
69 Reviews
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Invasion (2021–2024)
This not realy for SCIFI fans
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm up to episode 3 and thank god for the fast forward button. I've been reading the reviews. They are a mix of "wow, this is boring" to "If you;re bored, you're just too stupid to understand how great this is." I did find it a little odd that the reviewers that didn't like it didn't attack the people who did but a large percentage of the positive reviewers actually attacked the reviewers who didn't like it.

This is a good show not great but good. The acting is fine. The show looks good. I think the problem is the show is not really made for the scifi audience it's aimed at or the genre it's promoted to be. Maybe it's the people it picked to tell the story thru that is the issue. You got a family whose wife just found her husband is cheating, some school kids with the cliche bad guy bully picking on one kid who's in love with the pretty girl, A soldier wandering the desert who's split from his wife, A japanese lesbian who's in love with the top female astronaut and who has a mother that hates her being a lesbian, Sam Neil as a small toen sheriff who's retiring who feels he missed his big chance, and probably some other deep character build I'm forgetting. And the question is , why? Putting all these cliches into an alien attack doesn't make them fresher, different or interesting. It's like the writer said let's take all these overdone, seen a thousand times scenarios and dump them into a vague alien attacke and maybe it'll look like I'm a good writer.

And they all are forgettable, cliched and seen a hundred times before in other movies separately but here we get them all rolled into one big ball and, here's the issue, almost zero scifi.

There's some explosions, a japanese space shuttle gets destroyed, Someone gets killed by a giant ant lion, {ant lions are cool and really exist but there tiny}, A giant thing (spaceship, entity, creature?} that kills a bunch of shoulders with on blast, A spooky thing in a dust cloud that kills someone in the desert but all of this takes up a total of about 5 or 10 minutes. Out of the first 3 hours of the series.

It seems like we have two kinds of people reviewing this. Ones that are into all the little soap opera mini stories and there characters, who to like, who to hate etc etc. And those that wanted some scifi stuff focused on the aliens attacking.

I'm of the latter group. I started watching this because it was listed as scifi but it is and it isn't. For a soap opera drama, it's ok.

For a scifi show, it's awful. I also understand that even after an entire 1st season and most of the second there still isn;t a lot of scifi involved. So scifi fans be warned you're being trolled and soap opera drame fans, you'll eat it up.
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Finch (2021)
Well Tom learned another lesson
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Hanks did a movie called Hooch. I liked it. I'm not sure how it did at the box office. I know it did ok but not great and the reviews were mixed.

I watched Hamks on a talk show then. He said he learned one important lesson, "never kill the dog". Well I hoped he learned a new lesson. Never die and abandon a dog to a robot.

This movie could have been really good but I guess the writer wanted to make a dog and a robot a family. It seems the whole movie is setup to do that one simple thing. All the interesting and entertaining things are just passed over for this one purpose.

The whole basic plot is the world ends, man sees a terrible thing then finds a pup, adopts it, lives with it then builds a robot to take care of it. The rest is just window dressing. There's no actual dealing with the actual end of the world situation or the robot or how he knew how to build it or make it think. It just suddenly become a sweet, caring, unassuming robot buddy.

Then he's gone and the robot and dog are left alone. There was no feel good moment at the end for me. A happier ending would have made this movie a better watch. To me it was just depressing.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Not for Sci-fi fans
16 March 2024
This is not a scifi movie and they made a huge mistake selling it as one. Scifi fans won't like it for a multitude of reasons. Plot holes you could drive a truck thru, bad science, bad choices, unbelievable actions, reactions, and just unrealistic behaviors. For example his wife is left all alone while he's off in space. That just wouldn't happen. Even during the moon landings, a close eye was kept on spouses and family to make sure they were dealing with the stress of the situation.

I don't know who wrote this but I don't think they had any idea what a space mission entails. Don't even get me started on the fact that it's a Czech space mission. How many years in the future is this? China I could see or Russia, maybe even India. But few countries are gonna have the expertise to man a mission like this for many, many years.

As I saw someone else say, This isn't a scifi movie. It's some kind of character study or tragic romance or I don't even know. I'm guessing the same person who made all those poor decisions I mentioned also chose to sell it as scifi. The problem with that is it'll draw scifi fans who will hate it and the people that might enjoy a movie like this won't go because they think it's a scifi movie. Just really dumb choiceseverywhere you look. If it wasn't for the fast forward option I would have never made it thru it.

So if you're a big scifi fan be aware this is not that.
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Captive State (2019)
A good movie
3 February 2024
This is a good watch. It's a mix of a mystery, a detective story, a scifi story and a people story. The script is well done. The misdirection is well done if not great. The acting is good. The first part is a little slow building the atmosphere and establishing the the theme.

It's about insurgency against an alien race occupying our planet. It is not an action movie or a monster movie. If you go in expecting explosions and fights with hi-tech weaponry against alien monsters, you're gonna be disappointed but if you understand this is about how things are after a decade of alien occupation and the never stop resisting mentality of the human race, you will probably enjoy this. It's a movie you have to pay attention to.

One big gripe that I always have with these kinds of movies is they never really have a good reason for the aliens to be there. We really have nothing aliens would want or need that they couldn't find in the the out solar system, the asteroid belt or the Kuiper Belt as far as resources go. There's no reason for aliens to put up with trying to eliminate or conquer a planet full of pain in the butt humans.

Unless they want to eat us I guess but a race techie enough to get here should have any trouble creating and maintaining their own food supply. I guess maybe a chemical. Hormone or enzyme that only humans produce but they should be able to synthesize something like that. I mean we can surely they could.

Anyway it's a good movie. It's not a great movie but worth a watch.
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Obliterated (2023)
Wasn't for me
7 January 2024
I see from the reviews that some people really like this but to me it felt forced, cliched and just not interesting. The humor just wasn't there, either. The first episode started out pretty good but devolved into boring sideline, an overabundance of drug use and partying which is fine. It just didn't work for me. It wasn't intersting. There was nothing to draw me in to the characters. The show seemed to think having everyone F'ed up at a party was funny enough but it wasn't.

Poor writing and lack of actual humor just did it in for me. It seemed like the visuals of partying, girls and guys in skimpy outfits, A lame fight contest and some sex scenes were all they had to offer up.

It's like they knew what they wanted to do they just couldn't quite make it happen. I'd say if you can get thru the first episode and you're happy then keep watching but I have no interest in seeing anymore of this. It's not horrible it's just not good.
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Too much and too little
22 October 2023
I've enjoyed the entire Wick collection but this was my least favorite' The fight scenes were just way too long and usually followed immediately with another way too long fight scene. This movie felt like one long fight scene with a little dialogue mixed in. I could have done with a lot more story dialogue and a lot less fighting. The other movies felt like the fight scenes were part of the story and this one feels like they did fight scenes just to do fight scenes.

It's kinda hard to put into words but watch it, and I recommend watching it, and you'll see what I mean. You might like it a lot more than I did.
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Great, except for the end
2 October 2023
This was really good at the beginning and the middle. It's towards the end it goes completely off the rails. A bunch of random stuff happens for no apparent reason. And the end was just a WTF moment. Not only is nothing really explained or makes any sense. The basic gist of the ending is pretty clear. The why or how can only be surmised thru the most ridiculous of theories and I'm sure there will be many.

And I'm not saying a horror film has to have that all explained but if you're not gonna explain it then don't put all that weird nonsense at the end. It's like "we got a really cool idea but we're gonna minimally explain it so you'll be intrigued". Well I wasn't intrigued I was bored and mystified.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
Sorry but this id dull
5 June 2023
This is just awful. I've seen this story before, loser thinks he's great, optimistic attitude until life just grinds him down and shoves the truth of everyone hates him down his throat. Then he continues to make stupid mistake after stupid mistake until he crosses the line and then either comes redemption or demise. An old cliche story. Why they thought putting it on mars would make it new or better is beyond me.

The characters are unbelievable and the same cliches you see in every show like this. Move along, nothing new to see here.

The writing is just dumb and the characters are so out there ridiculous that if they're are real people like that out there, it explains a lot. And they're not out there funny there out there like, just dumb. I tried I just really tried but when you know what's gonna happen before it happens, it makes it even more boring.

I dunno maybe it's like the office or Wil ferrell movies. They just aren't funny to me or most of the people I know but some people think they're hilarious.

If you like the office maybe you'll like this but I can't think of anything good to say about this.
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Hellboy (2019)
Just really poorly done
10 April 2023
What to say about this movie? Well if it had been the only hellboy movie, except for the gore it would have been an okay made for TV movie but after seeing the first two movies, it just doesn't measure up.

It's kinda like riding around in a Ferrari and then driving a prius. There both cars, they'll both get you there but one is just way way better.

Most of the actors did a pretty good job but the guy playing hellboy was just bad. Maybe it was that the script was just so awful. The fact that this movie was just the first movie with a few changes, the witch for the bald madman, the dads were different and they left out two of the best characters, fire girl and fishman just made it feel stale and predictable.

HB 2019 cost 50 million to make and they spent 65 million on HB 2004, which in todays money is about 105 million, so they actually spent about half as much money on this film and it shows. The Hellboy costume was just awful. He looked like he got fat as THOR did. The CGI was not great. This Hellboy panicked at everything and Hellboy panicking over anything but his girlfriend is just wrong in the original 2004 movie,Hellboy doesn't get scared , he gets mad. Ron Perlman was a much better actor as well as the rest of the cast was just a level above as well. The sets were better, the scenery was better. It's like the difference between a luxury car and a civic. I guess whoiever bought the rights just wanted spend a little and make a lot which turned out to be a bad plan as it lost about 5 million bucks whereas the 2004 version made about 30 million.

The more I think about it, this IS the 2004 movie almost exactly, so I would recommend that you skip it and just watch the 2004 movie again. This movie feels like a remake of the first oine but done really, well, not well and not better in anyway. Well it did outshine the first in random disgusting unneccesary gore that would have maybe been appropriate in a teenage slasher film.

It's a real shame when someone takes something really good and trashes it like they did here.

I'm gonna have to watch the first two just to wash the taste out of my mouth that this movie left there.
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South Park: Time to Get Cereal (2018)
Season 22, Episode 6
When did SP go liberal?
31 December 2022
So usually SP is funny but the continual global warming warnings in this episode make me wonder if their getting woke to tow the line. Climate change is such a complicated issue and they just, I don't know, did what all the climate change fanatics do. Everyone who doesn't agree with us, shut up. We don't want to hear any of your evidnce only ours and if you don't agree with us we'll get you fired and character assassinate you.

Things like the fact they we don't really know how many polar bears there are or how many there were. And we still don't know how to count them accurately. This from the actual agency that counts the bears.

It makes me feel like a lot of the climate change is more about money not the environment. That's why Al Gore was doing it. It was proven, he was embarrassed and that's why he disappeared. Even the failed Kyoto treaty was about wealth redistribution not the environment. Read what it actually says if you don't believe me.
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Prey (I) (2022)
What happened to the predator?
15 November 2022
What happened to the predator that took on armies and gangs in L. A.? Now he hunts wolves, rabbits and humans with bows and axes? We're these predator children? I guess it's a woke thing cuz it feels like it.

A young Comanche girl that fails at hunting but manages to track a Predator with stealth tech and has a spaceship? This whole thing makes no sense.

I'm sure Earth isn't the only planet that Predators hunt on. It's been shown these guys have honor in a way, respect other warriors and go for the biggest challenge they can find to prove themselves. So how does killing a wolf or a human with wooden weapons prove anything? It can't be that 400 years ago their tech was primitive. They still had spaceships, laser targeting and stealth suits.

They don't attack unarmed humans. Why would they attack buffalo?

To me, none of this makes any sense. Not to mention the depiction of the Comanche culture feels too shallow or two dimensional. I just don't feel like they are real Comanches. It feels like they're pretending. It just feels fake.

Don't get me started on running with the deer.

Most of this movie is just boring. The plot is awful and confusing. I tried not to see it but the woke,SJW agenda was just so obvious. If the movie were done better and had better writing, better acting, and better attention to detail, it probably would have gone unnoticed.

I mean I never had a second thought about that when I watched Ripley in Aliens and she was a badass. That badass female marine in aliens never made me feel like I was being preached to about an SJW or WOKE agenda. And there are plenty other movies with a strong woman leads that were awesome.

This just felt like they were more worried about having "the first",as they said in promos, native American female movie star than they were about making a good movie. It's ok for a B movie. But just ok. I guess that's what you get when you hire for skin color instead of talent.
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Not for grown ups
22 September 2022
If you're over 30 this def isn't gonna be for you. It's mostly cliche fluff. The actors weren't great but to be fair there's not much for them to work with. The writing and dialogue is filled with cliches that over done but if you've only been watching movies for a few years, you might not have seen them.

If your 25 or younger, you might like this a lot but for more mature people this is just gonna seem stupid, boring, annoying and derivative.

So if you want watch an episode or two. If that doesn't make you wanna run screaming from the room then you'll probably enjoy it.

It does try to check all the WOKE, SJE, LGBT boxes. It's not terribly overt but it's there. My suspicion is this is the audience it's aimed at and the writing and casting suffered for it.

You're gonna know right away if this is going to be something you like, just don't expect stellar performances or writing.
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Dune (2021)
Not for Dune fans... or anyone else
7 April 2022
So I am slogging to get thru this but it just drags everything out forever. Scenes that should take 2 minutes take 20. Even the book moved faster than this in hard copy LOL. It looks great but it isn't a painting it's a movie.

I completely blame the director. I'm sorry but french directors and french films are just terrible from the getgo imho. It always feel like they're making a paining first and a movie and/or story second. Some scenes were pretty good but most were just dull. The pregnant pauses and searching looks and thoughtful consideration faces and on and on and on were dragged out far far FAR too long.

Then the added or changed scenes for no reason the harvester scene WTF was Paul doing and why? Never in the book. The things that they changed didn't effect the story but they lost things like the respect Liet felt for Duke Leto, subtle things that were left out because of these unnecessary changes which leads me to believe the director never read and the screenwriters must have skimmed the story.

The replacement of Liet Kines was awful. He was the Emperor's man, the emperor's ecologist on Arrakis working secretly with the fremen. They turned him into some kind of wild fremen. He was a diplomat for heaven's sake.

All of these choices turn what could have been a great movie into a snoozefest for me. And what I watched could easily have been cut down to an hour and a half. The first Dune which was pretty bad was better than this.

The replacement of Liet Kines was awful.
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Great for kids!
20 February 2022
Okay I gave it a 7, I ust watched it in Feb'22, so the rock wasn't as good as he is now but still good. The movie was Hokey and corny and ridiculous. But my 9 yr old son loved it and I liked it too.

Not for grownups to watch alone but with your young children it's awesome. Exciting without being too scary for them.
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Reacher (2022– )
THIS is Reacher
14 February 2022
I've read all the books twice, a few I've read 3 times. This is the Reacher show I wanted. This is the Jack Reacher I saw in the books. Alan did a terrific job of bringing this character from the pages to the screen. I admit, maybe because I read the books, I know Reacher and what's going on his head but to me it seems they did a pretty good job of making you see that this isn't just the Hulk, it's the hulk with the brain of Sherlock Holmes.

And to everyone else involved (all you idiots that screwed the pooch pay attention.) this is how you bring a book, game or whatever to the screen. Stick to the book and do a good job. This is how you succeed. You already have a ready fan base, make them happy and they will bring other fans in. Skip your personal/political/social agenda and hire the best people for the job. The amount of collaboration and effort to get it right was amazing and appreciated. I saw a tube clip of Alan and he said everyone collaborated to get the feel of Reacher right, that was amazing and appreciated and Neagley was spot on, one of my fav recurring characters of the book. I know I gave it ten stars and I never do that but I guess with all the screwups making messes like The WoT, Star Wars sequels, Halo and a bunch of others, hijacking beloved franchises, yelling "non-canon" and then doing whatever they want to shove their particular opinion down our throat, I wanted these people to get the credit they deserve. (Entertain me don't tell me who to vote for) And these people deserve lots of credit. They just understood they had to get it right and then they got it right. I'm gonna right the names down of all the people behind the scenes as well and keep an eye out for what else they do. Now I know i can trust them to do a good job.
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Good movie but not really a detective/ serial killer movie.
21 December 2021
Well I liked this movie, the main 3 actors were very good and the entire cast did a great job with the story. That's where we come to the problems. The story or the writing or both were a little cliche and a lttile dull.

I thought I was getting a good serial killer movie. Instead I got a lot of character study. A lot of vagueries about back stories which all get revealed like pulling a sheet off a new car. There's no lead up, no real hints. Just "oh by the way, boom, there it is.". I knew we were heading that way when they make a big deal of how good one detective was but there's no real detecting.

Again a few vague references to maybe some clues but nothing really explained. Looking back on it, it seems worse than when I was watching it. 3 other lesser actors and this would have been an awful movie. Those 3 main actors made the show watchable but the ending is just a letdown. Is that what writers thinks makes a good movie nowadays? Screw the viewer, they don't need a payoff after watching for 2 hours? This movie turns into a character study more than anything.

To sum up, it's a pretty good movie but don't expect shining detective work or anything resolved at the end.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Not for fns of the book
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well I'm just into the first few episodes. I can see now that Amazon has decided that the great series that Robert Jordan created wasn't good enough for them.

They decided that it needed to change a bunch of stuff. Perrin was not married to someone in the two rivers. Matt was not a thief. Rand's mom was dead already. Tam was a decent man and a good father.

The source isn't made dirty by the touch of a man. And a whole slew of interactions between characters that never happened and that was just in the first episode.

It's like listening to someone tell the wheel of time story that doesn't really know it and just makes up stuff.

I am trying to take it on it's own merits. The acting is fine. The show looks good. But it's NOT Jordan's Wheel of time. It's Amazon stealing ideas from a great book and making up their own story for reasons.

Whether they were just not talented enough to bring Jordan's wheel to the screen or they wanted to be "WOKE" or whatever reason, they just didn't stick to the book at all. The main four characters from two rivers are portrayed much older and worldly than they were in the book. I expected them to add in some spicy scenes for the same reason hollywood always does (yes I know it's amazon, the reference is to all movie makers) but it felt wrong because these were young naive almost children.

The problem is they take a great story with a huge fan base and then make something that fans of the book will hardly recognize. I kept waiting for that moment where I would go "oh yeah, I loved this part of the book" but it just isn't there. So many wonderful scenes and events that are already missing makes me doubt if I'll ever see anything I loved from the book.

The dispute over whether this is a good movie I don't think I could honestly say. I was so excited to see the wheel on screen that I can't separate my disappointment enough to give it a fair shake. I am trying tho. I hope all of this in the beginning is just them trying to set up a great story quickly to get into the meat of it. Unfortunately, knowing the story intimately, having read all the books thru more than once, none of the added stuff seems to be doing any setup. It's just new stuff for some reason I can't fathom other than the obvious.

I will never understand why these writers/directors/producers choose not to follow the story they claim they are bringing to the screen. I know Jordan would never have allowed this to be done to his story.

So bottom line I can't find any real fault with the acting, writing or the scenery. I also can't seem to enjoy it. I was hoping for the wheel I read not the interpretation of whoever made this. Why not stick to the story. The heavy lifting's all been done. All you had to do was prtray the story on screen and you would have had a major hit. But now you have this. Something that would only appeal mainly to fans of the story and then you just ignored them.

It's like I ordered a steak and got pizza. The pizza's ok but it's not the steak I ordered and was hoping for.
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Alienated (II) (2021)
What you need to know, bad
17 October 2021
This movie is bad. The story has been done again and again. The acting is bad. The cinematography is bad. The humor is bad. Maybe I'm just not as forgiving as some but to me this was a waste of my time and I relied heavily on the FF button (so to speak) in the last 30 mnutes.

Besides being just bad, the plot just seems to wander. Too many scenes weren't needed. Too many barely needed uninteresting side plots. Plus, it felt like the casting call was "all actors who can't get a job acting". It really felt like the people that made this had no real experience at whatever their role was in aking it. There was no immersion. You felt like you were watching people pretend to be who they were. I know acting IS pretending but you're not supposed to be able to tell.

Look some of this is to hit the length for a review. But in a nutshell the higher score are generous at best and the low scores are on the money. I probably would have given this a 2 but I actually felt sorry for the people in this movie.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Hmmmm almost an 8?
4 July 2021
I find it very odd that this movie gets almost an 8 start rating and movies that are way better and more entertaining get 5's and 6's. It feels like the really good movies with huge entertainment value get attacked and then something like this gets nothing but love. I guess people that watch this movie are into this type of content because it's obvious what it's about, big company bad and many poor victims injured.

This stuff happens either thru ignorance, negligence or accident. Most corporations will try to cover up and minimize the losses. Some worse than others but it's not as rampant as people would have you believe. When it happens it is usually awful and most time the company behaves poorly after the fact as well as before. I just don't usually care to watch a fictional movie about it. I'd rathers see the actual documentary for this kinda thing. Fictional movies, based on a true story or not are trying to get across a message, trigger your emotions and entertain you not bore you. Most real life incidents are way more boring than the movie. But really a 7.6 not for me. But I guess for people that want to be angry about that happened years ago, there are plenty of movies for them.
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Love, Death & Robots: The Drowned Giant (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
J. G. Ballard no credit
18 May 2021
This is the exact story I read as a kid, a loooong time ago. Original publish date was 1964. It was nicely done visually but I think the script was an exact dcopy of what I read in J. G. Ballard story. I find it very disturbing that I watched and rewatched the credits and the beginning and saw no mention of J. G. Ballard. I don't know how this isn't plagiarism. I'm gonna look and see if I can find the original story but some of the lines I distinctly remember word for word. Maybe it's so old that the copyright statute is expired. I still find it slimy that they did not even mention the original author and claimed it as their own story.
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Oxygen (2021)
Not much here
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with English dubbed audio so I have no idea how the french actor was. This movie was about an hour too long. As the description says, woman wakes up in a cryotube with no memory and dwindling O2.

Just not much else to see here, no super clever deductions, little or no Sci-fi and no real idea why she's there. Then in about a 2 minute monologue towards the end they explain it all to you. Just really boring, it seems all these french Scifi films leave me feeling just blah about them.
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It was ok
29 April 2021
It was an okay movie with a premise of how do the non-survivors react in a disaster. In a time where every election is almost 50/50 and a win by 2 or 3 per cent is considered a landslide, I've realized there are just 2 types of people in the world. One type will like/love this movie, one type will dislike/hate this movie.

If you go into this movie for the sci-fi, end of the world movie, you are going to be disappointed. If you want to see 2 cute individuals (ones that make my type want a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion) who have no real survival skills (none), no grasp of reality and are just basically clueless and driven by social media go thru a disaster along with all the "comedy that goes with it then you may like it a lot.

The movie goes nowhere and the ending makes little sense so don't expect closure or explanations. This movie is more of a character study of a couple with no character. Even tho I am trying to be open minded to both types of people, be aware I'm the guy that didn't like any of Ferrell's satire movies and think the office is painful to watch. I'm that guy.

So for me, the movie was ok, I used it to pass time and it was mildly entertaining. I fast forwarded some towards the end. I realized I just really didn't care what they did or what happened to them and just wanted to see what happened at the end. For me, nothing happened at the end. But if you're the other type of person, not my type, you'll probably go with the "fun, lighthearted, funny" reviews. So I hope that helps.

Basically half of you will think "there's 90 minutes I'll never get back" and the other half will think it's a funny enjoyable movie. You know what type you are, so that should tell you whether you want to watch it or not.

But I don't think anyone's gonna skip something else to see this one.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Good, really good but I'm confused
18 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm seeing this trend in the reviews that this is a Drug addiction/mental illness film but I'm not sure it's not a scifi film. There are a couple of things that let you believe it's all in his mind but some are just not explained away that easily. I'll have to watch it again and see but if this isn't scifi then the director/writer did a poor job of getting that across because the scifi part was pretty plausible. And all those holier than thou cause I "know" about addiction and mental health issues can shove it. I've been involved with bothjunkies and the mentally ill. Personally and professional for close to 40 years. There are things in this movie that just aren't congruous with either of those. The scifi view is plausible and some of the Holo versions of his daughter don't fit into the other world or the other world's story. So I'm going with the he stayed in the brain box and she got out. Prove me wrong. But I will say I really didn't like that the writer or director didn't feel comfortable enough with his work to just tell us at the end. I hate that crap. It's like dealing with people that won't ever say what they mean because they're afraid people won't like it.
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We Can Be Heroes (II) (2020)
Here's what you need to know
29 December 2020
As an Adult you will see this as a low budget really crappy movie. You'll wonder how the heck the Mandolorian and Christian Slater got talked into this mess. It'll be a cringe a minute production for you. You may be repelled by the barely veiled jabs at Trump and the obvious race/political/Agenda signaling. It really is, by adult standards, a really really bad movie, terrible acting for the most part, horrible script and the story is just a vehicle for shoving agenda and messages down our throats, some of the message was good, some of it could be called questionable. However, this is a kids movie and my 8 yr old son thought it was awesome, and he's not a dolt. He's in the gifted program and very smart. He did get the messages that were good out of it and the signaling still went right over his head. This movie had to be a moneymaker because it couldn't have cost much as movies go. And in the end this is a kid movie and my kid loved it and I watched it with him and it was hard to keep my mouth shut about how crappy I thought it was but I did. It was painful to sit thru but hey, time with your kid is always a good thing. So bottom line Adults will hate this and kids will love it, up to about 10. It is not a teen movie.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Just goes off the rails
2 November 2020
I love Stephen King but this thing becomes a mess at about season 7 or 8. There's some kind of flashback, rehash episode that feels like you're watching all the previous episodes again. I'm ok with a flashback here and there to show something that happened you need to know about but to try and explain the entire season with a really really weird and confusing and boring Flashback episode just doesn't work. It's like they said "well there's a bunch of stuff we didn't tell you in the first 7 episodes, so let's just do it all in THIS episode but let's do it with strange flashbacky scenes so it looks like we didn't just screw up". Plus right before that things really come to a head and your like FINALLY. And then Flashback episode time, Oh YaY! Then they just throw in some random chars that have nothing to with the original story, for which we still have no answers (I don't think cuz that FB episode was so confusing and boring and just didn't quite make sense, lol) and start a whole other story, side story? And this is in episode 8 or 9 of a ten episode season. Stephen King has a writing credit on this but I think that's just for the books some of these ideas are taken from. I hope he didn't write any of these screenplays. If he did he needs to stick to books. It was really good and interesting for 5 or 6 episodes and then it just went completely off the rails. It's like they started telling one story and then 8 episodes later monty python jumped in "and now for something completely different" and just left the first 7 or 8 episodes hanging. I'm just so disappointed in this.
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