20 Reviews
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Amistad (1997)
Not a history fan!
2 May 2005
I am not much of a history fan but i seemed to like this movie very much. it thought the acting was very good and the movie was very moving and compelling. it seemed to be full of general sadness but somewhat relief at the end. even though discrimination it still around today the movie showed how bad it started out as and how it still exists today. i think the movie showed that people can still be cruel and mean to different races and people and parts of life. i found the movie to sad from beginning to end and though it got boring it was still worth watching. i suggest this movie to history teachers and history lovers everywhere.i really enjoyed watching a movie that was not lied about and seemed to be truthful. everyone did a good job and it shows while you are watching the movie.
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Didn't like the movie..............
2 May 2005
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This movie seemed to be boring and stupid. I did not find it to be funny and i do not believe its based on a true story but it might be based on somewhat true events. I know this movie got acclaim from a lot of audiences, but i mean i guess some parts were scary, and then some did not keep my attention. i did not even think this movie was scary in the dark. and i know this movie probably has a lot of followers and I'm sure they have their reasons for liking it but i am not one of those people. i mean the movie seemed script and fake written. Now where are these words anyways and is there a real record of a real Blair witch? and has anyone returned to the woods where the story took place? did they ever find the bodies? sorry not a big fan but don't mind watching it.
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Jason (1996)
Jason goes on a rampage!
1 May 2005
Oh my gosh Jason! bad bad bad! so funny and good its bad but it can scare you but i mean how scary is a guy with a hockey mask and really cant speak English well!!! i mean i guess its scary but for about 15 minutes! but i mean some people get scared easily! but hey ya not much to say but Freddy rocks over Jason anytime, anyplace and anywhere example Freddy vs.Jason!!!they might make a sequel! but then again effects weren't great back then!! i mean it was good but then got boring sorry Jason! i mean i didn't really understand the story but i mean does anyone understand stories like these!! really funny! i think i leave you with this comment don't make a guy with a hockey mask and a bad past and a potential very dangerous weapon upset off because he'll eventually come and get you trust me! just kidding enjoy kids!
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The Patriot (2000)
Love Mel Gibson
1 May 2005
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I'm not a big war movie fan and not a big Mel Gibson fan but i was both happy and surprised to be enjoyed by the film. the blood and gore did not bother me that much because it is not like i have not seen it in movies before. i thought the movie was very informative and had a lot of good characters and villains. it did not portray history as a bad thing but as something that happened that we should be proud of and yes some bad things happened during history and we can hope none of them to be repeated with time. i thought Mel Gibson did a great job and there were many young actors who got more career opportunities. i found the movie to be overall good but not great. i think war type movie fans will greatly enjoy this movie.
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Did not get noticed but good
1 May 2005
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This movie did not get much attention and was rarely talked about when it was first released in the movies or when it was released on DVD or VHS. I first watched this movie with my friend and to our surprise we both enjoyed it. I mean the acting was good and i mean the story was interesting, its one of those movies that does not have enough information or effects that might keep ones attention but sometimes those type of movies can be good if you are not in the mood to figure out to much. i mean there was not a great cast but there was talent and the actors did a good job. i found the movie to be some what boring but it kept my attention and i found it be interesting. many people disagree.
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I laughed so hard!
1 May 2005
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i mean the premise and story line of the movie was so bad and somewhat confusing that it made it so good that it was so funny. i mean yeah i guess a guy with a rain coat and a hook can be pretty funny but somewhat scary then its a good movie, i gave it a 5 because a 5 usually means mediocre then it was worth watching but worth watching at home. I thought the movie was funny i mean some of the situations that happened and then they had to make a even more poorly done and bad sequel i mean i hate how you know he does not die and you know hes coming back but you wanna just kill him. its one of those movies that you scream at it while you are watching it you can not help but want to jump into the movie and tell the people to move out of the way or want to tell them the killer is right there! i mean its one of those movies that are funny but keep you on the edge of your seat because you wanna scream and tell them the killer is right there?
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Pretty Good
1 May 2005
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I mean when i first watched the movie for the first time it was not good but it was not bad. i found it to be scary and comical. Freddy is a really good and developed character in my opinion. i mean the movie is really old so the effects were mediocre and the acting was not that great but i mean they did the best they could and for the time it was made in it was considered a really good and scary movie. i mean today people tend to make fun of it but it is one of those movies that you probably laugh about with your friends but if you were to watch it alone it would creep you out and would not be able to go to bed. i mean i gave it a 5 because it is not good but its not bad and I'm sure devoted fans love to watch their favorite clawed hand freak show.
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Sin City (2005)
Loved it!
1 May 2005
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I'm not a fan of the comic book movie type genres but i loved this movie it was a ten, finally something i can enjoy and watch without getting bored. This movie contained nudity, language and violence, but it did not seem to bother me because stuff like that i can watch but if your not a person that can watch things like these or get confused easily by to many story lines you might not enjoy this movie as much as other comic book fans would or just regular fans. This movie full of suspense, hate, pain, love and salvation all in one. I suggest this movie for people who like suspense and movies that have to figure out because its fun once you know whats going on but if you don't like waiting then you might not like the movie, but if you do not mind waiting for the end of a movie i suggest this. The cast includes B.Willis, N.Stahl, E.Wood, J.ALba and B.Del Toro and many other new and old favorites.
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Not good, not bad!
1 May 2005
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I found this movie to be bearable and very funny but somewhat scary. i mean the effects were so fake and the actors were just okay. but i mean i think i liked this one the best. and Micheal was seemed more scary and angry this time. if i may so. some moments were scary, some sexy and other just plain comical (laughs). i think the cast was more well put together and a younger cast made younger and devoted fans like it even more. there were some tension in the movie that made it really good and suspenseful. and I'm not like a devoted fan or anything but this movie made me want to watch the past movies even though no other movies will have the same effect as the first one, this one seemed to meet up to what people wanted. i love the music i mean without the movie wouldn't be as a scary trust me. it makes you think twice about going out on Halloween night.
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My Dog Skip (2000)
Made Me Cried!
1 May 2005
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I don't really like these kind of sappy and tear dropper movies,and i don't like Frankie Muniz. But i mean i loved the dog so cute and cuddly. it made me cry, laugh and cheer all in one and i don't cry easily and i have a dog just like my dog Skip so it made me cry even more. my dogs name is Woody.The beginning was happy, the middle was full of drama and understanding and the end was so sad. I mean i suggest if your a dog lover and you love sappy movies this movie is for you all the way Skip! But i still don't like F.Muniz but the movie wasn't that bad and Luke Wilson and Kevin Bacon were in it. found the movie to be heartwarming and lovable, I'm more of a horror film worshiper.
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Better Then The First
1 May 2005
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I really like the first mummy and i was so exited when i heard they were going to make a sequel i mean normally i don't like sequels but this was wasn't better then the first but i mean it wasn't worse either. it did a really good job. i liked the actors and the characters they portrayed. the storyline and effects were awesome, and they weren't fake and the movie did not insult the audience's intelligences either. I love how then after the sequel they made the ride, in Florida at the theme park the ride was great. I loved the little kid, the son, he was really good and convincing. And the end i think there going to make a third one i hope they do.
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I laughed and cried!
1 May 2005
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I mean i loved the actors that were in it and i love the family problems because it showed a very dysfunctional family because most of the time family's are shown as happy and getting along with minor fights and arguments. But this movie made me laugh and cry and i don't cry easily trust me. Every actor seemed to give it all and seemed to really care about what they were doing. it dealt with issues people might not want to talk about or might not want to face in todays world. Many scenes seemed to match everything and seemed to effect a lot of peoples reactions. I seemed to like the movie and i was really surprised because I'm not a big dramatic and crying type films. but this film seems to be a film that everyone could enjoy and watch together.
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Club Dread (2004)
Laugh Out Loud!
1 May 2005
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Laugh Out Loud! So funny and humorous! I mean it made no sense at all and i mean their was no story just a lot of killings and funny things that kept happening to a bunch of comical and stupid people! i mean i saw it at home and like rented it off the television and i couldn't help but laugh because of situations that occurred! club dread what does that even mean seriously? i mean broken lizard's! wow what a ride that i thought i would never be happy about but i was, its one of those movies that are so bad and so stupid and funny thats its so good i mean off color humor right? you got to agree here, i mean i don't even know what was going and couldn't really tell you anything that happened because i don't remember anything, sorry maybe you'd understand if you were high or something? does anyone know?
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Because I'm nice
1 May 2005
I mean i thought this movie was boring and childish and lord of the rings was 100% better. I'm sorry but i thought the books were boring and the movie were even worse. I mean bad acting and bad effects, to computerized and not believable at all. I mean the only character i liked was Malfoy, because it bad but i mean i like the bad guys. I mean i don't know what else to say but this movie was very disappointing and upsetting at the same time. I'm sorry but LOTR'S thats where i'd give a good review. I mean i think the HP movies are aimed at younger audience but it sure seems like it, and maybe thats why i didn't like it but my sister is 23 and she loved it so i mean i guess if you've read the books and you're a devoted fan then you'd totally love the movies!
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The Ring (2002)
Why even see the sequel?
1 May 2005
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I saw it at home and in the threaters and i laughed both times because the second time it was even funnier. I mean i did not even really understand the story that much and u did not even care what happened to the characters. I mean the little boy it did not even act scared he acted like a know it all. and Samuara she wasn't even scary i would be her friend and i mean she had a right o kill people they were stupid enough to watch the tape. you go girl! i mean the only scary thing was the music i mean without it, it would of been even less scary, not that i found it scary. i mean what was the director thinking? i mean and then the sequel what was the director thinking again? girl watched tape, girls son watches tape and then girl in tape attacks people who watched tape and dies in 7 days! sorry this movie was just plain awful and a disgrace
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Spider-Man (2002)
Not a comic book fan!
1 May 2005
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Did not like this movie at all because I'm not a comic book fan. I mean i thought the movie was boring and the only good thing was the effects. and I'm being nice. I mean not a fan of Tobey either i mean it made his character too wimpy and sensitive and he really isn't a heart throb to play spider man. I found i was yawning a lot. I mean the villains were good because i like the dark side but i mean this time i did not find the villains to be attractive or sexy or even have any kind of appeal at all! I'm sorry but i own the DVD and i only watched the movie once, sort a like the ring but thats for another review! sorry Tobey you really made me angry and upset after watching you portray spider man in such a disgusting way! no offense to comic book fans because I'm sure you liked the movie
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Laughed So Hard! It was worth it!
1 May 2005
This movie was good and i was surprised because it was a remake and I'm not a big fan of remakes i like original material. I found some parts to be suspenseful and creepy and other parts to be funny and comical especially if you see or watched the directors cut. I liked the characters and it didn't really copy the original in the same way and i liked it because it was different. I mean originally the movie was rated NC-17 because of the further inappropriate material in the movie, but then they cut it down, and some of that material is in the directors cut. I mean the director really showed his skills, and i mean the movie was taken totally seriously, but i mean it was better then i thought it was going to be, so good job! The music, the acting and the effects were all good!
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Saw (2004)
Where did the movie go?May be a spoiler
1 May 2005
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I went to go see it opening day and i was extremely disappointed and upset when i was done watching it. I didn't like the storyline, the acting and special effects. I mean the previews made it seem so good but then i saw it and wanted my money back. I know a lot of people that really enjoyed and said it was good and i could't understand why even when they were explaining it, and i mean not to offend anyone that liked but there so many things wrong with it. And their making a sequel what were they thinking? just wondering. I mean it was like four cases in one movie which is usually really good and interesting but i just found the movie to be insulting to peoples intelligence i mean the guy who worked on the Matrix made this movie what happened? i mean and Danny glover's character bad bad bad choice. I mean i knew in the end you could figure out what happened but come on geese they could of done something else. the threater i went in everyone went in happy and came out upset. I mean i had to many questions at the end.
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The Birds (1963)
Watch out for the Birds!!!
1 May 2005
The Birds by Hitchcock is one my favorite movies of all time! and i also love the director Hitchcock, because is smart, interesting and for his time his movies were very high-tech and was an original inventor. Even though this movie is old, it's still a great movie, i'm not a big fan of the new movies because i mean I'm not a big fan of the language, nudity and other aspects. I mean it does not bother me but i liked the old movies because you could imagine what was happening and you could use your imagination today it seems like people cant think for themselves and would rather not. I mean for the example the old version of the "Texas Chain saw Massacre" it didn't have to show people being killed by blood and gore as much and you could use your imagination, and that's what i liked about old movies. I mean everyone is entitled to their opinions but i just like the old movies, but i mean i like the new ones too. it just seems like new movies are fake and not productive.
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Scream and run if you hear a chainsaw coming your way!
1 May 2005
This movie cause it's based on actual events really creeped me out but i mean if it wasn't it wouldn't of made me scream and be as jumpy as much as i did! i think the original one was better not a big blood and gore fan sorry! but i mean i thought the acting was convincing and real! the effects were good and overall believable but I'm disappointed when a remake cant beat out the original in competition I'm so sick of remakes! but i mean "leatherface" when he raved up that chainsaw made me think twice about making a scare guy with a scary family really upset and now I'm never going to Texas! i only gave it a 5 because it didn't match up to the original, too much blood and gore and some parts weren't as convincing as other i liked how they went back and forth from the real tape to the movie but i mean it seemed like i had to make a lot of stuff up because they didn't have enough information to supply to the audience! but i mean i give the director and the actor props!
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