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Winning time? More like Losing Time, don't believe the hype
9 March 2022
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I could not even make it through the first episode of the show, not only does it have the new style that Adam McKay seems to really enjoy, which is pompous, know it all storytelling, but it's shot weird and it just plain boring. John C. Riley as well as the entire cast randomly chat with the camera candidly and it is just plain weird and not entertaining. McKay also had to add it unnecessary race jabs for shock value as well, which is just cheap and goes to show that he can't tell a compelling or funny story anymore.

Get back to your roots Adam and try making films like Step Brothers and Talladega nights.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
The most horrifying and mentally scarring first episode of a show I've ever seen
25 February 2022
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Couldn't even make it to the end of the first episode of this show. I worked in a cell phone store, having to transfer peoples photos and saw some downright disgusting pictures and contact names, but seeing Sebastian Stan have a full on conversation with his pee pee, and watching its pee hole open and close in mock speech was probably the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Thank god it was only seconds that I saw that horrible image. No warning at all, just bam. Shameful and downright disgusting.

Shock factor has taken precedence over actual film making. Instead of showing gratuitous and graphic scenes like that, and the 3 s*x scenes previous, just tell the story and leave out that nasty and vile s*it for the dumba*ses who pay for Skinnymax and Showtime specifically to have the "late night" option or better yet, leave it to cable, if it wasn't dead already.
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Free Guy (2021)
A musical nightmare! Truly awful!
19 December 2021
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This movie is hyped to the max. The commercials, and unfortunately people you know, will tell you that this movie is funny, witty and intriguing, when in reality it is Unfunny and downright dumb.

Ryan Reynolds's tries to make this film into something, but when some lame rap song plays every 10-15 minutes while some sort of action happens, it tends to get boring.

Much like a lame horse, this movie drags its feet and truly feels and seems to be written by a 12 year old who just finished playing GTA V and wants to write the next epic video game story, but has never written more than a 2 page essay and didn't pay attention in English and it shows.

The film is basically a musical descent into madness for its audience. Ryan Reynolds's is a bank teller in a video game, who lives a normal life, until he finally, and randomly, gains free will by stealing a pair of sunglasses.

The rest of the film consists of action sequences mixed with bad rap music until it finally ends. Thankfully, I fell asleep long before it did and never saw it.
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Old (2021)
Could have been a great short film, but it's almost 2 hours of torture
25 November 2021
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I'll spoil the film for you, the rocks are what's making them age, and all the "hotel employees" are actually pharmacudical employees who have been using the beach as a "testing site" for new drugs that they can "test in a day, and save lives in days what would have taken years" and M. Night Slam-a'lama-Ding Dong is not only the bud driver, but also the evil moderator for all of these "tests". 2 of the kids escape after receiving some sort of weird cryptic message saying "My dad doesn't like the coral" and they swim out and expose the pharmaceutical company after the 6 year old boy, now a 50 year old man, comes upon a police officer he saw on the regular beach that they went to before the "bad" one, this officer somehow believed them and then went ahead and "pressed charges" and "put them away for good".

The story would've made a lot more sense if it was a 22 minute episode of the twilight zone, but it is almost a two hour film that drags on and on and on.

One of the other things that really bothered me about this movie, is the way that it was shot. I have never seen such a heinous miss use of a wide angle camera. Every single shot, and I mean every single shot except for some of the close-ups, is not shot wide enough so characters are cropped out, sometimes fully, out of the shot because the camera is too close, when it should be much farther away making the shot look somewhat normal, I don't know if that's what M night was going for, but it was extremely annoying, weird and just downright nonsensical.

All in all, I would say please don't waste your time with this film, it is honestly not worth sitting in front of the TV for an hour and 41 minutes. Go on Netflix, or wherever the original twilight zone is being streamed, and watch that instead, hell go even watch ultra Q the Japanese equivalent of the twilight zone.
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A decent addition to the PA franchise
1 November 2021
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A lot of people said that this movie was boring, and to some people it might come off as boring, but to me personally, I actually liked the idea of switching it up from being inside some rich person's house, with a pool, and all of the amenities anybody could possibly ask for, to just a rag tag team making a documentary that makes absolutely no sense, with people who seem Amish, but when you ask the mailman, they aren't. There were some genuinely creepy parts, but in true paranormal activity fashion, get ready for some jump scares, because there are more than a few. I was thoroughly entertained by this new installment, and if they made it more like this, I would watch more, but again, it's all up to the person. It's worth a try.
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It was okay
1 November 2021
The first half of the film was actually pretty decent, but as you got into the second half, it was a slow dissent into madness, and left lots of plot holes from the other story, the original don't breathe, which really confused me at the end, But otherwise, surprisingly not that bad of a film. I actually liked it better than the first, only because the first film was honestly boring and didn't really have that much of a story, this one has a pretty decent story, and pretty decent action. All around I gave it a four out of 10, it was entertaining on a trick-or-treaterless Halloween night.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Maliggin on these nuts! This movie sucks!
18 September 2021
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James Wan is starting to go downhill. He was going to direct the Conjuring 3, but bowed out in order to write and direct this sad, pathetic excuse of a film that makes as much sense as reading the French instructions first when putting together a toilet, when you don't even speak French.

The movie is slow, boring and downright awful. I cannot believe that this movie was allowed to be made. Don't waste your precious time watching this s*it show of a film.
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The trailer was better than the film!
14 May 2021
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The trailer was 10x better then the film was.

The story was kind of whishy washy and was sometimes believable, while most of the time unbelievable. I truly expected better, especially from Taylor Sheradian directing, but he didn't write it, so I shouldn't have got my hopes up.

The acting was subpar and terrible from such good actors like Bertnal and Jolie and even Holst was bad.

If you have HBO Max and need a mildly entertaining movie for the night, watch it, but man was it disappointing.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Any reviews over 1 star are paid, or people really will watch anything
19 April 2021
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This is quite honestly comma one of the worst films I have ever seen. The story is all over the place, the characters are borderline schizophrenic oh, and by the time you hit the end of this film you'll have wished that you had watched paint dry instead, it's a million times more interesting.

The story is of a family that lives in the woods, the father is a Trapper who killed and sells the pelts of animals that he has trapped, and feeds his family with the meat. He has his daughter with him, who in the beginning of the film seems like a very confident, eager to learn child, but turns around and makes the most moronic decisions after her father tells her not to run when she sees a wolf comma and to fire off a shot, which she runs and does not fire off a shot.

I'm just going to boil it down for you. The rest of the film after the husband goes out to go and hunt for this supposed wolf, ends with the husband as well as the daughter supposedly being dead, the police officer that figures out that something is going on, all at the hand of a strange man with a Walkman who just finished having a Murder Party in the woods. The mom decides after we are never told specifically if the daughter is killed or not, that she is going to use her Newfound skills as a animal Skinner, to skin this man and listen to his weird Walkman that has metal music on it.

The cops show up, she doesn't get shot and sits down in front of her home. That's it. That's the end of the film. Don't waste your time.
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Synchronic (2019)
Why do people keep giving s*tty movies good reviews?
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucked. A pill you can buy at a smoke/vape shop can take you back in time? What?

This movie is a misama, a fog you walk through trying to grasp at something tangible, but find that you can't quite grasp the story, because there isn't one.

It's just random scenes slapped together that somehow form an hour and 40 minute film.
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Thunder Force (2021)
10 April 2021
Who gave this the green light? The script is terrible, the acting is even worse and the film is downright strange and dumb. I know Netflix isn't a big movie studio, but they've made better films than this.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Stop giving this movie good reviews
6 April 2021
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The beginning starts out alright and by the end of the first long stretch, it seems like it could actually be a good film, but in the fashion of Bye Bye Man and others like it, it's not even campy. It's just plain bad.

A demonic being, supposedly from Tibet, makes its way into suburbia and becomes a spin the bottle game? Seriously?

Watched it for a few more minutes and then turned it off and watched something else. Watching paint drying or the grass growing is more entertaining than this film.
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Even conspiracy theorists don't write this bad
5 April 2021
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This film seemed like it was going to be a good thriller or horror film, and boy was it a horror show.

This is some weird conspiracy theory movie about how black mists in the sea connect with birds falling from the sky and that it can infect regular people and compel them to do weird things like, throw your granddaughter off of the couch late at night, stare at your granddaughter and go boating late at night.

All this and more in this movie that is only an hour and 40 minutes but feels like it's much longer with how slow and boring the story is. The ending was even worse when you found out this the climax of the film implied that aliens were the culprit.

Dont. Waste. Your. Time.
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The first movie was amazing, what the heck is this?
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How this film made it past screening, I will never know. It is so dang horrible, I really don't know if I've ever seen a movie this bad before.

Geoff Johns is an amazing writer. He revitalized Green Lantern and brought it back to life with so many incredibly interesting stories, and even wrote Wonder Woman well in Infinite Crisis, but I'm so confused as to how he could be a part of and write something so gosh dang awful as this film?

It started out with a toddler who could outpace adults in some sort of weird Patty Jenkins take on the Olympics and then spiraled into one of the weirdest action sequences I've ever seen and it just got worse from then on. To quote Patty Jenkins "they let me do whatever I wanted" and boy howdy does it show.

The story makes no sense whatsoever and the CGI is downright awful.

Dc had Maxwell Lord and Cheetah, 2 of Wonder Woman's greatest foes and they utterly ruined them and turned what could have been a great film into what, I feel, a toddler fan of the first Wonder Woman wrote as a story and it somehow got made into a film.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
Worse than the Tom and Jerry Comedy Hour
28 February 2021
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This movie was worse than the Tom and Jerry Comedy hour, and to me personally that speaks volumes on how horrendous this film truly is.

The Tom and Jerry Comedy Hour, much like this film, was unnecessarily annoying, the main thing being the sound effects, with the 2020 Tom and Jerry film, it's the random Urbanization of Tom and Jerry to "be with the times". The Tom and Jerry Comedy hour failed, because it was devoid of what made American cartoons truly entertaining, comedy and the 2021 Tom and Jerry movie is exactly the same.

The Tom and Jerry movie was wrttien by braindead WB screenwriters, who have probably watched a handful of original Tom and Jerry shows and only got that the cat chases the mouse and that they sometimes pretend to be buddies and that was about it. They pickled the rest of the film with a terrible plotline and to throw sone dirt in your eyes and ears, made the opening some horrible rap.

This movie, much like Scoob, should not have been made. Plain and simple.

Movies like this never work because they don't hire people who care, they just hire yes men and women who think garbage line this is good and gold.
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Promare (2019)
I know a lot of people call CGI animation "anime" but it's not impressive
8 February 2021
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Compared to Kill La Kill, Trigger really did pull the trigger on themselves. Yes, it does still have the same panache but that trigger can only bring two animation, with its beautiful vibrant colors, as well as their character designs, but what was severely lacking was a story. It's like fire force, but worse. Reminiscent of the film Red Line, except much much worse.

If you have HBO Max you're looking to watch some of the newer anime films, suffer through this one if you want, but honestly it's not worth it.

Still kind of baffled as to how this movie has such high ratings. I guess hype pays.
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Tenet (2020)
This is no masterpiece
19 December 2020
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Tenet is not a masterpiece by any means, and it really shouldn't even be considered a film by any means either. It's more like an episode of Dora the Explorer, because the whole time this film is playing you'll be asking yourself "is the story over here? Is it here? Here?" But you never get to say "You Found it!" Because the story gets lost in Christopher Nolan's "art" if you can call it that.

Bullets that travel backwards in time, a secret code word? All things that you would expect to hear children saying in play, not in a professional film production and certially not as a storyline for a film.

I really can't say anything good about This film other than to watch it when it's free with a subscription. It's not worth buying or renting.
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Mulan (2020)
19 December 2020
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From the get go, the live action Mulan is downright terrible and about as good as Mulan 2, Hercules 2, Tarzan and Jane, Lady and the Tramp 2, All Dogs go to Heaven 2.......I think you get where I'm going.

Mulan is the latest disappointing live action remake trend that Disney seems to think we all want, but really we never asked for them in the first place; nor are they necessary, and yet they keep making them.

Mushu is nowhere to be found and has been replaced with a Phoenix instead of a dragon and Mulan is a witch now. What? This film is riddled with today's politics and these new, and not improved, societal norms that aren't normal. It's boring and adds absolutely nothing to the film.

The story is thinly, and that's being generous, based on the original animated film, and the "twist" is just not good enough to make this original, but we all have to recognize that this director has only directed sports movies, and romantic films and has NEVER once directed an action film and boy does it show.

The writing is just as shameful as the story and the acting is atrocious. It felt like I was watching a 1970's Kung Fu movie, with a "modern" twist. You know, the ones that are "dubbed" in English by those "professional" voice actors and actresses that sounded like every line was read on the spot and not asked to be read or re-recorded. What I'm trying to say is that Disney, the ditector, the writer and the cast should all be ashamed for making this sad excuse for a film.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
It's ok........
7 December 2020
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The plot moves like a snail, but the action sequences aren't that bad and while the story isn't that great, at least their is something to distract you from the crummy plot.
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Buddy Games (2019)
7 December 2020
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Didn't even watch more than 6 minutes of this garbage. Bro movies died after the early 2000's and this just a paycheck for all of these actors. The acting is piss poor, and the script, could have been written by a 12 year old who's seen American Pie or Neighbors and thought they could do better.

I'm really surprised that Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn aren't in this, or even Adam Sandler, but then again, they've all been in some real stinkers that are tagged "comedy".
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What is this?
29 November 2020
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From start to finish, this film is a nightmare. Right away, you're thrown into some sort of event and somehow the main characters dad dies and she wakes up in some sort of asylum for mutants? It goes on from there to random therapy sessions to weird teen movie scenes where there's sex, people being drugged and just plain ol' weird and strange "event's".

This movie is more like fragments than it is a "film". Each scene seems like it doesn't fit with the film and I guess there is a reason it was delayed for so long, because it's a mess.

It's something to watch if you've exhausted everything else, but honestly, it's really not worth your time.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Caw Caw Crowe! Surprisingly good
27 November 2020
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Surprisingly enough, Russell Crowe is actually quite creepy in this. Although it is a little bit over-the-top, what with the violence, the gore and the illogical thinking oh, it's actually not that bad of him and spooky and how real a situation like this could possibly happen to any of us. I liked it, it's worth your time and I think that Russell Crowe will surprise you.
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Spell (2020)
It's cheesy, but fun
27 November 2020
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I decided to rent this on a whim. I watched the trailer, and saw that it was going to be corny, but I had a great time watching it. It's got elements of some pretty good horror films like misery, as well as Skeleton Key as some other reviewers have pointed out, but that's not a bad thing. It's actually pretty good and honestly, even if you don't like it you will still find part of it that you enjoyed.
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Yes, it is kind of corny, but it still has Beauty even after all these years
27 November 2020
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This is going to sound so weird, but as a kid I was never really into Transformers. I thought they were too hard to play with, and it wasn't really until I was an adult that I realized how much I actually enjoy Transformers, so I decided that I wanted to see this film for the first time today. It has the same appeal as many Japanese films from the time period, like a Vampire Hunter D, Akira, paprika and many others, this movie is kind of strange, and kind of childish, but at the same time has a certain type of Beauty that is hard to find nowadays, unless you watch Japanese anime. I'd say that it's worth the watch and your time. Stay off your phone and enjoy.
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Primal (2019– )
Gendry at his best
8 October 2020
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Unequivocally, absolutely one of the best things that Gendry has ever made. The lines are nice and rough, the storyline is surprisingly emotional and tear-jerking, and is nothing like what you would expect from the guy that created Powerpuff Girls and so many other great original Cartoon Network shows. You can still see his artwork, and you can still feel the emotion that we saw in the final season of Samurai Jack and I can't say enough about the show. It's just amazing and totally worth your time.
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