
76 Reviews
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A nice mix of History and a crime drama.
6 November 2022
November 6, 2022 - I liked the first season of this series because of the acting, plot and production values. I am familiar with the "Dreyfus Affair" which is an important historical political event that is part of the first season's plot. I enjoyed the series overall, but I didn't really get invested in any of the characters. Except for the obvious villains, I had no feelings about any of the other characters. I watched the series on a streaming service that released the episodes on a weekly basis, though the whole season could have been released at once. This made it hard for me to follow some of the plot points. Further, it was difficult to concentrate on the acting because the audio was in French with English subtitles, which I found distracting. The series style seemed very bland and was almost like a fictional documentary of events in Paris over a given period of time. While I didn't find any of the scenes directed at a more mature audience offensive. I do think that some viewers will find that the production company giving the series a TV-14 rating a little misleading.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
More dramas should be of this quality
2 November 2022
November 3, 2022 - This has got to be one of the best acted, (Jessica Raine, does a excellent job covering a full range of emotions, and making her character believable and likeable), well directed, and intriguing TV crime series that I have seen in a long time. The writing is very good, and the reliance on tropes and memes is just about non-existent. I think the premise of the series could be used as the basis for an ongoing Series. I found the final "reveal" to be interesting, while some viewers may prefer a slightly different ending. I think that this is a good solid series, and I wish more were produced like it.
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Bäckström (2020– )
Season 2 -Pretty good at times, but could be better.
27 October 2022
Overall I like the acting, writing, and plots of the series. I've even laughed out loud at some of the dialog from time to time. The production values are good, and I'm frankly surprised that this is an Acorn production, because it looks like it has a larger budget than many of their other series. There are basically two things that I don't like about the second season. The first thing is something that many series are guilty of, and that is what one professional reviewer calls "bloat". Production companies "pad" their series so that they have more episodes than they actually need. The streaming services like the practice because it means that people will keep renewing their monthly subscriptions longer. This means that subplots, some of which can be very unimportant, and at times really annoying, are added to the storylines. The second thing that I didn't like with the second season of the series. Is that Backstrom is not only kind of a self-important weasel, but as the episodes continue. He becomes even more unlikeable, and kind of "chicken hearted". In a way it gets pretty melodramatic, and I don't think it serves the character very well. If there is a third season of the series. I hope Backstrom is more professional and less cowardly, while still being something of a conniving weasel.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
One of my all time favorite TV series.
16 October 2022
October 16, 2022 - All of the films and TV series I've seen Tim Roth in, have made him one of my favorite actors. Tin Star is a rather odd series, that I think some would consider a "dramedy", but with some very serious violence. I watched the first two seasons in rapid succession, but finding a service that offered the third and final season in the U. S. was very difficult, or I didn't want to subscribe to that service. Fortunately, I was able to see the third season and enjoyed it more than the first two seasons. The first two seasons where the sheriff and his family always seem to be working against each other. Was okay, but in the third season of the series, they pretty much came together as a family. Overall, I liked the whole series so much that I was considering buying Blu-rays discs of all three seasons. However, the way the series ends didn't really appeal to me, though I thought it was okay. One of the things that I really enjoyed was the way young women were portrayed especially in the second and third seasons. There are some very important and plucky girls that impact directly on the plot. There is one scene in the third season where Mr. Roth's character interacts with a young female drug mule. That makes me smile every time I think about the dialog between them. One "featured reviewer" seems to totally dislike the third season, while I like the third season the best of all three. Lastly, I think the acting, writing, directing and production values in all three seasons are extremely good. This is definitely one of my all time favorite TV series.
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I feel cheated!!!
16 October 2022
Oct. 16, 2022 - I gave this movie three stars because the young actors were very professional in their roles, and I think they did a good job. It is an example showing that children and young actors can be very good at their trade. Too many actors and actresses portray characters that are years younger than their actual ages, which isn't necessary and very unfair to talented youngsters. As far as the plot goes, I really was expecting a completely different "reveal" at the end of the film. Frankly, I felt cheated and looked at a synopsis of the movie afterwards to make sure that I understood the ending. There are so many different directions the film could have gone in, that would have made sense, and not leave the viewers basically lied to. I'm old, and I don't want to be "ageist", but I think Naomi Watts is too old to play the character that she does. Also, I don't think the scene where she is just in her under garments was necessary. I'm not a prude and I find it very acceptable when nudity is part of the plot, or gives insight into a character. But I think her under dressed scene was designed to lead the viewer in a deceptive direction. Apparently, there is an earlier Austrian film that this film shares original material with, that is much better. With that being the case, some reviewers have questioned why this version was made.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Not worth viewing.. ever!!!
15 October 2022
October 12, 2022 - I couldn't watch more than a couple of scenes in the first episode to realize that this series wasn't worth my time. The series is based on a book that the producer and writer for the series is based on. I would call this series a vanity project that some how got enough funds to produce it. The acting and writing are subpar. I can't think of anything that would make this series worth watching. I have to assume there was a great tax break involved with this production. I'm extremely pleased to see the low score given to the series by average viewers. Reviewers that said this series is worse than a Young Adults afternoon special deserve a medal.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
An excellent drama series
12 October 2022
October 12, 2022 - I have to congratulate the creator of this series, James Graham, and his production company for producing this extremely good series. The acting, directing, writing, and production values are all excellent. The number of well known British actors in the production is amazing. This series shows that plots based on historical events can be somewhat informative and entertaining at the same time. It is an example of a truly quality production, in comparison to much of the cookie cutter "dramas" being produced currently. Dramas that are used to advance political and social agendas, with the desire to be entertaining being only of secondary importance. There is, I believe, a political message in Sherwood. However, I think that it is skillfully included, and is one that people of most political persuasions can agree with. Which is that governmental authoritarian overreach should always be resisted by the citizens of any democracy.
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Kidnapped (2006–2007)
A great cast of actors with a very interesting plot.
9 October 2022
October 9, 2022 - I really enjoyed this series. The cast of actors is one of the best. All of them giving very professional performances. The writing is good, as are the production values. I think I will always remember the scene when Alice, the sister of the kidnapped boy. Interacts with the big basically silent man who is assigned to be her bodyguard for the first time,"Sooo Jimbo..") .😁 The young actress' name is Lydia Jordan, and fortunately she has continued to get acting roles as she has grown older. It's too bad that NBC cancelled the series going into its second season. In comparison to a lot of the "cookie cutter" series, and endless iterations of series that have been renewed for sometimes decades. Kidnapped was a quality show that certainly deserved more support from the network. The good news is that all of the talented actors and actresses have gone on to work in other productions.
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Fun action movie
8 October 2022
October 8, 2022 - I liked this movie because it had reasonably good acting, with a cast of actors you don't see in every film or TV series. The lead actors do have a good number of roles in popular movies and TV series in their resumes however. The plot is not particularly original, but the action scenes and writing are acceptable. The production values and cinematography are good, as are the location shots of South Africa. The plot doesn't require a large budget, but I didn't get the feeling that the movie was "shot on the cheap" either. The only negative comment I have, is that a CGI scene was really badly done. I know CGI can be a big expense in a movie's budget, but the important scene and the movie deserve better.
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Liar (2017–2020)
Trivializes a serious topic with extreme melodrama.
3 October 2022
This review is for both seasons of Liar. As the featured User reviewer pointed out the first season was fairly acceptable, but the second season was totally unnecessary, and I think is all extremely ridiculous melodrama. The acting is good in both seasons, and the actors deserved a drama with better writing and plot. However, I have to point out that the actress Joanne Froggatt, who portrays the role of the victim, and who has the leading role. Has all of the facial expressions of a petulant six year old girl. The drama is propelled by contrived actions on the part of various characters, and eyerolling coincidences. A character just happens to be in the right place, at the right time to move the plot along. Characters that are reluctant to assist the leading characters, who are obviously beyond reasoning with, assist them anyway. The entire drama could have ended with an extra episode in the first season. The production company chose to drag out the answer to the final question, for the entirety of a second season for no other reason than because they could. I skipped to the last episode of the second season to have the question answered. I suggest that anyone interested, should do the same, and save themselves a lot of time.
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Safe House (2015–2017)
Underwhelming but watchable drama
28 September 2022
The two seasons of this series had well known actors in the cast. That, along with good acting, reasonably good directing, and production values. Made the series watch able. However the plots were rather sub par. As with many TV series, the premier season is fairly good, while the second season isn't. The most interesting thing in the series, is discovering the secrets that the various characters have. The dialog in the series is passable, but any writing in regards to the overall plot. Isn't as good and there are plot holes that are never explained. Also, the writers rely on characters doing stupid, reckless, and selfish things to move the plots along. I think one of the worse scenes is with a seasoned former police officer running after a car speeding away with his kidnapped wife inside, calling her name. Talk about an exercise in futility, with a heavy dose of melodrama.
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Animal (I) (2014)
Average horror movie with decent acting and writing.
8 September 2022
Sept. 8, 2022 - I'm not sure why this movie got so many negative reviews from average viewers. I don't know what they expected from a horror movie. I was surprised by the fairly good acting and writing in this movie. Obviously it's a low budget production but that doesn't detract from movie because of the plot. There are a few jump scares and an original looking monster. Above all, the characters act as though they have actual brains that function, and have their own agendas. Not a bad movie if you like the genre. I found it interesting that the movie was filmed on a location within driving distance of where I live in Connecticut U. S. A.
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Kin (2021– )
Well done crime family drama.
31 August 2022
August 31, 2022 - I normally don't give TV series four star ratings because they are usually just average among other TV series. However, I found the first season of this series to be very affecting. I really felt the emotional pain that the characters were going through in the first few episodes. There are a number of subplots which don't distract from the main plot. There isn't a lot of violent action in this season of the series, but there are murder scenes showing some blood. There are actors in the cast that have been in any number of high profile TV series. Among them are Aiden Gillen (Little Finger in GOT), Charlie Cox, and Emmitt J. Scanlan. Of particular interest is actress Clare Dunne who is particularly good in her lead female role. If anyone is curious as I was, about her facial birthmark. It is real. Without giving any spoilers, there is a second season in production as I write this review.
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Spy City (2020)
How any spy or mystery drama should be done
6 August 2022
August 6, 2022 - Spy City really made it worthwhile for me continuing to subscribe to the service I viewed it on. I didn't know anything about the series but gave it a try and was extremely pleased with it. What I liked about the series - 1) The acting is very good,2) good directing, 3) the production values are very good, including extremely short video clips of street scenes and News footage from the 1960's. Which is the time period the plot takes place. 4) Very good and involving plot. 5) None of the usual tropes and memes that are seen in most drama series currently being produced. 6) While the actors making up the main cast are apparently well known. I didn't recognize any of them. This made the series more interesting to me, because there were no actors that seemed to be in every other film and TV series. I was stationed in Germany during the time that the events in the series took place, and I think the production company did a great job of recreating the time period.
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The Gray Man (2022)
A good action movie with likable cast and interesting characters.
2 August 2022
August 2, 2022 - I liked the acting and plot in The Gray Man. The many action scenes are involving, and I liked the balanced cast and the characters they play. Without spoilers, it would appear there will be a sequel.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Fun action series
2 August 2022
I thought the Terminal List was pretty good. It was refreshing to have a MALE central character, with a good female supporting cast. There are some holes in the plot that are pretty obvious, but the series is a fun watch with good acting and action scenes. I hope Amazon is encouraged by the viewing numbers to produce more series with balanced Female and Male central characters and casts. I don't think most people mind having strong female characters, but I think many of us are tired of being fed super women from the land of Amazonia.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
A great drama for all four seasons
4 May 2022
I have enjoyed all of the seasons of Ozark. I think the acting, plot, production values, and writing are of the very best quality. The fourth and final season was worth waiting for and memorable. I think that the production company set the standard for how the quality of a multi season TV series should be maintained throughout its existence. I feel the final season is my reward for being a fan of the series from its beginning. In this last season, I began to feel that this was not just a dark drama, but a love story. A man's dedication to a woman, who in her own words "Is not easy to love." I hope more TV series in the future will be as enjoyable and engaging as Ozark has been. I won't comment on the final episode to avoid even a hint of spoilers.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Mildly entertaining.
4 May 2022
I gave this series three stars because the acting is very good, as are the plot, production values, and writing. However, considering the fact that this series is based on a book that people familiar with both the events and the author. Seem to feel that the book and the series tend to exaggerate what actually happened. I'm not concerned as to whether the series is based on fiction or not. However, I think the American characters in the series come off as being arrogant, self-centered, and not very smart. The two American characters are said to have been in Tokyo for a number of years. Yet they seem to be ignorant about many important things concerning Japan, and its culture. I think what really makes the series interesting are the Japanese actors and characters. If Tokyo Vice has a second season, I won't watch it.
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A "cozy" with tea police drama
23 April 2022
April 21, 2022

This a detective series that a TV detective drama critic and friend of mine. Would call a "cozy" police drama.

As one reviewer put it. It's the kind of series that you sit back and have a cup of tea as you watch it.

That's fine, and I understand that there is a big audience for that kind of drama. I like the first season well enough. The main actors, and the characters they play are likeable enough. The murders are interesting.

After watching the first episode, I was able to figure out the "formula" that the writers use in concealing the identity of the killer until the end of an episode. While most people will be primarily interested in the solving of the murder. I like to freeze various frames of the video. To look at the locales where the series is shot, and some of the interiors. At the end of the first season. There is a worth while "behind the scenes of making the series", which is interesting. This is not a series for people that like dark drama, blood and violence in their police procedurals.
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An entertaining horror movie
23 April 2022
April 23, 2022 - I think this is a better than average horror film. I like the suspense and the acting is good. I very much liked Rebecca Hall's performance, and I liked the "no nonsense" character she played. I guess horror movies have to have people do things that they wouldn't do in real life. I found it acceptable in this film, because Ms. Hall's character seemed like the kind of person to do the things that she did, and I believe viewers are on her side. This is obviously a limited budgeted movie, but the acting and plot definitely make it worth watching.
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Black Crab (2022)
Passed the time and I like Noomi.
23 April 2022
April 23, 2022 - This was a mildly entertaining movie, and most of the action takes place in the last third of the film. Noomi Rapace, (the best actress with just one facial expression), is a favorite of mine, and I can watch her in just about anything. There isn't a lot of exposition about the war in the movie. The way the mission has to be carried out is kind of far fetched. I say this is a passingly entertaining movie, and I'm not sorry I watched it.
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Deep State (2018–2019)
So much wasted talent and budget money.
8 April 2022
This isn't a bad spy adventure series, but it should have been titled something like "Save the innocents", because for the most part. All the main characters do is run around trying to keep innocent family members and friends, from being killed by the bad guys. In spite of a really stellar cast in both seasons. The series is really kind of subpar with a lot of melodrama. It would have been so much more interesting and entertaining. If the production company had used the really talented actors, and what appears to be a good sized production budget. To create a series that would be more in keeping with a Jason Bourne, or Jack Ryan type of action drama. As I watched the series, I became more and more disappointed with the melodramatic writing, and ridiculous plots. Characters who are supposed to be people that are accustomed to death and carnage. Are suddenly turned into people that should have been working for some humanitarian charity, rather than working for spy agencies. I really like the actor Mark Strong, and it was fun seeing him in his role. Watching Walton Goggins' "go off" on Anastasia Griffith's character, yelling just inches away from her face was both well done and amusing. I didn't much care for various British actors using fair to not so good American accents, Southern in particular. This wasn't a terrible series, but it really could have been so much better.
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Der Kommissar und das Kind (2017 TV Movie)
Acceptable but mild police drama.
9 March 2022
March 6, 2022 - I enjoyed this first and apparently last season of this series. The acting is good, as are the directing and the production values. I think the writing is particularly good because the banter between colleagues in the police unit wry and amusing. The plots are interesting enough to keep the average viewer engaged. I find it interesting that as of my writing this review. There may not have been a second season of this series produced. It is possible that the series didn't get a big audience because it is rather low key drama. Though I have to say that it is better than some TV series of lesser quality that get renewed for a number of seasons. I would have watched more seasons of this series had they been produced.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
"Reimagined" Viking history, but not bad.
9 March 2022
I liked this series for the most part. Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed with Frida Gustavsson as the Freydis character. Her acting is "okay" but just. It could be the directing, but all of the other actors in their roles are quite believable and Bradley Freegard is particularly good as King Canute. I actually found the English characters and subplots, more compelling and "three dimensional", than the Vikings. The power struggle amongst the British nobility seemed so much more real, and dramatic to me. The Viking characters just seem to go from mindless battle, and occasional "adult interaction", (Wink wink), to the next. Overall, I feel like something is missing, when compared to the original Viking series. Is it the production's budget, cinematography, directing and/or acting? I don't know, but it seems a little "hollow" to me. It has been pointed out that the real Haakon Sigurdsson, on whom the series' female Jarl Haakon was based. Was a white male. So, along with a few other historical inaccuracies, that error seems to serve the current desire to have "wokeness" interjected in entertainment productions. I'll watch the second season if there is one, keeping in mind that it is just another fantasy with a bit of actual History thrown in.
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The Assent (2019)
Above average supernatural horror film.
22 February 2022
I really liked this film. In a time when you "takes your chances" with Independent movies that are offered on the various Streaming Services. I was pleasantly surprised by the overall quality of this film. The acting is good, and the production values for a film that I assume had a somewhat limited budget, aren't bad at all. The plot and the ultimate "reveal" are also good. I really appreciate, and thank the production company. For making the main character a "single Male" parent! There are a lot of those out there, and they are rarely represented in current films and TV series. I know it's a lot easier to make the main character a woman, because people seem to be more sympathetic to that character gender. But I think that it is a sign of lazy writing, and pandering, when women are always the victim. Currently, the entertainment industry seems to feel that the only important characters in productions should be female characters as "super heroes" or as "victims". Which is typical of an industry with limited imagination and quality writers. P. S. It's not important, but I think Hannah Ward was totally miss casted as a college aged young woman. Further, my question as to whatever happened to Tatum O'neal was answered by seeing her in this film.
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