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Succession: Sh*t Show at the F**k Factory (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
This one hits differently now
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having finished the series and on a second rewatch it's very clear, especially after Conner's Wedding in Season 4 is like the spiritual sequel to this, that this show had it from episode 2. It's hilarious, especially Cousin Greg's bumbling, it's witty, it's dark, it's emotional, every actor understands their characters. I absolutely think this is a show that requires and rewards your full attention. Put your phone away and pay attention to every detail and you'll enjoy one of the smartest and expertly performed shows ever to grace our screens. It's Lion in Winter and King Lear meets Arrested Development and a David Mamet play. And on first viewing I wasn't convinced until episode 6, but no... it had the lightning in the bottle from here.
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Schmigadoon!: Bells and Whistles (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Jammed Packed with Broadway references
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Your enjoyment of this episode or the show as a whole is going to largely depend on your enjoyment of Broadway. The first season was delightful, I found the subplot with Aaron Tveit and the references to Carousel particularly funny, but this season deals with probably my favorite era of musicals, and this episode jam packs references to Hair, Godspell, Grease, Chicago, Chorus Line, Company, Annie, Jesus Christ Superstar, and probably most importantly Sweeney Todd. Alan Cumming and Kirstin Chenoweth as the Sweeney and Lovett stand ins and Patrick Page as the Judge Turpin are providing most of the laughs, especially Patrick Page whipping himself as a reference to the Judge's cut number from Sweeney. I think any theatre fan can call who The Butcher's wife is gonna be and that she is still alive (I'LL DRINK TO THAT). I can absolutely see how this show is just not gonna be it for anyone who hates musicals, but also it's perfectly okay to just not review it and move along, this show has a niche audience and I'm one of them and loving it.
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
I've been waiting for this one
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Winter section with David the Cannibal is my favorite section of both games and this episode did it Justice completely. Some with a more closed mind are gonna take issue with the additions of David being a "preacher" (the banner in the restaurant with the religious jargon is in the restaurant in the game when you fight David if you are able to look around while sneaking for your life) or the omission of Ellie and David fighting side by side against a horde of infected (yes that did make the reveal that he's a bad guy even more gasp worthy) but those changes didn't make this episode any less satisfying, intense, and disturbing. Furthermore the dialogue and iconic moments they did keep were done incredibly well. My parents have never played or seen the game and they are enthralled. I absolutely love the entire series and if they stick the landing with next week's finale, this show will be remembered as a masterpiece alongside the game (which I just played through on Grounded mode last week, holy crap that was difficult)

Shout out to Scott Shepard for a great performance as David. Troy Baker in a great little supporting role as James and of course Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey who have been killing it all season.
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Blockbuster (2022)
3 November 2022
It's got a likeable cast with some great defined comedy types, though already there's a cliche will they/won't they which I kinda wish writers could move on from. I'm not bored watching it, and I never feel like they are trying too hard or the episode plots aren't holding my interest. It's just not funny. Laugh out loud or chuckle worthy. Nothing. But it's warm and positive and makes you feel cozy like a Superstore or Parks and Rec, but not laugh out loud funny like them. This is simply easy to watch if you wanna put something on in the background while playing Candy Crush on your phone, but this show doesn't come out of the gate as a winner like Brooklyn 99 or The Good Place did. Maybe the writing staff will step it up with the jokes and the wit if it gets another season, plenty of these comedies have had extremely weak season ones and went on to greatness (The Office and Parks and Rec)

Also the irony of Netflix making this show is appealing enough to make it a 6/10 instead of a perfectly mediocre 5/10.
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The spiritual successor to NBC's Hannibal
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In 2018 it was announced Bryan Fuller dropped out of this project formerly titled The Vampire Chronicles, but one has to wonder how much of his influence remained, cause not only is this the best horror tv show since Hannibal, it actually feels a lot like it. From the short, disorienting, creepy intro to each episode, to the the homoerotic yet hunter/prey relationship between the two leads... the adapting multiple books in the series under the umbrella of one title, the following up a beloved adaptation with one that rivals and even outclasses the original, to Sam Reid arguably doing for Lestat what Mads Mikelssen did for Hannibal Lecter... seduce us with a take that could very well beat the actor who made it famous.

Another fun thing here (and with Hannibal) is seeing a story you know freshly updated while still containing the core of the plot, characters, and relationships. The familiarity is welcoming, the new twists or turning the plot on its head is fresh and exciting.

I love the concept that Louis and Daniel Malloy did have their interview back in the 1970s that covered only a bashful telling of the novel interview with the vampire, and that Louis is now inviting him back near the end of his life to tell him everything. This gives the show such a unique space to live in, as now certain events can play out multiple ways depending on how honest Louis wants to be. Claudia hasn't come into the series yet but all the previews and behind the scenes suggest she is going to elevate the series even further. Not sure if they will get to it this season, but I'm excited to see who they cast as Armand. This is honestly one of the few shows in recent years I can heartily give a 10/10 to, joining ranks with all the terrific stuff Apple TV is doing (Severence, Black Bird, Ted Lasso)
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Mostly good. 007 starts out of 10.
5 October 2022
It touches upon the songs and the themes and covers a lot of the franchise, but it does give too much attention to No Time To Die and skips over some of the more interesting things. Credit to John Barry and David Arnold is definitely given, but entire bits dedicated to Amy Winehouse who almost wrote a theme and not a word about Chris Cornell's brilliant work on Casino Royale other than Rami Malek mentioning him as a favorite. I would have also loved some mention about John Barry's swan song score, Living Daylights where his orchestral and brass arrangements of aHa's theme are some of the best music of the entire franchise. The Dalton era is basically skipped over entirely. Amusing bit of Sam Smith saying he wrote his song in 20 mins and recorded it 20 mins later and given how crappy that song was, you could really believe him. Def worth a watch. Interviews with Shirley Bassey are a treat.
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