
42 Reviews
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It's not Hill House, Bly, or Midnight Mass.
10 October 2022
The Midnight Club is not really horror. It has horror elements but it's mostly teen drama. If you're expecting a series along the lines of Mike Flanagan's previous Netflix horror series', you may be disappointed. But if you go into it knowing that it's based on young-adult rather than classic literature, perhaps you can appreciate it for what it is. The Midnight Club is based on material by highly successful YA author Christopher Pike, not on classic ghost stories by writers like Shirley Jackson or Henry James.

Since I knew going in what the source material is, I was expecting a teen drama with some horror elements, and that's exactly what this is. It started pretty strong, lots of mystery, and the characters drew me in. Most of the cast are very good, and the series is beautifully shot. There's no mistaking that this is 100% Mike Flanagan. And like everything Flanagan does, it's heavy with emotion (at times too heavy).

Unfortunately, it does get slow about halfway through the season, it's a bit hard to follow at times, and it just doesn't have the same magic that Hill House, Bly or Midnight Mass do. I still found it moving and entertaining, but I didn't love it. There are too many unanswered questions and disconnected ideas. Rather than moving slowly and leaving all those unanswered questions for a probable season 2, I would have preferred Flanagan had stuck to his formula of one-season stories that move quickly and wrap up nicely in the end.

I have great respect for Mike Flanagan and his vision and ability to tell a story with both horror and heart. Though by no means terrible, The Midnight Club is not his best. I still have high hopes for The Fall of the House of Usher. Flanagan has proven what he can do with classic horror. I can't wait to see what he does with the works of Poe.

**Unlike some others, this review was written after watching the whole season.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Meh, it's just OK
8 October 2022
Though I have been a horror film fan all my life, I could never really get into the Hellraiser movies. I was hoping for a fresh take on the original movie. Ultimately, I must say while the general plot is different, it's not any better or more entertaining than the original film. I do have to give credit to the creative team for maintaining a Clive Barkeresque feel and look througout the film, I don't think it improved upon Barker's original movie. I didn't find it scary at all and it dragged a bit through the middle. I really wanted to like this one, but in the end, I'm just not impressed. It's just OK.
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In the Earth (2021)
Pointless, so-called arthouse drivel
5 July 2022
This pitiful excuse for a movie is a waste of time. It's like the most boring acid trip ever. It's nonsensical, goes nowhere, and leaves the viewer wondering, "what the hell did I just watch?" You know how when you blow up a balloon and let it go, it goes flying all over the place making a bunch of annoying noise and then flops lifelessly to the ground? That's this movie, except the balloon moves in super slow motion and takes 107 minutes to finally flop.
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The Empty Man (2020)
13 October 2021
I'll just come right out and say it. Everything about this movie was excellent except the ending. The Empty Man is original, it's thought-provoking, it's well-acted and beautifully shot. The sound track is spot on, building tension in all the right places. It provides a mystery that keeps you engaged throughout. It's not your typical horror film with a bunch of jump scares, but more of a psychological horror that steadily builds a feeling of dread. For all this, I would have given the film a 9 handily. Unfortunately, the ending was unsatisfying and left a lot of questions unanswered. I don't know if a sequel is planned, but I hope there will be more to this story that ties up all the loose strings. I agree with other reviewers who've said this movie is destined to become a cult classic because it is not quite like anything else out there. The Empty Man is one of those films I'll watch many times despite the unsatisfying ending.
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5 September 2021
I'm surprised by the low rating. I quite enjoyed this one. Okay, so it's not really an original concept, but I found it entertaining. The acting was pretty good, especially for such young actors. It had a realistic feel to it as well. Give this one a shot. I will bet it will grow in estimation over time.
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Pathology (2008)
Ridiculously stupid and over the top.
3 April 2021
This movie was terrible. I don't know how anyone other than a teenage boy could possibly like this one. It's a movie about a bunch of psychopaths getting off on murder, meth and corpses. I have no idea how it has, at present, a rating of 6 stars. I suspect there's rating inflation involved. It's so over the top, has little to no redeeming value, and is just utterly ridiculous. What a stupid movie.
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Climax (I) (2018)
I give it 3 stars for the dancing
11 March 2021
The only good thing about this movie was the dancing. Literally, everything else about it is annoying. It's actually really boring. It has no plot and no point. The dialogue is puerile, at best, and you can't possibly empathize with the characters. If this is your first introduction to Noe, you'll likely never feel the need to watch any of his other films.
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Did adults make this movie?
1 March 2021
This movie was not good in any way, shape or form. It wasn't the low budget that killed it. I've seen low budget films done well. It was the sub-par acting, the contrived deaths, and the utter lack of imagination. The CGI was no better than CGI in 1950s black and white horror movies. Honestly, my teenagers could have made a better movie with just their cellphones. Do yourself a favor and skip this one.
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Spiral (I) (2019)
What did I just watch?
24 February 2021
I'm confused. What started out as a decent psychological horror flick ended as a head-scratching, incomplete mess with so many plot holes it's virtually impossible to follow. I'm actually being a bit generous by rating it a five. But it just wasn't quite bad enough to rate a 4. It could have been a lot better if some of the mysteries were explained. Instead, the viewer is left wondering "what the heck did I just watch?"
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Not an easy watch, but quite effective.
11 January 2021
I struggled with myself on how to rate this one. My first instinct was to rate it a 6 or 7 for its flaws. It's not perfect. There are some acting issues and at times it borders on gratuitous. But it's very chilling and disturbing, and feels so realistic that you'll never forget it. Horror is my favorite genre, but it very rarely scares me anymore. This one did. It's hard to watch and it sticks with you. For all that, I almost rated it a 10 for its effectiveness, but ultimately settled on 9 for its occasional flaws.
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Don't Listen (2020)
Don't Waste Your Time
12 December 2020
This movie is so bad it's pathetic. Horrible acting, ridiculous story, full of cheap jump scares that don't even make you jump. Skip this one. It's not worth your time.
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Midsommar (2019)
Aster is the Master of Dread
28 November 2020
Clearly Ari Aster's movies are not everyone's cup of tea. They are long, at times confusing, and they tend to move slowly. That being said, whether you love them or hate them, there is no doubting his unequaled ability to evoke an unshakable level of dread that builds relentlessly throughout his films. Midsommar is in many ways the opposite of Hereditary, taking place in a brightly lit and beautiful backdrop, and yet you can easily tell that it was made by the same filmmaker for the way it makes you feel. Though not a movie I can say I enjoyed, I'm glad I watched it because of the unique experience the film puts you through.
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History of Horror (2018–2021)
A compendium of horror
27 November 2020
As a student of history and a huge fan of the horror genre, I really appreciate and enjoy this series. Watching it has reinforced and expanded my love of horror cinema. Not only does this series help you rediscover and appreciate the films that you grew up with, it also leads you to discover films you haven't yet seen. I'm so pleased to see that they released a second season and I hope very much there will be more.
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Better than I expected
23 November 2020
Currently, this movie has an overall rating of 4.7 stars. I almost didn't bother with it but after watching it, I'm a little surprised that it rates so low. It's not a great movie but it's not terrible either. It's a little slow but it's unpredictable, which is something I value in a movie. Give this one a chance, just don't go into it with high expectations.
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Unrest (I) (2006)
22 November 2020
A fairly decent movie to start out with, Unrest completely falls apart about halfway through the movie. The plot becomes disjointed and confusing, and then it goes way over the top and becomes absurd. The movie is backed by a ridiculous soundtrack that completely fails to fit the story and the setting. It's ultimately a disappointment because you get the sense that it could have been good if it hadn't gone completely off the rails at the midpoint. I recommend skipping this one.
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Before I Wake (2016)
Breaks the mold but it's just OK.
1 November 2020
Mike Flanagan is a wonderful storyteller. That's what I like most about his work. And I do have to give credit where it's due, this is a beautiful story. It's also one of those films that breaks the mold and defies categorization. You can't label this one just horror, or drama, or fantasy. It's many things all at once and it crosses genres in a way we've never seen before.

That being said, it left me feeling unsure about whether or not I really enjoyed it. I can't quite put my finger on why. It has a lot of good qualities but there's nothing that leaves me wanting more. Was it bad? No. Do I ever want to watch it again? Probably not. So I can only give this one six stars.
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Insanitarium (2008 Video)
Don't Waste Your Time
29 October 2020
I don't know how so many reviewers could call this watchable. The acting is terrible and completely over the top. The premise is laughable. The gratuitous gore and boobs was obviously included just to get teenage boys to keep watching it. Sometimes bad horror movies can be entertaining. This is not one of those times. Ugh, I feel stupider for having watched it.
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This one was difficult for me to score.
27 October 2020
A little over halfway into the movie I was leaning towards scoring it an 8. I was really enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. It can be a little slow at times but the story was engaging and it had a good scare factor to it. The problem I ended up having with this film was the over the top ending. It just dragged the movie down. Ultimately, I decided to rate this one 7 stars because the first 85% of it was great. It's just too bad that the ending didn't do it justice.
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Dead Silence (2007)
I wanted to like it.
26 October 2020
I am a huge fan of James Wan's work, particularly when he's collaborating with Leigh Whannell. The two of them together have done some really great work that's made a significant impact on what horror looks like at the beginning of the 21st century. Whether you liked Saw (the original movie, not the franchise) or hated it, you have to admit that nothing like that film had ever been done before. It was a truly original concept that brought much-needed new life back to the genre. It inspired what ended up becoming the next big trend in horror. It was so unique and so fresh, earning one of only three 10/10 stars I've ever rated a movie. So, when I first watched Dead Silence, I really wanted to like it. Unfortunately, we don't always get what we want.

I don't know what happened, but Wan and Whannell really blew it with this one. It's bad. It's not scary, it's not original (another creepy doll movie? Really?), it's actually pretty cheesy and quite boring. Well, I guess all talented filmmakers are going to have at least one bomb (anyone remember Ghosts of Mars?). Hopefully it was a learning experience. Hopefully this was the bad one they needed to get out of their system. In any case, trust me, you want to skip this one.
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Nocturne (II) (2020)
I probably would have liked it if I was 16 years old.
25 October 2020
This one is okay. It's not terrible, but it is a little juvenile. It probably would have appealed to me when I was in high school. The acting is fair, the premise interesting, but it just didn't all come together in an intriguing way, and it ended up being pretty predictable. I usually like movies that come from Blumhouse, but this one just didn't do it for me.
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Not perfectly splendid, but not perfectly dreadful either.
17 October 2020
It's not perfect. It's not as brilliant as The Haunting of Hill House; those were some pretty big shoes to fill. But it's still a good story, shot beautifully with excellent acting, so I'm surprised (sort of) by all the low scoring reviews. The pacing is a little slow at times and it's not without some flaws, but, for the most part, it's a lovely and moving ghost story and a well-presented mystery. To enjoy The Haunting of Bly Manor you have to approach it as it's own story rather than comparing it to Hill House because, let's face it, Hill House was absolutely brilliant. I would bet that those who rated Bly so poorly had exceptionally high expectations for Hill House's follow up and thus couldn't possibly be anything but disappointed. But 1s, 2's and 3's? Come on. It's much, much better than that. My advice to people who would rate this show that poorly.. Try managing your expectations, and stop comparing apples to oranges.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to watch The Haunting of Bly Manor, please don't pay attention to the low-raters. Honestly, I have serious doubts that those who posted such low ratings actually watched the entire season. Is it as good as Hill House? No. Is it worth watching? Yes. Just approach it with your expectations in check and don't go looking to compare it to its predecessor.
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Ratched (2020– )
Should Have Been Titled "American Horror Story: Ratched"
20 September 2020
I feel like I just watched a new season of American Horror Story, and a weak one at that. I know quite a lot about the history of mental health care in California, particularly in the state hospital system, since I wrote my master's thesis on the topic. I was looking forward to watching this new show having been based on the tyrannical Mildred Ratched of Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Kesey's novel was an important and impactful story that shed light on the human rights abuses that were unfortunately commonplace in in-patient mental health care facilities of the era, so I was looking forward to watching Ratched and finding out what made her the monster she turned out to be. Unfortunately, this series had nothing to do with the original story other than borrowing the name of Nurse Ratched. The writing and acting is terrible and the story is pointless and cheap. Just last year, Castle Rock brought us a look into the younger version of another monster-in-nurse's-clothing in Misery's Annie Wilkes. It was well done and added quite a lot of backstory to Stephen King's character. Where Castle Rock succeeded in giving depth to Wilkes' character, Ratched fails completely. It's so disappointing. If you are a fan of American Horror Story, you may enjoy this series. If you're looking for a prequel to Cuckoo's Nest that sheds light on what made Nurse Ratched the cold-hearted tyrant she turned out to be, you'll likely be disappointed as well.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
Not Perfect, but Still Entertaining
10 September 2020
First, before I get into the movie, can I please just say that if you only watch the first 15 minutes of a film and then turn it off (as one reviewer said they did), please don't write a review of it. Clearly, you can't give an informed opinion if you only watch a fraction of the film.

OK, The Veil is not a big budget, blood and gore, jump scare heavy sort of movie, so if that's what you're looking for then this one is probably not for you. This one is more of a tense, unnerving film with an indie feel to it that works for the story and lends it realism. Its dark atmosphere is unsettling and lasts from start to finish. Thomas Jane is perfect in his role, which is unlike any other I've seen him in. This one just worked on many levels. It has its flaws, but all in all, I found it entertaining and worth watching.
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The Endless (I) (2017)
Pretty Boring
5 September 2020
I am utterly perplexed by all the good reviews this flick received. After reading such glowing opinions I was expecting a really good movie, but I found it slow, convoluted, and terribly amateurish. This is not a film I would recommend. A total waste of time.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
One of My Favorites
3 September 2020
This film is so well done on every level. It's one of my favorite horror movies. It's scary, well-acted, and a lot of fun to watch. James Wan is a horror genius. His films are smart, effective and contemporary, and this is one of his best.
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