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A slow start that culminates in an amazing ride
21 October 2023
Set in 10th century Imperial China, this period piece mixes martial arts, history, drama and a hint of fantasy. Like most Mandarin series of the genre, this has a lot of predictable characters plotting for power and many seem 1-dimensional, motivated by blind duty or greed. But the plot twists, subtle clues and riveting action scenes captivate the viewer and bring them into the story. This is definitely one of the best Mandarin dramas in recent years with strong, intelligent female characters (but not exaggerated "super women" that Hollywood seems to need). There are some amazingly choreographed scenes that should be award-winning for their effects.
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Primo (2023)
Malcolm in the Middle de los pobres
26 August 2023
I know I'm not the first to equate Primo with the classic sit-com Malcolm in the Middle, but it is definitely appropriate on several levels. Primo is light-hearted, family-oriented and dead-pan humor that centers around the family of the main teen-age male character. While the family is Mexican (and someone should remind Lisa Vidal, since she is "Mexican" like Henry Winkler is "Italian") it literally could be any 2nd-generation Latin family, which is why it is so relatable. Aside from some inside jokes, peripheral tell-tales and food references (Psst...Lisa, it's "tamales", not "tamalies") most of the characters don't even portray any Mexican side, save one uncle who really plays up the whole "vato" character, but although comical, doesn't come off as too cliche' or over-the-top. The first episode was really slow-paced and the jokes were a little lame, but the subsequent episodes really made up for it. The show could do with a little tighter editing and a faster pace (some bed music might help the dead air that seems to permeate at times). For being such a low-budget offering, overall it is very well-written and really the best sit-com I've seen since the remake of "One Day at a Time" and I highly recommend it and hope it gets a second season...and possibly more mainstream.
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Interesting set up that went nowhere
18 May 2022
The backdrop of post-dictatorial Taiwan had so many promises of something new or original to say. But then the story just evolved into the standard cliche of two gay kids falling in love in a homophobic setting. I understand that most likely anyone who lived through that era in any number of similar societies has their own story to tell...it just doesn't mean it's original. And shifting the setting in the 3rd act to a completely different country that has nothing to do with the story-line? Now we've crossed into self-indulgent. 5 stars for good acting, but that's as far as this goes.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
A VERY poor-man's "Homeland" and "24"
27 September 2020
Suspense and intrigue in the Oval Office where everything isn't quite what it seems...how original. Not really much to say here other than Kiefer is his usual, professional self, although he looks very tired and uninspired with this script. The plot and situations are very predictable and cliche' at this point. The whole "poor mohammedan victims!" and "evil right-wing conspiracy!" mixed with "but,but...HUMAN RIGHTS!" is just tedious. The attempt to humanize these characters with personal back-stories just doesn't cut-it...no one is really likeable. This was great to fall-asleep by.
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A Great First Attempt
22 September 2020
I'm typically very skeptical about films where the writer/director uses it as a vehicle to showcase their acting...because there isn't usually much of the latter to highlight. "I love you both" (the title being a little uninspired) appears to be a collaboration between real-life siblings, and maybe due to the characters being written specifically for them, the script really works. There is a definitely chemistry and appeal between the two leads and their "love interest". The dialogue does fall on the banal side (meaning a lot of it is what you would expect from bored millennials chatting...which is just boring), but some of it also really hits the mark and gives us a glimpse into the motivations of the characters...but there's just too little of that. What we are mostly left with is a "slice of life" in the POV of two likeable, but not very interesting people who happen to be siblings attracted to the same person. That's it. No action, no profound message or anything really substantive. Again, this is a good first try for these actors/writers/directors and I really hope their abilities do get noticed here.
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Completely unbelievable
2 August 2020
By that I mean all the 10 ratings in these reviews. Either they are coming from the actors/participants of this incredible steamy pill of horse-manure or potentially well-wishers/boyfriends of the actors. No one...and I repeat NO ONE could POSSIBLY consider this film in any way "good". There were several full frontal scenes with very awkward actors who apparently were so desperate in their careers they not only agreed to take the roles in this film, but did full frontal...when clearly they should not have (the lead did not...which is odd since this film is supposedly all about his penis...couldn't they have invested in a prosthetic for him?). Just awful on all fronts...not "topical", not "funny"...just not worth watching.
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Flat cliche Israeli propaganda
27 May 2020
There are too many films and series about the Israeli Mosad and IDF to go into. Suffice it to say this one simply tries to throw in every known cliche and just comes off bland. It is almost a parody of itself in that only the israelis could have the lead of a balding, obese hairy middle-aged man be the love interest to a hot professional, younger Arab woman. It is unapologetic about killing Arab civilians in the course of their operations from the beginning of the episode. So, if you like watching creepy israelis having sex with their subordinates/co-workers' wives, all while killing Arabs, then this is your wet dream.
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Monster Pies (2013)
A gay "starter" film
20 May 2020
There are literally too many gay-themed "coming out" films out to mention, and at this point they span cultures, ages, geographies and ethnicities. However, the young white school-age genre seems to get the most remakes. There is really nothing different/unique about this particular retelling. The acting is good, the characters and script are believable. However, at this point (even though this was filmed in 2013) the ones that adhere to the old cliche' of "all gay romance must end in tragedy" get an immediate face-palm. Also, the gratuitous nudity here was borderline obscene; the story was good enough and it was completely unnecessary. Still, high marks for the good acting, script and cinematography overall.
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Our Big Time (2012)
Just banal
17 May 2020
This is one of those "cutesie" movies that really has nothing to say; and given it is set during World War II, that makes it even more tedious. The entire production has a very "made for TV" feel to it, with bad CGI throughout. There are already so many "we're still friends during a war" type movies that have been made, focusing on childhood relationships. In other words, nothing original here at all.
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An Incredible waste of time
13 May 2020
This is seriously one of those films that has you scratching your head as to who or why someone actually thought this would be a good idea. ALL of the characters are miscast (no one is believable...least of all the lead role as a CIA agent). In fact no one appears to have any formal acting experience at all. And why is a movie about Danish CIA agents shot in Denmark filmed in English? The way all the Danish characters try and pass as English-speaking Americans is beyond painful. In fact, beyond painful would be the best way to summarize this film.
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From the maker of those youtube videos...
13 May 2020
...comes another horrible, self-indulgent piece you'll most likely never see. The writer/director/lead uses the same exact formula (sexual ambiguity), character and actors as he always does in this latest installment showcasing his "talent". The premise actually COULD have been interesting (gay guy with straight best friend comes on vacation with his brother who spontaneously turns gay). But the dialogue and script is so weak, that no one for a second understands WHY 1. a heterosexual guy has such a strong relationship with a gay friend 2. he is rabidly/violently opposed to his brother starting a relationship with said friend 3. why a heterosexual friend would suddenly command his gay friend to perform oral sex on him. And the list just goes on and on. This really comes off more of a thin gay man's fantasy than anything remotely insightful. And as usual, most (more than half) of the film is just the lead mugging, dancing, exercising, thinking etc in front of the camera...because...well...because. Yes, we have the next generation's Bruce La Bruce right here., and you'll definitely want to miss it.
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An exercise in extreme narcissism
13 May 2020
It's very clear that the writer/director/lead (yeah...big surprise there) was so desperate to get recognition in Hollywood that he literally "put it all out" there. This "film" is essentially just a montage of the lead in various stages of undress with completely contrived dialogue between a few other characters under the very thin pretense of being "sexually liberated". Well, it got him a part on Will and Grace, so wondering if this was worth it. Apparently one of the producers on that show did anyway.
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I Am Jonas (2018 TV Movie)
Extremely well done psychological thriller
16 April 2020
Add into it the fact that it is gay themed, and this film is like finding a Rolex in the sand on a beach. All the performances are well acted, and the pace and script itself is very captivating and believable for the most part. The film gives a convincing view of the result of tragedy/teen angst and the baggage that people carry into adulthood that often form their decisions...many of them bad. There were a few negatives in that the cinematography had a very "made for TV" feel to it; mostly standard wide shots throughout, which really dulled the more intense scenes. Also, the ending was very "cutesie" and didn't fit at all with the majority of the film. Also, the entire tragedy itself had a few holes in it which really required some suspension of disbelief. But all in all this is definitely a film worth watching.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
From interesting, to cerebral to embarrassing
6 April 2020
What started as an interesting concept for a comedy geared towards adult stoners turned into something that just lost all relevance. All I can say is the first and second seasons were interesting enough to keep my attention and moved along at a pace that was in line with a comic type action movie parody. The third and final installment was more of a weak attempt to wrap the series up on a profound level, which totally destroyed an humor or respect for the origin story. With that in mind, watch the first 2 seasons if you are looking for brain-candy, but pretend the last episode of season 2 was the finale and skip the 3rd, as you'll only be disappointed.
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Whatever This Is. (2013– )
The Outs Part II
15 March 2020
The writing, look, polish and overall "feel" of this series is very much like Goldman's previous series "the Outs". With several of the same characters (and a walk-on from Goldman himself...they just can't resist) this series is yet another look at relationships as seen from struggling 20-somethings (well...that's how they were written anyway) in NYC. Yes, rent is high, "stuff" is expensive, people are rude...we get it. And unfortunately, the character of "Ari" pretty much sounds like Goldman (whiny, insecure, fem...but his victimhood card is that he's "brown" as opposed to jewish...what a plot twist!!!). Overall, interesting...just not great. Good try, and I do hope the best for all involved.
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The Outs (2012– )
Compellingly cerebral
15 March 2020
This is seriously one of those rare webseries that is as polished as it is compelling. Well written, superbly acted and professionally edited and executed in all aspects, the series touches on many topics surrounding relationships. Although the predominant and central relationship here is a gay soon-to-be-ex-couple, there are also heterosexual relationships as well. The only downside was the cliche/wimpy/narcissistic jewish characters (yup...this is NYC after-all) which were beyond predictable (I think at this point anyone could have written their dialogue). But extra points for using Erik Satie and working other very original topics into this series.
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The Wave (1981 TV Movie)
The "bar" for after school specials
5 March 2020
As a child I remember watching this when it came out. It had a very understandable message, even for a young child. It was obviously "made for TV" and specifically for middle to high school age children and definitely felt as much with the background score. Overall, it was well done and worth a watch, since it definitely holds its relevance.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
Conveniently hilarious
20 February 2020
This is one comedy about immigrants (Korean) without any ulterior motives; it's just funny. And while in the days of "I love Lucy", a foreign accent was the subject of constant ridicule and the punch-line to many jokes, "Kim's Convenience" uses the characters' accents as an instrument to bring you into the conversation; you HAVE to listen to them carefully to understand...and you start to understand IMMEDIATELY that this is just hilarious. The contrast between the patriarchal family (often run by the "vice president" of the organization) with the hopes and expectations of the younger generation are a theme most families will identify with. Definitely worth watching.
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Beautifully painful
20 February 2020
The story underscores the drama of any alcoholic, dysfunctional family. Yet behind the violence and rage is an even deeper topic; the fact that this not just any family, these are people who have been colonized and who have adopted Western values and vices at the expense of their own culture. Amazingly written, with incredible performances (especially Morrison...very happy to see how much work and fame he has received in his career, as he really is a versatile actor). The plot and story overall becomes very difficult to handle; and like the plight of the Maori (or any colonial subjects of the british) there simply is no clear, happy ending.
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Starcrossed (2005)
More of a statement than a film
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Given this was filmed in 2005 (i.e. just as gay marriage was becoming legal in San Francisco circa 2004), the topic of same-sex attraction had definitely 'been done'. Yet ever since the time of ancient Greece there have been works done on incest and the tragedy therein. This film just seemed like a big "what if...?" kind of scenario, with very 2-dimensional characters and writing throughout. The ending of the two protagonists handcuffing themselves at the bottom of a pool to drown together was definitely more of an allegory than any logical or realistic conclusion (the horror of watching someone you love gasp and convulse for air until eventually drowning is hardly romantic). Oddly, years later a Brazilian film "From beginning to end" would come out on the same theme; this time with cheery and Laissez-faire results...so it would appear even brother-on-brother relationships are no longer taboo.
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The Ninth Day (2004)
A psychological horror story based on reality
10 February 2020
The Ninth Day is based on the true story of a Luxembourger priest (Henri) who is sent to Dachau concentration camp (among thousands of other priests in WW II) for standing against the Nazi regime. The film brilliantly contrasts the hell of the concentration camp with making a deal with the devil (i.e. the Nazi regime that sent him there) once Henri is "freed" to return home. Some very weak-minded individuals will call this film "propaganda", since it accurately portrays the persecution of the Catholic church (both the clergy and the laity) under the Nazi regime rather than the historical revisionism which was popularized by the communist bloc over the last few decades. Not for the faint of heart (there is very graphic brutality throughout), it is definitely worth watching as both a time-capsule of life during occupied countries during the Nazi regime as well as a wake-up call to future generations.
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Daddy (I) (2015)
Oedipus Wretch
7 February 2020
The concept of this film could have actually been interesting and even profound on a couple of levels. As is, it was poorly acted, scripted and cast (with the ONE notable exception of Jaime Cepero, who was the one actor who actually brought a deeper humanity and meaning to his role). The main character of "Collin" simply comes off as a gay white, self-entitled Alpha male who no one cares to sympathize with. He gets what he wants regardless of consequence. And even when bad things happen, he blames those around him for it. The "gay friend" was even worse than the typical stereotype and more whiny. The fact that he felt he needed to give the "big reveal" either shows he is an incurable drama-queen or just vicious to the point that one wonders just why the lead has him as a friend to begin with. Messy, sloppy and bad...not worth watching.
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No Night Is Too Long (2002 TV Movie)
NOT a "gay themed" movie
31 January 2020
For all the reviewers whining and moaning about the ending or trying to sound intelligent by using the term "heteronormative", all I can say is they completely missed the entire point. While this film definitely centered around some gay relationships with the main character, the main point here was that he was a complete narcissist...and he didn't care which gender fell for him at all. The plot twists to this were amazing...I can usually see them a mile away (there's precious little "new" out there that hasn't been done), so extremely well written AND acted. Sadly, two aspects I wasn't at all impressed with was the editing and the cinematography; both of which had a VERY "made for TV look" (and indeed that's what this was...but they didn't have to make it look that way). But definitely a good suspense/psychological thriller.
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After Forever (2018–2022)
An interesting concept surrounded by pretentious name-dropping
31 January 2020
This drama has a lot of good energy, performances and the concept is very well put together overall. But the lead doesn't really seem able to carry the entire story, so the other characters and THEIR contributions/stories are very welcome (gets even better in the 2nd season). However, a few of the performances were over-acted and the biggest turn-off was all the name-dropping (they must REALLY hate Patti Lupone for whatever reason) and references to their lavish New York City lifestyle and proximity to Broadway, academia and artists...from a California stand-point, they just came off as posers. In fact, the more the characters talked about famous people, the more evident it was that pretty much no one famous or recognizable was in this cast. Worth a watch, but definitely a lot of area for growth (assuming there is a season 3).
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A conceptual head-scratcher
30 January 2020
This is kind of an odd film since it dealt with subject-matter which COULD have been interesting, namely, 1) a day in the life of a porn star 2) real vs imagined/public vs private identity 3) gender/sexual fluidity. However, it really didn't land on any one of those, and didn't give ANY of them enough time and dedication to be meaningful; it was just all over the place. The dialogue and acting was very rigid (you can tell that several of the participants have had no formal training and this is probably their first time in front of the camera). The details got pretty specific to the point of being irrelevant to the story (they made it a point to ensure we knew the lead was a "black, bareback bottom porn actor"...why not just porn actor? Or even black actor? What purpose did the specifics serve?). If there was an actual deeper meaning it was lost.
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