
3 Reviews
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Countdown to Looking Glass (1984 TV Movie)
Pay toll or be annihilated, tough choice
18 July 2015
Pretty good flick but a little unrealistic in it's premise. A previous reviewer commented that the Russian's wouldn't go to war over Saudi Arabia. Likewise, I find it hard to believe that a $10K tanker "fee" imposed by a Soviet client state would lead the US to rushing headlong towards WWIII. Far simpler and less risky to pay the relatively modest fee ( With the price of oil at the time around $70 a barrel and a modest size tanker capable of carrying well over one million barrels... well you do the math) and extract payment elsewhere. The US president came across as a total loon. The motivation just seemed contrived. Otherwise a watchable film.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
For adults only
7 May 2006
When I saw the ads on the pilot of this show, I was turned off big-time. I thought, here's what we need another mindless violence ridden show. I never watched an episode, until about a year ago while channel surfing I stumbled into the middle of one. Well, let's just say I became hooked. Since that time, I've collected every DVD out on the show, and have had to exercise extreme discipline to pace my viewings and savor every episode. The show is over the top, sure. It wouldn't last on the tube if it wasn't at least a little. Is it for everyone? No, keep the kids in bed when it's on. What the show offers ( besides the violence,adult themes,foul language,etc.), is straight-up acting, clever dialog, plausible plot lines, and intense action. The hand held camera style fits the show perfectly, wouldn't want it any other way. The actors are believable to a fault. The show is technically excellent. Give it a chance, it may just grow on you, it did for me.
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Excellent uplifting film in utterly depressing surroundings
21 April 2005
Always like Burt Lancaster's acting/entertainment ability, and he doesn't disappoint in "Birdman". I found this movie, whatever it's historical faults notwithstanding, to be an uplifting experience due to the characters ability to rise above the incredibly depressing circumstances of his existence. And, a sad commentary on societies inability to rehabilitate as in "To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education.", those who stray from the straight and narrow. When men are treated with respect, or as animals, they usually respond in kind. Karl Malden's warden character summarized societies treatment of inmates. Whether using carrots or sticks, the end goal was conformity and submission, with true rehabilitation an incidental byproduct should it occur at all. There is little wasted footage in this film, the "quiet" periods mentioned in earlier comments, add to the realism. Think about it, here's a man who spent nearly 50 years of his life in solitary confinement, to do true justice, a silent film would have been more appropriate! Stroud was spared the death penalty by President Wilson, due to his mothers pleading on his behalf. I can't imagine the occupier of the White House today doing anything but smirk at such a request. Not a political statement, just a point of fact. Another point, this film was made while Stroud was still in prison, which he never viewed, and which failed to earn him his release before his death in 1963. Lancaster also played a convict in "Brute Force", one of his earliest films, and a good one.
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