
3 Reviews
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Dogville (2003)
29 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not that many a time , I would sit down to comment on a movie so soon after watching it(1 hr) as i need some time to digest, re-digest everything that happened to the movie and myself. But this is one movie that grinds you into it from the very start.

*********Spoilers***************************** I thank god for one reason that i know one or two spoilers before i actually started watching the movie. My friend told me that he wasn't able to finish the movie. At many point of time I contemplated the same thought only to give in to the curiosity that how mature the movie is going to develop from that point of time. But I'm sure the way everything developed is a pure candid representation of the thought process of humans and though the dark nature of us is always apparent to us in many forms, nothing can make you prepared for when you confront it at that moment. More than Grace's character, Whom I loved the most of is Tom who reminds of myself and many others more than other characters that no matter how much intellectually inclined you think you are, we are all the same because the nature called pride which everyone holds it close to their heart in one way or other and when that is threatened we panic.

Even though i was taken along the mood swings of Grace when she confronts her father and herself, I felt the actions weren't justified initially. But I do realize that we act at some point of time during our confrontation and in this case I'm confronting even after Grace has acted upon it.

This is my first viewing and sure my views are gonna change after the second because it will reduce a great percentage of the shock. But sure its a tough job to go back for one more viewing (the same problem I had for Wild Strawberries).

If you haven't seen the movie hope the Spoilers will make you better prepared and if you have already seen it you know what I'm talking about.
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Un amour à taire (2005 TV Movie)
Characters,War & Homosexuality
12 July 2005
Characters,War & Homosexuality is the main theme of this film and everything has blended so well in this that I couldn't stop admiring. Kudo to director and if you wanna see what real people do during war and that too all kinds of people then this is it. The flow is great and the mood that prevails throughout tells a great deal about the director.

All the characters were well played especially sara and jacques. But i feel that the director has taken much of sides and could have really went behind the theme of against war and people against homosexuality. But anyway it was a great movie throughout.
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Page 3 (2005)
Too compelling yet without propaganda
29 June 2005
The first review I saw of Page 3 said "what is madhur bhandarkar finally wants to say?". Should he say something so decisive.

The most beautiful thing about Page 3 is it doesn't take sides. No propaganda whatsoever. This is the film that captures so many angles of an issue(I don't know what do I call as an "issue" here) and yet like any mediocre movie doesn't come up with an solution. I was so intrigued when I realized that the movie ended almost in the same scenario just like it started.

The movie defines so many characters who are completely with completely different priorities and different ideologies and yet they are all a part of the system which is all the more apathetic. I wish i can say more but there would be more spoilers ahead. So watch Page 3 if you wanna see one of the most mature films of the recent times.
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