
22 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
A visual delight slightly lacking substance
22 October 2021
The film is visually spectacular and if anyone is asking if a remake was necessary I'd say yes just for the technological advances there have been. We finally get a real feel for these locations, something that neither the original nor the mini series can offer to 2021 audience. Anyone unfamiliar with the book or previous versions may find themselves a little confused about the different groups and planets etc as not enough time is spent developing those aspects. People may also be disappointed to realise it's only the first part of the story. The cast is pretty solid with a few underutilised, but the visuals are what give this the 8 stars, that and the fact I am a fan so for me I wasn't confused by any of the plot. Fans of Dune will want to see the continuation of the story, I'm not sure however how good a job it does of winning over new audiences or those previously unaware of the franchise.
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Pretty strong final outing
30 September 2021
I'm now 3 hours removed from watching the film and having had time to digest it all I have arrived at a rating of 7. The film gives you what you want and expect from a Bond film, all the while adding some new aspects and broadening the scope of what we know a 007 to be. The ensemble is well cast with a few leaving you wishing they had more screen time. The story is for the most part well thought out and does a good job of wrapping up this current incarnations narrative. Not everyone will like the ending (I won't spoil it) but I thought it was a sensible choice. Full of cliché and one liners alongside some albeit limited solid action sequences, the film offers an exciting ride with some darker and even emotional moments. Maybe not the mic drop final installment some fans will want but certainly a worthy farewell to Daniel Craig's Bond. 7/10.
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Black Widow (2021)
7.5 give it a chance
13 July 2021
Is this the best marvel Is it however a perfectly good and enjoyable film that can't quite match the hype of titles that preceded it...yes. Part spy thriller part bonkers action film it does a good job of merging the too. Performances are great throughout with perhaps certain supporting cast members outshining the titular character at times. It gives you a back story,some action and if u watch the post credits a hint at what's to come. Watching the film already knowing how it ends for black widow does take something away from the film but isn't detrimental enough to stop it being fully enjoyable. The fight sequences are very good and adequate airtime given to other characters,the only real exception being taskmaster who I felt could have been utilised better. Overall a very entertaining film and a nice farewell to character we have spent the last decade with. Don't believe the haters but equally don't expect an endgame level experience. A solid contribution to an amazing universe.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
Nostalgic,fun but lacking substance
27 May 2021
I love friends and was an avid weekly watcher when it originally aired, multiple rewatches later the love never left. So the prospect of a reunion filled me with joy,and moments of it lived up to that hype. Unfortunately for all the nostalgia and positives it feels a bit empty. Its nearly two hours but doesn't feel like they really ever sunk their teeth into anything. Alot of cameo's some worthwhile others less so means u lose time to those who you may like but aren't why your watching a friends reunion. Bloopers were fun and some small insights you may have not known about but on the whole very superficial, glossing over issues we know effected the show such as Perry's substance abuse issues etc. I'm glad they made it,I enjoyed watching it but it was my love for the show and the characters rather than anything else that got me through it. It's near impossible to do one of these and make everyone happy but it served as a competent if nothing else way for fans to relive a bit of the magic we have missed the last 17 years. If your a fan your enjoy it you just may not be blown away.
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Very insightful
13 September 2020
This documentary manages to cover a vast and complex subject matter in a wau that is easy to understand and digestible. The interviewees are informative and are credible experts which isnt always the case. The added element of having a short film interwoven showing how it manifests itself in a normal family setting. The actress playing the youngest daughter does expecially well at portraying the extremes of emotion and strain the need for approval can have on a young individual. Overall very interesting and for many perhaps a real ete opener
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Not quite excellent but good enough
29 August 2020
Love the originals and have done since the early 90's so was super happy when this was announced. Not to say i didnt hav my concerns as with Jay and Silent Bob last year but for the most part it delivers. Plenty of throwbacks and nostalgia to be had but with a 2020 sensibility to it. The introduction of the daughters brings a fresh fun dynamic that doesnt feel too forced. The ending i thought was predictable but that was true after the trailer so not a huge issue. Its great to see Keanu and Alex back on screen together but i must say i think Alex does a more authentic delivery of Bill then Keanu does with Ted. Theres a youthful joy thats missing, with Keanu often feeling a bit rigid. Again a small issue. Overall i enjoyed the film, nostalgia, time travel,silliness aplenty and a handful of new characters to help it along. If your a fan or a stoner your like it 7/10
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Just the right length
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching, in one session i may add so that alone should tell you that its entertaining. The mini series does a good job of giving the accounts of those closest to him both personally and proximity wise. Theres plenty of detail and first hand accounts from former FBI agents who worked the case. The case spans a long period and the use of a timeline tracking and numbering the bombings although simplistic is effective and useful. There is also the use of recordings of Ted himself which offer some insight to a complicated mind. The content dealing with his life prior to thr bombings i found especially interesting with him being accepted to Harvard at 16.The inclusion of recordings of his participation in questionable Psychological experiments whilst at Harvard also serves more light on what his mental state may have been. That said the final episode felt a little like it was trying to explain away his behaviour and lift up the fact that his writings were well written and intellectual aswell as very insightful and poignant in todays society. At 4 episodes its just the right length and easily watched in one evening. The intro music is also eerily good.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Worth watching
22 February 2020
Ive read some pretty scathing reviews and to some degree i get where people are coming from but equally i really enjoyed the show. It wasnt exactly how i was imagining it but enough so that i wasnt put off. The show is a tad conflicted in what its trying to be with lots of different genre's blending together. There is the very serious aspects predominately when dealing with flashbacks that makes it feel like a drama dealing with the experiences of all those millions that suffered at the hands of the Nazis. But it also has these irreverent cuts into Jonahs imagination that feel similar to what six feet under did in the early seasons. At first i wasnt sure how i felt about it but it brings a humour to the show that ultimately in the long run is to its benefit not detriment. Then ofcourse the violence which doesnt bother me but may others. Think Tarantino and thats the style with which they unload the at times ultra violent actions of the Hunters and Nazis. The premise is great and perhaps a little stronger than the application itself but its still well written, paced and acted. The cinematography and music are also excellent aswell as having good representation of sexes, races and orientations. Overall a strong series and worth the watch. Go into it with the knowledge that it does deal with real issues, its violent and at times almost a bit b movie. Id give it a 7.5 but wasnt an option so ive rounded up.
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Who Killed Malcolm X? (2019–2020)
12 February 2020
One thing is clear from this documentary and its that people know who did it and have chosen to turn a blind eye to it. Be it loyalty or not wanting to become targets themselves but they know and by not assisting they are obstructing justice. People of faith complicit in allowing murderers to walk free and letting two innocent men suffer in jail. Alot of information and footage I'd never seen before that offers a unique look into the rise and fall of Malcolm X. The corruption and profiteering of the upper levels of the nation of islam movement and the hypocrisy of its leader. It's been announced the investigation has been reopened as a result of this documentary and i hope some more clarity and justice can come from it. Informative, well researched and eye-opening. A very immersive watch whatever your knowledge of Malcolm and the circumstances surrounding his death.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Its biggest failure is trying too hard
10 February 2020
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Ive seen this film twice now as wanted to make sure i hadnt overlooked anything or jumped to judgement after the first viewing. First and foremost it has very little to do with the birds of prey and instead is a Harley Quinn movie bar the final 20 minutes. It starts by trying to fill in the gaps between Suicide Squad and the start of this film, but essentially is just Harley explaining her and the Joker are no more. There's a loose plot but not what ud call a well developed or fleshed out one. By including the BOP they set themselves a huge task of trying to introduce them all, bring them together develop a plot all the while trying to give the bulk of screen time to the star Margot Robbie. The result is a somewhat chaotic mess that at points works but never fully realises its potential. Its clear they have studied and tried to use what Deadpool did as a guideline but falls short at nearly every turn. Yes there's the excessive use of swearing and crude humour alongside violence but it lacks the originality and character making it seem a little forced. You can see they knew what they wanted to achieve but in being so determined to try make it like that they have become their own biggest enemy. It feels like its trying too hard whereas Deadpool felt natural like they didnt try to write it a certain way its just how it was written. The film is different and has some genuinely good moments but it also feels rushed and a tad disjointed. There are moments where its a little too childish but not in a good way. I respect what they have attempted but ultimately i fear it will actually be the thing that prevents future sequels. If you have to try realky hard to make something seem genuine the chances are its not, i would have liked to see them not trying to mimick the success and style of other R rated comic movies and instead forge its own path. A longer runtime would have also allowed for more plot and character development. I think younger audiences will enjoy it altho the R rating makes that harder and subsequently will effect its box office. Its bright, energetic and has a good cast its just a shame they aren't fully utilised. The soundtrack is great and used perfectly. Its set itself up for future films but im not sure how quickly they will come around. Not much of an improvement on Suicide Squad and less enjoyable than than some of DC's more recent efforts such as Shazam which did a great job of incorporating humour. 6/10 enjoyable but ultimately tries too hard.
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A worthy follow up
6 January 2020
A solid follow up to last years Life time hit. New victims with new stories and evidence further cementing Kelly's guilt. You also get to see what has happened to the victims and Kelly in the past year.Enough new evidence and progression to stand alone as a solid documentary, combined with the first it is a well rounded piece that does well to explore Kelly's early life and mental state all the while delivering incriminating evidence against him. Not quite O. J made in America but a very engrossing watch
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Dont be fooled by the title
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I dont no where to start with this one, i sae it pop up on Netflix and before reading assumed it was a silly documentary about cat videos and the intetnet.....I couldnt have been more wrong. While it is in part about videos on the internet involving cats, its not the cute, funny videos u may be expecting. What starts as a FB group outraged by heinous videos being uploaded of animal cruelty turns into a much bigger much darker story. Determined to uncover the perpetrator this band of amateur sleuths start picking through every detail to try and find something/anything that will help. Relentless effort and the uploaders own narcissism result in them tracking him to an apartment in Toronto and a seperate site in Montreal. With the discovery of a new video showing the murder of a person they reach out to Toronto police. Previously overlooked the police soon take notice when a dismembered body is found in a suitcase and hands and feet start arriving at the doorsteps of political parties. They eventually track him to a internet cafe in Berlin where once again his own narcissism is his downfall having gone in to look up his own mug shot. This is a very engrossing and interesting story which shows the internet being used in the worst of ways but equally the best. A crazy story and one i was unaware of, at 3 episodes long its worth the watch. Dont be fooled by the name
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Nostalgic, pop culture filled and heartfelt
7 December 2019
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Ill start by saying i was stoned when i watched it but i really enjoyed the film. Is it going to win an oscar? ofcourse not but its not meant to nor is it the point. The film isnt particularly original being that its rebooting old material, its not the greatest score your ever hear or even Smith film that your see but it doesnt matter. What the film is is a homage to the past 25 years of Jay and Bob, a wonderful reunion for the characters we've seen through the years and a pop culture explosion. Theres moments that feel a tad forced but if your a fan theres soo many throwbacks that you find yourself constantly reliving old favourites but in a new slightly different meta setting. Loved the cameo by the Comic book men and Q from TESD. And then there was Affleck, Damon and Lee which was gold. So glad Affleck agreed to do it. The Stan Lee footage at the end was so lovely and genuine, and a great way to show the relationship him and Smith had. A nice addition to the story that while not the best installment still a must watch for any fan and a great film to bake and watch. Im confident theres enough references to spot ones you missed on subsequent viewings. 7/10
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Hes done it again
22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Im not sure where to even begin with this film, not because its in anyway bad but rather soo much to unpack. Ill admit it wasnt what i thought it was gonna be but that made it all the more a welcome surprise. While there is a undertone of the manson family it is a rather small aspect of the film atleast for the first half,infact to my recollection you only see Charlie once and very briefly. Instead the film is a tale of two friends both dealing with their own problems and demons. You have Dicaprio playing Rick Dalton an actor once famed for his starring role on 50's tv now struggling to deal with the reality of no longer being the youngest, best looking or even most talented actor around. The realisation of having to take roles he sees as below him and his deep fear that he will be forgotten to history are at the for front. He deals with this through excessive drinking and by keeping close by his best friend Cliff Booth, a stuntman (pitt) who in celebrity status is below him. Pitts character is somewhat of an enigma, an ex soldier with a murky past long suspected of having killed his own wife. He is the first to encounter the family and briefly finds himself on the ranch. The biggest thing that connects them however is proximity with Rick living next door to Sharon Tate (Robbie). The film is told in that very Tarantino way we've come to love and expect and eventually it all comes full circle and the seemingly seperate lives of the characters are all brought crashing together in a crazy, violent shocking Tarantino finale. The scripts great, the cinematography, styling everything is wonderful but for me the best component is the acting. Dicaprio is fantastic, in the moments that reveal the most we see him at his best. Conveying the pain, anguise and deep rooted insecurities that plague the character. Hes charming and hilarious aswell banking what i deem to be another oscar worthy performance. Then we have Pitt in the supporting role completly embodying the character, he oozes coolness, demands respect and at the same time delivers great comedic timing when needed. Oh and did i mention he fights Bruce Lee! The pair together was always going to be screen gold but its everything and more. Margot Robbie although not in it a ton is also very good and delivers a very pure, innocent portrayal of Tate. Overall a great watch with some story plots your be left wanted more development to. The ending is pretty full on so be aware although by now i think people know what to expect, think ending of IB or Django.
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The Toys That Made Us (2017–2019)
Fun, informative and full of nostalgia
17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this albeit some episodes more than others. The only reason for this is simply you can relive your childhood with some more than others based on age/tastes etc. That said all episodes are very interesting and more detailed than it may initially seem on the surface. The tone is light for the most part with a fun narrator. Great fun seeing all the old toys whether you were lucky enough to have them or not. Theres broken friendships and loveable rogues along the way who without many of these toys would never made it to market to keep you guessing. Wonderful stories at its core of people with a vision or dream making it big.
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Must watch
16 November 2019
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I watch alot of war documentaries and this is right up there with the best. The story is told very well, although episodes cover specific events it does a great job of painting the overall picture aswell. As a result it is a great watch regardless of your knowledge. Alot of detail is given and an extensive use of archival footage, some of which id never seen. To top it off they have done a beautiful job of remastering it in colour. While this isnt the first time it has been done it still makes thr viewing experience all the more gripping. A particular highlight (if you can call it that given the subject) was the Dresden episode. While i was aware of the events alot of the details and footage used i was unfamiliar with and it really gripped me. The documentary does a great job at covering both sides and highlighting smaller details often overlooked. The footage of how women were integral to the war effort and especially how Russia utilised women as soldiers and pilots was very interesting.The liberation of the concentration camps episodes is truly heartbreaking, the use of interviews is done tastefully and with great impact. Overall a very good, well rounded documentary that fulfils all criteria for anyone interested in the war.
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South Park: Board Girls (2019)
Season 23, Episode 7
South park at its near best
14 November 2019
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Im a huge South Park fan and have been watching since its inception. Ill be the first to admit that through the 23 years there have been highs and lows but one thing that has never changed is their ability to address current issues and present it in their uniquely SP way. This episode is a high point in the current season with them moving away from the Tegridy farm narrative. Ive seen alot of ppl claiming the episode is mocking Trans athletes, if you think that you clearly didnt get the episode or worse didnt even watch it. As usual on the surface its easy to think they are just making fun or purposely trying to be edgy but in reality there is so much more to it than swearing and fart jokes. The show and episode deals with real issues with a deeper message. SP much like its always sunny finds a way to tackle a difficult/complicated subject in a refreshing manner that brings real issues to the for front but in an amusing way. The ep addresses the issues posed by athletes that were previously men competing against women and the idea that u cant have an opinion without fear of being branded a transphobic or narrow minded by the ever increasing pc world. I found the episode very intelligent and thought out and loved how it dealt with the boys and girls clubs at school. The idea that the boys didnt want the girls in their club but are offended they arent welcome in the girls, it highlights male hypocrisy and how often men mix up being pro women with being anti men. Good sign of whats still to come. Never change South Park
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Refreshing, dark and hilarious
7 November 2019
I absolutely loved the first season of this and had some reservations about a second season. It felt like a complete story that didnt need more. That said i really enjoyed the second season and binge watched it in one go. The season explores what came of Alyssa and James with them having been separated for 2 years. A series of events and a new character bring the pair back together relatively quickly and the adventure continues. The show does well to link it with the first season but never reaches the same heights. As with the first season the best part is the incredible writing, wonderfully melancholy nature of the inner monologues and the dark cynical comedy. In the same way as peep show this feels so refreshing and different to most television. Its honest and raw and something channel 4 thrive at. My favourite thing is Jessica Barden as Alyssa, she is absolutely fantastic in the role and manages to make someone who you perhaps shouldnt like loveable. All in all if you like dark comedies, dont mind some crude language and appreciate channel 4 your like this. Its the end of the f***ing world and i love it.
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See (2019–2022)
So far i like what i SEE
2 November 2019
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Ok so unlike many on here im not viewing this as either a 10 or a 1. Having watched the first 3 episodes i can say not only am i still invested and intrigued by whats to come but have for the most part enjoyed it and found the time going by fast which is always a good sign. There are flaws if you start to really think about it but its best to just accept it for what it is. That said i do find the lack of ageing among characters (bar the children) inspite it covering 17 years odd and a little annoying. The ritualised prayer/self pleasing is a tad strange too and not from what i can tell altogether necessary. The sets and visuals however are amazing and the acting for the most part good. Some of the best parts for me and performance wise for Jason Momoa were the action sequences. Violent and savage in parts but not dominate throughout. Shame they didnt drop the whole season but ill definitely be continuing even if i do have reservations about the longevity of it past a couple seasons. All in all an intresting, visually sumptuous experience that leaves you pretty satisfied.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Good start, but still flawed
2 November 2019
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Having watched the first 3 eps i find myself enjoying the show but unable to fully commit and crown it the new best thing on tv. I cant help but feel its heavily influenced by or atleast is trying to b HBO's The Newsroom which i did deem to be one of the best things on tv. I like that they are trying to be relevant and addressing issues that are prevalent in todays society but the political and social bias at times feels abit in your face. The pacing is fine as is the writing but the true winner is the performances from a great cast. While the show lacks some originality and at times feels forced its a solid start and good addition to Apple's streaming site. Will it be enough to compete with the likes of Netflix and Disney.... maybe not but certainly gives them a base to work from. Im curious how they will deal with Mitch going forward and the allegations put forth about him. Enjoyable and compelling but with small flaws that if not controlled could tarnish alot of peoples views of the show.
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See (2019–2022)
So far i like what i SEE
2 November 2019
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Ok so unlike many on here im not viewing this as either a 10 or a 1. Having watched the first 3 episodes i can say not only am i still invested and intrigued by whats to come but have for the most part enjoyed it and found the time going by fast which is always a good sign. There are flaws if you start to really think about it but its best to just accept it for what it is. That said i do find the lack of ageing among characters (bar the children) inspite it covering 17 years odd and a little annoying. The ritualised prayer is a tad strange too and not from what i can tell altogether necessary. The sets and visuals however are amazing and the acting for the most part good. Some of the best parts for me and performance wise for Jason Momoa were the action sequences. Violent and savage in parts but not dominate throughout. Shame they didnt drop the whole season but ill definitely be continuing even if i do have reservations about the longevity of it past a couple seasons. All in all an intresting, visually sumptuous experience that leaves you pretty satisfied.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Bittersweet, but sweet enough
20 May 2019
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Im equally annoyed at ppl blindly rated this 10 but more so those going out of their way to rate it 1 and complain about every detail. lets be clear this season with regards to pacing, dialogue and character development has been far from what we've come to expect from the show, but the worst episode is still as good if not better than 90%of whats on tv. Yes its flawed but the music and visuals aswell as the performances have been some of the best of all the seasons. This episode didnt end how i would have chosen, just as the long night and the bells episode didnt provide me with what id hoped.It did however close up all the characters plots and put on the throne a logical choice even if not the fan favourite. The show faced an impossible task in trying to continue to match George RR Martins high high standards of writing. People also have their own desired ending so they were inevitably going to leave many disappointed regardless of outcome. Would i have loved to see Dany liberate westeros without the genocide and take the throne?... ofcourse but it would also been too simple and what you've been told from season 1 is going to happen. I realky enjoyed all of Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklages performances and felt the first 20 minutes of the episode were the most enjoyable. Jon going north with Tormund and Ghost made sense and seemed right as did Arya sailing iff to see whats really west of Westeros. Theres alot to enjoy in the episode and in the season as a whole. its biggest downfall is time,a 10 episode arc would hsve made this season the season the fans, the cast and the show deserved. Ignore the haters and see it for what it is, a slightly dilluted version of the previously incredible high standards, but still an incredible achievement in all regards. The shot of drogins wings appearing from behind Danerys is everything and is worthy of the 8 rating alone. Its bittersweet but still sweet enough to satisfy.
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