriage: it drags on. Unwatchable with whining crying faces all the time. Big fan of Scarlett Johansson but couldn't look at her in this movie.
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Parasite (2019)
Mediocre at best
15 February 2020
I'll keep it short as I don't want to waste too much time on this one. It's okay. No more no less. Okay to watch on a rainy Sunday, as I did, but at no point did it impress. It was quite boring at times although I did finish it with some effort. It's not a bad film but one thing is absolutely clear: it's unworthy of it's Best Movie Oscar! Don't know what the academy was thinking, but this is clueless..
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Please end this..
10 June 2019
Season 1 - 4 were AMAZING!

Season 5 was historically bad! So I hoped that they would redeem themselves with a new season. They had years to work on this series ans THIS is what they come up with? WHY??

It's horrible. Boring, blend, tedious, pretentious.. there's literally nothing positive about season 6.

Who made the first four seasons? What happened to those people? Can we have them back please?

If not, end the suffering of this series. It's dead then.
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Wolf (I) (2013)
Don't romanticize crime and thugs
4 March 2019
I tried to watch it an hour or so but couldn't finish the job. I've lived and worked in the area called Kanaleineiland (where this takes place) and know what that's like. In this movie the criminals are portrayed as charismatic bad guys with a certain charm but I can tell you: there is no charm! Those criminals are utter scum and don't deserve a romanticized movie about their lives. Their lives are wasted and of no use for society. A generation lost. They have no moral codes, no 'honor amongst thieves' or anything like it. They prey on innocent women, children, hell.. anyone! Steeling, cursing, lying, hating, stabbing, shooting, robbing, destroying.. This movie should have shown them for what they are: cowards, lazy useless tumors of society. Instead it tries to show they actually have a heart.. but they don't. For them, every woman is a prostitute, except maybe their own mothers. Skip this awful propaganda and spend your time on something useful.
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