
4 Reviews
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Awefully funny.
16 August 2006
This movie is to awful, you just have to see it. Not only does it take on a historically funny quality, its the perfect guild in how not to make a movie. The sequel to a film entitled 'The Final Harvest' how could this have ever of been good.

But bad as it is, you should see it, because its very funny. In one scene people are attacked by a huge monsters, but the shots of people being eaten are just shots of small children's actions figures being picked up. Considering this is a year or two after Jurassic Park, there's no excuse for bad effects like that. Other sequences included actors clearly forgetting their dialogue and terrible 'light moments'.
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A predator sequel ( I suggest you read, despite spoilers) If your an Alien or Predator fan)
24 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If your a huge Alien fan, then turn back and move away from your copy of this movie. This is by no means a prequel to the Alien Saga and it basically ruins any respect you would otherwise have for the intelligence of the Aliens set up in the Alien series. No fan of Alien could possibly accept that they are only bread for hunting. We know that an Alien would cleverly kamikaze it's self on a spaceship if it meant its own prey, and for that matter way of survival, had no way of escaping with out it (see Aliens). Preditors however, are set up in this story to be the creators of every civilisation on earth, and we are more or less told that they already own the world as they were treated like Gods when they first arrived. This is all very far fetched especially the part where we are told they only return once every hundred years to breed and then kill Aliens, but this is total horse s*it because the first two Predator films are set in the 70s and both depict human slater. If this film were the introduction of Aliens and a sequel to the popular Preditors it would have definitely had a bigger impact, it doesn't give any further information on the Aliens and totally blows away anything you thought you knew about the Preditors. I enjoyed this film for its special effects, mostly real not CGI (phew), a 3rd chance to see the alien queen was nice even if the story was so lacking and it was cool that they tried to give it a spin at the end showing an alien bursting out of the Predator with a Predator mouth. This could mean one of two things, this is either a sequel opener for AVP, or it is a really bad explanation of how the Alien escape and later settle down waiting for Ripley and co. If this is really how the Aliens escape the clutches of the Preditors, how come they don't have predator faces in the other ALien films, as you would assume they would if the only one left living had that DNA.

(Sigh) Over all this film is utter rubbish from a plot view and it by no means meets predator standards, let alone Alien which in my opinion is worlds better than Predator in the first place. This film would need a pretty amazing sequel if it doesn't want to risk being forgotten for ever by the majority of AVP fans.
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Standing Up Her It's Own, and so does the film
26 May 2005
This is the only sequel I have seen that could be considered an improvement on its original.

I'm a great Fan of Ginger Snaps and was really excited about this film when i first heard about it, unfortunately when it arrived at the cinema I was to young to see it. I'm sure its always a gamble for people and film fans alike to buy movies on Tapoe/DVD with out viewing them first and for me this was a first. It was well worth the risk of my cash as I loved the film, the casting was especially good this time around ( the DVD showing the auditions in all their glory ) As far as the films go Emily Perkins takes her original part and runs with it, totally convincing the audience that she is trying to break away from her sister and the ghosts of the past.

The special effects and make up are of course grander this time around which enhances the horror side of things, but I my self view this more as a Drama that a Horror film. The suspense is really edgy and makes you want to fast forward to the next scene to see what happens next. As well as the stand allow story of Briditte's new company 'Ghost' making you want more as the plot continues. Even as a sequel this is a hard one to beat. I whole heartedly will you to see it, even if you have not yet view the first one.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
Breath of Fresh Air
21 March 2005
This film is a breath of fresh air when it comes to horror movies and werewolf films alike. With a unusual contrast of plot to violence that makes this film unique and allows you think about the characters in a whole new way. This film boasts more than just gore and outcasts, it gives a whole new perspective on the werewolf genre. The plot twists turning in to a werewolf a metaphor for puberty and changing from a simple outcast teenager in to not just someone expected to make there own way in the world, but a horrific monster. This films only major flaw is a few far fetched coincidences, the local drug dealer mixing a cure, the climax of the film is based around Halloween for no apparent reason. But all the tiny loose ends are easily over looked when you concentrate on Emily Perkins haunting performance as Brigitte who tries to break away from a painful duet when she forced to choose between life on the run or death with her older sister Ginger.
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