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It was okay.
14 June 2015
The movie is engaging and has some really great special effects. However, some of it is overdone. As a huge fan of the original (Jurassic Park), I was slightly disappointed as I was waiting for the awe that never quite happened. The story line was weak, the acting nothing special but the movie was visually stunning at times.

I have little doubt Jurassic World will be a great winner for those who are not familiar with the original (Jurassic Park) and I am sure that number is massive since it has been 20+ years. It is not necessary to know the original to enjoy this movie although some references might be slightly clearer.

All in all - a good endeavor and, after all, it is hard to beat that scene in Jurassic Park of the first look at the dinosaurs in the plains.
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15 July 2007
I have not read the book and thought that might be why I felt lost by the film. After having spoken with others, I think I might have been even more disappointed in the movie if I had read the book.

The movie was disjointed. I felt like I was riding in a car that kept changing directions but never really getting to the destination. There seemed little emotional connection between all the characters that have so much history. Harry, Ron and Hermione all seemed either wooden or way too whiny.

However, I did love the character Luna. She was refreshing, interesting and fun to watch. Almost worth seeing the movie but not quite.

Perhaps the book was just too big to do it justice in 2 hours but this might have been one of those times to do a 3 hour movie or past time to bring Chris Columbus back.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Not terrific but not bad.
19 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think Spiderman 3 suffered (as a lot of movies do these days) from a lack of material on the cutting room floor. The story line was a bit hectic and there were too many characters flying/climbing/changing, but the biggest problem I had were some scenes that caused me to keep checking my watch. A couple were just downright embarrassing to watch like the ones with Peter Parker strutting around town as an "irresitable" jock. Give me a break. Toby McGuire just doesn't fit that bill in the role of Peter Parker. In addition, the entire scene in Harry's apartment between Harry and MJ could have been deleted without any loss of storyline. The "Twist" dance scene was stupid and merely filler for whatever reason. It was boring and a time waster.

Topher Grace was great in both his roles as Eddie and Venom. He was mean, sad, pushy, competitive, yet somehow likable at the same time. I was sorry to see his demise but it seemed fitting to the storyline.

Kirsten Dunst was okay but the role has always been a bit shallow. She is a good screamer, so plays the damsel in distress well, but her performance is nothing memorable. Same with Toby McGuire - okay but nothing spectacular.

All in all - certainly worth seeing (and worth the big screen special effects) but don't expect to be blown away.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Not what I expected.
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have been waiting for the release of this movie and was excited about seeing it. Unfortunately, it did not live up to my expectations.

I was expecting to see a representation of the Mayan culture as a tribute to the advanced culture they must have been based on the ruins left behind. Instead they were shown to be a blood-thirsty, primitive society that were scared of a solar eclipse. This type of people could never have been organized enough to create the fantastic cities found in the Yucatan. The Mayans were quite advanced in astronomy and would have known the eclipse was coming. In addition, the time "spent" with the Mayans was minimal in the realm of things. Since the portrayal of them was incorrect, I am not too upset with the short time spent in the city but the trailers are misleading. This is not really about the end of a civilization - it merely takes place at that time.

Now, if this "movie about the Mayans" intention is to include the tribal people as Mayans, I would then have to question whether the tribes in the forest were Mayans at all. My understanding is the Mayans were the city dwellers of that particular time in history. The people living in the forests were certainly native Mexicans but I question whether calling them Mayans is appropriate.

So I am still wondering how the movie can really be called a movie about the Mayans when it contains so little about them.

Also, Mel does seem to have the Mayans and Aztecs confused in some respects. Some of the scenes were taken right out of the book "Aztec". The sacrifices on the pyramid, the march of the captives to the city to be killed, etc. I agree with those who feel Mel Gibson is confusing the two cultures. Cortez and his group destroyed the Aztec civilization NOT the Mayan. The great Mayan cities were abandoned long before Cortez showed up although the descendants of the city dwellers were the first people Cortez encountered in Mexico. From a historical perspective, this movie just does not work.

I came away from the movie trying to determine the point. I thought the movie was going to speculate on the unfortunate early demise of a glorious and advanced culture and honor that era. Instead I am left with a feeling of "who cares".

I give the movie a 5 because there were some really good scenes and the acting was great given the script. The use of the Mayan language was impressive (assuming it was really the Mayan language - not sure we actually know that). I just think something was lost in the translation.
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
Familiar story but still great.
17 September 2006
I was pleasantly surprised to find this movie showing as a sneak preview in my local theater.

We have all seen this plot line before (Top Gun, GI Jane, An Officer and a Gentleman) but a good script still works. This story is basically about the training of a Coast Guard rescue team with a couple of side story lines. Kevin Costner plays a highly successful rescue team leader, Ben Randall, who is forced into heading the training team after a tough mission. The movie takes us through the rigors of the training process and the personal stories of both the Costner character and that of Jake Fischer, played by Ashton Kutcher. I am happy to say that Ashton is great in this part.

There are no great surprises in this movie and you will probably realize what is coming long before it arrives. However, the use of humor, the exploration of the toughness of the training and the fun of watching Ben Randall "do his own thing as a trainer", kept me riveted and thoroughly entertained. I really enjoy watching a movie that makes the entire audience laugh out loud, gasp here and there, and clap at the end as a tribute to the movie.

We all had a good time (despite a couple of tough moments in the movie)and, I think, you will too.
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Invincible (2006)
Even if you're not a football fan.
17 September 2006
I loved this movie and I will go out of my way not to watch football. Yes, there is a lot of football in the movie but the main story line is the human spirit.

I have always liked Mark Wahlberg's work and he is outstanding in the role of Vince Papale, a down on his luck, everyday guy who makes the Philadelphia Eagles football team during a time when it was also down on its luck. It was a good teaming resulting in a great story.

There is little point in recapping the movie as it has been talked about by others and it is a true story. I merely wanted to mention that, should you want a couple of hours of pure entertainment and like "feel good" movies, Invincible is worth much more than the price of admission.
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Very entertaining
30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie because of the cast. My thinking was, with the likes of Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci, something good would have to surface. My thinking was correct. This is simply a good story. Meryl Streep plays her "evil" role to the hilt but still manages to make you like some little part of her. Stanley Tucci always amazes me as he turns up when I least expect him and nails his roles. This one is no exception. Ann Hathaway does a good job going from college prep to hat couture. She is a very lovely actor and one that should continue to grow. The rest of the cast was equally entertaining.

Do not go expecting some great life lesson but, if you want to see an interesting look into the fashion world, watch a few people question their choices and some others who just do not care who they step on, this is a good choice as an alternative to the action and animation movies out there. The movies weaves a good tale and, even with the expected ending, still made me walk out smiling.
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Captured from the start.
20 May 2006
I was a bit concerned I would be lost seeing the movie because I seem to be one of the minority who has not read the book. It was definitely not a problem. Of course, I had heard about the basic premise of the book but knew none of the characters or the plot line of the story. It may have actually been an advantage. I have heard reviews discussing how there was too much dialogue in the movie. My thoughts are that the movie was made with the assumption that the viewer had not read the book. The dialogue spent a reasonable amount of time explaining what was happening. I found it to be extremely helpful.

There was plenty of action and surprises and I did not have one minute where I was bored. The acting was good and the characters well cast. I think Robert Langdon could have been played by quite a few actors out there today but I was happy with the choice of Tom Hanks. Audrey Tautou did a decent job with her portrayal of Sophie and changed appropriately as she discovered her role and background. Paul Bettany was terrific and the rest of the cast worked very well to tell the story.

The locations were great, the special effects were well done and I particularly liked the scenes done of past times. All in all, an entertaining movie, good directing and a well told story.
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Propaganda disguised as entertainment.
18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I am happy I saw this movie is because I like to keep on top of all the propaganda being put out by today's movie makers. If you enjoy political statements, someone trying to teach you about social issues, and Bush bashing, this is the movie for you. If not, don't waste your money.

Apparently the Britain that exists in this movie is a direct result of Bush's actions in Iraq and those actions resulted in the totalitarian regime portrayed, as well as the disintegration of the social structure in the United States. Throw in some gay bashing, Muslim hating, mistreatment of Blacks, Bush creating Avian flu to use as a biological weapon, and you have the gist of the movie. Short of actually saying, "Citizens of the US rise up and revolt", the implication is obvious. I am sure the movie was set in Great Britain to imply that the rest of the world better watch out as well.

I enjoyed the music and the fireworks, otherwise this rating would be a 1. I also thought Natalie Portman did a decent job with the part. The rest of the acting stunk.
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Freedomland (2006)
I really appreciated this film
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film worth seeing. Although there were a few things that were predictable, the path taken to get to the end is winding and sometimes disturbing.

Samuel Jackson and Julianne Moore were both wonderful in their roles. They work very well together in telling the story. Granted the story is not new - White woman blames black man for stealing her car with her child in it. The reaction of the police was also from headlines - black neighborhood locked down because of a supposed crime. The one thing I truly liked about the film was the fact that it did not really preach any side. You were allowed to come to your own conclusion about the right or wrong of how things were handled. I do not like to be spoon fed a story and this movie did not even make a pretense of doing so.

It is a disturbing movie and the confusion and the sometimes frantic filming was done (in my opinion) intentionally to show the grit. I went down a couple of different avenues before finding out the true story and I do like a movie that is not overly obvious. Although I did realize what happened to Brenda's son from the beginning, the supporting characters kept me guessing as to how the crime actually transpired.

At the end, my only thought was "what is the point of this movie". I believe the answer to be - "there is no obvious point, it's just life", life told in a honest and sometimes painful manner.
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A tragic love story - give me a break.
17 February 2006
I am still trying to understand the appeal of Brokeback Mountain. Here is a movie about two men who have sex during a stint of watching a flock of sheep. Then they go on to marry (women), have children, and, instead of being faithful to their wives and families, meet every so often to have sex. They talk about getting a place together but never have the "you know whats" to be honest to themselves and families. Therefore they remain in their marriages, making everyone miserable. I do not recall ever hearing the word "love" from either one to the other. The only phrase remotely in that ballpark was, "I wish I knew how to quit you". I am sorry but these two are selfish, cowardly, and unable to control their physical attraction. Just because their relationship lasted years doesn't make it love. If they were that much in love, they should have been honest and made a life together instead of destroying others.

The scenery and music seems to give this movie much more credence than it really deserves. The real tragedy is the hype surrounding it. I rate it a 2 for the mountains and music.
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Beautiful story, beautiful movie.
24 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I knew very little about this story before seeing the movie. I have not read the book and only saw one preview that prompted me to see Memoirs.

This is a touching movie that grabbed me from the first moment of the isolated, sad, and lonely house by the sea from which the lead character was sold. The expressions on the faces of Sayuri and her sister as they rode away brought tears to my eyes and those tears continued on and off throughout the movie.

The acting was wonderful, the costumes exquisite, and the scenery alone was worth the price of admission. I am not Asian so I guess that is why I just don't get the uproar about the casting. I simply saw beautiful actors playing characters as they lived and changed.

I will not take up time going through the scenes except to say most of them were gripping. I went through a lot of emotions watching this film and that is always an indication to me that the movie is great. I came away with a feeling of awe, satisfaction, and happiness.

I am only saddened by the negative reception some are giving this movie. Even the theater I was in stuck this movie in the smallest room, way off the beaten path as if they assumed it would flop (or maybe were told to make sure it did??????).

This is a fairly deep movie and does not spoon feed the audience. If you do not like a movie that makes you think, skip this one. However, if you like thought provoking movies with outstanding visual treats, make sure you see this before the critics make it go away.
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King Kong (2005)
Could have been much more enjoyable.
15 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back from seeing King Kong and I am really surprised to have to say that it was not what I was expecting.

First of all, it was about an hour longer than it needed to be. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to sitting in a theater for 3 hours if I am entertained. However, there were so many scenes in the movie that were two or three times longer than necessary to get the point across.

*** Note: the remainder has lots of spoilers *** For example - the scene where the dinosaurs were falling after one of them was shot. This long segment, coming after the one where the men were running along with the dinosaurs (underneath, side by side, etc.), was just too much and way too long. I found myself wanting to scream, "Enough already, get on with the movie".

Another example - when Kong was fighting the three T-Rex, and they all fell off the mountain into the tree roots (or something similar to giant spider web threads). How many times did we need to see Ann Darrow falling, looking scared, being transferred from monster to monster? And what was with the sliding on the ice scene in what I assume was Central Park? Slow motion spinning around while Kong and Miss Darrow smiled at each other - come on.

And all the bugs - scenes way too long and why didn't any of the men get shot when the bugs, attached to them, were being bombarded with machine guns. I can suspend disbelief with the best of them but this was over the line.

I could go on but I won't - I think the point has been made.

Now for the good parts. Kong was absolutely fabulous. He made me say "WOW" when I first saw him. I would love for someone to take this creature and replace the original Kong in the original movie. How great would that be? The island was scary and awe-inspiring, although I am not sure I understood the native village. Did the people build houses and then move into the caves or were they hiding from the movie crew? Why was it necessary to make them all look like "Night of the Living Dead" characters? The scenes in New York were well done and the Empire State Building scenes were thrilling. The exchange between Kong and Ann during the sunset was touching, as were the last moments before he fell off the building.

I am glad I saw the movie but it is not one I would sit through again and again. Any movie that makes me look at my watch and wonder when a scene will end, does not deserve any more of my time.
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Everything I hoped and waited for since I first read the series.
9 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I first read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was around 11. Since that time (many, many years ago), I have hoped for a big-budget version of this wonderful story. I am sure this great achievement couldn't have happened much sooner as the quality of the special effects needed to do the story justice simply didn't exist until recently.

The movie was well worth the wait. I was captivated from minute one and was so excited to see some of the scenes that I actually found tears in my eyes. Reliving the story, watching the characters, meeting the creatures, it was all like coming home.

The casting was great and was done by someone who obviously had read the books and knew the characters as well as serious fans know them. Tilda Swinton was fabulous as the White Witch and made the transition from the nice "queen" who "snowed" Edmund to the terrifying war waging witch perfectly. The children played their roles flawlessly, going from scared war "orphans" to mature royals saving their kingdom. I was amazed to see them at their coronation, seeming so grown up and seeming so wise.

The special effects were just amazing. The variety of creatures in the book were shown in such a real manner. I particularly enjoyed the method used to portray the tree spirits. None of the mythical beings were unbelievable and Aslan was simply magnificent, although I pictured him a bit larger. I did not pick up on Aslan's voice being Liam Neeson's, I merely knew the voice was familiar and his was a perfect voice for Aslan.

The battle scenes and some of the "dark" creatures may be too intense for younger children but this is a children's movie based on a children's story. However, most adults should find it enjoyable. It may be helpful for adults to be familiar with the series to really appreciate the movie. I recommend this movie for everyone with an open mind to fantasy and the age-old, good winning out over evil tale.

P.S. Do not leave the theater when the credits start rolling.
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Æon Flux (2005)
Don't miss this movie.
2 December 2005
I went to see Aeon Flux with no expectations because I knew nothing of it other than I heard the movie was based on a game. I am a Charlize Theron fan and the movie trailers looked great. I needed no other prompting to see it.

The movie was fantastic. Very visually appealing and, despite a few plot twists, was easy and fun to follow. I had no idea where it was going to end up and I like that in a movie.

Charlize was fabulous in the role. She was sexy, tough, vulnerable and simply a joy to watch. The others in the cast, especially Marton Csokas, were just as good (and made the movie even better) but it is clearly Charlize's vehicle.

I enjoyed a lot of the filming techniques as I sometimes felt I was watching the graphics of a video game. I also, at times, almost felt I was playing the game. I found myself talking to the character suggesting certain courses of action. I even felt, when things did not go well, that I wanted to revisit a plot twist and change it. Like, I said, it was a fun movie.

Highly recommend even to people who are not sci-fi fans. Although the movie takes place in the future, the problems and issues are timeless. The setting is just a good excuse to have fun with special effects.
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I think I should have read the book.
18 November 2005
I have been eagerly awaiting this movie as I was so enthralled by the first three movies. I have to say I came away a bit disappointed.

The movie was full of all the wonderful Harry Potter special effects, the bantering between the students, and even introduced some teenage angst scenes expected due to the aging of the characters. However, I found myself lost when it came to the storyline.

Unlike the first 3 movies, I came away from this one believing that I should have read the book first. Either that or the director was just inept at his art. The scenes seemed disjointed as if there were chunks missing. There were references to people and events I could not follow. I also found that, unlike the other movies, any accomplishments one might attribute to Harry's actions, were really due to the intervention of others.

There were a number of notable performances. Hermione has grown into a lovely young lady and Ms. Watson very adequately portrayed the confusion of 14 year-old girl. Ron showed a bit of a darker side initially but eventually became the slightly quirky lad we all love. I did not enjoy Harry all that much in this movie but I am not sure if it was the story or Radcliffe's acting. Michael Gambon continues his great portrayal of Dumbledore and all the other students and teachers performed as expected.

I am happy I saw the movie but it left me wanting. Perhaps I will go out and buy the book, read it, and then return to the movie. Maybe it will make more sense or convince me that the movie just doesn't live up to my expectations of the series.
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Elizabethtown (2005)
Another "don't listen to the critics" lesson.
22 October 2005
If I listened to critics, I would never have gone to see this movie. Luckily I mostly ignore critics. I sat through this movie in an audience that cried with me, laughed loudly with me, groaned at a couple parts with me, and clapped when the movie ended. We all walked out smiling. There were a couple of dumb scenes but mostly this "life journey" movie was filled with moments we can all relate to and understand.

Orlando Bloom was perfect in his role. His facial expressions, his willingness to let go, and his timing was right on. I am not sure about the choice of Kirsten Dunst. She was good but I think she was not quite right for the role. I could have done without the Susan Sarandon role altogether but I am not a huge fan. The side story of Chuck and Cindy's wedding weekend was so appropriate to the life aspects of the movie.

Cameron Crowe has created a quirky, funny, sad, happy movie that made a couple of turns I did not expect. The road trip at the end was so familiar and brought back enough memories to leave me wanting more. This is a movie I will see again in the theater and add to my DVD collection.
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