
38 Reviews
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Excellent documentary
17 October 2023
I just finished watching The American Buffalo and once again Ken Burns hits it out of the park! I thought I knew the plight of the Bison, and how it also impacted Native Americans, but I learned much more about the history of the past 200 years. This is a very touching and thought provoking documentary and reminded me of the photo of a huge mountain of bison skulls I first saw as a child. I'd never even heard of the amazing meter shower of the 1880s or of the horrid Gore who killed thousands of animals just for fun. I'm looking forward to part 2 tomorrow night. At least enough calves were saved that the species did not go extinct. Thank God for Yellowstone Park.
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The Green Mile meets Forest Gump
8 November 2022
Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.

If you enjoy a beautiful drama that makes you think, you will like this. If you are looking for cheap thrills and mindless garbage and chatter, go watch the Kardashians.

Benjamin Button is set in a bygone era starring actors who, in my opinion, give extraordinary performances, but in a subtle way.

This is one of those rare films that will cling to you forever, if you let it. You can't not be affected by the wonderful gem. Unless of course you're looking for Fight Club or something more action packed. I often expect to see Bubba Gump show up. Of course, that could just be my meds. 😉
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The Watcher (2022– )
Much better than some reviews lead you to believe
28 October 2022
Binge watched The Watcher after almost passing it by due to some mediocre reviews. Glad I watched! While it wasn't quiet as good as The Haunting of Hill House, it was still worth watching and got my heart pumping. Characters were interesting and while there were minor holes in a couple episodes, (like why didn't he visit the Lutheran church!?) the plot was solid enough to flow and enjoy. I don't remember ever being bored or wishing it would move along at all. It's scary good. Honestly, I don't know how else to fill up 600 words without spoilers. This series contained absolutely no twerking or Kardashians or frontal nudity in case that's your thing. Seriously, it's a fun watch.
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Lilyhammer (2012–2014)
Binge worthy great fun!
25 October 2022
I first watched Lilyhammer during the great covid shutdown of 2020 and thoroughly enjoyed it. But like most people, I binged so many shows then I don't think I gave it enough credit and never reviewed it. I started watching it again today and it's even better the second time around. It's a blend of smart, dark comedy comedy and subtle sarcasm wrapped in beautiful scenery. The characters are very likable and unique and become more complex as the series progresses. Yes, it starts off with a Sopranos vibe, but it's definitely not a mafia show...well, not too much anyway. Not sure why these reviews need to be so long, but just watch a couple episodes, it's great fun!
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Alaska Daily (2022–2023)
The show we need these days!!
14 October 2022
Wow! I forgot what really good drama without fluff looked like. What sets this show apart from most others is that it addresses the REAL ISSUES we're having as a society, withOUT sugar coating them with ultra W O K E N E S S. There's actually common sense in these characters!! It's like good TV was...back in the day. It's addressing the way people don't interact with others without getting angry or mean. I wish more shows, celebrities, political leaders, etc would talk like this. The show doesn't seem to have the same "agenda" most do these days, which is refreshing!! Instead it just presents good story lines. Turn your phone off for an hour and watch Alaska Daily instead, you'll be the better for it. 🙂
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Great movie!
28 September 2022
I can't believe I never reviewed Dolores Claiborne before! I've watched this Stephen King Masterpiece dozens of times, and I still find new things each time I see it. It's based on a woman married to an abusive man and working for a difficult, wealthy woman. She makes difficult choices to keep her daughter safe. And she is accused of two separate murders. Is she guilty? Well. I'll leave that up to you to decide. There are definitely surprises in store. This film reminds me a bit of Misery, but Kathy Bates is far from crazy as Dolores Claiborne. It's the kind of film you'll enjoy, then want to watch again in the future. Thriller not horror.
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Lou (I) (2022)
I REALLY liked it! Unique twists.
26 September 2022
I just watched Lou and am impressed by the great acting and unique storyline. It sort of reminded me of Shutter Island in the way it was erie. It's a beautiful film visually. I didn't expect to like this film as much as I did, but while it might not win Best Movie, I thought it was great and will add it to my library. If you like thrillers with a unique perspective, you'll like this. I seldom remark on the score, or music, in a film, but this also played a part in the subtle uneasiness I felt during the movie. Some say certain things were far fetched, but hey, it's a movie, not a documentary. Watch and enjoy!! I think Allison deserves a Best Actress nomination.
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Must watch
22 August 2022
This is a hard to watch film that will stay with you the rest of your life. It will also make you grateful to live in a free society, even if that society is flawed. Along with "Wajda" and "A Separation, " this film will introduce a culture to many people who don't know what a culture that considers women to be second class citizens, or property, looks like.
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Shoot Out (1971)
Actually really good!!
22 August 2022
Hard to believe all the 4 and 5 reviews. This is a solid Western, with several unique plot developments, some quite difficult to watch, some really sweet. Visually, it's a pretty film. I think it would appeal to anyone who is interested in watching something a bit different than your average Western. It probably won't appeal to someone who only wants constant action with zero thinking needed. Also, there is absolutely no twerking nor zombies anywhere in the film!! ZERO. If that's what you're into. Also, be warned, this was filmed long before all the new rules regarding preffered gender pronouns, so you won't hear anyone announcing theirs in the film either. Although there is a child co star in here, this is not a film to let your little ones watch. Far too much violence and sexual content. You don't want them seeing it and asking you questions about working girls back then.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Bazinga!!! Great show!
15 August 2022
Not normally the kind of show I'd watch, but I'm hooked! It's just fresh and fun with great casting and acting. I never watched The Big Bang Theory, and I STILL love this show! I imagine for fans of TBBT it's even better...if that's possible.
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Road House (1989)
And then this one band camp...
6 August 2022
We watched Roadhouse and we went from Geek to Sleek in two hours!! Fun flick. Watching Young Sheldon right now where they discuss Roadhouse and it's making me yearn for my glory days. 😭 Oh, Patrick Swayze, we miss you!
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5 August 2022
Everyone should watch this!! Simply extraordinary! I feel my brain actually expand in size when I watch this. But no twerking, if that's what you're into.
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Jaws (1975)
Wow! I totally underestimated this film!
30 July 2022
I always thought this was just a hokey shark movie. I just watched it and I'm blown away by the dialog, the amazing effects especially considering it's over 40 years old. I could watch this again soon. I highly recommend!
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It's good! But no twerking vampires.
26 July 2022
Just watched it to see if all these bad reviews were real. I doubt these people watched the whole movie. It's extremely good for a lower budget film. Maybe a 7 up against typical Hollyweird movies. I found it interesting as well as entertaining. But as stated, it's a historical Western set in the East and contains absolutely zero twerking. In case that's what you're looking for. 😉 Also, no vampires.
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Dogville (2003)
Different but Excellent! Are YOU a Grace, or a Tom?
20 July 2022
"Grace had friends in Dogville." 😳 I wondered after watching this for the twentieth time if this what our society is turning into? Even if you think this isn't your "thing," (being set on a soundstage,) believe me, this film is unforgettable. If you want an experience you will never forget watch this. If you are a fan of peeling back the layers to reveal the complexities...or simplicities, of the human nature, watch this. And remember..."People are the same all over."

PROS: Too many to list!!

CONS: The beginning seems to drag, but you'll understand later.
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The Nightingale (I) (2018)
A quiet Masterpiece!
19 July 2022
Please don't listen to the people dismissing this as a simple revenge movie. It's much more than that. I often wonder why some people dismiss films like The Nightingale, and Dogville. Both great films about decent women who are put into terrible situations by bad people. I don't want to say much more, but if you are a thinking person, I believe you will be glad you watched this.
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The very best comedy show ever!
3 July 2022
I only discovered this show on tv about a year ago and cannot believe it's not as well known as shows like I Love Lucy. The writing is crisp and the characters lovable. I can't get enough!!
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Never meant to watch this, but 5 minutes in, I'm totally hooked!
28 June 2022
This didn't seem like something I'd be interested in but upon a friend's recommendation, I figured I would watch 10 minutes before I turned it off. BUT WOW! By five minutes in, I have tears in my eyes, and it just kept getting better. I've never written a review before I finished watching a film, but I'm only halfway through and want to post this now. Just watch it. You will be glad you did!
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We need more of this these days!
26 June 2022
What a wonderful escape from all the drama and hostility of today's world. It's funny how many adults watch this with their kids, and end up loving it themselves! A sweet, sweet show full of ethical, likable characters and some good moral lessons. Both two and four legged.
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Stop the hate! It's a comedy, people!
18 June 2022
"Get off you're phone, you're not that interesting!" Pretty sure these two could make watching your neighbors dog take a poop on your lawn funny. Not the best comedy ever, but definitely funny for people who have a sense of humor and folks who have evolved past posting bad reviews when they admit they "only watched a few minutes" of a movie. Think about that for a minute. Of course, if you're too uppity to enjoy this kind of thing, well...🙄 bless your heart. Haters gonna hate. 😉
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Still amazing 85 years later!
3 May 2022
We still watch Snow White each summer and there's always someone around who hasn't seen it in it's entirety. It never fails to impress people. I still can't believe this was released in 1937!
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The Village (2004)
One of my all time FAVORITE films!
2 May 2022
Don't believe the bad reviews! If you are like me and long for a simpler, kinder world surrounded by people who look out for each other, you'll like this. Don't want to give away the twist by saying much more. But I absolutely love this movie. I think the bad reviews are from people looking for a fast, gorey, bloody, horror thriller instead of a thinking-person's film. I've recommended it to people and they come back loving it as well, so something if off with all the negatively here.
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The Benny Hill Show: Show 37 (1980)
Season 11, Episode 2
Just wonderful comedy!
1 May 2022
Fun, risqué comedy back when people still had senses of humor. Funniest stuff ever on TV!! No cancel culture back then, just laughing until your sides hurt! Highly recommend!
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Thoughtful review vs emotional reaction
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
LOTS of good life lessons in this finale!! After waiting a couple days to write a review, and rewatching the final episode, I think it ended very true to the story. While I too, hate that Ruth died, IMO many people are "Ruths." When the gun was pointed at her, she could have tried to save her own life. She could have lied and said the Byrds had lied to her and told her Javi was planning on killing her, so she killed him in self defense. But instead she insulted someone holding a gun on her. She KNEW someone might be planning on killing her, yet she didn't carry a gun, and she walked up to that Escalade unarmed. She didn't even try to drive away. She really committed suicide. She was tired and ready to die. If the Byrds hadn't told her about Javi being the killer of Wyatt, Javi would still be alive. She could have redirected that anger from Javis mom to Wendy. She could have said, "Don't kill me until you see Wendy's call log." But she didn't, because she felt guilty for Bens death. She was terrified her friend would be murdered, so she had her climb on the trailer roof with a rifle, but she didn't want to save her OWN life.

Ruth admitted murdering Javi to the sheriff to keep an innocent man from being tried for murder because she knew she would likely die soon. She was consumed by guilt over Wyatt's death.. She had money. I repeat!...she had money! If she had truly wanted to LIVE, she would have moved away and got a new identity. Not everyone gets that opportunity. She did, but didn't take it. (Like a professional athlete who grows up in the projects, gets rich, then ends up getting killed at a drug party in his old 'hood.) Ruth could have got a lawyer to handle the sale of everything. Including the lakefront land, and just dissappeared to Canada or overseas for a few years until some other cartel murdered Javi's mom. But again, Ruth committed suicide. The life lesson is: If you get the opportunity to get away from danger, take it!

As for the Byrds, OMG, if you don't realize how many people are just like them, but on a much, much smaller scale, you don't pay attention to life in the real world. If you want to create a better world, you need to pay attention and get involved. Many people that complain about the finale will think it about it for years to come. Because it was honest. Even if it didn't "feel" good.

RIP Ruth, hope you finally find peace. Hopefully Three does well with his inheritance.
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WOW!! And I don't even like golf!
29 April 2022
This movie blew me away! 👍👍 It's not an over-the-top action movie, so I guess some people can't watch good drama without complaining. I almost didn't watch it because it was about golf, but several friends highly recommended it, so I gave it a chance. SOOOO glad I did!
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