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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
To this day, I have yet to find a show of equal greatness
7 April 2017
There are shows with excellent writing and acting, but no shows exist that can match the characters & storyline of Breaking Bad. This is a show that does everything right.. something that is very rarely seen in television & cinema in general. Whatever show you are watching and believe to be good, and whatever show you can think of that's currently popular, chances are they fall short in comparison to Breaking Bad.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
The drama is amplified in this version of Anne
5 April 2017
A lot of negative feedback seems to be along the lines of "it doesn't feel the same". As someone who never cared about the original series or book, I actually enjoyed watching this and appreciated the dramatic approach that the writers took for this version of Anne. In fact, I liked this enough to give the 1985 version a rewatch, only to find out that the new 2017 version is far superior in every way -- better drama overall, and targets a wider audience, not just for those watching it for nostalgia. Don't watch this show just for nostalgia. Try to set your bias aside.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Hopefully season 8 will be much better...
4 April 2017
The Walking Dead really lacks consistency in quality. Some seasons are enjoyable, some aren't. Season 7 saw barely any screen time & personal development for the main character, Rick Grimes. Instead it focused way too much on supporting characters that most viewers don't care much about. And despite Robert Kirkman stating that "the show is about Carl", the show barely gives Carl any lines and I'm left confused over the importance of his character. And to add to this, the spin-off series, Fear the Walking Dead, is also doing terrible.. which just shows how overrated Kirkman's storytelling ability is. The show had so much potential to become great, but the inconsistency in quality needs to be addressed..
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Plothole/inconsistency ruined the movie
16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was already mediocre in terms of acting and editing. But what really bothered me was the amateurish mistake halfway into the movie. Basically at one point, the test subjects find out they're being watched behind the glass doors and acted surprised, the blonde girl says "they've been watching us this whole time" as if she didn't expect it.. However, at the beginning of the movie, the doctor clearly stated that they will be monitored the whole time there... Not to mention the fact that they've signed up to be test subjects in a science facility.. being monitored is completely normal in these type of trials. Terrible writing IMO
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Jumped the shark with this sequel
27 May 2015
If you've recently been introduced to the Human Centipede series, I suggest just checking out the first two movies and completely ignoring this 3rd installment. This one tried to be comedic, which is a major disappointment. Fans of this series loved the first two movies because they were very dark and twisted. Tom Six seems to not understand this and only wanted to make a comedic sequel just for the sake of it being "different". I've seen this happen with other horror sequels, and it never turns out well. The comedy itself was in bad taste.. as a few others have pointed out.

You know a movie is going to be bad when you have a porn star (Bree Olson) as one of the main cast.
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Godzilla (2014)
Over-hyped & misleading trailer...
13 June 2014
People who gave this movie really high ratings are those who saw this movie in theater when it first came out, so the theater crowd was probably really hyped up and excited.

1 month later, no one cares.

It's not a movie you can watch and enjoy more than once. And it's not really a movie you'd buy on Bluray and watch with your buddies. Most of it is really nonsense and mediocre drama/dialogues. The exciting parts with Godzilla are very brief and few. Sure the acting is great... but who cares? I want to see monsters fight each other, I don't care about Bryan Cranston's family issues...

Even if you were to watch it on the big screen right now, it wouldn't be that great, since the hype and excitement is over now.

With that said, however, I did like the monster scenes, but as I stated.. too few and too brief.

Movie grade: C-
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Has been done many times before... gets boring
6 June 2014
Too many things in one movie... They needed to just focus on one genre. Mechs vs aliens, or time travel. They tried to blend the two together, and it just became pointless. For 1 thing, the time-travel effect used in this movie is completely unoriginal. It's been used too many times in other movies: Butterfly Effect, Source Code, Groundhog Day, Repeaters... etc.

The only difference here is that there are also mechs & aliens. The aliens are uncreative & do not look scary. They are like robotic octopuses on hyper mode that make Transformer noises.. As for the mechs... nothing impressive here, the design looks lame. Also, you don't get to see a lot of sword action, despite what the movie poster shows. There's not a whole lot of mech action at all actually.. which is a bit misleading, since this movie is more about the time-travel element than about mech vs alien warfare.

If you've seen Butterfly Effect & other similar films, you probably won't be impressed much by this.
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Low budget, but extremely captivating & enjoyable
2 June 2014
The only thing keeping me from giving this movie a 10/10 is its low budget effects, and also I did not like the actor for Ryu. His acting and fighting moves were a bit underwhelming. It needed to be more sharp and dynamic, like Ken. The actor for Ken was perfect. Also, Gouken's accent is too deep and hard to understand sometimes.. (but his overall acting is good), I'd prefer it if he just spoke Japanese through the whole movie though.

Other than that, I loved the drama and humor in this movie. A lot of great scenes that SF fans like myself love to see (ie: Ryu's theme played by flute, Akuma's final fight scene, reference to Dan in the dojo, etc.) And, surprisingly, a lot of very powerful, emotional moments in this movie... completely unexpected.

This film gets an 8.5 rating from me, because it's one of the best video game adaptations I've ever seen. I gave it a 9 in my review though, because there was no option for 8.5, and I didn't want to give it an 8. ^_^
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Review of season 3 (only season I've watched)
9 January 2014
TLDR: Not recommended if you're not into super low-budget production with terrible acting.

This show is like watching an endless late night TV B-movie with low budget production. How can you people enjoy watching this when there are hundreds of creepy thrillers and horror movies in existence that make this show look like a joke!? And that whole love story between the blond boy and the girl (Taissa Farmiga) is so BS. She barely met him at a party for a few minutes and now she wants to resurrect him, and goes to his house to talk to his mom? Jesus SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HIM!! They talked for a minute at a fricking party...

The scene with the obese girl (who is part of the main cast) pleasuring herself for the minotaur was an eyesore and disgusting! An 8.4 rating for this mess? Please.
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Project X (2012)
The best movie for perverts and delinquents
6 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a movie about a party that gets out of control. The plot is that the main characters become cool at school after throwing a huge party. That's pretty much it. I don't mind seeing an unrealistic movie, but I just didn't enjoy it. I didn't find myself caring for any of the characters. It was like watching a long recording of endless boobs and high schoolers doing crazy things at a party.

The found footage style doesn't work very well for this genre of film. When you do a found footage style movie, it has to be at least somewhat realistic. This film is FAR from realistic. The dad's reaction at the end, the flamethrower guy, the main lead driving to school in a busted car, fat dorky kid getting laid. They should have just filmed it without using the whole found footage gimmick. And more character development wouldn't hurt..

If you just like looking at naked girls and kids acting wild, then I guess you should check out this movie.. just don't expect much else.
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Monsters (2010)
Snooze fest... not really a "thriller"
5 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I had to stop watching half way through because nothing ever happens, and no plot is ever developed. Throughout the majority of the movie, it's just about 2 characters getting to know each other (like a romance film). And what's with the monsters looking like giant octopuses? They're supposed to be aliens, yet they look like octopuses? Way to make it look convincing... NOT.

Also, the main male lead can only speak English, while most of the locals around him only speak Spanish. Yet, somehow he's able to speak English to them and they're able to figure out what he's saying. This gimmick has been used in a lot of films, but it's way overused throughout this movie. It's not convincing at all.

Boring movie. No "thrill" at all considering it's a thriller. No drama at all considering it's in the drama genre. No horror. No plot.. nothing. Completely overrated.

I do like the main actress, Whitney Able.. but that's pretty much it.
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Chronicle (2012)
An 'alright' movie, but not very convincing.. and awful characters
29 December 2013
This was an alright movie.. not as great as people are making it out to be. I do like the concept of the superpower though, but it could've been much better.

1. The found footage style presented in this movie is very unrealistic compared to any other found footage films (Even the cuts/edits and camera angles seem a bit too professionally done). And why would you bring a camera with you to rob a gas station? 2. There is 1 likable character in this movie.. but his role is short. As for the main character, his actions & decisions make no sense throughout this film. I get that he's a depressed teen that's socially awkward, but the way he transforms just doesn't seem convincing.

Overall, it was okay... not as great as people say it is.
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