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Really Good, but just shy of greatness
28 December 2012
Let's start off by saying that I am a little bit of a Les Mis purist. I fell in love with the stage show overnight and was involved with a community theater production this year. Therefore I am VERY familiar with the exact order that songs are sung. So early on I was a bit confused when they changed a few lyrics, added a few scenes, changed the order of songs, and omitted one song almost entirely. These changes are forgivable and understandable considering this is a movie and not the actual stage show, but for those of you out there that expect it to be a direct adaptation, be ready for a few curve balls. There are a few things that they add to the movie that come from the book that they usually omit in the stage show, so that was a nice addition for people who like the book as well.

When it comes to actor performances, I will start off by saying that all the hype spoken about Anne Hathaway's performance is spot on. She is truly the best part of the movie, hands down! Hugh Jackman is also pretty good, though he doesn't ever sing falsetto, which takes away some of the beauty of the moment in one of his songs. Samantha Barks is really good as Eponine, though she was slightly better suited for the role in the 25th Anniversary concert version.

Russell Crowe, while a surprisingly decent singer, just doesn't fit as Javert. He lacks a lot of the depth and emotion that I have seen in other Javerts and his singing is too "clean". He is ultimately better than I expected, but still sticks out as a weak link in this movie. I'm curious if Paul Bettany could have done better. Also, Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter as the Thernardiers are also "not quite right". They are not as comical and over the top as they needed to be. Then again, maybe that's the purist in me speaking.

Overall, this movie is a really good adaptation of the stage show. They add a few good things, place Fantine's signature song in a more logical place, and convey a lot more subtleties and raw emotion that the stage show can not convey. However, it's not a "perfect" adaptation.

I suspect someone who hasn't seen the stage show would like it a bit more than myself.
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Not really worth your time
8 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Finding Amanda, the story of a man who lies more than I can stand and the happiest hooker you will ever meet.

I'm going to put this right out here up front. This movie tried to make a point about addiction and enjoying two vices of society, gambling and prostitution. However, the point is so heavily veiled that it never comes across, there is no epiphany and the ending, while kinda happy, really just leaves you thinking that the time you invested in trying to like or relate to these people was wasted.

Taylor Mendon (Broderick) is a producer for the worst show on TV who has an addictive personality (sounds funny, but it really isn't). He is attending counseling to get over his addictions and while he has quit smoking and drinking, he cannot give up gambling, rationalizing his last quirk as acceptable. After all, he gave up smoking and drinking, two out of three is pretty good! Anyway, after he finds out his niece Amanda is living in Vegas and is a hooker who has a drug problem (and after his wife corners him in a lie) he decides to make it up to his wife by "proving that he can quit gambling" by going to Vegas and getting Amanda to rehab. Sounds noble, right? Wrong! You find out that he is so addicted to gambling that he steals a check from his wife BEFORE HE LEAVES. The first thing he does in Vegas is gamble (again, sounds funny, but it comes across as pathetic). You realize that you are not going to like this guy.

OK, so eventually he finds Amanda (Snow), who is really just as sweet and chipper as any other Brittany Snow character I've seen. She is thrilled to be a hooker since she can afford a nice house and a nice car. Oh, and if any of you guys out there are hoping to see her don a sexy outfit, she really doesn't. She does not put on either the outfit on the poster or the DVD cover (I admit that was some of the allure to renting it, sorry). She wears conservative clothing and does not look at all like a hooker.

So, over time, we realize that both Taylor and Amanda are so comfortable with what they feel is acceptable behavior, we discover that these characters are borderline delusional, making every pathetic excuse to justify that they are happy.

Eventually, cracks in there "perfect" lives form. We begin to not project ourselves on to a character and instead sympathize with the secondary, observer characters that are detached from the action. I found myself relating to Taylor's wife more than any other character, I even related to Steve Coogan a bit.

So, the story begins to follow an organic path near the end and you begin to realize that everything will fall into place, when at the last minute, things just go wrong and the ending is bass-ackwards.

Ultimately, this turned into a movie about observing people who don't realize that they are delusional and selfish. In fact, you will likely hate (and I don't mean love-to-hate) Taylor because he lies ALL THE TIME!!! Chances are anything that you can take away from this movie is realizing that you know at least one person like this.

I did not like this movie, but didn't hate it either. This movie does not have me fuming, it just makes me want to forget that I saw it, and unfortunately for everyone involved, I likely will very soon.
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Religulous (2008)
Ironically Preachy
23 March 2009
I am going to give a brief explanation of my religious background and religious status so you see where I am coming from. Bear with me, this is just to explain my position. If you think I am nuts or childish, this review isn't for you.

I was raised United Methodist. After a stint in high school being evangelical, I went to college and opened my heart to a more liberal world view. I now believe in a God or higher power, I believe Genesis was a metaphor for evolution, I believe that Jesus was a great spiritual philosopher (though may not have been divine) and that organized religion can cloud people's perception of what it truly means to be moral and spiritual.

Now that you understand my stance, I say this about Religulous. It was very entertaining, though clearly has an agenda. It's no secret that Bill Maher is critical of religion but this seems like a recruitment film for atheism. Bill has found the oddest of the oddballs in the religious world, and certainly not just Christianity (though he favors going after them) I enjoyed the humor that dotted the movie, whenever it got too preachy, he threw in a joke here or there to lighten things up. I also feel that while Bill is making a point against religion, he usually is a good sport to those he interviews and they usually seem to laugh with him. There are glimmers through out of how some religious people are more rational, ironically two people at the heart of one major religion.

I feel overall, it's good this film was made. Bill shows how some people let religion get out of hand or go astray and corrupt it. But the last few minutes are pure shock value, which I feel was a terrible bookend choice. I'm sure atheists would agree with him, but I am not so black-and-white. I am glad to have Bill Maher in the world, he is creating an opposition voice to the established religions, which reminds me of some other figure in history that spoke against the ruling religion...
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Watchmen (2009)
If you don't know the story, it's great; if you do, it's an okay homage
16 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think there are spoilers, but just in case, be cautious.

I read Watchmen 3 years ago. Great novel! I heard about the movie, got excited but also nervous. Not sure how I felt about "300" guy handling a not-so-violent graphic novel. My girlfriend was excited to see it. I showed her Watchmen: The Motion Comic a week before we both saw Watchmen in IMAX.

It's all true about weird music cues, hyper-violence, and borderline pornographic love scene. Please tell me that I'm not the only one starting to get nauseous at action/horror movies. Mr. Snyder, I loved what you did with 300, violence suits the story and borderline porno fits the feel of Frank Miller. But this is not Frank Miller. The violent scenes you added are unnecessary. The new ending was a strange choice but kinda worked, but you can tell early who the "bad guy" is. The first half was paced well but a lot of the second half was rushed. My favorite plot twist went from about thirty minutes to read to 2.5 minutes on screen.

Of course the book is better, I knew that going in. But my girlfriend and I feel this is a good homage, not an adaptation to the book.

She had a few choice words about it that I won't repeat. She didn't like it as much as me, I was a bit more forgiving.

Overall: Good: Rorschach, he looked and sounded the part, best aspect of the movie. Comedian was done very well, but deserved more screen time. The overall feel of the novel glimmers through, which I'm glad about. The ending, while altered, still seems to make the big point, and Nite Owl's reaction to the end was better than in the book (that always bugged me about Dan) Bad: Some music cues, but not all. Dr. Manhattan's high voice (didn't seem to be right). Weak acting by Carla Gugino, who usually is a good actor in my book. Hyper-violence and overly explicit sex scene (I "liked" it, but it took away from the seriousness of the story) Speeding up the ending.

Bottom line: Forgettable.

I give it a 7, girlfriend gives it a 6.
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Gory, overly gory, cliché', did I mention it was gory?
12 November 2007
I watch horror movies. I love vampire films. I even like feral vampire films like these vampires. (these vampires are the most horrific type of vampires, or at least really close) My girlfriend loves horror movies. She loves vampire films.

I can stomach movie gore. I know it's not real and sometimes cheesy. Even war movies I can handle. There are some realistic gore scenes in war movies like Saving Private Ryan, and my stomach barely growled.

So why in the first time in my years of horror movie watching was I about ready to run out of the theater and vomit? Because no movie should be THIS gory.

There are some rules in cinema, and this movie crosses those lines. (I won't say what to not ruin the story) If you like gore (and I mean borderline psychopath level blood-lust for gore) and you like horror movies that push the envelope, that's fine. There were people in the audience that showed glee from all the gore. But there were at least three other people that walked out of this movie sickened.

But aside from the gore, this movie is filled with cliché's. You know if you've seen horror films who will die and who will survive. They fight off the vampires the same damn way they always do. And throw in a little paranoid person who endangers the group and you have another processed vampire flick.

Vampire's saying there is no God, being gentle then killing brutally. It's all there.

Save yourself a couple of bucks, don't see this movie unless you need to stave off the blood lust a little longer. Or if you secretly wish to view a massacre of over a hundred innocent people screaming for their lives. I wouldn't recommend this at all.
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Is to comedy what The Village was to horror
13 October 2006
Okay, I wasn't sure about this movie prior to going. I read the four or five reviews and they said it wasn't a comedy. Therefore, I expected it to be a thriller like they said.

Well, they weren't exactly correct. It is funny, and no, not all the humor is in the trailer. I agree, this is not just a comedy, it's a dramady (drama/comedy) But if you know that going in, you won't be as disappointed. It is similar to Barry Levinsons other comedies, funny but also has some deep drama.

This movie was advertised wrong, much like The Village. But it is still a good movie
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Hollywoodland (2006)
14 September 2006
First, let me say something. I wanted to like this movie, I really did! I'm not bashing this movie because I'm some classless online blogger. I'm bashing this movie because I am upset that such a good idea could be so wrong.

Another thing. Why do movies insist on being two hours or longer nowadays? What ever happened to a good solid story in 90 minutes? This movie would have been better if they sped it up a bit. If you want to see a movie that you don't need to pay attention to to understand, here it is! The acting was okay, Affleck continues to surprise me. He's good then he sucks and then he's good again. He plays the part well. Adrien Brody...well, I never really liked him in the first place, so obviously I don't like him as the detective. Juaquin Phoenix would have been better.

Lastly, I was hoping for a little more action, intrigue, and suspense. This movie was nothing but melodrama and followed a common story thread I'm sure we've all heard at least once.

I give it a five out of ten because they took a new story and told it with very little originality.

The end I liked...
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Doogal (2006)
Definitely for those without a developed brain
17 July 2006
This movie bothered me a lot. I actually like all the actors who were voices in this, so I was very upset that this movie had no substance whatsoever.

The only reason I didn't give this one star is because I like the voice actor choices (except Goldberg, that didn't work for me)but the plot, premise, and character design sucks. The whole romance sub story is God awful, even for a child's movie. I personally wouldn't be surprised if a child wrote this screenplay.

Also, like many have said before, they changed the dialog in the movie to be more American. I haven't seen the UK version, but you can definitely tell that lines were changed. How wrong would it be to leave the UK version unchanged? there are a lot of good British movies out there, and this could have been one of them.

Overall, this movie should only be seen if you have children and don't pay a dime to watch it. I would like to get my hands on the UK version just to see if it's any better. DO NOT BUY THIS MOVIE!! It will only end in tears.
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About as good as the first, which is not saying much...
27 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a D&D DM, I found this movie to be a little dull. I chuckled at some of the game references, but to me, the cliché gathering of heroes just so they can "journey" is a bit old by now. I also didn't notice how this could be a sequel, when only one character returns and there is no reference to the previous movie.

This part is for all the DNDers, when does a white dragon look like that? And why is a black dragon spitting fireballs. 1) dragons don't spit balls 2) Black dragons breathe acid 3) no dragon can recharge their breath weapon that fast. OK, done being a nerd:-\

Overall, this movie is down right average. Worth a watch if you like DND, but this is no where near a fantasy Epic that it claims to be. Rent it, watch it, and move on.
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King Kong (2005)
Not worthy of a burger name
29 December 2005
I was infuriated about the massive publicity of King Kong. "No movie deserves this much hype," I would say to my friends. I laugh at the notion that Burger King made a "Kong" Sandwich, and I planned on voicing my opinion to all. However, after much coaxing by my peers, I decided to actually see for myself if this film really deserved a video game for every console in existence. I went in the theatre with many questions. Here are the answers

Is this movie truly excellent? Yes. Does the movie draw you in and never let go? After the first 30 minutes, yes. Was the cinematography excellent? You bet it was! Is the dialog and acting superb? No, but very, very good. (Naomi Watts WAS superb, but only her) Is this movie worthy of the high ticket sales? Yes, go see it! Should Peter Jackson get a best director Oscar? Yes! Does King Kong deserve an Oscar or two? Yes! Does King Kong deserve Best Picture? Questionable. Did it need to be three hours long? Absolutely not!! (Too many lengthy action sequences) Does King Kong deserve this level of publicity? NO!!

And the question plaguing everyone's mind... Did Burger King really need to make a "Kong" Burger? No.

In closing, this is not Peter Jackson's best work, but it is REALLY GOOD!! I enjoyed it, nay, I LOVED it. But people need to calm down a bit and understand that there are other movies out that deserve some of the publicity space this movie has taken away. This does NOT deserve more than three Oscars, and I think receiving Best Picture is not doing other movies this year justice.
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Good concept in need of writers
3 October 2005
I really think this show has promise, but it needs work. First of all, lose Barney and the show will get twice as good. Second, get better writers, because the humor is rehashed (most of it) Third, Don't save the good moments of the show for the last 5 minutes. Episode 1 and 2 had that problem.

Lastly, give this show a chance. I like the concept, and maybe if someone higher up and more respectable than me told the people in charge of this show to fire their current writers, we'd have the only show on CBS that I believe is worth watching (except of course for The Price Is Right)

UPDATE: I completely disagree with my outdated review. While in the first few episodes Barney was annoying and felt "stapled on", he has developed into a much better character. I disagree with the feeling that he is the "best character" however, as I feel the whole ensemble is great. Also, the writing got better quick and the show peaked in Season 2 (Best season so far, but that in no way means that it's gotten bad)

If I had anything to add that this show needs is that it needs to balance the "romantic/serious parts" with the "humor" just a bit more. What made season 2 work best for me is that it had that perfect mix. Season 1 had a little too much "heart" and season 3 onwards had a little too much "humor", to the point that late season 4 and season 5 it got a little bizarre. What I have seen of the sixth season is that it's getting back on track (hopefully it continues this way)
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Sin City (2005)
Great adaptation
5 April 2005
If there is anything that must be applauded about this movie, it's two major things: The cinematography and the accuracy to the comics.

When I heard about this movie, I immediately hunted down copies of Hard Goodbye and Yellow Bastard. I loved the stories, and when I saw the movie, it was like deja vu. Certain scenes look EXACTLY like the comic, and most others are relatively close. Plus, Clive Owen really looks like Dwight, (I know that because I got A Dame to Kill For,too) Another thing that makes this movie stand out is that it doesn't wuss out. If it happens in the comic, it happens in the movie, no matter how gory or racy. There are two notable exceptions, but they are understandable. One because it would be pornographic if it was in, the other because Jessica Alba won't show her boobs. But that doesn't stop the movie from being the greatest adaptation of a comic to a movie I've seen (and I have seen the Spiderman movies)

I dare say that this movie should win an award for Best Adaptation.
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