
28 Reviews
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Wiener-Dog (2016)
Absolutely wonderful
27 May 2023
Absolutely wonderful - but a lot of people gonna miss the whole point of the film and not get it and hate on it.

For me it was a comedy about death, with the message of loving what you have in the now, all things die, to make the most of the now, be the best person you can be, and your choice of laughing in the face of it and loving and living it to the best of your ability, or the choice of being stuck, not realizing what you have and living in misery and inflicting that on others, a movie about how painful life can be, and how we overcome that pain... and one dog's journey tying it all together to make it even more absurd - because life is absurd.

I think a lot of people get pissed at this film and hate on it 'cause you have to go to a deep place and think about things you may not want to think about... like one's own death... and what are you making of your life in the now? Are you living it the best you can or not?

Wonderful performances across the board, unique characters.

Not a movie for everyone but a movie for some of us - it makes you think, and just when it gets sad Solodnz makes you laugh which is what I think makes life bearable laughter. I loved it.
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AzulScuro (2021)
Terrific Edge Of Your Seat
11 May 2022
Terrific short that keeps the tension high with a very simple set up and concept. Scary and super creative! Really enjoyed how they kept the cinematography moving as well even though it was all through a phone lens - not a dull moment - great to watch with the lights out!
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Come to Daddy (2019)
Best Dark Comedy I've Seen in a Long time
20 November 2021
Twisted, funny, genuinely scary, unique and a clever premise to boot. Surprising turns, and moments of depth - making you ponder relationships and the expectations we hold for them. Great script and acting especially loved Stephen McHattie's terrifying and funny performance. Elijah Wood is ALWAYS good. Loved the homage to Psycho in parts. Comedy horror/ dark comedy at its best.
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Lovely Movie Heartfelt makes you think
9 June 2021
Lovely heartfelt movie that makes you think - beautiful cinematography and takes its time does not front load anything. Great performances and directing.
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So Smart, Clever, and Hysterical
30 January 2021
I laughed my ass off during this film - there were so many little hidden gems, and it was so smart. I loved the slow burn and the dead pan delivery and the dialogue. It also broke so many cinematic rules and WORKED! - which Jarmusch loves to do - and does it well. The zombie sequence had hilarious commentary on humanity one of my favorite sequences and the banter between Murray and Driver was always funny and Iggy POP omg hahahaa. The acting was great, and loved the direction and writing. I think many don't like this movie because the humor is so dry and so clever and it will breeze by you if you don't pay attention, you have to really get that type of humor and be into it and think - I love it and think it's genius. It's also a slow burn which I also love - it's not your typical horror movie. The only thing I did not like was the ending because I felt it didn't trust the message that was already coming through so clear throughout and so it was pushed and got unfunny - but who cares, the rest of the movie was a hysterical. And it was ORIGINAL - sure it spoofed the genre but the voice of Jarmusch is so original he puts his own twist on things and doesn't make movies like anyone else - love em or hate them - he marches to his own drum and creates his art - and I don't like all of his but I LOVE this.
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Zana (2019)
Beautiful Touching Movie
1 September 2020
Beautiful touching movie exploring PTSD and the crimes that happened in Kosovo. Amazing performances by the lead and the man who played her husband, you can't help but feel for these characters. Makes you grateful and thankful if you are one who have never had to experience the crimes of war and understand what those who went through this time dealt with.
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The Trial (1962)
Amazing unique stunning film
4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate Welles, see his genius, but personally I have never been a fan and am shocked to find myself listing this as one of my personal top 100 favorite films when none of his others even made my list. Sure, I know Citizen Kane is considered the best film of all time, and then there's Magnificent Ambersons, Third Man, but still, I find them all rather dull, though always filled with genius, but they never spoke to me on any level.

So it was interesting seeing this film which was Welles' favorite that he has made because I was blown away by it. LOVED IT.

Visually stunning, with an amazing performance by Anthony Perkins, Welles captured the exact feeling the film needed. Surreal, heightened drama without being over the top, bizarre, scary, unique, so creative, funny, sad. And yes, he's still got his pompous air - got to love his announcement of the cast members at the end and his "I wrote and directed this, my name is ORSON WELLES" but yet, you can't help but admire the sheer bravery of doing something so different - him marching to his own drum, and the technique and imagination and how it makes you feel when you watch it.

I have also always been a fan of Perkins, but never really realized his amazing acting ability, because you get so taken by his talent to do character (especially in Psycho) that you forget. In this it's more stripped and raw and I just was blown away by the performance.

This film is not for everyone but I can say without a shadow of a doubt it is genius, and I can understand why Welles felt frustration at everyone wanting to talk about Citizen Kane, because I believe this is his masterpiece not Kane.
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Trois pages (2018)
Beautiful film
8 March 2020
This is a beautiful film! Terrifically acted and directed, with a great script, it handles the saddest of life's twists with dignity, honor and insight. It further manages to avoid melodrama. It is poignant, bittersweet and smart. I just loved this film!
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Wonderful, Wry Sense Of Humor With Heart
2 January 2020
This film has so much heart and is so clever and witty. I LOVED IT - just enjoyed it so much. It's so smart and I loved it's subtle humor. Also the acting is wonderful.

It's a great commentary about how we think about things we are taught, what we believe and what lengths we will go to to prove our beliefs. And best of all, it has just enough deep moments speckled throughout to keep it meaningful but not heavy.

It's not an Oscar film, or genius film, but it's exactly what it's supposed to be - a movie with heart, a quintessential indie, that makes you think and laugh a bit a long the way.

As a side note - I've read some of the incredibly callous and subjective user reviews here of people that don't get this film. Most of them, I can tell by their extremely subjective criticism vs. objective criticism, that they know zero about film - if they did they would at least look at it objectively because whether you like the film or not, it is no 1 out of 10 - it is well acted, well directed, professionally done.
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Arctic (2018)
Beautiful Movie Edge Of Your Seat
9 November 2019
Beautiful acted and shot - a wonderful script, great direction. Minimalism at it' finest - it is not easy to keep a story going with so few characters and such a simple story of survival - being simple with depth is difficult... they did a fantastic job. Mads? Mads is amazing in it, such a great performance, you knew everything he was thinking even at his subtlest moments.
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Tall Girl (2019)
Exactly what it was supposed to be
4 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's not genius, it's not super deep, it's not hysterical, but it is not supposed to be any of those things. It's a romp - a sweet coming of age movie that does a great job creating some likeable characters and is fun.

I love that the girl ended up with the Ducky character! Being a huge John Hughes fan, I remember always thinking damn, Pretty and Pink would've been perfect if only she would've ended up with Ducky. So thank you, Tall Girl for giving me that.

Yes there were cliches, yes there was a cringe-worthy moment with the singing, yes the ending could've been better and so not on the nose, but at the same time it was so damn sweet. I just liked it.

And there were some wonderful genuine heartfelt moments - the best friend was wonderful. I thought the writer did a great job and a nice send up to some of the teen movies that came before - especially John Hughes. I appreciated that the lead wasn't drop dead gorgeous and I loved the sister. The characters were sweet. It was a teen movie with some heart - so for that I gave it a nine. I also think the writer did a great job with teen angst. I think the expectations are too high expecting it to be something it's not. It's simply a sweet teen movie with a good message.
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Marianne (2019)
Fantastic! Terrifying!
21 October 2019
This is a fantastic series that is absolutely terrifying. It has shades of IT and Stranger Things thrown in and borrows from other films yet is still unique. The concept is genius, great directing and sometimes I forget I am watching TV and thinking it's just one long movie. I have to watch this with another person, that's how much it frightens me. I see a lot of horror, and this is great. For those who don't get it or don't like it - there's always a hater or someone who doesn't like, but for me, who has a very good working knowledge of film, and horror this is awesome!
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
29 August 2019
THIS is genius.

Depth, heart, fear... so many things come to mind.

This film sticks with you, and brings up so many deep emotions. In one part of your brain it is fantastical. In another, it is fearful. In another, it is sad and lonely and lost. And then there is wit in it too, and throughout it all... an amazing dreamlike feeling... that while you're watching it, you're wondering, is this real, what's off? There's something off... I can't put my finger on it... is this REAL? Almost like Alice In Wonderland going down the Rabbit Hole.

This script was sent around forever before it got made.

It was impossible - no one was willing to take a chance because... it didn't fit... what a weird film! And I'm sure many idiots along the way, the idiots who give notes on scripts and can't write themselves, which is so much of Hollywood, piped in "it doesn't work!" "it's awful!" "CHANGE IT!" - this or that, and then of course, probably, a lot of: "It's too expensive to get made."

So the writer, who I'm sure this script must have been all that is dark and light and wonderful in his being, his deep passion, hurt for a little bit, then shelved it for awhile (never giving up on it because it was his heart), wrote a main stream movie "Ghost" which was genius in it's own way... and ultimately it had Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze starring, so it was sure to make money... but it was no Jacob's Ladder - but he wrote that, because that's what Hollywood thought (always underestimating the depth of their audience) is the only thing that people want - so he knew he had to do it, and THAT got made when this genius hung around. The masses could understand "Ghost." So after he wrote "Ghost", which made so much money... the powers that be had to throw him a bone because "Ghost" showed them he was bankable and they could take a chance on "Jacob's Ladder."

I laugh at any bad reviews or naysayers of this film. Because it's ludicrous. They don't get it. And if they do get it? They don't have enough depth to see what he's saying. This is genius.
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Great Doc Gives You Insight
2 July 2019
I did not know a lot about the world of Troma, the man behind it (Lloyd Kaufman) or the history. I have always been fascinated with this amazing indie punk rock company and how they have kept kicking for so long so was excited to see the film. The doc did not disappoint - and you can see the reason Troma has lasted so long is the passion and vision - Lloyd knows EXACTLY what he wants and he has a lot of people behind him supporting him - he has charisma and wit - and it's infections. Even if you are not a fan of the movies you can't help but admire the gumption and creativity. I really enjoyed this documentary you learn so much and it makes you want to see all the movies.
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Dark Chamber (2019)
Beautiful Movie
30 March 2019
Beautiful movie that makes you think and has a very unique way of telling this tragic story.
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Very Smart And Clever - All One Location
11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well done film that takes place in only one spot - a morgue. I'm not sure why more people haven't been talking about this film, but it succeeds where Hereditary did not - it is able to go from reality to supernatural without being convoluted or having too much story.

It is also very scary and has a surprising ending. The writers set up everything and pay it off - it makes you think - they did a fantastic job with the writing. The director also did an exceptional job with the corpse - in that it's so beautiful it's terrifying and he repeatedly has close ups of the face and the slightly crooked teeth and beautiful hair that gives you chills because it looks so dead but is yet so alive.

I appreciate too that they didn't go full on for gross out and gore - even though an autopsy is being performed - it is medical and does not go for cheap gags and gore. Yes, there are those squeamish moments but the director did not take the liberty to really gross you out or make it over the top - and for me who is squeamish I was actually able to watch the whole thing without turning my head away. Sure I had a few ewwws but it was not cheap or over the top.

I love too, the ending because you don't see it coming with an unusual twist and how they actually make you feel sorry for the corpse then not, is she evil or the subject of evil done to her?

The film was not completely successful - there were moments where I found a lull or felt that for example they would be more freaked out about what was lingering in the hallways and not so easily go into them - but I still have to give it a ten. It created a world and story that was not only unique, but scary and smart and to do it all in one location is not easy. It's really one of the best I've seen done in one location and for that even with some of the smaller flaws it makes it a TEN!
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Heartfelt and inspiring
30 November 2018
I loved this doc! Incredibly heartfelt, inspiring and well-done.
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Errementari (2017)
Wonderful, Fantastic, Unique - Across the board brilliance
9 November 2018
Terrific writing, acting, directing, costuming...

A dark fairytale that is intelligent, dark, funny, disturbing... so many colors and three-dimensionality. It was wonderful!
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Touching, Beautiful
23 April 2018
I saw this at Imagine Film Fest and absolutely loved it. It tore me up it was so sad, but it wasn't a depressing film, it had a lot of hope and love. I loved how the lead was a girl. It also was simple, in that it conveyed great depth throughout without being self-aware or manipulating audiences feelings.
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Julkita (2017)
Brilliant, Strong, Brave, Hysterical, Twisted
23 April 2018
I saw this at Imagine Film Festival and absolutely loved it. Visually stunning, smart, powerful and funny. The lead actress is amazing. I am sure this film offends a lot of uptight people but I thought it was incredibly empowering, unique, beautiful, disturbing, wonderful, well directed, well written, with great set design and cinematography. Both my friend and I loved it.
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A movie about loneliness and love
6 February 2017
For me, this was a movie about loneliness and love - every single person in this movie is so lonely and lost and searching for beauty and light - there's a lot of other interesting things about this movie, a commentary on how Muslim women are treated, an ode to horror movies and westerns... but the depth of it and why it touched me was the characters who were all lost looking for love in the darkest of places. The film itself was visually stunning and the soundtrack great, I also loved how different it was, you would be hard pressed to find a movie similar - it has it's own heartbeat and uniqueness. Sure it starts slow, and is slow, you can't be in a hurry to get through this movie, but that is part of what makes it so wonderful because that tone makes you feel how the characters must feel lost and stuck in this "bad city." With the Farsi dialect and the interesting yet familiar iconic characters it is like walking into a different world that somehow you know. I loved the vampire, her acting was so subtle all done with her eyes, an animal that you couldn't trust yet wanted to. For those who say this is a pretentious film, I'll never understand, it's ARTSY, but it is not overly aware of itself or trying to be pompous, it's just telling this weird story with these weird characters with this very stylized feel and if you just open yourself to it and go with it and let it wash over you I think you will love it as much as I did.
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Seduced (I) (2016)
Great Lifetime Movie - Stylistically edgy and fun
2 May 2016
If you like Lifetime Movies you'll love this. Stylistically I felt it was way ahead of any I've seen on Lifetime. I found it way more artistic, edgy, and real. I actually believed the characters had relationships with one another and cared about one another. At one point I even had tears in my eyes, there were some real moments in this piece.

It's also very well shot and acted. Elizabeth Rohm in particular is great. Enjoyed the use of music in the piece too which gave it a hip vibe. The movie is also sexy without being cheap.

One of the best of this genre that I've seen. Super entertaining. Super fun and has a surprising twist at the end that you don't see coming.
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17 November 2013
I've never seen a movie like this and I think a lot of people didn't get it because they were swept up in the sensory overload. I also believe a lot of people didn't like it because they didn't want to see anti-hero women like these - it was hard to watch these women - women who had more power than men in every way.

It was a serious art house movie that made incredibly interesting choices, not one single bit of the movie was not thought out - the cinematography and editing were amazing and the choice, the brave choice to show women such as these - and they exist - is seldom done. But if you're not careful, you'll not see it - because Korine does such an incredible job making you feel as if you are there, sensory overload - and he does this on purpose, to make you feel as the characters feel…

Some of my favorite parts: The repetitive dialogue and scenes - a commentary on these people's lives how they always live in the present, never move forward in their lives. The amazing visuals - underlying the surreal - just like how their lives are - "just pretend you're in a movie" that's how these women view life - as if nothing is real, everything is in the moment, everything is about fun and doing what you want and living a hedonistic life. The use of irony to underline how these women feel - none of it is real to them, it's all fun.

I also loved the deep messages this movie had about coming of age and the paths we take and people searching for fulfillment. What was most amazing to me was that it was all wrapped up in a bubblegum teeny bopper wrapper of sex drugs and rock 'n' roll…

And because of this...

I think a lot of people miss the message - they miss the commentary, they take it at face value, they miss the poetry, they miss that it was all done purpose.

I thought it was amazing.

I loved it.
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26 November 2012
Delightful and sweet, Tiny Furniture captures the essence of being fresh out of school and not knowing what the heck to do with yourself. Done for a very small budget, the cinematography, writing, acting are all great making it appear to have a larger budget. This is a classic indie style movie. The film is not a perfect movie but it is so entertaining and fun to watch that any flaws are forgotten. Nice to see non stars in the movie too and especially loved the Mother character. The relationship between the sisters was spot on, anyone who has a sister knows! I also liked the New York feel to the piece, the deprecating humor and the character of Charlotte. Felt very true to life.
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Terrific - a dark HOT FUZZ - funny & disturbing all at once
22 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT: Brilliant. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about it because I was rooting so hard for the lead that when I found out he was so flawed I was upset. I wanted him to be a good guy. I felt bad for him, but at the same time knowing he was not a good person. But even saying that is simplistic, because he's so three dimensional, you just see him as a victim of his circumstances and yet... you want him to do the right thing but know if you were in his shoes it would be difficult. So many great little touches from the little girl with the squeaky carriage to how he gradually comes to accept the town. Visually it's wonderful and the acting is terrific. So many odd characters. Funny enough to me, it felt like a REALLY DARK Hot Fuzz. Though I do see the Cohen Brother influence especially the influence of Blood Simple. This movie was surprising and fresh. I also thought it was interesting in the very last scene when they dealt him cards but when the camera pulled back there were no cards on the table. Some say this was a mistake. I wonder. To me it felt like it was saying "Things are not what they seem" just like the little town where nothing goes wrong... not what it seems.
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