2 Reviews
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A fun episode. Don't take it so seriously and you'll like it more.
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was just a fun episode. Sure you can rip it apart in various ways but if you just sit back and enjoy the show it's fine. I liked the villain's acting and if some people find it a bit over the top or hammy I wouldn't argue with them but sometimes that's just cool too. I admit to not noticing the agenda driven part of it at all when I watched it, and I saw it twice. I did notice something in retrospect that I didn't give much attention to at the time until I saw all this stuff here online later which was Pike refer to the villain as they at the end though I don't remember the villain ever self-identifying but ok. It's nice that they have the sense of humor to put in a comedic episode maybe once a season and that would be fine. Not every show has to be Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon/Hannibal serious all the time.
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With Asylum you ought to know what you are in for...
14 March 2014
I liked the movie about as much as I liked any Asylum movie and that is to say pretty well. You have to know what you are getting into here with these kinds of movies and not have your expectations set so high is basically my opinion. Sure we can go through and ask why didn't they do this and why didn't they do that and why were the special effects worse than many video games and why was did the acting inspire me to think that maybe I could be an actor too if that's all it takes but you just have to set all that aside when you sit down to watch these movies and just take pleasure in them for what they are, a mildly entertaining distraction but one that like a book challenges you to use your own imagination a bit more than your Hollywood blockbusters that allow you to just sit back and have yourself fully immersed in the experience with little to no effort required on your part. Anyway, my advice is to substantially lower your expectations and then you will enjoy your movie much more. It's what I do and I've yet to be disappointed.
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