
2 Reviews
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1 May 2017
I want to be careful to avoid spoilers and I don't think there really is much to spoil. This film was outstanding and reading the other review, I couldn't agree more. I saw it in Chicago at Siskel Film Center in Spring of 2017. If this Dr. accomplished even half of what was depicted she should be sainted. This film should be required watching for mental health professionals. She accomplished so much with people that were truly sick and did so in adverse conditions. Film students could learn as well about bio-pics. And talk about supporting cast...the patients around her made Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over...look sane. A few scenes might be troubling but don't let that put you off.
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Brilliant but dark film but a must see
15 February 2015
Just finished seeing a screening of Manuscripts Don't Burn in Chicago at the Siskel Film Center. I couldn't recommend the film highly enough. It had a few rough spots I suppose but overall captured the tightness of the Iranian regime and how difficult it would be for an intellectual or someone with a dissenting opinion. To borrow from another film, "resistance is futile". Apparently based on a real event in history, it is not clear what is true and what is creative license, but the tension throughout was cleverly maintained. When I left the movie, I realized how grateful I am for the level of discourse we are "allowed" and the extent of alternative media, flawed though it can be at times. The acting was laudable and the writing first rate. Sadly, not enough people are likely to see this very brave film.
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