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Kotlovina (2011)
An honest real-to-life approach to Croatian customs
13 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film last night and can't resist thinking that it is one of the most genuine depictions of how Croats really celebrate and live. The depiction of abundant meals and small talk is not exaggerated, beautified or improved in any kind for dramatic purposes. And being true-to-life, this film offers the viewers a tremendous insight into relations between ordinary, simple women and men of kin, while eating and spending time together.

The title, "Kotlovina" implies that the film will have something do to with eating. (Kotlovina means meat and sausages cooked in a big metal plate on an open fire, together with onions, spices and lots of peppers.)

*Spoilers* The film explores the relationship between three middle aged sisters. Two of them, Ana and Seka, have lived in Croatia their whole lives, while the youngest one, Mimi, moved to Australia when she was three because their father was forced to flee Croatia during communism.Two older sister lived with their grandparents. Now, Mimi is back for visit and the family prepares a festive meal at the weekend house. However, things are not idyllic as it may seem at first. Ana's foster son Jakov is in charge of showing Croatia's sights and driving his "aunt" around the country. As they are returning from the Plitvice lakes to the family gathering, the viewer witness that couple having a sexual relationship in the forest. Mini seems totally infatuated by the 22-year-old man and begins to have a real crush on him. They are late for the lunch and things got complicated when Ana, Jakov's foster mom and Mimi's sister, finds out women's panties in Jakov's pocket.

The film is incredibly fresh and full of comic dialogue. Family members constantly nag about something, praise the pork, talk about nothing. They gossip and talk badly of one another, as soon as they get the chance. They drink the whole day but still make fun of a drunk woman from the neighborhood who came later to the dinner. And we witness dramatic catharsis when Ana finds out about Jakov and Mimi's affair.

The characters are down to Earth, full of tiny flaws that make them realistic. The only thing that is a bit annoying is that Mimi is not a femme fatale as one may suggest, but a whining, crying and hysterical queen of drama.

Definitely worth watching! Although the plot is simple and there isn't much happening, the dialogues give the film wit and appeal that keeps the viewers glued to the screen.
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Cast Away (2000)
Warm, colourful, engaging - one of my favorite films
3 March 2017
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Tom Hanks answered the question once (on a talk show) and it went something like: What word do you hear most often when fans see you? And he answered that fans often yell "Wiiiiiiilson"!!! :)

His fans like "Cast Away", but not only them. It is difficult not to fall for the movie's charm, not to fall in love with natural beauties and landscape (of Fiji) and not to connect with the main character. I watched the movie ages ago, but I often remember it. It is an ode to human race, a hymn to survival and a story that the average can relate to. *Spoilers* Finally we have a hero with no special powers, well-paid job or a model girlfriend. Chuck Noland is an ordinary man who works at Fed Ex, has an ordinary girlfriend and he survives a plane crash. The story is pretty much simple and resembles the survival tale of Robinson Crusoe. It is not the universal story itself that makes this movie so great: it is the setting, the atmosphere and psychological and physical struggles inside the main character.

Being left on an uninhabited island, Chuck Noland (not to be confused with Chuck Norris :) has to find things from the plane wreckage and use the pieces of material found on the island in order to survive, day by day. While watching, we cannot resist asking ourselves: Would I think of that?, How would I react in the same situation? And by doing so, the viewers have to admit that they are truly embedded in the story.

The director and the whole crew succeeded in making us relate to Chuck. Tom Hanks' acting was tremendous. The audience can relate to his feelings of despair, emotional and physical pain, fear, hunger and loneliness. He had his ups and downs on the island and I think most viewers celebrated his achievements with him, like catching a fish or making fire. Loneliness was the biggest issue for him and therefore he made friends with Wilson, the ball. I bet that the scenes of poor Chuck talking to the bloody face smudged on the white leather background are among the most memorable and humane scenes depicted on screen. Whether we admit it or not, we all have our "Wilsons" in our lives, in one form or another.

Another proof that Tom Hanks is one of the best actors is his wish to make a physical change for a role. His body literally transformed from the average couch potato who doesn't do sports into the skillful and fast athlete with sunny tan and strong muscles. His body changes are really realistic and Tom Hanks put a lot of effort into training, so that his body would reflect malnutrition and other challenges that he faced.

There are many wonderful aspects of the film, but it's difficult to list them all. To sum up: watching "Cast Away" is an emotional and aesthetic 1st class journey.
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The Drop (2014)
The film that wants you to watch it again
3 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The simplicity of the story and the slow- paced narrative of the film are alluring. The film deals with money laundering and the underground life of a normal popular bar in Brooklyn. And the main protagonist is simple, he just "tends the bar", nothing more.

The quality of the film lies in the fact that simple events and naive and everyday talk between characters create a tremendous turbulence in the way the neighborhood works.

*Spoilers* A simple dog-lover and worker at the bar, Bob, tries to live as normally as possible. He works with his cousin Marv who is a bar owner. However, things have changed after the Chechen mob decided to use the bar for their illegal transactions. While Bob accepts the things as they are and lives within that hierarchy, Marv is desperate and angry because his role in the bar is minor. He just has to obey the orders by the mobsters. Since he cannot accept the situation, he unsuccessfully tries to trick the gangsters and steal their money.

Bob's and Marv's roles are tremendously played. While Bob talks slowly, doesn't understand irony, seems to be not very smart, Marv is a boss-wanna-be. He gives advice, guides and bosses the "weak", unwillingly admitting that he is just a pawn figure in the criminal world. Near the end, we are aware the director has managed to "trick" us - there are many tiny plot twists based on our belief that the characters are one- dimensional and predictable.

A very exciting (although there isn't much action) and interesting film!
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The Pianist (2002)
Masterpiece with the director's personal touch
3 March 2017
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Roman Polanski's The Pianist" is a film that will either haunt you, make you feel sad, angry, overwhelmed, deeply touched or disturbed, but it will definitely not leave you feeling indifferent. It will play with your emotions and it will smartly and slowly pull you into the ruins of the 1940's Warsaw, Poland.

Although it touches the global theme of the Holokaust, it actually tells a story of an individual, named Vladislaw Szpilman. The director brilliantly displayed simple scenes in front of the viewers. He showed everyday situations and the acts of torture one after another and gradually exhibited the true nature of merciless and cruel Nazis. Once the story has finished, the viewers are left with a magnificent portrayal of the most brutal, darkest and deranged era in human history. And all that through the point of view of the leading character.

*Spoilers* When Poland was invaded by the Nazi Germany in 1939, Szpilman's family knew that there would be some trouble and they could sense danger. However, nothing could prepare them for the events that were about to happen. Nazi soldiers striped the once-prosperous and affluent Jewish population of their properties, homes, money, jobs and finally, they destroyed and took their lives. As Rose said for Jack Dawson in Titanic: He saved me in every way a person can be saved.; something in that style, but with the totally opposite meaning, could be said for the Nazis: They destroyed them in every way people can be destroyed.

The Nazis not only took their lives, but also, before the killings, mocked at everything that meant something to them. Jews were forced to wear David's stars so that they could be recognized at any point. They were not allowed to gather at public places, to go to cafe bars, to walk on sidewalks... Many of them were annihilated just because they were picked on, for no real reason.

Adrien Brody's acting was superb. He walked through the city streets, witnessed horror, executions, starved children and dying old people, and there was nothing he could do. He just walked, day after day, hoping that we would survive for one more day.

And he did survive, but not because he did something extraordinary. He was just lucky and he managed to find himself at a right place at a right time. Brody showed his gradual physical and physical decline: he lost weight, he was barely possible to run away and hide, he got ill and was very close to death. He transformed from an elegant and sleek piano player into a human wreckage. He was full of life while courting a young music player at the beginning of the film and later, he became a lost, hungry, desperate griever who lost his entire family. He was a walking skeleton looking for shelter where he would wither in peace - survival was just a dream in the end. The wonderful flow of events and gradation at its best, once again!

A turning point in the film happens when Szpilman was hiding in an abandoned villa. He was looking for a can opener when he was approached by a German officer. To our and Szpilman's surprise, the officer showed understanding, compassion and his love for music! This wonderfully-played character made a point: that humanity lives within human beings regardless of their nationality and position. The relationship between these two men should be a guide to all human relationships. The officer Hosenfeld was not compassionate because he wanted something in return (although he needed Szpilman's help later in the film) but he was moral, just and humanity was part of him.

If I had to describe this film in only one word, it would be "masterpiece'!!!!
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Halima's Path (2012)
Amazing performances
2 March 2017
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This film is all about humanity and "artificial" divisions between people; divisions that are based on nationality and religion. It partly covers the theme of war, but not in the sense of battles or war strategies, but in the sense of the consequences of war. Artificial or human- made divisions between Muslims and Serbs in pre-war and post-war Bosnia resulted in many tragedies and led to bloodshed. In the 1980s and later on, residents from many parts of Bosnia were supposed to marry their "own" people, Muslims or Serbs, and all people who didn't want to obey this rule, were considered outlaws. Their families rejected them and thought they embarrassed them for life. *Spoilers* "Halima's Path" begins when a young unmarried Muslim woman, Safija, comes to her aunt Halima and tells her that she is pregnant. Not only that, she is pregnant with a young Serb called Slavomir. Of course, her aunt knows it will cause a lot of trouble but still, she shows compassion. Halima and her husband cannot have children and Halima often imagines what it would be like to become a mother. Safija's dad is particularly outraged when he finds out about the pregnancy, the star-crossed lovers and when he meets Slavomir in person. He even beats his pregnant daughter in front of Slavomir and her mother! Being left with no choice, Safija gives birth to a boy named Aron, leaves him with Halima (knowing that Halima and her husband would be loving parents to her son), tells Slavomir that the baby died and leaves with Slavomir to start a new life in a Serbian village. Life is good for some time, but the war changes everything. People start fighting and the old suppressed aggression and hatred between different nations take a deadly toll. Aron's adopted father and his real father fight on opposite sides. And on top of that, Slavomir was forced to kill some prisoners, including his own son... Aron lost his life because of the war and a wicked twist of fate and Halima lost her family: both her son and husband were killed by the enemy. Years later she has to identify their bones... The whole story is heartbreaking and the actors did a marvellous job while portraying the feelings of hatred, fear, anger,parental love and deep and harrowing grief. The most touching and heartbreaking moment in the film is a scene when Halima holds the bones of her son. And screams...because that is the only thing she can do... :( That is probably the saddest and heart- wrenching scene depicted on film. The most serious and one of the best Croatian / Bosnian films ever!
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Well-paced but contains plot holes
2 March 2017
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"Before I Go To Sleep" is an interesting psychological thriller with an incredibly unbelievable story line. But, even if it may not work in some other movie, with other setting and actors, "Before I Go To Sleep" is a movie that can cope with this kind of events.

*Spoilers* A woman (Christine, played by Nicole Kidman) wakes up next to a man (Ben, played by Colin Firth) she cannot recognize. When they start talking, he tells her that he is her husband. We find out that she had an "accident" and that she has a memory loss. Every time she wakes up in the morning, she forgets everything about the previous day. This sounds pretty crazy, but Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth keep us interested. We care about the story because of them and accept the premise of the story line. The pace of the events is fast, there are characters emerging from the past that keep us focused and we want to find out more. Being a thriller, this movie has accomplished its main goal and that is, keep the viewers agitated. However, the movie is far from being flawless. As some people have already mentioned in their reviews, some details seem very unconvincing. The married couple, Ben and Christine, have no friends, he is at work almost all the time and when he's not, he seems wicked and cunning, for no obvious reason at that time. She is in a state of confusion and partly depression but they still function "normally"- they have cooked meals, their house is cleaned and organised, although they have no maids. The house is cold, modern and we're aware it costs a lot, but it is deprived of the personal touch. There are just some photos of Ben's and Christine's wedding day - there are dozens of them all over the place and they seem suspicious from the very beginning. From the very start of the film, the husband seems suspicious, so the "unexpected" twist at the end, when we find out that the perpetrator is actually her husband Ben, is not that unexpected. We actually see what we presumed we would see after the first 5-10 minutes of watching. The only thing that may be a bit surprising is that Ben is not her husband at all. He was just a lover who beat Christine and caused all that mess.

My opinion: a film worth watching, but once is enough. And I'm not sure if the viewers will remember it in a months' time.
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Whiplash (2014)
Teacher steals the Show
16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what to expect from this movie and after seeing it, I'm quite impressed. There are some real-life themes covered in the film and millions of people can relate to them. Every person who sat at a school desk at some point in their life can vividly remember their relation with at least one of their teachers. We remember teachers who influenced our lives in a good way or in a bad way. Is Terrence Fletcher, an experienced and highly appreciated music teacher at a prestigious music college, a good teacher? It's hard to say. *Spoilers* However, I think he did cross the line. Having witnessed the potential of a new, first-year drummer, Terrence Fletcher started a mission. A mission to push his student, to yell at him and embarrass him in front of his colleagues until he realizes he has to work harder and harder. Andrew Neyman, the student, also had a mission. He wanted to become a living legend in the world of music, somebody like Charlie Parker Bird. And, as Charlie's music teacher threw music instruments at him to motivate him and push him just a little bit further, so did Terrence Fletcher. He slapped the poor Andrew, insulted his family, mocked him, cursed him, forced him beyond his physical limits and played little games on him - never letting him know whether he would really get the role in the band. Does the end always justify the means? Even if one may say "yes" there is an additional tragic story in the film. A former Fletcher's student committed suicide because he couldn't handle the pressure and psychological torture. The official diagnosis was depression. This film gives us an interesting psychological game between very similar individuals but in very different roles. Both actors (Miles Teller and J.K.Simmons) played their roles in a marvelous way. However, it seems that the teacher's character is more developed and motivated. He's the one who is leading this game of ambition and a twisted strive for greatness. The student follows him, although his own over-ambition doesn't let him even think of giving up. Many interesting things to think about after seeing the film! And you don't really have to be a jazz fan.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Dark, interesting, intriguing
16 February 2017
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The first season really brought something fresh to the screen. The atmosphere of the series is dark, gloomy, frightening and even disgusting at some points and it may put some people off. On the other hand, being real to life, this fact may be appealing to others. I think The Fall is one of the finest and well- crafted representatives of the crime/detective genre. *SPOILERS* The plot revolves around two characters: detective Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) and the killer and a family man, Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan). Stella is independent, strong, highly intelligent and she functions perfectly in the world of men. She lives alone and occasionally engages in carefree and short sexual relationships with (sometimes married) fellow colleagues. Paul is also witty, intelligent, strong and independent, although living a life of a perfectly ordinary family man and a father of two. The fact that he is a father makes this other, violent side of him more surprising. During the day, he is a grieving counsellor who walks his children to school, tucks them in bed and reads stories to them. At night, he puts on his hood, stalks his victims and attacks his prey. The biggest and most significant achievement of the series is the fact that it is slow-paced and very detailed. Sarah Gibson traces, examines, reexamines, observes and discusses every new clue with great attention and care. She thinks about everything and always encourages her coworkers to pay attention to subtle details. The series demonstrates that every investigation takes a lot of time and that policemen should never jump to conclusions. For example, Gibson was always apprehensive about what kind of information should be released to the press, whether she should unbutton the top button on her blouse etc. This role suits G. Anderson perfectly and every change in the tone of her voice and every frown on her face is significant. When speaking she reveals that she manages the situation with ease, despite what men may think. Paul Spector is also a very well-written character and he manages to seem frightening enough to be convincing. His slowness, coolness and calmness emphasise the sense of fear. The murder of Sarah Kay should be the textbook example of an excellent forensic practice depicted on film. Detectives in white examining the corpse of a beautiful woman lying on bed were eerily graphic, frightening and real. This may scare some viewers off but, on the other hand, this is the reason why this series stands out among all the others. The second season is also good, but there are too many subplots. The nanny of Paul's children, his wife, corrupt police chiefs, a violent local hooligan who beat his wife, Rose Stagg - these are all characters that unnecessarily slow the pace of the story. It focuses mainly on the tracing and following Paul Spector. It seems that the writers were losing the track and got lost a bit... All in all, riveting but not to everyone's taste.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
It has it all - a great film!!!
15 February 2017
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At the moment when I watched the very first second of the trailer, I knew I had to watch this film. First, it was directed by Mel Gibson which was a great sign that it would to be a hit(although I still don't understand his talking-to-beaver role :) Then, it was based on a true heroic story and it has a lot of action. Since Mel Gibson is a master of directing war and action scenes, the film had a big chance of becoming as successful as Braveheart. In my opinion, they're equally good. *SPOILERS* What I liked about the film is that you can really relate to all the Doss's feelings. Andrew Garfield did a great job of expressing his inner self. The audience can feel every slightest change in his tone of voice and every look. When he is in love, you feel his joy. When they beat him in the barrack, you feel his pain. And you fear for his life when he's under fire. What I also like is the sense of true brotherhood between soldiers depicted in the film. They were afraid when they saw a cart of corpses - their fellow American soldiers. They knew that they could be next in just a few minutes or hours. So, they paid them respect, they took off their helmets and they bowed. There is a thin line between life and death at the battlefield. The structure of the film is interesting. It starts with a playful and romantic Desmond who starts to feel a duty to protect his homeland. Along the way he meets his future wife. The beginning is idyllic and colourful. Then the film shifts to the military green. Desmond knew that he had once made a promise and that he had to keep it at all cost - He Will take no lives - not even in the battlefield. Desmond grew up at this point and took the responsibility of protecting his fellow soldiers. The third part is action, action, action! The grayish, burnt land, bullets everywhere, exploding mines and grenades and amid all this craziness there is a man without a gun helping others and saving lives. It is hard to believe that this kind of a brave man ever existed. A true hero!
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The Lion King (1994)
Wonderful, perfect
15 February 2017
I watched this film in 1994 when I was 10. I remember being astonished, thrilled and completely absorbed in this story. And there were tears, of course. The colours, theme song, animal movements - they're all perfect. I bought The Lion Kids DVD a few days ago, for my kids now, and I can say that the magic is still there. The themes are universal - love, family relations, betrayal, growing everyone can relate to the story and feel the emotions. And the great thing is that it is not only appealing to children but to adults as well. The Lion King is a great mixture of singing and musical elements, appealing and cute animal characters, great animation, beautiful African landscape and serious themes of rivalry, betrayal and fratricide.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Totally disappointed
15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gone Girl is supposed to be a mystery/thriller but does not fit into the genre. If fails at the first premise of a thriller - the plot's not serious and it insults the viewers' intelligence. *Spoilers* Police officers who investigate the disappearance of the leading female character (Amy) don't strictly follow the usual criminal procedure. For example, there were forensic experts at the "crime scene", that is, in the house of the Dunnes, but they didn't immediately search surrounding sheds or the garage. The prime suspect (Amy's husband) was allowed to enter and exit the house whenever he wanted,even after the police had found out the kitchen floor, which everyone was walking across the previous day, was covered in blood. The middle part of the film gives the viewers a very interesting plot twist. The focus changes from a "guilty" husband to an intelligent, revenge-seeking and deranged wife.As Amy put it "I'm so much happier now that I'm dead". Amy had a plan to frame her husband and her wit and ideas are quite entertaining. In my opinion this should be enough to bring this film to an end. Unfortunately, the story becomes silly and subplots completely redundant at this point. Why the scene when Amy smashed her cheek bone with a hammer? Why did she naively drop the money bag behind the motel?, Why was the character of the stalking Mr Collings even introduced - to bring more crazy and psychotic creatures to the film?, Why was Amy covered in blood during the talk to the police?, Why did Amy's husband stay with her? I think it would have been better if the film hadn't got lost in the surreality. The average viewer can't help him/herself from counting plot holes.
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