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I just loved it! But I'm confused: better than first one?
25 June 2009
After it to have seen 8 times the first one of Transformers, I could not resist to see the second one at premiere and I can say that I enjoyed it so much, so funny, Megan Fox always so sexy just like Isabel Lucas (Mostly Megan hehehe). I congratulate Michael Bay by doing and to continue doing this kind of movies and I should confess that I am not big fan of the original cartoons is very possible that I will see it all.

Linkin Park's new song "New Divide", I listened it two days before the premiere in YouTube, but was not that good for me until when was in the movie theater in the end of the film, it fitted perfect like their first Transformers Soundtrack song "What I've Done", please keep it that way!!! If there any chance, please, if someone of the study or the director himself, is reading this review, please at least name my city or my country (Caracas, Venezuela) for your next film!! It would be awesome and here we all love this type of movies!! I had to go, I hope this review will be useful for y'all guys, greetings from Venezuela.
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Funny Games (2007)
F--ing hate it!
20 June 2009
I watched this movie because of title, it sounds interesting on a Horror movie "Juegos Sádicos", not Funny Games but Sadistic Games, I thought it would be a good horror movie. But, the piece of crap I just watched, oh my god I lost at least 2 hours of my life, stupid music, cowardly, no no no no... and NO Naomi Watts Nudity to make this film watchable (but she still very sexy at that lingerie). I don't recommend this movie, it isn't even Funny, I hate this type of coward characters, and those two killers won't get their own game, no no no again.

I don't write often this reviews, but, this film is a WASTE of TIME! It's preferably watch Chávez than this.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
No, no, no, no... Why Milla? Why?
22 September 2007
God, why you allow these people to produce this piece of crap? Did you know how much did I worked for my $2 for renting this movie? Hehehe, seriously, since March 2006 I thought that criticism about this movie, well, it would be more exaggerated... and, like I love Milla so much, I just thought it will worth seeing her in any movie... but not this one... even from the partial nudity that has been shown in the movie... Hell no.

Like I'm not telling you guys so much about the picture (everything has been said) I just like to end this comment about the abusive application of special effects: "If you thought that Torque (2004) was bad... Ultraviolet is worst than Torque and xXx 2" God, forgive them.
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Like most Venezuelan movies: Boring!!
28 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Movie only transmitted by Venevisión (Channel 4 in Caracas), with an interesting not so much plot. One it expected more this "Protagonistas de Novela" could give, the truth was very interesting this reality show, and the actresses finalists are very sexy. Clearly, the channel ruined them a little the career, but the fame were gained it with a lot of effort and that is respected them. As Venezuelan every movie, lacks plot, we expect that himself him be not considered as bad as was G.O.E.S, Stupidly called "El Matrix Venezolano" or "Venezuelan Matrix", for Christ sake, I just hope them not occur another stupid idea to do a movie like this one. Please, and I hope you use more sexy actresses getting nude, perhaps not, by the "Ley Mordaza". Maria Edilia and Luisana, I want you happy, success!!
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Secuestro express (II) (2004)
The Best Venezuelan Movie of All Times!!!!
7 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As you well know, "Secuestro express" is the first Venezuelan movie to be distributed internationally, and the fact is that even so Miramax had not bought the rights of the movie, likewise it had been a success... is verified that to all of us, be Venezuelans or not, we they like the true histories, without fiction neither nothing, that show more the misery of our countries, and that better shown of the life in Caracas that shows "Secuestro express".

It can show what we have lived the Venezuelans in this despotic government of Chávez, How? Showing all the TOTALLY TRUE scenes of the events occurred from April of 2002, like the Massacre of "Puente Llaguno" or "Llaguno Bridge", the gunmen and many other facts of great importance in the political-social life of the country. And to think that these shameless murderers, right now they are advanced to be councilmen, and they can be elected as mayors. (Oh my gosh, in what kind of country do we live?) We also can see the effect of prostitution, transvestism, "matraca" or "Policial corruption", the intense depiction of drug addiction in our society, the extreme poverty, the murders, etc. All in the movie works too well.

"Secuestro express" is a masterpiece, and not only I say as Venezuelan, as critician too, the special effects with the DV cameras it really throw us to an exciting movie and I can see many times without getting tired of it.

So, to the world, Venezuela is a truthfully country, very rich, but as you well know, with presidents as Chavez, we are screwed up and we're converted in a "País tercermundista". CHAVEZ OUT ON December 3!
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Sometimes in April (2005 TV Movie)
Unknown Movie in my Country but as good as it gets...
4 February 2006
This movie is totally unknown in my country (Venezuela), even I saw it already knowing the great programming of HBO and seemed me interesting to be able to see fund what happened in Rwanda in 1994, and how better movie to teach it that this.. Clearly that is seen that is through the history of two brothers of different ethnic groups, but the plot in general gives a great idea of what happened in those dates in that almost unknown and hidden African country. I will be quick to see "Hotel Rwanda" to remain clearer on the theme and more cultured with regard to these historic events. All the actions were very good and I congratulate them HBO staff, channel which transmits pretty good programming that I seen as long as I could.
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A pretty damn controversial movie
28 September 2005
I had listened on this movie and envelope their content, I never had the opportunity to see it in television, accidentally I got it today in my favorite video store and I decided to buy it. There is my opinion here:

This movie is the most controversial, strong, descriptive and feeble that I have seen in my life, and that that I saw the censored version, imagine the uncensored version, I find an excellent option to see, and in my opinion, it is a fair movie to teach to all the drug addicts of the world, in the situations so precarious in those that fall for its addiction. I have not still seen the NC-17 version, and practically it would not be so interested in seeing it, since the movie left me in shock to see so much violence and crudeness joins. In the boards I left a message asking of what I got lost in this respect. As final decision, I vote it 9/10 for: Originality, Realism and controversy in a situation common to world level. Congratulations to the cast and crew.
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John Q (2002)
well done!, all content of this great movie is TRUE
12 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The content of this movie is real, once again I do congratulate to those producing of Hollywood to make so good movies and to show the reality, now I do ask, what in the fu**ing hell in the U.S., people with a poor insurance or without the same one they do leave losing and can they die? Is it they haven't money, the part when John Q., says "if you won $75 million in surgeries, why you don't make one of good will?" The Money, the money is the answer, but don't the doctors maybe have remorses of conscience?, will they be as miserable as to allow to die to somebody that only needs of their help to stop to charge their pay? why they not only make the operation and later do see as the patient or the relatives he/she pays them? I understand that to make that is not always profitable for the hospital or clinic, but they should have political in this respect, that passes here in Venezuela, but nothing else in Clinical, because the hospitals, although the resources are scarce and they are very not well organized and all that there is, poor people are made their operations, although the medical care here is quite inefficient, and many people in a room of emergencies they stay almost expecting an eternity so that they assist them.

* * Denzel Washington continues being excellent actor and the movie is excellent, my vote is 9/10 * *
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The Paper Brigade (1996 TV Movie)
12 June 2005
this movie is very interesting, it's the one family movie that I really enjoyed, it's funny and interesting. Allyson is really hot, those urchins deserved a bigger punishment that the one that showed, but this very this way. movies like this one are perfect to see them one Sunday in family or when it is lazy, also.

It reminds me to "The Sandlot" but they are obviously different. I don't remember that other movies resemble this, but I remember when I was boy that saw one of a spoken skate table on HBO, it seems ridiculous, but I have looked for it in IMDb and it doesn't leave, I believe that it called himself "Starduster" or something like that, is of Disney. in short, I hope to see more movies like this and nothing else then.

My vote 8/10

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The only reason that I voted 2/10 was for Eve
11 June 2005
this movie really SUCKS, SUCKS REALLY REALLY HARD, this movie should be in the Bottom 100, but it is so bad that almost nobody has seen it to vote for her so many times that it should be at the same time of "Manos - the Hands of Fate." I should have him position 1 (awful), but the reason for which I put him 2 was for Eve, the girl of the town that, besides some scenes of nudity, besides, I thought of voting for 3, but like they killed Eve, I returned at 2. it is that movies like this they should not be financed by anybody, since not even they took to the fame or other productions to the actors main, great falsehood, jaja, the history of a mining ghost that kills to "mansalva" and after they put an end to their misdeeds, it reappears, because with the end they shitted it very ugly.

FINAL SCORE (VOTE): 2 (for the nudity and the performance of the beautiful Eve)
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more fictitious than I expect
11 June 2005
this movie in certain sense, is cool. excellent fight scenes that the R-Rating grants him, the topic in general. the only thing that I find ridiculous it is that they are too exaggerated when The Bride cuts him the arm, head or other parts from the body to its opponents, they are so fictitious that they bother.

In the version DVD, you can appreciate all the combat scenes better, especially that of Tokyo, a tip that I read in a magazine that the version of Kill Japanese Bill (Region 3) the this scene of Tokyo lasts more and he/she comes to color, while we have to see it in B/W.

David Carradine after Kung-ugh it continued making and playing very good movies like these. Today (12 June 2005) it will be used for the first time in TV for Latin America for HBO who have not seen it, syntonize it (I am already making propaganda that such) and good, I add that Kill Bill 2 are better than the first one.
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The Matrix (1999)
why does the matrix has you?
11 June 2005
Very simple, because it is a magnificent, well created, defined and interesting history that takes to many to admire her. But now I do ask, do you believe that The Matrix is real, that is to say, the concept that we are dominated by softwares and that? if you responded that yes, I tell you:


it is necessary to see that the nerds ruins everything, and to think that one sees this type of movies at the beginning to see the scenes of fights and shootings, but while more you see it, it begins you in interesting the history, but to the long one you annoying restitution and it is left. And if not, a friend of the secondary that was obsessed with this movie that tired already, saw until it contaminated me temporarily the fever when they used for the first time "Matrix Reloaded" in 2003, but he had a limit and I got tired of that, like to reject the trilogy during some time, but now I recapture with idea of giving his importance to certain philosophy (although in the VG already ridiculous the prophecies of Morpheus), the fights (in Revolutions that seemed a fight it Goku-Vegeta of Dragon Ball Z) and the movie that it lifted more expectations was "Matrix Reloaded", where they became more fictitious, but even so, good.

when I said that the nerds ruined everything, it is true, the example of the fans of Matrix and of Star Wars is an annoying point, because always one goes to those stupid nerds that almost prostitute to get some souvenir or article with respect to this type of movies.

In spite of the nerds and fanatic who's in any aspect ruin tremendous movies like this one, my vote for "Matrix" is of 9/10.

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The Mask (1994)
excellent comedy of 1994
11 June 2005
"The Mask" it is a movie that causes to see and to see as many times as be necessary to stay happy, it is that Jim Carrey is excellent comic actor, and its performance in this movie, like in the other comic movie of 1994 (Dumb and Dumber) they have taken it to the fame that today in day has.

Other comic movies as "Bruce Almighty", "Dumb and Dumber", "Ace Ventura Pet Detective" they are others that should be in our collection of comic classics, and as an user he/she said somewhere around in their comment: "1994, year of good movies", "1994 Jim Carrey's year", I say that he's right, and I hope that the stupid sequels that ruin the original spirit of the movies like "Son of the Mask" they stop to be carried out.

P.S. Another attraction of this movie is Tina (Cameron Díaz), first movie where I see it, and that it is its sensual stereotype that has not had in other movies (perhaps in "The Sweetest Thing").
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this one was disappointing
11 June 2005
I saw this movie for first time at the cinema, I remember I so excited to see this movie, until my grandparents take me then, I remember when still existing "Cine Cipreses" in Caracas, I went there to see this movie, and what I get? A Little Piece of Sh*T!! anyway I want to thank to my grandparents to have taken me to see it, although I admit that in moments of annoyance, and they are giving it, I see it, since some action scenes are good, especially when they kill Uma Thurman in their character, or the problem of Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) with his freeze wife, make something interesting the movie.

the only movie of "Batman" that I liked it was really "Batman Forever", and I hope that "Batman Begins" it is good when they use for the first time it soon here in Venezuela. In short, for this movie I vote 4/10.
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Glue Sniffer (1999)
this movie must be in the top 250
11 June 2005
this movie should be in the top 250, since, no Venezuelan movie has been (and let us hope it is), in the top, since our movies show the reality of every day that we live the Venezuelans with regard to the delinquency, especially in the poor areas of Caracas, well-known as "barrios" or "cerros" where the life there is like underworld, in other words, it is ANOTHER WORLD.

Cities so modern as Caracas, always have their dangerous parts, like in New York it is the Bronk, here it is Petare, Catia, Caricuao and many other areas that present great danger for the inhabitants of the region. Here we are invaded of: Indigenous, Vague, criminals, thieves, assassins, drug dealers, prostitutes, etc. in short, and that reality is exporting since this it is not only given here, but in all Latin America. My intention with this comment is that they vote that the movie you of to know more, I rush (not the first stone, but it is a beginning), and I vote 9/10.

P.D. IMDb users, vote for this one, we just only need many votes, go
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Dragonfly (2002)
great movie, special for seeing at 1/2night!
11 June 2005
this movie was very good. especially if it leaves of the same one it was filmed in my country (Venezuela), that whole drama with the children in the hospital, the case of parrot, and the signs that showed through dragonflies (usually called here "caballito del diablo") they give to the movie a special and brilliant touch.

The part that is in Venezuela (Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas State) it is one of the wildest, humid and dangerous areas in the country, not only for their exuberant beauty and strange amazon fauna, but for the danger of the gangs, drug dealers and indigenous tribes that they make tension in that area of the country. These indigenous tribs has always been characterized to be very strict and isolated, for that reason one gets the attention when Costner goes to the tribe and all the present Indians go with kind of a preventive attack which is saved by the oldest in the tribe. Of so many movies recreated in Venezuela, this it is one of the most notorious, especially our customs that of for part, they spread to be very disturbing, for example in the scene of the light plane, which the type that managed it was not an expert (in few words, here anyone can make things of this type without being captured in places so secret as that), and other things that they characterize to our country that I won't name because the comment has been already large.

In conclusion, the movie is very good, but for certain details, I vote for it 7/10
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The Shining (1980)
psychological thrillers like this one, marks the rule on movies
11 June 2005
"The Shining" is a quite terrifying movie. the simple one made of go to live a season in a hotel of that species during certain time and with so much solitude (besides their ghastly companies) they already make it terrifying. Stanley Kubrick (RIP) it was one of the best directors in movies of the last times, and "The Shining" it marks the rule.

in spite of everything that said previously, I should say that I had left the movie big, and I have to notice that it should be more terrifying in its time, since right now they leave movies so or more terrifying than this, although I admit that that time 1950-1990 were top for movies of this type. My vote 8/10.
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why do you hate this movie???
11 June 2005
I've seen this movie three years ago, and I love it. I saw first than "Blair Witch Project" and I find that is most entertaining than the first one. So, a lot of people that has watched this movie have hated it, but I ask: why? it is because people have liked more than this falsehood that the first one, but I see it on the contrary, although the first one seems realer of that than they pretended to be at the beginning.

newly I had watched the movie (the first one), I believed that it was real, but with the time, and seeing this website, I say that all those producing are some rats, and they made that movie practically to increase the tourism in that region.

But, in spite of all the falsehood of the same one, I vote for the movie 7/10
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Taxi (I) (2004)
it seemed good, but it was disappointing
8 June 2005
the trailers of this movie made it see quite good and comic, but, It wasn't. Really, you think that the performance of Queen Latifah will improve this movie? No. Yo, she's funny, but not so much, also Jimmy Fallon, he really looks like a "patiquín" (an useless man, and it bothered me to see somebody so stupid when managing that poor car.

I should vote 3 for this movie, but like the beautiful Giselle Bundchen comes out, then I go up at 5, besides some of the amusing parts of this movie and for the car that of for yes, it was seen "depinga" (fine). Well, I really appreciate if they don't make those stupid movies again, or in their effect, improve new one, oh, don't you all think that?
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Good, Really Good
7 June 2005
I'm Venezuelan, Usually I never liked Venezuelan movies, to exception of "Huelepega", I don't know, it never gets my attention, maybe on TV, but never in the cinema, it's like that. But when I seen it on DVD, ooh, is just Terrific!, it was a real good movie about our boundary-war situation with Colombia for many years, and it is represented by a "malandro" (like a thief) who was sent to the frontier to lend military service. You Know the rest. And if you don't, go to see it! It is very entertaining, if you like these movies about drugs, sex, holdups, fights, infidelity, etc. All made in my country, Venezuela, you won't be sorry

PD: Dora Mazzone has nice boobs, don't you think so?
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Man on Fire (2004)
The Best Film of 2004!!!
5 June 2005
There are many reasons to watch this movie: to see the reality that whips Latin America with regard to the kidnappings thing, the police corruption at continental level, among so many realities that we live the Latins.

The performance of Denzel Wahington was brilliant, this guy continues being an excellent actor and that it continues this way. Dakota Fanning just by 10 years, an excellent actress has become and I congratulate her. The rest of the movie was of marvel, I have it in my collection.

I hope that they are happened to those producing of Hollywood to make a movie completely in Venezuela, where they show our reality better with regard to the delinquency, the traffic of drugs or the political problems. They have been few the movies that they play Venezuelan land (for example: Aracnophobia, Jungle 2 Jungle, Dragonfly) they should make more, as well as they make in Mexico.

The song "Una Mirada" I hope that it leaves in the soundtrack, it is excellent. My vote is 10/10
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The Best Sex Comedy I've ever seen!!!!!!!!
5 June 2005
The Girl Next Door is a movie that our hormones force us to see, especially if appears Elisha Cuthbert (so hot girl!), it is as seeing a dream: having a new neighbor that is a porn actress , she's beautiful, she's so HOT, and she also likes you.

The general content of the movie is very good, rather, excellent, the only bad is the Stupid Bookless Cambodian boy that they have to bring (it is very stupid in his attitude). Nudity, ooh, I want to congratulate the producer, all the chicks are so hot that I've seen before.

Hopefully, I wait that they take out another movie of that style, and if it is with Elisha Cuthbert, BETTER, I love that girl, she's awesome. I hope she continue this way.

Anyone else who didn't like this movie, It Can Stick a Shot in the head...
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Good as other stupid movies...
1 June 2005
Dude... Where's My Car? I like each other a good movie, stupid but good, I don't believe that it deserves so many merits but with the stupid thing that it is the I have found quite amusing as to enjoy a good while. Here you see a stoned dog, space girls super sexy, some people all stranger, in short, Ashton and Seann acted well, they have left the paper well of stupid, and take out this way more movies, I don't believe that the $5 are lost completely...

It is necessary to keep in mind that in the production of comic movies, there are them good and bad, some terrible ones, but they should not be enraged so much with this, OK, Jennifer Garner leaves me openmouthed with that suit that uses of alien supersexy (well, before transformation to real big-one), she is hot.
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The Grudge (2004)
Money Lost..!!!
4 April 2005
This movie is the worst I never seen before, I don't know, it was disappointing all movie, maybe interesting some things, but the end is the worst end in the entire world, I like Sara Michelle, but in this movie was disappointing her participation, nothing like Ju-On, that was a very good movie, Japanese Producers made it there, but Americans not, make one better. The Ring Two was better than this, and many people don't think like that about it, but if you really lose your money see this movie, I hated it, But not that all like "Son of the Mask", you'll see it and you want to kill yourself for watch it, Tell you want to this comment, it's your free will
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