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One of the oddest commercial movies I've ever seen..
14 March 2020
I don't know what to say, it's neither bad nor good. I'll just list some stuff...

The movie begins super serious. I knew nothing about this movie before I began watching it so I had zero expectations, I didn't even know the genre, but it starts off like a SUPER serious crime drama & then dives into a typical jokey, 2 Guns style Wahlberg picture. It was odd to say the least, it just didn't feel right, immediately I was unsettled.

Winston Duke (Hawk) felt absolutely empty, like he had no business being in the movie. You could have re-wrote the screenplay & written out his role in about 30 minutes, plus there was zero chemistry between him & Wahlberg. I don't think it was entirely Dukes fault, there wasn't enough in the script for him to really evolve, he felt kinda like some guy who's just finished university & landed a movie role by some absolute fluke. I felt like I was high whenever he popped up on screen, you remember when you used to smoke out & you'd analyse movies in really odd ways, that's how he made me feel.

Characters aren't balanced at all, it's like, "Oh hey Alan Arkin..." And he's gone for an hour... Who even was he? A parole officer? For a while I was convinced he was Wahlbergs dad & I was waiting for him to call him by that label at some point, thinking it was being withheld to make the audience go "ooohhh" maybe my attention lapsed when his character was introduced, I don't think so though.

Mark Wahlbergs girlfriend, WTF, how annoying can a character be? & who was she, his wife, his gf, did he live with her, seriously I just don't understand character relationships in this movie..

& yet, I've given it 5/10, which kinda feels like a slap in the face to every film I've ever watched.

It feels like a TV movie, it feels like a Netflix movie, at times it feels like a movie, some fight scenes will make you feel sick with how fast the shots are chopped, I tried counting at one point, there's a scene in a Mexican restaurant where each shot lasts less than half a second for about 30 seconds, it's extremely difficult to focus on and get any enjoyment out of the fight choreography, I felt asif Peter Berg got Paul Greengrass to shoot the fight scenes for a moment.

Idk, this film is so odd, I think it needs to be witnessed, it's ugly, it's super digital, characters don't gel well, entire characters feel like they had no reason for even being in the film, its just, almost impossible to put into words, I feel like changing my rating to a 3/10...
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21 Bridges (2019)
Missed the mark, lacks the magic...
22 February 2020
Run All Night, Street Kings, Heat, Den Of Thieves, The Negotiator, Training Day, Victoria, 16 Blocks... If you like any of those movies, you're definitely in the right place. Unfortunately it's missing something which is rather elusive...

It lacks memorable moments/acting.

You remember in the end of Street Kings when Forrest Whitaker is forced to explain his actions to Keanu Reeves, or the way Denzel delivered his lines as Alonzo with a side of goosebumps throughout Training Day. Do you remember marvelling at the brilliance of Al Pacino with his crazy off the cuff sounding remarks throughout Heat "GIMMIE ALL YA' GOT"... This film, lacks this.

Nothing ever really adds up well, you've got an intro with the main character as a child at his father's funeral which by the end fails to tie at all, except to serve as an example of the main characters moral code, we see his mom who's ill, also... Just because. You've got the brilliant Keith David... as a cameo!! The camera barely even brings him into focus, you've got a cast who all performed well but none really stood out.

It just doesn't really do anything new, there's nothing special here, it's just supremely average, only reason I gave it a 6/10 is because I love these kind of movies, and it does function well from beginning to end.

Sadly lacks the magic though.
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The Border (1982)
The lower critic reviews summed it up best...
1 December 2019
I'll speak plainly, I found it boring. The cover art looks great, the metascore & critic score seems inviting as does the synopsis & screen shots. Also once you see its a Jack Nicholson & Harvey Kietel movie you're immediately sold, but believe me when I say, it just doesn't work.

A lot of the movie feels asif it's been shot from a helicopter, that's how empty & dull alot of the scenes in this movie are. It's asif nobody has much to say. There's not really any classic lines/conversations, theres not much room for a standout performance, it just teeters on at a slow pace until the end.

Nothing evoked any emotion, nothing spoke to me, it was just dull & empty. It sets up something early on where a border patrol man is shot in what feels like a set-up/execution, & you feel asif later on Nicholsons character will work it out. But no, never brings it up again. Also Kietel character seems to just dissappear for long segments, & relationships between bad guys are never really touched on.

Feels like a TV movie which could have been a classic with alot of tweaking in the script/story.

5/10 very 'meh' not the worst film in the world, but not something I'd ever recommend.
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You Kill Me (2007)
Wasn't my cup of tea...
16 February 2019
Imagine Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) mashed with The Family (2013) (yes I'm aware this movie is older than The Family).

Now imagine, all of those movies that you stumble across on IMDb, with great casts, great ratings and very few votes, (you know them, under the radar films). Yet when you watch these highly/mid-level rated, under the radar movies, it dawns on you why you've never heard about it much before. It's because there simply isn't much to like in it.

Ben Kingsley absolutely butchered the American accent. I wished an excuse would have been written into the script for his character to be British instead.

The movie constantly gave out this European kinda vibe, you know them kind of accordion sounds, that sounds like your on a little boat in France; it didn't fit well.

The cast weren't used to there maximum potential, neither were scenes which you expect something good from, yet they go nowhere.

Finally I'll just say, the story gets more absurd throughout. Seriously, suspend your disbelief for the final few minutes. Also, Luke Wilsons character felt utterly useless as did his side story of being gay, was that seriously just because it was set in San Francisco? Anyhow, the most likeable character in the movie had zero bearing, and the most hateable character (Bill Pullman) well, watch the film and you'll see.... Exactly.
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The Salvation (2014)
Slides downhill throughout..
6 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a movie that just gets worse and worse, I'll just list things that will give you a rough idea.

1) It felt fake, the sets, the costumes, the camera angles, the direction, (some of the casting, some of the acting) it felt like a movie, and it was for these reasons that I just couldn't get into it. Go and watch a movie like 'The Proposition' and look at how hard they went into making the costumes by hand, and dirtying up the sets to the point of realism, with a fantastic soundtrack / camera operation / editing / cinematography / directing. Compare it to this and you'll realise just how stale this movie really is. The sets felt like they were made of clean plywood that were built last week, nothing felt aged, it was very disappointing.

2) Eric Cantona... As much as I loved the guy during his football career, he completely breaks the fourth wall, it's like this constant reminder that what you are watching is completely fake, and it doesn't allow you to really get into the movie once you lay eyes on him. It felt like someone behind the scenes was doing him some sort of favour and they had to sell out their standards to repay it.

3) Eva Green... She seemed like she was playing the role of a gothic witch of some sort, she felt completely out of place in the movie, and with the budget constraints that the movie constantly stunk of, it had me wondering the entire time, "why not just cast a woman who doesn't cost half a million - 1 million (or more) especially if she doesn't even have to speak a line throughout the entire film" my guess is you'd have a thousand pretty women that fit the profile, and would literally work for nothing for the opportunity to be in a film, and I reckon they all could have done a better job than Eva Green, who has facial expressions and characteristics that only feel at home in a kids film.

4) Nightime scenes shot in daylight and then edited to look dark. Urgh.

5) Soundtrack was a forgetful mess, all the music sounded like a song you've heard before and then changes into something else, it's asif they needed a jumping off point for every song in the movie, by using the beginning of better more successful songs from the past.


6) What happened to the kid in the end, there was no clarification, it's asif the director/editor completely forgot to tie his character off. Not only that but the last interaction we see between him and 'Mads' is when he's telling him he can't come yet in the next scene, they're double teaming the enemy quarters, it's so stupid, watch that scene again and tell me I'm wrong.

Look, this films a cheap mess, the only reason it's got a 5/10 is because I'm very lenient, and also the stage coach scene, the offering up of town citizens scene and the prison break scene were all very enjoyable, also I'm a big fan of Mads Mikkelsen, it's a shame that all else surrounding the movie, bars Mads and them select scenes was a disaster.
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Worst story focus in history.
25 November 2018
I won't say much. This film deserves no more of my time.

They gave German Psychiatrist Carl Jung a complete British accent, even though in reality he spoke with a thick German accent, and even worse, they had Michael Fassbender play Jung, an actor fluent in German, and they never used this to their advantage or to add to realism once.

Kiera Knightly plays a mash up of about 20 different accents, in the beginning you will be forgiven for thinking she's from America (New York specifically) although this changes to Knightlys impression of a Russian/Jewish/German/USA blend throughout. Very odd casting choice.

As far as, costumes, makeup, locations, sets & cinematography go, this is a 9/10 - 10/10 movie. To be honest, It's due to the above points raised that it manages to retain any score above a 2/10.

Where this movie truly crashes and burns is the story focus, the Kiera Knightly episode never ends, literally 5 minutes will not go by where they cut from a scene that's starting to become interesting in its debate, to cut to more Knightly madness.

There's so much more I can say, I could speak about what's wrong with this movie all day. But I seriously cannot waste any more time on it.

In summary it's a movie that looks great, is about characters you may have always had an interest in, includes actors you're probably huge fans of and a director with many accolades; it's just a shame that this is so far from being one of them.
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Nothing to jump out of a plane over...
30 October 2018
Apart from Nic Cage freak outs and a nice 90's film stock, there nothing more to see here (unless you're an Elvis fan) the story gets more and more nonsensical and unforgivable as the movie goes on, I understand it's a road trippy kinda over the top comedy, but even still the reactions of characters that behave like real people but make decisions like imbeciles (SJP) make it an annoying watch.

The Bruno Mars cameo was a crazy thing to see; especially it being so long ago. Also some scenes in the movie do reach an 8/10 level as stand alone scenes, which end's up making the experience even more sad due to the film not gluing together well at all.

James Cann couldn't even save it; as the bad guy supposed murderer who can't even say a cuss word or become violent/realistic in the slightest, due to age rating constrictions.

Finally I will say, I can understand how this could be some people's favourite movie of all time, due to nostalgia etc, I have a whole list of bad movies that I've loved since childhood too, and watching this movie as a child I thought I remembered it being better myself, sadly not.
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Nightwatch (1997)
14 October 2018
Just a quick review, this movie felt very by the numbers for me. I liked the licenced music, it had a very late 90's/early 00's kinda vibe like Garbage and that other kind of music you remember playing in video game stores as a kid haha. Although the music composed specifically for the movie felt cheap and uninteresting, almost felt like a rip off in some scenes; anyone familiar with Death Wish 2 would know what I mean.

There was some nice cinematography in the movie, a few shots where done well and looked pleasing to the eye, but that's exactly what this movie is, it looks better than it actually is, characters don't gel very well, some characters are built too much whilst others, not enough. Sometimes it feels like a horror movie in the making and the next it's a music montage, some characters just straight up dissappear without a feeling of closure, there's some whack editing and to top it all off there's this side story of a bad relationship that never goes anywhere neither does it really relate to the story...

Anyways, it's very meh, I will watch the original instead sometime in the future and see if I prefer it, which I believe I will probably should have watched it first, but I only just found out that this was a remake after I finished watching it!
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South Park: Dead Kids (2018)
Season 22, Episode 1
Back to basics.
2 October 2018
I feel asif South Park has returned to it's roots.

The last 2 - 3 seasons have been hit and miss for me, and Season 21 in particular was abysmal! How long could they carry on with Cartman in a relationship & Member Berry's, it stopped being funny after 1 damn episode.

I prayed they'd go back to 1 story per episode and it feels asif they have, let's just hope this Black Panther joke doesn't run for the whole season now.

The problems I've had with South Park in the previous couple of seasons was that they had become tame, and the meanings behind the story's felt way too (read between the lines) ish, rather than tackling it head on like the South Park of the past would have. The Halloween episode for instance where the witches were kidnapping children. We all know what it was pertaining too after some research, but man was it masked, I've missed the South Park that was offensive, head on, the kinda episodes you watch and think "wow, how was that even aloud to air" and that's what they've given us with this first episode.

Randy will always be my favourite character so an episode of so much Randy was bound to be a hit for me.

Lastly I just want to say, watching the new South Park episode and comparing it to the new Family Guy episode has made me realise, you'd be lucky to get 1 genuine belly laugh per SEASON with Family Guy, whereas with South Park, a bad EPISODE is one where you only laugh 2 - 3 times, for me, this really goes to show the levels of humour in each show, and how dry Family Guy actually is.

South Park ftw.
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Comedown (2012)
Could have been so much more.
19 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a below par British horror film, that could have been a surprise hit.

I'm just gonna list the things I felt were wrong with the film...

Some of the actors were weak as hell, some over acting, some under acting. Made me feel asif there was a good chance that I myself could go out tomorrow and get an acting job, they were sometimes that bad.

The characters never really felt asif they clicked, I didn't understand the relationships between them so they didn't mix well, plus none of the characters were really drawn out well on their own so you just have to take the stereotype list out in order to understand them...

1) Weak white boy pyromaniac

2) Mouthy over the top mixed race guy

3) Pregnant girl

4) Sketty girl

5) Big stupid, soft at heart guy

6) Just left prison guy, getting himself in order

Literally nobody in this movie grows, or surpasses the stereotype that their characters are written as. This is something I'd be willing to forgive if the horror was there but they mess that up too.

Nothing in this movie is actually scary, except the reality check at the ending which did surprise me, they could have went down other roads, but they didn't. So I'm glad to see abit of originality where the ending was concerned.

Geoff Bell... Having Geoff Bell in the movie as the bad guy and keeping him hooded up for 90 percent of the movie barely speaking a line of dialogue is a sin on its own, if you've seen Geoff Bell in 'The Business' than I'm sure you know what he's capable of, unfortunately in this film it's asif he doesn't even exist.

Man what more is there to say, Imagine a scene where the elevator door opens, and theres the bad guy standing at the end of the hall way, drapped in darkness, running towards the lift at full speed as the kids are desperately hammering at the buttons, trying to get the doors to close, that's horror, there was nothing of the sort in this movie.

Also where was the comedy too? I like Adam Deacon but his mad ramblings were doing nothing for me here. I pictured a scene where he screams, and everyone runs to him like "what's wrong" and he's just screaming cause he's got a bit of dirt on his new trainers, stuff like that was not crafted for this movie.

Plus all of them supposedly used to live in the tower, and there wasn't even a scene crafted where one of them is in a flat that they grew up in, maybe it would have been a good scene to include a flashback, of them as children, to break up the movie a bit, maybe it would have involved the main guy and Adam Deacons character making friends again and teaming together, seeing as they were mortal enemies with no sign of ever being friends throughout the whole movie.

Where was the drug effects throughout the film, they disappeared as soon as the drugs went, also, nobody's phone worked when the radio signal was up (stupid anyway) but nobody's phone worked after it was broke either, it's the only tower in London that can't carry a damn phone signal, why couldn't they at least all have left their phones on the table and when they returned to the room, they was all gone, to explain for the fact that they can't call out for help, maybe a scene where they had to retrieve a phone from the dead 554 guy could have been added.

Urgh I could go on and on and on, I'm gonna have to stop, could have been a classic 8/10 movie, ended up in the trash pile.

3/10 (I'm being generous)
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Safe (1995)
Great sound, great cinematography, not much else...
18 September 2018
To put it plainly, this movie was boring, it's one of those where it becomes a task to get to the end, you'll find yourself checking how longs left and how much that is minus credits.

I'm not trying to trash is completely though, the acting was a solid 10/10, the cinematography was beautiful, felt like a Stanley Kubrick movie at times with the attention to detail on the camera work at a perfectionist level. The sound design was brooding at times. Really made you feel invested in the panic attack scenes, it's just apart from that there wasn't much of a story.

The main 2 characters had zero level of connection and I suppose this was apparent from the off set that it was a dead marriage with the sex scene in the beginning when we see she's getting no amount of pleasure from the intercourse. Also she's unbelievably soft/submissive which gave you little to like about her character, time and time again you'll want to shout lines of dialogue for her at the screen when instead she comes out with a blundering fools statement.

I don't know what else to say, the film just felt flat and dead in the water to me, visually stunning, sounds intriguing, but not one character to like, not one line of memorable dialogue, just meh. I'd be tempted to view it again in the future just because of the fantastic camera shots, the framings of the rooms, set designs, 80s/90s feeling, but the story carried no weight with me.
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It (I) (2017)
IT... (a paedophiles dream, a Scooby Doo fans nightmare)
5 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna play around, I'll just cut straight to the points.

Things I didn't like:

Pennywise (the clown) sounded very similar to Scooby Doo, imagine Scooby Doo, with a slightly menacing voice and you pretty much got Pennywise voice down. Seriously I didn't know whether to laugh or what whenever he spoke, don't get me wrong he was scary sometimes but most of the time I was laughing at how much he sounded like Scooby Doo or struggling to hear exactly what he was saying (on one part he even sounded like Daniel Day Lewis in 'There Will Be Blood')

Some terrible acting from the kid that took the pills in particular, mixed with every character not being likable, except the fat kid, neither none of the kids being relatable, neither much bonding or growth between characters either, I don't think the black kid in the film even got a chance to speak did he? For real characters were weak as hell.

The violence towards children & amongst the children was absurd & I'm not even a religious person. I've played violent games like Manhunt, GTA and watched movies like Natural Born Killers, all my life, so you could say I'm very desensitised to this stuff. Although even I thought the situations the kids found themselves to be in were just borderline satanic and added nothing to any kind of horror, art or creative elements, just pure shock value. It just seems asif many scenes were made to set the bar even higher of what things can be shown in films these days. You know typically in a movie, if it's like a home invasion scene for example they'll show a man shot, even a woman shot. But when it comes to the child, you just hear the sound of the gunshot and maybe see a small body bag later on. This film does not do that. Within minutes we see a child with his arm cut off, and later, we see the same kid shot point blank in the head with a cattle gun. By kid you might be thinking like some 14 year old who looks like he can pass for 17... Nooo no, i'm talking about a 5 year old here, 6 at the most. Is this the kind of entertainment you wanna see? Really? I thought people were overly desensitised when films like Hostel and Saw came out, I shudder to imagine the kind of things people will class as normal in 10 years from now. (Shocked the rating was a 15 to be honest) The fact other people haven't mentioned this and shot it down for this has annoyed me too, it's disgusting.

Another message the film seemed to convey throughout was sex and profanity amongst those viewed as innocent. It was asif Hollywood's top paedophiles, Charlie Sheen, Roman Polanski, Victor Salva and the rest of the gang all got together and decided to make their dream film, a film where kids run around in their pants, shout obscenities every 5 seconds, & make sexual references every 10 seconds. And we're supposed to believe this is set in the 80's? Go watch an 80's film, people didn't speak this bad back then, it's like they wrote a script for 2017 kids, but their environment just looks 80'sish. I think they really failed to capture the spirit of the 80's with the script. I know 18 year old, 20 year old, older, younger with more restraint than these kids, it felt odd throughout the entire film with just how much bad language was said.

Why was it that eveeeeery parent was a big bad wolf, I'm not talking 1 or 2 I'm talking eveeeeery single one in the film. Actually no, it was every adult now that I think back, from a sexual abusing dad, to the emotional abusing dad, to the black kids overly harsh guardian, to the main kids dad who we see in one scene talking smmmmack to his kid (and his mom who doesn't exist) to the kid who takes pills who's mom had this evil way about her, even the pharmacist was a full blown paedophile, who the young girl just knew would fall for her young charm, like am I the only one seeing this!!!! I saw it with my aunt, and we both saw it the same way. There was a very menacing undertone throughout this film that either... (A. People are too desensitised to see it. Or (B. People are seeing it but nobody is talking about it.

I felt almost asif the film is a part of an agenda to desensitise people to paedophilia, something which, would not surprise me with all the things I've heard from Hollywood.

All in all I gotta say, horror wise it was better that most the crap that comes out these days, it's got plenty of scares that come at a really balanced rate, it's not just clowns either, you got zombies, abstract things, ghosts, all sorts, so as far as that goes it gets a good mark. The overuse of CGI (which was expected for the director of the unbelievably terrible Mama) really let it down though in my opinion, I can't seem to find things that I can see too be computer generated as scary. To be honest I could go on and on about this film, the ending was terrible, some parts didn't even make sense. I'm baffled as to how it's almost made IMDb's top 250 films of all time to be fair. I gave it a 6/10 and with its disturbing undertones and it's debauchery, it's lucky to have even got that, maybe if the films wasn't so obviously a product of the ages we live in and it could have produced scares withing sinking to sick levels, I could have rated it higher. But nope, it's a low 6 for me.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Meh... Letdown
30 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this movie about 3 times now, and I'll start off by saying I'm a huge Sci-fi fan, as is my aunt, it's probably our favourite genre. Anyway she had never seen this film before so we both sat down and watched it together; afterwards she said exactly what I expected her to say "how is that, one of the best films of all time?"

I truly can't believe how disappointing it actually is, maybe if it wasn't praised so much, therefore living up to an expectation, we could have enjoyed it more? I don't know.

Harrison Ford was the most boring, uninteresting character I have ever laid my eyes on, there was nothing about him that grabbed me ever. He was just so stiff and generic, one of the dullest performances I've ever seen, and not only that, he basically rapes the replicant Rachael, that was actually very uncomfortable to watch, and made me hate him when I saw how he treated her, basically telling her what to feel, absolutely sick.

Also was Deckard a replicant? I saw the final cut version each time I viewed the movie and it's never really felt to be explained, it's dropped in there slightly but not really touched on? Or was my attention drifting from boredom, I don't know.

I've gotta say, I loved the movie Brazil, The Thing, Matrix, Dark City, 1984, and I felt like this was a bit of a mixture of movies like that, but one with a really lack of story, a lack of a moral message, no social commentary, I just couldn't find anything in it, I'm baffled as to how it's so praised.

I will say the soundtrack was sometimes beautiful, the sets were done very well and are really immersive (especially when you take age into account) and it was certainly different from any other movie of it's sort. Also Ruther Hauer provided a legendary performance, it's a real shame how little of him is actually in the film, same goes for Daryl Hannah and the guy that made the little dummy things. It's for the reasons above I gave it a 6/10 (61/100).

All in all, All the actors and actresses that played replicants, we're superb, especially Rutger. Great sets, creative with some good music, I just found Harrison Ford to be a bore, the story was boring, the script was mostly boring, and I found very little deepness inside the film, just a letdown really...
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