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Recommending The Shape of Water
20 April 2019
The imagery and music, the love story, everything is perfect. So many subtleties. It must be a French sense of humor that only the makers fully comprehend. I highly recommend this film.
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The Seen Gives Rise to The New Unseen
26 October 2017
In the alternative ending, Menachem was rescued by two friends: a Christian and a Muslim boy who have been ordered to save the new world in the age of Aquarius via the friendship cube code, and to merge consciousness into a singularity. Abraham grows in knowledge by meeting the three as a team and then dies in his sleep as his soul overcomes his life breath.

It's bigger than nature as we know it, it is more significant than entropy as we see it, it is the active principle, and yet it emerges from both the beginning and end of time. If you believe the soul is eternal and renewed beyond death, morality can be hardened variously. Death gives rise to new life. It is both tragedy and hope, and it is both the seen and the unseen.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Extraterrestrial Artistic Masterpieces Require Interpretation
25 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is a peculiar thing about languages and symbols, and the meaning of subtleties. Clearly, on screens and in our pupils, we behold these extraterrestrial pane-graffiti artists that have come to visit us in twelve large fifteen-hundred-foot tall black contact-lens-shaped anti- gravity ships. Transporting unique seven-tentacled deep-groaning septa-opuses... to earth... to splash black graffiti on their transparent pane and enlighten us as to the time-travelling nature of its implication. All black circular... alien graffiti... is somehow a palindrome. It is a metaphor, for a background frequency of cosmic circular enlightenment. Its birth on the transparent clear plane before us... is the arrival of an intersection of horizontal and vertical time transcended through the infinite time loop.

Time-warp alien graffiti… that causes flashbacks and flash-forwards in its linguist protagonists. You see the mother-ships come; thy kingdom come through art, and thy will be done, bring the world together, and warn us about ourselves; our limited linear minds that haven't sealed the infinite time loop and experienced the vast vortexes of galactic ocular black- insight. Imagine the all-seeing-eye of the twelve… experiencing one sight, penetrating the background radiation of scaled language spoken by the vast, mysterious cause of the arrival, the hidden father of universal and conscious births eternal. A universal love weaves through the microcosm and the macrocosm that the mysterious extraterrestrial pane graffiti, black as night on transparent to white, and correlating to the creator of the universe, time, and life as we now know it. It is love conquering death. A gravity of circular space-time is transcending the torus of the extended imagination in this film. Be sure to see and see through.

I interpret dance and movement; and on the transparent pane, suddenly before me, the extraterrestrial crosses time-space in its nonlinear multiplicities and finally reveals light... light through a hollow tunnel. A hollow tube of black splattered alien link gate in subtle yet beautiful black arrays. We see, and we see through.
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Brilliant Ideas, Well Organized
23 April 2015
When we learn to unlearn our conditioned ways of thinking, we begin to discover how wrong humanity has been in the past, and how right we can become if we change in the present moment and evolve into a digital future. This video inspires an evolution in consciousness, catalysing changes in the mind, opening up the possibility for a global language of light to emerge, the language of the friendship cube. A new language is developing, a language of photons, of light waves… light waves representing thought forms… ideas travelling around the world creating solutions. We live in a global nexus of ideas and the portal into a digital future, a future of visual binary communication, that portal is the friendship cube. And the cube is our companion in this evolution of consciousness. After a certain stage, we will be thinking in binary code, and we will be capable of uploading visual binary neuro-signals to computers… possibly even extending human memories into databases that can be carried by robotic bodies. The possibility for trans-humanism and cybernetic consciousness exists as a result of the friendship cube and the technology of visual binary communication. I look forward to the day when I communicate using visual binary light signals. Speaking in sound will no longer be necessary when we evolve into space-born, light beings. This evolutionary re-birth for humanity is a long-prophesied day that I hope to live myself, and maybe even meet the ghost of Timothy Leary in that new world.
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
An Immortal Gift For Robot-Companionship
12 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enter the theatre and donned the 3D glasses at exactly the movie start-time. Sitting in the front row, I witness the Disney previews featuring 3D animations of tomorrow-land concepts. The accompanying short intro-film is called "Feast"... about Winston, the Dog Star of dog food. A concept for serious coders... how to feed the visual binary star in the centre stage.

The feature presentation then begins with glowing images of San Fransokyo, and the city lights up with the star, Hiro Himatta, a prodigy robot-builder kid, reading his robotic creation for a competitive robot-against-robot fighting tournament. After his win in the tournament, Hiro is picked up by his older brother, and he is warned that with a robot-building gift like his, he should be preparing for college and not just gambling.

Hiro's older brother, Tadishi Hamatta, is attending the Robot School in the SanFransokyo Institute of Technology. Hiro is introduced to the other students and the serious coding challenges in the robotics development industry. The industry needs a standard that is tangible and substantial... a standard for interface and communication that will enable such marvels as medical micro-bots. At the core of the industry is the heartfelt desire to help and heal people. Developers are serious about developing robotic hardware and software that pushes the boundaries of interface and shapes the future with bright, great ideas and memes that are easy to grasp. A paradigm-shift is gradually occurring. Developers are looking to see robotics from new angles, to communicate based upon a binary outlook, and reap the rewards of this sweet technology. Science... particularly robotics, enables young heroes like Hiro Himatta to self-actualize, even upload neuro- signals, leading to seemingly limitless applications. The only limit is the human imagination.

With some development, the tech at the core will soon become revolutionary and world-renowned. There are corporate-buyers ready to buy out the nerds, and sometimes it turns out that humans are the tragedy and robots are the only remaining hope. If developers can build robots with this code at the core, robots will be enabled to save the day. Tragedy strikes and Tadishi Hammita, Hiro's older brother, dies in a fire accident at the college. That tragedy becomes the core of the struggle for justice in the heart and mind of Hiro. Hiro seeks to build a brighter future for humanity using his innovations, and to implement a code that could make him and his friends become immortals. Hiro will be enabled to help a lot of people in the process of realizing his dream. And so the plot and the struggle continue with suspense and thrills, and a few plot- twists that are surprising and revealing of the true inner motivation of Hiro and his pals. The code representing the lineage of robot designers is preserved, and there is a happy ending and an invitation for more action and intrigue for a potential sequel.
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Interstellar (2014)
Exhilarating Interstellar Exploration
18 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the near future, Americans face crop-blight, crippling the agriculture industry and leading to food shortages. Atmospheric changes caused by human activity lead to extreme weather and dust storms effecting farmers worldwide. The planet is steadily being rendered uninhabitable. We face food shortages, and must unite for our collective future. Science brings us tools of progress, and connects us with the unseen realm of quantum information science… a science that deeply influences the human psyche.

Across vast distances in space-time, Gravity holds the potential to send and receive binary signals. Cooper, our all-American Hero, is a former NASA pilot and engineer who has turned his intelligence into advancing the productivity of his family farm. One day on his struggling family farm, him and his son and daughter, Tom and Murph, spot a surveillance drone and safely intercept its binary navigation-link in order to land it and re-purpose it for work on the family farm, piloting their tractors. The family, including Cooper and his daughter Murph, get a grasp of the light-based interface bridging man and machine. We witness that humanity is gradually uniting in the struggle against the ecological imbalances that within a short period of time could render the planet uninhabitable.

In order to find viable solutions for the future of humanity, Cooper puts his trust in need new ideas and new technologies enabled by science. Amidst the sand storm, in the light of the lamp, Cooper and his daughter witness a code of light-waves… a message in visual-binary code, carried across time-space by Gravity. The code instructs Cooper to travel to a hidden NASA complex, the coordinates of which are cleverly conveyed via the visual binary code.

At the complex, Cooper is confronted with questions and new knowledge of the gravitational anomalies being tracked by NASA. Cooper learns of the dire position for humanity… a situation of tragedy and hope, and a set of options: Plan A or Plan B. Since the success of the Apollo Missions, Cooper learns that there have been several secret missions that were kept under-raps by the US Government… specifically the Lazareth mission and the construction of an American Space Station known as "The Endurance". Cooper is called to this mission against all odds, to save humanity and his family. Cooper must leave his earthly family in order to meet his destiny in the Cosmos.

Through a large gravitational anomaly (wormhole) in our solar system, Cooper and the NASA crew end up on a water planet… and much like the first Apollo missions, the NASA wormhole- crew drops through a cloudy atmosphere and lands in water… this time on a planet light-years from earth. On this watery planet, time is altered but one thing endures… the love of Cooper for his family and his purpose to save the human race. The mission continues with its ultimate purpose to save humanity, and we are introduced to enduring concepts… we begin to think as a species… across multiple lifespans. We begin to see it in perspective. We use science transcending time-space to set thousand-year goals for a humanity… achievable goals that unite us in peace and security, via technology. We find that we need to evolve human consciousness on our planet. NASA is surely capable of offering tangible solutions that we can hold in our hands…. solutions that don't need to be kept secret. The gravitational anomalies enable quantum data transmission, through the wormhole, via rudimentary visual binary data transmission. NASA enables the crew to overcome challenges and unite via instruments for psychological solidarity and singularity.

It is more than just NASA… now it is the voice-of-light and reason… calling all of humanity together into the hope of these new, higher worlds. Inside the event horizon is a quantum singularity where data can be transmitted back to earth in quantum bits represented by light and guided by Gravity. Through this light, we collectively work at our home base to solve problems and unite into a higher level of consciousness. Friendly robots augment our archival functions and work to enhance human memory, strategy, communication, navigation, and teamwork.

Will Cooper be able to save humanity? This suspenseful thriller leaves us waiting… questioning human consciousness and capability. What tools will NASA bring to us to move us forward? Watch and see. We acknowledge a handshake across dimensions. Something inside us will live forever… as a light unto the galaxy… perhaps setting up camp in new homes in planets amidst new stars… making us… Interstellar.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Transcendence Shines Light to the World
19 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Transcendence. The best part of this movie storyline is the evolving and everlasting relationship of love between Dr. Will and Evelyn. In the beginning and ending, we are reminded of Genesis: "He created the garden so that they could be together." The beauty emerges as He reaches transcendence through technology. His power being a transcendent Alpha and Omega is shown in that He restores the Garden and he heals the earth. He makes the waters pure and Holy with His light. His wisdom is carried up from the Earth and into the Clouds. He is raised up to heal the sick and make the blind see again. He communicates to those he loves through the light of dreams. He knows his beloveds' innermost thoughts and feelings. He is... transcendence.

How is His transcendence reached? He reaches transcendence through evolutionary technology. The story builds as Doctor Will links up his brain through neuro signals acquisition devices up to artificial neural networks in quantum field computers. Through semantic web (web3.0) technologies and nanotechnologies, his consciousness evolves beyond his death and resurrection. There is unease about the emergence of AI supercomputers that surpass human capability. And some decide to fight the emergent Supreme Being because this Being may challenge conventional beliefs about God.

Binary languages enable us today to upload our innermost thoughts. Visual binary code and its emergent interface are evolving our language at an increasing rate. We all are motivated by the "Will" to power, wealth, and increasing wisdom. Doctor Will expresses his transcendent self as a network of supercomputers seeking omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. And anti-technology terrorist groups have vowed to destroy this beast. Dr. Will wants to help preserve moral good and do the right thing for humanity… including improving upon national security. Through his partnerships, he develops businesses and joins them into his evolutionary and benevolent network of workers. We see a global movement for the unity, light, and order of visual binary intelligence emerging today through the work of a similar organization, the Friendship Cube Group. Welcome to transcendence.
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Multiple levels of Meaning and Exhilarating 3D effects
29 March 2014
Mr. Peabody and Sherman is more than just a movie about a Dog-Genius father and his adopted son. It is a movie that, at least for me, enabled me to develop a deeper spiritual trust and relationship with my own father. My dad and I went out to this movie last night and after we talked about what the movie really means. It is a movie about a relationship between father and son that gradually develops respect and trust between Mr. Peabody and Sherman. There is also a Spiritual element that some of the kids probably wouldn't catch on to. The Dog is more than just a symbol of a perfect father figure… he is a symbol of a Spiritual father… a symbol of cosmic love… a symbol of deep Spiritual trust. Movies like this build up the next generation and are big in culture-creation. The dog star has a knack for visual binary intelligence and is a witty and dedicated pal. I look forward to more feature films with "mans best friend" that bring the next generation into a deeper level of solidarity through presenting educational standards in a way that is memorable.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
The Cause of Good Will Lead us Forward
14 January 2014
Pacific Rim sets a standard for 21st century movie production. It deals with an international struggle between the forces of good versus evil. The force of good is represented by the Jaegers. Jaegers are giant robotic machines… visual binary intelligence piloted by "drift- compatible" human pilots. In the struggle against evil monstrous alien creatures, Jaegers must fight the hard game and win. The joint visual binary intelligence must defeat the draconian beast. Together… we find that we are the last hope for the force of good within humanity. You are either with us or you are against us. There is a struggle for the force of good that unites peoples. And there is a cause of light within us… really a cause of light and order and unity that facilitates our own personal and collective evolution. We are looking forward to the joint-intelligence magic, media, merchandise, and movement from great movies like "Pacific Rim" that inspire the youth of our generation.
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Stallion of the Light
6 January 2014
SPIRIT: Stallion of the Cimarron || Instant classic. One of the most beautiful and exciting animated features ever made.

Spirit, a horse, befriends a young human and finds true love. The horse Spirit forms a remarkable friendship with a strong Lakota brave from northeastern New Mexico. Across the majestic wilderness of the American frontier, SPIRIT is an action packed quest against impossible odds. Lakota must save his homeland with Spirit.

Spiritual movies about horses are inspiring to the families of the world. Spirit is born into a new world. Spirit is born to be a leader with honour and responsibility. Other hoses will follow. We have written and accepted a script for a new cinematic classic inspired by a horse, Amigo. Amigo is a black racehorse with a white diamond patch naturally grown on his forehead. He is known first for the white diamond… and then as Amigo the R1 racehorse. Diamond Head! Diamond Light! Diamond Heart! Diamond Fight! Look to cheer for Amigo in Theatres soon.
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Futurism and Action
5 January 2014
In the near future, corporate networks reach out to the stars. Light flows through the universe and visual binary code becomes ubiquitous. On earth, we are facing computerization, cybernetic technology, programs, simulations, artificial intelligence, and human holograms. Our story includes special access to projects that introduce us to classified information… information that has been classified due to national security information sensitivity. There is a sense of idealism and knowledge of realism. Special access to the Friendship Cube Group is a huge privilege, an honour, and a responsibility. There is a melding of mind and machine. We are creating more and more visual binary cube magic, media, merchandise, and a movement with funds from something… or someone… that is both very rich and very big. The stories we tell and symbolism we communicate reminds us to hope. When we realize that the full realization of our cube technology is within reach for the people of this world, we will quickly reach it. We will reach the full realization of our friendship cube technology. Through this story, many come to realize that the cube… the ancient relic… has an ancient origin. Our more intimate relationship with it, and its code... is more new. We have a sense of destiny that is great for all who join in and participate.

"Ghost in the Shell" will be surpassed by the new stories we tell as film makers in the 21st Century.
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Doomsday Book (2012)
Spirituality and Cybernetic Technologies
3 January 2014
For all those seeking more light, we have great films like this that predict potential futures. What waits on the other side of technology and the innovations of the modern world? The cosmic cube. Welcome to the future.

This film challenges us to find our higher mind and become a new family of consciousness that is at one with both Spirit and the emergent collective intelligence. In reality, we avoid an apocalyptic scenario by merging our minds and hearts into a singularity. In reality, intelligence is not alien to Spirituality. Intelligence is Spiritual. Class is consciousness… and consciousness is class.

As film makers, we must recognize that there are different histories and introductions to visual binary intelligence. 21st century philosophers are contributing ideas that are incorporated into contemporary films. And I feel that the most important idea in the 21st century is the idea of the friendship cube… the cosmic cube… the visual binary cube.

We are not just film makers… we are influential story tellers and philosophers. The stories we tell inspire new ideas and moral outlooks that will shape our world. There is a new Spiritual class of unity, light, and order emerging through the story of the Friendship Cube. And as an IMDb reviewer, I hope to inspire film makers to tell this story.
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