
20 Reviews
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Monster (2022– )
The Most Insulting Show Ever Made Towards Humanity
21 April 2023
So Netflix went ahead and made a show about one of the most disgusting human beings who has ever lived, a serial killer that caused suffering to so many different human beings, they did not get the victim's family members consent to make the show, profited off of it, took it upon themselves to blatantly change true facts about the story, all just to make white people and black people hate each other??? It's the most insulting piece of cinema in the History of cinema, if you can even call it that. I cancelled my Netflix account about 4 episodes in directly because of this POS show, will never give them another dime. I advise anyone with a soul to do the same.
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The Worst Movie Of All Time
31 October 2021
The worst movie of all time. There are no words that can describe how much of an insult this is to the original.

This movie just broke cinema. It's painful to even think about.
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Crazy People (1990)
5 April 2021
I just re-watched this in 2021 for the first time since the early 1990s. It is laugh out loud hilarious, I had literal tears running down my face the entire movie from opening scene to end. Hilariously heartwarming!!
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Most inappropriate soundtrack in cinema history
18 November 2020
A movie about young tough homeless gangs on the street in Hollywood in the early 90s. So which artist did they choose for the soundtrack to give it that early 90's westcoast street cred: Eazy-E, Ice-Cibe, Snoop, Dre? None of the above. Instead, who dominated the soundtrack with 5 songs playing every 10 minutes unnecessarily and annoyingly the entire movie? Melissa Etheridge. WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THINKING???? Other than that, there were some decent young acting performances that would have made the movie worth watching, still probably would be if you're a true movie connoisseur. But trying to give it a street vibe, with the direction they consciously chose for this soundtrack, it's inescapable laughter trying to take this movie seriously. And that was the ultimate direction and intention for it. So it might be worth watching just to laugh at how hilarious it misses the mark almost a full 30 years later. I didn't see it until decades after it came out but lived in that era. I am fully confident I would have found it equally hilarious back then even as a 12 year old
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Season 3 - The worst season in the History of Television
8 July 2020
Going into Season 3, I had Westworld as the 3rd best show of all time. You would think with all that momentum going in, the addition of Aaron Paul would be enough to elevate it to goat status. Not only did that not happen, I had to drop Westworld from #3 to outside the Top 20 outright. It's pretty straightforward as to why. The show switches from a psychological thriller to a mindless kill show in World Record Timing. That's really all you need to know, all there is to say. So in conclusion, only watch Westworld Season 3 if you are into stupid mindless kill action genres that are John Wick-esque, do nothing to add to the fabric of society, & deteriorate the Soul away rapidly. That's all you're gonna find, all you're going to get, etc...

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The Shield: Spanish Practices (2007)
Season 6, Episode 10
The Best
24 May 2020
This is one of the best episodes ever in all shows
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All it does is keep insisting on itself over and over and over
6 April 2020
If you like those shows where nothing happens, everything is extra slow, then, nothing keeps happening, but the show keeps being pretentious anyway. If you like shows like that you'll love Tales From The Loop
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Wow is this bad
7 March 2020
Should be good, but is as unbearable as it gets. Terrible terrible terrible
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The Path (2016–2018)
Very Good Show
10 October 2017
"The Path" will appeal to anybody who has ever attempted to start their own religious or spiritual path, which indirectly involves every person in some way or another. The acting is fantastic. Aaron Paul & Michelle Monaghan are always very good, so no real surprise there. But they also co-produced this, & I think they did outstanding work. The show is one of those with very complex characters, real life people who you can identify with their pain & struggles. The star though is Hugh Dancy who plays Cal, the leader of "Meyerism." I've never seen him before, but he totally kills it and steals the show. I would give him an Oscar for best actor, hands down. Bravo Hugh!
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Lost (2004–2010)
The Best of the Best of the Best of the Best
12 May 2017
Lost is everything: It's a love story, it's a mystery, it's a psychological thriller, it's a horror movie, it's a comedy, it's about time travel, it's mythological, it tells stories in both linear and non-linear ways, it's musical, it's gangster, it's an adventure, etc. etc. etc...You see where I'm going with this. Lost is the best show ever, because it combines all the best elements of what makes TV and movies worth watching, and adds flawless production, compelling dialogue, excellent background music and sounds, all the other tedious behind the scenes stuff that go into creating a masterpiece. The fact that they were able to make the best show ever and it's not even rated R, speaks to it's true genius. Lost tackles the human experience in its entirety, in ways that rattle the viewer to the core. How 1 show can be so many different things at once, I honestly don't know how they did it, and if they'll ever be able to do it again.

But it's the sheer mystery of it, keeping you guessing from Episode 1 to Episode 121, that separates Lost from everything else. Watch it.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
This Show is Tight
14 March 2017
This show is so tight. Ellen Barkin totally nails it in the gangster grandmother/criminal role. All the actors play their roles to a "t." I don't know what makes this show so freakin awesome, but everything just flows perfectly. It kind of reminds me of a more gangster version of 90210, that whole Southern California vibe, kind of soap-opera-ish but in a good way, but with way more drugs, sex, violence, all that good stuff, etc...I know that all might sound stupid as hell, but this show just nails it. It is character driven, which is why I like it the most. It's kind of like Point Break 2.0 in some ways, which I also loved, the whole daredevil element added to it. I actually purchased all of these episodes so I could watch them whenever I want on the big screen. It's just the perfect show to sit back and chill to after a hard day's work and be entertained. I love it! Cannot wait until Season 2. Excellent job TNT! *Stands up and applauds for 10 minutes* You freakin nailed it!
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Point Break (2015)
This Movie Kicks Azz
20 September 2016
This movie will grab you from the opening scene all the way til the very end. Most of the reviews I've read on it are a joke. It sounds like people are romanticizing the first Point Break, and are unwilling to accept something new and fresh that is undeniably captivating because it has the same name. Kind of like those "I read the book so I will automatically trash the movie" people, cut from that same mold.

Make no mistake, this movie is awesome. The stunts are jaw-dropping and breath taking, the back story is unique and original, acting is fine for what it is.

Point Break is a good movie, will take that to the grave with me. But don't listen to me or the other biased opinions. Decide for yourself
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Just The Best
31 July 2015
In my 35 years on earth, I've been to just 2 movies that aroused an actual standing ovation from the audience in the theater: Speed & An Innocent Man. I was only 9 years old when this movie came out, so it's only right to first thank my parents for always allowing me and my brother the privilege to see "R" rated movies at such a young age.

There's just something about this movie that stirs up your emotions like none other. While some might call this a "B" movie, to me, the acting is just so real to life and spot on, much more realistic than say for people who are more purists when it comes to the art of movies.

There are several stand out performances here. David Rasche to me, should have won an Oscar for his role as one of two the dirty cops. He probably plays my favorite bad guy role of all-time, is just plain masterful every time he comes on the screen. Anybody who can make a bad guy like-able by being so over the top corrupt, you know there's something special going on.

Bruce Young as Jingles was another all-time classic character, another charismatic villain with a sparkle of gleam in his eyes. F. Murray Abraham was fantastic, as he delivers one of the best ending lines to a movie of all-time.

Honestly everybody who participated in An Innocent Man was on their A game, I can mention every single character here. I can talk about this movie forever, give you a standard IMDb review but I am not going to. I will simply say that if you really haven't seen this movie, you are missing out on something very magical.

This is my favorite prison movie ever made, slightly better than Shawshank for how down to earth it was. If it doesn't rattle your emotions you must be some type of surrogate. That, or a spiritual robot....
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Decent Comedy/Better Love Story
29 October 2014
The thing about this movie is it tries so hard to be a slapstick comedy. But the chemistry between Seth & Charlize is so genuine, it felt more like an actual love story.

There were both laugh out loud moments, as well as some uncomfortable ones. The entire first half of the movie I was adjusting to hearing Brian Griffin's voice come out of an actual human being. I didn't know that was his real voice, it was weird.

Giovanni Ribisi & Liam Neeson played their parts to perfection. There were also many surprise cameos throughout the film that were pretty random & hysterical.

I thought the funniest parts came at the end, which also plays to the movie's favor. Overall I liked Seth very much as an actor, very compelling. I hope some of the negative reviews don't dissuade him from keeping on with it
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Deja Vu (2006)
This Is My Favorite Movie Of All Time!
25 August 2014
Because Deja Vu is my favorite movie of all time, I figured it was only right for me to submit my own review for it.

If you have never seen this movie, I think it is very important that you know as little about the plot as possible going in. That's how it was for me, and I must say, the twists will really shock the daylights out of you this way.

I actually think it does this movie a GREAT injustice giving away certain information regarding the story the way it does basically everywhere I've read about it. Like imagine seeing A Beautiful Mind for the first time knowing the guy is a schizophrenic? Obviously the suspense wouldn't be the same.

Deja Vu is the same way. All you need to know is that it's an action thriller starring one of the best actors of all time, Denzel Washington. If you are fortunate enough to only know this seeing Deja Vu for the first time, it will change your rating from a 7 or 8 to a definite 10, I promise you!

That being said, even if you take away the initial suspense, this movie is so perfectly crafted that you will definitely want to own it so you can watch it over and over again. This is the most flawless action/sci-fi/psychological thriller of all time. I watch it 2-3 times every year, and simply cannot get enough of it. It's just one of those rare gems.

I love this movie!!!
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Unknown (I) (2006)
A Top 10 All Time Mystery/Thriller/Suspense Movie
13 August 2014
I have this movie ranked somewhere in the top 5 for best thrillers of all time. The best part about it is it is one of those rare movies that legitimately hooks you in during the first 10 minutes. It activates the hidden part of you that loves the having fun aspect while watching movies.

From the very first second to the very last you can't stop asking yourself just one question: What the heck is going on here??? The casting is magnificent. Any amnesia flick that features Joe Pantoliano (Memento), has to be great.

The thing is, I actually rate this movie higher than Memento. With Memento, you are waiting the entire movie to find out what happens at the beginning. In Unknown, you have to wait the entire film to find out what happens at the beginning AND the end. Any writer with that kind of imagination, my hat goes off to him.

Add Greg Kinnear, Barry Pepper, and Jeremy Sisto, and viola, you have the added element of great character development.

But the real star here is Jim Caviezel, and this movie really turned me on to start following and appreciating his work. It's his performance that makes "Unknown" one of the best thriller flicks of all time. The Liam Neeson movie should have left this title reserved for the classic it rightfully was, coming out 5 years after the fact.

This is just one of those movies that will keep passionate viewers addicted to the art of movies themselves. I cannot say enough about it, but, why don't you see for yourself? You will not regret it.
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Triangle (2009)
One of the Best Movies I've Ever Seen
9 August 2014
Writing reviews are tricky. How does one convey their emotions into words accurately? I find that when I read other reviews that give particular movies high praise, I immediately get defensive, questioning the writer's motives, thinking they are exaggerating, or worse, assuming that they are only twelve years old.

So I'll start my critique by stating that I am 34 years old and college educated (if that even matters). Triangle is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. The story is genius, the attention to detail is impeccable, the multiple camera angles used presenting the same situation from different vantage points is clever, the acting is superb, the influence taken from mythology gives the movie depth and substance, and the music that was chosen is the glue that, altogether, delivers an absolute perfect movie, overly impressive considering the budget was only 12 million.

I knew when I rented Triangle months ago I had just seen something extra special. But after seeing it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th time when it debuted on Showtime this week, I am willing to say that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. How many movies can you honestly say you watch in your lifetime that when the movie ends and the credits come on the screen, you immediately start it over from the beginning???

I can't remember many...One tip, if watching it for the first time, I would advise you to try to pay attention to every detail possible. It's not necessary, but you will appreciate the genius of the movie more the 1st time you see it. And last but not least, and most importantly, this is not just another redundant horror movie. If you assume that it is, you might develop a bad attitude and lose focus in the first 30 minutes, where things don't really blow your mind until about 35-40 minutes into it.

The funniest thing about IMDb is how you'll read reviews with people absolutely raving about movies, only to give them 7 or 8's. Triangle is an obvious 10, see for yourself!!!
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Such a Cool Movie
26 March 2014
I watched this movie 7-8 times in the first week after seeing it for the first time. Not because I had some bias going into it or because I wanted to like it that badly. It is just that awesome. I cannot say that about any other movie I have ever seen.

Why is it so good? It's original, creative, funny, suspenseful, but what it makes it truly unique is the way in which it provokes thought unlike any other movie before it as far as the viewers bettering themselves in life.

If you had access to 100% of your brain and had unlimited powers, how would you maximize them? What would be your ultimate dream???
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Eagle Eye (2008)
Exactly What You Hope For When Watching A Movie
24 March 2014
How can there be even 1 person on Earth who would actually go out of there to write a bad review about this movie? I guess I will never understand human beings and the dynamics that prevent them from appreciating good entertainment.

This movie is freaking awesome. One of the most original and clever plots to come out in the last decade. It's probably my favorite action/suspense/mystery movie since "Deja Vu." Shai LeBouf and Michelle Monahan are great. From 20 minutes in til the very end you are on the edge of your seat intrigued and captivated, always wondering what's going to happen next?

I don't write many reviews, but had to with this one, just in case there is someone on the fence debating whether or not they should give it a try. IMDb, as I'm sure regulars know can be very misleading with reviews, usually erring on the side of misguided negativity, for what reasons I have no earthly idea?

If you want to be entertained, get this movie. It might become one of your favorite action movies of all time, like in a Die Hard 1&2 kind of way. The only people I guess who didn't like it are "cinema purists", stuck in some past era, re-volving instead of e-volving...

Please don't let my amateur movie vocab delude your opinion. Just trust your gut on this one. If you have read this far, GET THIS MOVIE!!! Your inner voice is correct on this one!
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Middle Men (2009)
One Of The Best Under The Radar Movies Of All Time
28 August 2013
I ordered Middle Men because I like Luke Wilson. I was expecting nothing more than a 7-7.5.

This movie definitely surpassed my expectations and is better than 90% of the movies provided by Comcast Cable.

Comcast literally shows the same movies over and over and over to the point where it is downright insulting to me as a human being. I cannot for the life of me understand why? I have never been happier since I gave Netflix a try again, not the streaming kind, the one where you can pretty much order any movie that exists through the mail. It was the best decision I have made in years.

Middle Men is just another example of a great movie I had never heard of because it wasn't showing in the theaters or on cable but one I should have known about. It's near flawless, maybe a tad corny at times for a movie that ultimately takes itself seriously in the end. But nevertheless, it's extremely entertaining from start to finish. It gets a ten compared to most movies that only the casual viewer has the opportunity to see assuming they are limited to only movie theaters and cable.

I definitely give myself a pat on the back for discovering this one on my own. I will make the leap and call it a classic. Even James Caan has a pretty significant role in it, giving it the push it needed to go from good to elite. And the Ramsey girl is eye candy for sure

Check it out

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