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Bored out of my Skull!
3 September 2022
I cannot believe how bad they made this script. The characters make terrible decisions, the head elves know the evil is there but aren't willing to do anything about it, the Harfoots do literally nothing and Galadriel is supremely unlikeable as a character. None of the characters act anything like they did in the books or in the Peter Jackson original trilogy and the dialogue raked against my senses like a cheese grater against my eardrums. I would come up with an analagy that better describes it but the show didn't bother, so why should I?

Even the action scenes are boring! This is especially true when Galadriel did her spring jump into wire-fu and her team gave up on her. Honestly, I felt more for them than for her. If she wanted to keep traveling, the least she could have done was go back and get more provisions before leading her team into the abyss and their deaths. The scene with the troll was especially bad when none of the elves EXCEPT for Galadriel were even fighting! None of them even made a single move! They looked like they were going to, but then a giant ice chunk was thrown into them and that was the end of their contribution to the scene. After that, they died and died some more because only Galadriel can be seen to do anything! The only way they can think of to make her look competent is to bog everyone else down into incompetency. This is a perfect word for the show itself, incompetence! You can gawk at the visuals all you want. First, they're not that great. Second, visuals do not make the show! If I want to look at pretty pictures, I'll pull up some pretty pictures, not be bored to death by a bunch of activists trying to shove a message into our faces using characters I don't care about.
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Absolute Garbage
2 September 2022
Once again, another franchise sacrificed to the activists and the writers who can't write themselves out of corners if they tried. The acting is atrocious, the message they splay across the screen is overly simple and not even worth trying to plaster JRR Tolkien's name across it because it is not even in the same five ballparks of his skill or ability. Prime wasted a billion dollars on this garbage but don't give them the time of day. This is all for their benefit and not for the fans, nor is it for people who like quality entertainment. Don't believe the fluff piece reviews on any of the websites, this is low level trash that is soon to die out and they know it.
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Scoob! (2020)
You should have made Scooby Doo
29 May 2020
This movie is so far from a Scooby Doo title that it lost all semblance as such. What they did was try sensationalizing this title as hard as they possibly could. They tried throwing in as many Hannah-Barbera characters as they possibly could and forgot to put in an actual mystery. I get that you can't stretch one single episode into a feature-length film but what they did was the exact opposite of a good idea. Every character they put in it was mishandled to the point of nonrecognition, the plot moves so fast and all over the place that it gets distracting and the payoff was not worth it. There are some good points in a few of the characters but they are misused or just flat out underused. The CGI is colorful and easy to watch but the story elements are terribly plotted and 80% of the jokes just fall flat. This is what happens when there are too many writers that don't communicate well. It is barely worth a rent, even if you're a Scooby Doo fan.
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Go watch it, Webheads!
9 July 2017
Finally! The movie that Spider-man truly deserves. While other Spider-man movies have plenty of merit (and others don't), Homecoming is by far the greatest rendition of Spider-man movies ever created for the silver screen! It had everything that encompasses Spider-man, but in smaller doses so that they are easier to digest and enjoy.

The inside jokes came at a great pace, and the comedy traveled far and wide for all kinds of humor. Even the darker humor was not too dark, and still suited Spider-man to a T. Tom Holland was great with his reactions to the humor going on around him, while also giving off his own jokes the way a spider can. His friend, Ned was not over done, he was given, once again, in small doses, and never got annoying, which is really hard for a comic relief character. The only thing I think they could have really done without was Flash. While Flash Thompson was good for a few laughs, he just didn't contribute a whole lot to the overall quality of the film itself. That, however, is the tiniest of nitpicks, and does not at all affect its score.

It gets triumphant echoes of joy with the action scenes. They are fast pace, high octane, and show that Spider-man has a lot to learn before he reaches his prime. You truly feel like this is how Spider- man would act were he put into these situations. He gets his butt kicked as much as he kicks tail himself, but that's more from his inexperience, and again, it is not shoved into your face, it is delivered in a moderate quantity for maximum efficiency.

Characters have their roles, and all of them play them off to their utmost and pull their own weight. The character Michelle is a quiet giant in her field of comedy, and is one of the funniest characters in her own rite. Michael Keaton as the Vulture is fantastic! He is not really evil, he has his own motivations, they just happen to be outside of the law. Peter's crush, Liz, plays a far bigger role than expected, but a necessary one in the long run. The moment we are introduced to her, I figured she may be the thorn in the movie's side, but, once again, small doses prevail.

The story is rather small potatoes in the spectrum of the M.C.U., but that is perfect for a beginner super hero movie, which is where Suicide Squad's biggest failure can be observed. Homecoming stays within its bounds, and is as big as it needs to be for when it needs it the most.

Flaws in this movie are hard to find, beyond nitpicking it to death (which some will, it's inevitable). It is more than welcome in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a must-own for hardcore fans and casual fans of Spider-man (and Marvel) alike. Do not miss this movie, it is well worth the full price of admission, even if it is the 3-D price! Yes! It is that good! Now stop reading this review and go watch it, Web heads!!!
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An Awesome Riff Show Out of Nowhere!
17 January 2017
This show has made me laugh almost as much as Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is a lot! Once you get into the actual atmosphere of the show, and accept the show as a love letter to Joel, Mike and the Bots, it's very easy to get into the swing of it. The bots are not the best voice acted, but again, it takes a little getting use to. The movies they riff are very good pallets of bad movies, which helps a great deal.

The plot line is that they were trapped in a movie theater by a mad scientist during a zombie apocalypse. It's simple, derivative, and honestly doesn't matter a great deal, what matters is that their riffing of movies is hysterical, and their skits in between are witty, and comedic timing are on par with some of the better MST3K skits.

Yes, I compare it to MST3K, but really, that's a good thing. As I said before, it is very much inspired and birthed of the love for that wonderful show. So, if you love riffing, and you love crazy comedy without too much sense to hold it down, definitely take a look at this show, and support the creator, as the episodes are very cheap to purchase on their official website. And above all else, do enjoy.
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Wake up!!!
21 December 2015
The force truly has awakened! Any one who is even a casual fan of Star Wars will tell you that this movie is the very essence of what Star Wars stands for in all of its wondrous glory. The cast was very well selected, it's very clear that they selected the right people to populate the new generation of the universe, and that J.J. Abrams is, indeed, the man for the job. It really comes as no surprise that Abrams was able to do the series justice, but it was indeed refreshing to see to what extent.

The scenery was so amazing, and the new planets, while the terrain was not exactly original, Jakku was kind of a clone to Tatooine, but the village was vastly different to that of anything from the originals, or the prequels. If the fans will be very honest with themselves, these planets were refreshing in a very, very grim way.

Then there's the story, while it was not entirely original, it did bring about the necessary setting and development to help us along with our new characters and their full introductions, as well as a deeper look into their psyches. Not to mention a revisit from our main cast in the originals. Though it may seem a little forced (no pun intended), it did not hinder the story in any way, in fact much of it was very much needed.

The film itself was gripping in every positive manner, and there were even some genuinely hysterical moments! It didn't need to dumb it down for children, as there is proof that even some of the younger kids liked, even loved this movie, and there were sounds of begging for their mothers to bring them back to see it again. Take that Jar Jar, you old HACK!

Now, let's get down to brass tax, was it good? Yes. Was it great? YES! Was it as good as the first one? Well, break my skull if you want, but YES YES YES it was actually just as good as the first trilogy, and that is coming from someone who grew up with the original trilogy on VHS. It was amazing. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to see it in theaters, and own it on Blu-Ray, and we much NOT let that chance get away from us. So what are you doing still reading this review? GO SEE IT!!!!
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Dark Shadows (2012)
What did I just watch?
1 September 2015
A movie that lacked so much direction that the original plot doesn't enter into until the last 2 minutes of the film. Tim Burton apparently had ideas for about seven other movies that wouldn't work on their own. He crams all of those ideas into this one movie, where they don't work anyway. In this film, once there is a plot point of any kind, it is either not discussed for 1/3rd of the movie, or it is immediately resolved that very scene, then we move on to yet another one. This movie has absolutely no focus what-so-ever. It doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy, horror, drama, or romance, so it decides to be one of those every other scene and it is just exhausting.

The Bella Heathcote is in the film for a total of five scenes of the movie, and she is in the first few scenes of the movie as the main focal point. Johnny Depp is the focal point for the majority of the film, and decides that he loves her for no other reason than meeting her once, and walking with her on the beach once. This movie has no build up on any front, and decides to hit it out of the park without even battering up.

Dark Shadows has no audience. It's one thing to reach a demographic, but be good enough for others, but it's another thing to reach absolutely no audience at all because of how vague the plot is, and how childish/adult oriented the movie turns out to be.

There are some genuinely funny moments, and the movie has shown promise more than once through out, but these moments of glee are interrupted by large portions of sporadic jumps across the screen. There are times when we truly feel for Johnny Depp's character, and his overacting is actually humanizing to a degree of someone who was a fish out of water or a man out of his own time. Yet he still murders innocent people and handles his problems so blatantly bad that the sympathy for him is limited down to nearly nothing.

It's a mystery of how Tim Burton wanted to play this film out in the first place. He obviously had some good ideas, but every single idea that is brought to the screen is soon wiped off in order for another to take its place. Then there comes the third act, where we are treated to the most uncalled-for horror-fest money can buy. Remember when I said there was no build up to this movie? The third act was the prime example. All of the sudden we are shown things that had absolutely no build up to it anywhere throughout the film. They are just brought to the screen and we are supposed to accept them, and after being beaten with so many random plot points, you feel like you've ran a marathon, and the movie ends with very little to recollect.

This film is not worth the time nor the effort to attempt to watch. It paints an obvious picture of how hard times have fell on a formerly great director, and why it may be time for him to hang up his director's chair for good. Do not give this film the time of day unless you are just such a die-hard Johnny Depp fan that you want to see everything of his in the first place. Either way, you have been warned.
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V/H/S (2012)
Happily Editing Added
21 January 2015
A hopeless case of wasted potential. There was some serious creativity in some of these segments, but then there were the other three. The first one sets a good tone for the audience but then that just sets us up to be let down by the others, and little by little we see that some potential scares were flushed by either the directors not knowing how to end it, or some editing that seemingly "fixed the problem of an ending."

I will give the movie credit, the jump scares were very seldom in this movie, and it relied on genuine creepy atmospheres, and creative use of editing (save for the last one.) There were even some things I didn't see coming at first, though they were not exactly surprising, they did the trick.

Then there was the shaky cam, perhaps the worst shaky cam since Blair Witch. Even if you are not one to get nauseated easily, this will do the trick. It gets out of control sometimes.

It's random, it can get boring, and some of the stories could have been deleted and no one would know the difference. Still, it was genuinely creepy in some moments, and it can be quite a fun ride here and there. It's worth watching if you like indie films and if you like horror films.
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Back in Green
25 September 2014
21 years later, they FINALLY get their wits together and decide to reboot the franchise with another live-action movie. I am going to be truthful, with as much hype and dismay that was wrapped around this movie, I did not have a single idea of what to expect. I came into that theater expecting the very worst that Hollywood had to throw at me. While I was not thrilled to see April O'Neil played by famed Bay actress, Megan Fox, even she had some dignity to add to this film. They put my mind at ease when we really started to meet our four stars of the show, and how they interacted with each other and in an outward way. Yes, I was very impressed with how well it turned out, but no it was not perfect.

I did not like how they handled Donny's character. Making him far- sighted, giving him extreme-nerd tendencies and making that pretty much the only side to his character was a little distracting every single time you saw him. Michelangelo stole the entire show, and as my favorite of the turtles, that is really fitting. Once the second act kicked up there he was still cracking the jokes and kicking major ass along with it. Raphael even had his time to shine, and he did so with great gusto. Leo, as usual, is not given much to work with, but still manages to pull off his own part.

There were other elements that they left out, but all of that is forgiven, at least in my eyes. It could have turned out ten times worse than it did and I am extremely grateful for what we received. It is indeed worth seeing in the theaters, and worth purchasing to add to your turtle film collection for all of you true-green fans. Their new look may take some warming up to, but that shouldn't be hard, they are still our green friends that we know and love.
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The Nerd!
3 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So, the wait is over! For thousands of Angry Nerd fans, this wait has been two years, and the big question on everyone's mind is "Was it worth it?" The answer is YES! This movie shows such amazing effort put into it, and such phenomenal fanfare of so many genres all rolled into one, who can possibly not love it? It is obviously a B-movie, the special effects and some of the acting are proof of that, but the humor and slap-stick are very prominent throughout. It is a joy for the true fans of our favorite Nerd, and worth every penny!


Still, as a reviewer, I must tell the truth. There is a small sigh of disappointment on some fronts. While he did employ a cool sidekick like Cooper (Played by Jeremy Suarez of Bernie Mac Show fame) this was a bit of a let-down. I have nothing against him, but really, why does James need a sidekick? He said it himself that he does his reviews alone. It would have made a lot more sense to have Mandi be his sidekick instead of her playing the kick ass damsel in distress. We've never met Cooper before, and putting him into the story from the beginning just seems like kind of a cop-out.

Still, one big huge, glaring issue with this movie was at the very end. The E.T. review that we have been waiting for since his Steven Spielberg review. I must admit, it was not especially worth the wait. It seemed premeditated, as in, more so than his normal reviews. It seemed genuine enough, but at the same time it was only around 5 minutes long. Honestly, after zombies, aliens, giant monsters, robots, an unarmed General and a fight scene on top of the Eiffel Tower, it just really seemed unnecessary for it to build up to such a small reward.

As I said before, this does not ruin the movie in any way, shape or form. It was still jam-packed with action, comedy, and inside jokes for true nerd fans! Even if you are only a fan of passing interest, this movie is worth at least a rental. I am proud to add this to my movie collection.
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1 August 2014
I was very pleased with how whelmed I was when I saw this movie. I had very high expectations for it, and it delivered on all fronts. I honestly did not expect there to be so much comedy involved throughout the whole thing, but they went that route and it definitely paid off. Although, I will admit there was a bit of clumsy dialogue when it came to introducing the characters. As I expected, the movie picked up and we got to the real meat of the film.

Out of all of them, of course, the one who stood out was Rocket Raccoon. He was meant to be the cool character that everyone loved, and he played the part very well. Even Batista, a wrestler in his first major motion picture, played off a very good Drax. I say that not knowing how Drax was depicted in the comics, but I could just tell, he did very well.

Then there came our dancing hero, Chris Pratt, who is very quickly becoming a household name. I love Parks and Recreation, and I love the Lego movie, and I am proud to say that I would trade both of those for his part in this. This has to be the best we have seen him yet (especially since he so obviously bulked up for the role.)

As the movie so eloquently hinted at, we will be seeing a sequel, so I say bring it on! If it was made with the intent of a sequel, I can't see a reason it would fail so have at it! I'll just sit here and wait.
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Godzilla (2014)
The Monster is Attacking the City!
17 May 2014
A fun ride through and through. A clear improvement on the American franchise of Godzilla. The plot is very well outlined with not only our giant lizard friend, but also tell the story of a Naval Bomb Disposer, and his journey to get back to his family. The acting, while not the greatest ever seen, was well portrayed.

It was quite the wait through the first thirty minutes of the movie. It was very well worth the wait. The suspense is built up until the bursting point, and it was paid off with a show that could only be described as devastating in a wonderful way. Godzilla is a commanding presence as he should be. This time, they got his character design correct, as well as his character as a whole.

While their sequencing can lack here and there, the movie does very well in its payoff. The human tale is very gripping entertainment, but it is augmented by the presence of a true King of the Monsters. Definitely a great start, now on to the next!
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Brave (2012)
14 May 2014
A very different type of Disney film. They did a brilliant job with such a small scale plot, and the comedic element. The greatest thing about this flick, however, is the characters, especially that of our main protagonist, Merida. They were not just one-note characters, they were given personalities and realistic qualities that define human beings. You find yourself caring for each of them throughout the movie, and this is thanks to the voice actors. Their voices brought life to this production in a way that did not seem at all forced or dull.

The problem lies more with the scenes where Merida changed the Queen and tried to make up for it. These scenes have their moments, but for some reason, they seem to drag, and you find yourself guessing what's going to happen much of the time. The story picks up more often than not, but it does tend to go off the beaten path in a way that can distract, but not in a real positive light.

Still, overall, the movie does not disappoint. It is not a masterpiece, but it is definitely not one that you should pass up. The animation is absolutely gorgeous, and the images are so easy on the eyes that you'll find yourself staring at the background from time to time.
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I thought the first one was bad...
14 May 2014
When producers know that the 1994 movie completely flopped into nothing but an inside joke, they could have turned around and decided to make a serious movie that could have driven the Street Fighter game to new levels, but no, they crapped it all down the tubes. The sequencing is absolutely terrible, they start out with a narrative, and have a few good parts, but then the narrative just keeps going and the movie keeps bogging itself down with very poor wire-stunt work, and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. The "kungfu master" Gen, who is obviously a combined character of Ken and Ryu, has the most cliché dialog ever thought up to go along with his infinitely cliché role. The only really good performances I could find were from Michael Clark Duncan and Neal McDonough. Through out the movie, you could very easily predict what was going to happen several minutes before it actually did. All in all, another depressing look at one of my favorite childhood past-times, put into live action and carelessly flailed across the screen.
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The Avengers (2012)
What happens when you love and respect your movie
13 May 2014
Very few times are my high expectations over-come by even GREATER PAYOFFS but Avengers definitely did that for me. I, for one, think that it had a lot of action scenes (and a few of them took a really long time) but then again it was a really long movie, so it also had plenty of time to develop plot and characters. Thankfully it allowed the movies to do a lot of the backgrounds for the characters, otherwise we would have been in for an extremely long ride.

The Hulk was the standout character for me. Out of all of the superheroes in this movie he was by far my favorite (and has been my favorite for a very long time). Joss Whedon seriously knew how to make this movie into a Fanatic's wet dream and he held plenty of tension and plenty of drama in all the right places along with the kick ass action sequences. Though I would have liked Ed Norton to be the Hulk in this movie, the actor they picked for a stand-in was right on the money for a GREAT Bruce Banner. He was mild-mannered, smart, and cool-headed (well, you know what I mean). And the greatest parts were his action sequences, BY FAR!

I loved just about everything in this movie, ESPECIALLY the cliffhanger at the end. STAY AFTER THE FIRST ROUND OF END CREDITS! If you're a real marvel fan you'll go YEEEEEAH! Like I did in the theater. This one is definitely for the Marvel DVD collection!
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Get your Riff on!
13 May 2014
I don't know who had the wet dream of having yet another attempt at an already failing series of movies. There was a whole lot of muscle, but the mind was straight down the toilet. The plot points, the acting, the sequencing, and the overall script was a disgusting mess of plot holes and underplayed blocking. How can they so badly under-use what star power they actually had? While I will admit, there were action sequences that kept my interest, but then there was the fact that they dulled down the werewolves to diseased-ridden, giant sewage rats. Then there was the little girl that they had to save. It was bad enough that she couldn't act to save her life, but it really didn't help that her cgi/makeup job for her hybrid form looked like a monkey-symbol doll painted blue. I'd like to go into more, (Micael Corvin's obvious off-set performance which he taped for another sequel, or even a huge cast of overall useless characters) but if I did, then I'd just turn this into an all-around rant. I don't want to do that.

So I would also like to say that if you want to watch an actual bad movie that's easy to sit through and make fun of, then this is definitely your movie. It really wasn't so terribly repulsive as to turn off in the first ten minutes, especially if you have friends over. So in that case, I recommend this movie. But if you want an awesome action/horror movie, just watch the first Underworld.
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Carrie (2013)
Leave it Alone
13 May 2014
Carrie is as Carrie does. Though it is nice to see how someone would update a movie such as this and put social networks, cell phones, and other higher technology to good use, it's still just Carrie. The movie is well done, and even though it starts her off with her telekinetic powers earlier in the film, it is still rather slow to get going. That being said, it is a little more faithful to the source material than the original movie rendition in some areas, and it was nice to see that different perspective. Again, though, it is still Carrie, and the first film was good enough. Other than that, though, it was thoroughly entertaining.

They picked a very good Carrie in Moretz, but Julianne Moore stole the show with her perspective on the mother. She was playing the crazy mother like a real natural, and she even had her very own horror aspect by herself. The characters overall were a definite plus. They went with the high school stereotypes, but not overtly so.

Despite being an unneeded remake (that Hollywood seems so dead set on shelling out these days), it was a good movie in its own right and brought about a good new aspect.
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Riddick (2013)
Pitch Bla-- I mean, Riddick!
13 May 2014
It's pretty much Pitch Black. It may be hard to believe that they would rehash the same basic premise from the very first movie so much that, aside from a few changes in character archetypes, it was almost plot- point to plot-point the same movie. This leaves a horrible smudge on the movie that is very hard to shake. Still, once you get past that little fact, there are still some good action sequences, as well as some new little tricks that one would come to expect from our main protagonist. There are some decently set up bounty hunters and space police clashes that bring a good tension, as well as some well-deserved horrific death scenes. As a stand alone movie, this could have been a great science fiction/horror film, but that's the problem, so was Pitch Black upon its first release. It had everything other than a massive budget, but that's what made it very unique. It introduced Riddick, who was a mysterious, and unknown bad ass at the time that the fans seemed to favor quite a bit. It's just a shame they had to scrape his character and stretch him over a franchise that should have stopped a long time ago.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Potential Waste
13 May 2014
A very mediocre movie all around. It has a mediocre plot, mediocre characters, mediocre creepiness, and mediocre acting. It's just all around very, very bland. The surprises are so predictable, you can literally call when someone will jump out and shoot or stab someone.

The idea around the movie had such potential, it's such a shame they didn't do more with it. They decided that a hide-and-seek movie was more preferable, one that turns into nothing but a mindless bloodbath. There was such hype over this movie, and there was a lot of real excitement surrounding it, thinking that it would be a great premise for a lot of really cool scenes, but they decided to stick with Hollywood crap.

That's not to say that it was totally awful. There were parts that were enjoyable. The guy who kept talking at the door to the family was pretty creepy, and he didn't over-do it. Even without the mask on, he was quite convincing as a psychopath. There were a few tiny gems like that in this movie, but none of them came close to saving this movie. Overall, it was a gigantic bore.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Finally, they got it right!
13 May 2014
First off, this is the best Superman movie that they have made in, literally, decades. It set a great tone, murky and dark in all the right places, while also offering a good sense of comedy, at least in the first half. While it could easily be argued that the movie's run time was far too long, it still used what time it took wisely in both back story and character development. That is to say, when it's not blowing up everything in sight along the way. The action sequences were very well put together, though some of them could have used some toning down. Overall, it brought a new light of hope for the Superman franchise that Superman Returns missed, and could help rebuild the damage that Lester did back in the 70's with his cinematic atrocities. The characters were very well kept with their roles (with Fishburne making a surprising appearance) and I cannot wait for a sequel to show itself in the next three years. Definitely a proud addition to the DC film collection.
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Dredd (2012)
Cold-rolled, Raw Dredd
13 May 2014
A very entertaining action flick. Dredd does a very good job in depicting a futuristic city that, while a baron wasteland, it doesn't over-exaggerate how terrible things are. Yes, there was a lot of chaos on the streets, but you can also get a glimpse of what the normal city life was like, and after that, the movie was very easy to relate to. Then things got darker. Lena Headey does a little too well as this movie's antagonist, her performance actually makes you believe she castrated a man to gain power over all of his turf and money. The actual weakness I saw in this movie was Karl Urban. Not that it's anything to do with his acting or his costume (though I did like the original movie's Judge Uniform better) it was more in his presence, he didn't seem to command the same fear or authority that Stallone did when he starred as Dredd in the 90's. Then there's the violent scenes. Graphic, yes, but that's not the problem. The problem was the over-use of computer animated blood, and when it was on the screen, those scenes were slowed down more often than not, and it really just looked sloppy. This is a good example of why practical can beat computer Generated in many, many cases. Still, other than those minor details, the movie kept my interest from beginning to end.
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The Conjuring (2013)
The Horror Genre has a new Come Back!
13 May 2014
My rating should give a good picture of how I felt about the movie as a whole. I must admit, I have not been that sincerely freaked out in a very, very long time. There was an absolutely amazing atmosphere throughout, and instead of the simple, childish jump-scares that we have been so accustomed to over the past decade. The characters are very likable, for the most part, and it even tends to work a bit of humor here and there to relieve the tension every once in a while. Then it draws you right back into a world of mystery and mischief. It would be bad to give away too much of the film. If you are looking for something to scare you inside and out, get this movie immediately, close out all of the light, and grab your teddy bear.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
The new Disney Crowd Pleaser
13 May 2014
Frozen has a good amount of child-like mystique, and mythology of its own, and it uses it quite well throughout the film. The characters are, indeed, something to behold. Though they do delve into their own type of humor a tad often, it doesn't distract from the light-hearted drama that makes it an interesting film. Then there is another distraction that does get a little heavy after a while, and that's the start of the songs. They have songs very often throughout the films, and the beginning of them just seem out of place and forced into the scene. Though they are rather catchy and decent songs, they really could have done without them. A lot of the antagonists could have used a little more characterization, seeming to just shout "I AM A VILLAIN" when you first see them, although there is the cloak and dagger effect that I rather liked. All in all, it was a solid film, just not one of Disney's better animated movies. Definitely a good family sit-down.
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Max Payne (2008)
Not the worst movie ever, but not Max Payne
13 May 2014
Nothing but a disappointment. While the action sequences were somewhat enthralling, they were so blatantly unrealistic that your suspension of disbelief is put on hold more often than not. The acting was amateur at best, and while I love Mila Kunis, it was hard to imagine Jackie from That 70's Show. Mark Wahlberg couldn't even save this fail of a movie, the direction and writing were so bad that you care nothing for even the main character, let alone any of the side characters. Don't even get me started on the time wasted on special effects. The story was extremely shallow, and nonsensical; nowhere near the original video game's depth of character and plot development. The director said he cared nothing about the game and it truly showed. We can only hope this teaches him a lesson, but something tells me, that's a no.
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Son of Batman (2014)
Glue Your Eyes to the Screen!
13 May 2014
By far one of the greatest Batman animated features to date! Damien has to be one of the greatest characters in Batman's recent history (surprisingly, created by one of the most God awful hacks the DC universe has seen) and his story shines like the summer sun in this gripping tale of a child coming to terms. The only thing that could have made this story better is if it were longer. With a running time of seventy four minutes, there wasn't enough room for a much-needed development, but the story, while rushed, was still well put together.

The best parts are when Bruce Wayne is introduced to his son, and Damien is introduced to a lifestyle that he is not familiar with. What else could they add to make this story more gripping, you ask? Death Stroke, Slade Wilson just happens to be the villain! While his role is dreadfully one-sided, and not all that interesting, he still plays a great foil to the fighting styles he is subjected to.

The imagery is bloody, grimy and pulls no punches when it comes to action scenes. This movie is not really for kids of all ages, but if you are a true-blue Batman fanatic, it will please all of your senses.
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