
31 Reviews
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I would not recommend this movie.
14 December 2023
I watched the movie waiting for something that would either show some Christmas Spirit or talk about Jesus or at least make Santa look good. The openning rejected both Santa and Jesus. In the end art is worshipped but this is a "Christian Movie" . I do not think it is Christian nor would I want my children to watch it. How much "art" defames Christ or Christian values? This movie is about art being a savior and not about the Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. They want me to write more as if I am aproffessional reviewer.

If you think stupidity is lovely, watch this movie. I was waiting for some sort of climax rather than art will save you but Jesus will not. This movie is stupid.
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Don't waste your time!
1 March 2020
Dumbest movie I have ever seen. There is no plot, no purpose and the events which are very few do not add up to any link in the movie. The acting is less than a B movie. There is nothing redeemable about this movie unless you belong to the millennial generation and even they would not be able to understand what the message was.
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Over rated movie
25 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has no story and leaves a lot of questions. Why did the man named Mike have and control her for 4 years? He is the one who beat her. It was actually evident from the beginning of the movie who the villain was and after 5 minutes. I had it pegged. This should have been a "B" movie. I have seen better B movies with more mystery than this movie. Don't waste your time on this movie.
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When Angels Come to Town (2004 TV Movie)
I lost respect for Peter Faulk
16 December 2017
While Peter Faulk was a good actor I lost respect for him when he played in this movie. This is one of the dumbest movies ever made. It was made to make fun of angels and show them as being human. The premise of the movie is actually evil and tries to make Christmas something other than what it truly is.The person who wrote the story is more to blame but the fact that it was actually made into a movie with one real actor is appalling . This movie should never be seen by an audience that actually loves Christmas and respects angels.
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Stupid movie but women like it
1 October 2017
The movie is about reincarnation and wanting you to believe in reincarnation. The dialogue of the movie was incredibly stupid. I am glad that I did not have to pay to see this movie. The only thing good about it was how the music tried to pull on your emotions but that did not even work for this incredibly stupid and poorly written movie.
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The Island (2005)
What could have been a good movie failed.
2 August 2017
This movie is ridiculous. While the theme has merit and the acting is pretty good. The editor and the special effects man ruined it. The camera man should not be blamed because of the ditor. Who ever edited this movie and put the stupid small cuts one after another should never work again. Do you really want to see the quick small advertisement that flashes . We don't like that advertisement and we hate it in movies. I am not sure if it was the the director, editor or sponsor who made it not a B movie but a C movie. It was not the actors nor the script. Something went wrong with the video presentation. What could have been a good movie failed.
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Worst James Bond movie ever made
23 July 2017
Don't waste your time on this movie. If you want the suspense of a James Bond movie it is not there. If you want special effects, forget it. If you prefer yawning while watching a movie watch it. I could have edited out 1 hour of the movie and it would have been better. I can't believe Sean Connery sunk so low to accept this script.
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I did not know respected actors would star in a B movie
7 May 2017
I have seen better B movies than this. One wonders if Spielberg was calling in favors from actors. The acting is good but the story is stupid unless you subscribe to Realtruth or discosetv. The story is hilarious and this should be a comedy as I laughed all the way through the movie. To be honest, I am writing this two thirds through movie. It is not science fiction, it is not a western it is a comedy. Sure there is a lot of Hollywood and Spielberg effects but the special effects are hilarious. If you want to watch a serious comedy, this is your movie. If you want to believe Aliens are real this is a parody. In conclusion if you have no mind and no sense of humor do not watch this movie because you will think it could actually have happened. On the light side if you are from California this is a movie that is true.
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Risen (2016)
Good for the first hour and then forget it.
2 April 2017
I saw the title and it interested me. I read several reviews which were conflicting so I decided to watch the movie. The first hour seems as if it could have been something that happened after the Resurrection but at about the 1 hour to 1 hour ten minutes it changes to something that was impossible according to scripture. I found it strange that the movie was made in the USA but people have English accents as well as Irish and Scottish accents. The person they chose to play Jesus just looks like an average vagrant and nothing like any picture anyone has seen. actually thought it was a British movie when I heard the people speak but according to IMDb it is an American movie. For a B movie it is okay, I just wish they would not indulge themselves to make it look like a Roman protected the Disciples.
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Shoot Out (1971)
Good movie but bad supporting actors
26 March 2017
I have read the other reviews that talk about the director and the the similarities to other movies which are idiotic comparisons. This in no way resembles True Grit. The story line is different. The supporting actors were the worse actors I have ever seen and belong in movies that are below the B movie rating. Why they scream at each other when standing next to each other is idiotic. The ending was good but you had to go through a lot to finally get to the end. There were too many gaps of things that happened. It is a feel good movie if you like to see the villain die in the end.
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Forsaken (I) (2015)
A Western with no real story.
25 March 2017
I have read one review which talks about why this did not have a good review and he talked about the cinematography. Please understand that Cinematography is a useless word and deals with how it looks at a cinema. The acting is mediocre as I would expect from the Sutherland's. The supporting actors are so bad and the script is so bad that I would rather watch a 1930's western. I woefully watched the entire movie and even the ending is stupid. How it got such a high rating is unimaginable. I give this a 4. Apparently Hollywood knows nothing about the Bible and nothing about the Civil War. Who ever wrote this movie knows nothing about much and knows little about anything.
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Stupid movie
26 February 2017
I always like the main actor but the spelling of his escapes me. I have never seen such bad editing,such bad directing and such a bad script. Script? There is no script it is just flash scenes staring with the 1970's chase scenes with a mustang and then then killing scenes which have nothing to do with any plot. Speaking of plot what is the plot in this movie? I could only watch one hour of this movie as it is just a fast scene after another fast scene with no dialogue and no plot just fake action. How others rated it so high is beyond my understanding. If you have no brain and just get high from watching changing scenes and people being killed you will like this movie, If you actually have a brain and want content forget this movie.
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Desperado: The Outlaw Wars (1989 TV Movie)
It just an Okay movie not recommended for those who like westerns.
17 February 2017
The movie begins with something like there maybe some action. If you are looking for action in a western you will be disappointed. i could not decide if this was supposed to be a romance or an action or a moral story. It failed everyone of them. No action, romance was idiotic and the moral was stupid. I suggest this to people who have no understanding of anything and wish to think that leaving your wife and child is a good thing. Bad morals in this movie. The best part of the movie was the Eagles singing Desperado.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
9 October 2016
The first time you watch this movie you may be caught up with the Bourne thing. When you watch it the second time you find all of the idiotic mistakes, The so called technology which does not exist. They track people in real time and know where they are turning when the person has no tracking device on them. This movie is an insult to anyone who has an ounce of intelligence. The special effects are terrible. The editor should loose his job. Who wants to see one cut and another cut put together that you can not see because of the half second here and half second there shot? The director and the editor and the writer need to resign.
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Bad movie
20 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I took a chance to watch a Jack Nicholson western. I was bored through the entire movie as the production was bad and the directing was bad. The story was idiotic. There is not much good to say about this movies unless if you wish to sleep watch it. To summarize this miserable western, three men are headed to Texas and none of them have a brain. They decide to rest with some outlaws who befriend them for the day and a vigilante group show up to kill the outlaws with no trial. They had been resting there and the vigilantes think they are part of the gang. They try to get out and find themselves being hunted by the vigilantes. There is no dialogue and no action in the movie. If you need to go to sleep and suffer from insomnia, this movie is your cure.
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Great movie
21 February 2016
In this world of calling everyone a racist because they are white, this movies shows the truth and reality of people who have the love of Christ in their heart and do not look at color but see a person who had no hope and they loved him and gave him a home. They saw a life and cared about a life when no one else did. This is not just a story about a great football player but a story about human beings rejecting racism and helping another in need. It is the same as the good Samaritan. I admit this is a tear jerker and there is no action as it relies more on touching your heart than special effects. This movie is worth watching over and over again.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
If you like a movie that can put you to sleep watch this movie.
14 February 2016
This movie is only good for the scenery. If you want two and a half hours of scenery and seeing a man grunting and crawling, you should watch this movie. If you value your time and want to watch something worth watching in your two and a half hours avoid this movie. After one and a half hours the same person is still crawling and groaning and breathing heavy. I edited it as so many scenes take so much time and there is nothing but scenery. Then you get back to groaning and crawling. This movie should have been a 45 minute movie but it is a painstaking two and a half hours. Go to the last 30 minutes after the first 30 minutes and maybe it is a redeemable movie. This movie is so boring that an insomniac will fall asleep with all of the groaning and snoozing and grunts. I could easily edit this movie to 30 minutes and nothing would be lost and at 30 minutes it would be interesting. I must give this the worst movie of the year award and it should have gone straight to CD not even DVD. I can't understand how many people like this movie. The story is better than movie and takes much less time to read.
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Exposed (III) (2016)
Don't waste your time
30 January 2016
I tried to watch this movie because I liked The main actor at one time. I see he has gone to not B movies but lower than C movie. I could not watch past 20 minutes of this movie as it was just plain stupid. The first 5 minutes said this is a bad movie but I endured another 15 to see if it would get better and it only got worse. If you have respect for your time and your brain, do not watch this movie. The opening scene is ridiculous. The woman is speaking Spanish while everyone else is speaking English. She knows English but does not speak it. Then the walk down a long empty corridor and her taking her ring off and looking at it and forgetting to put back on but loses it. Then a man with a plastic face and white hair comes and walks on the air in a subway. Reeves is supposed to be a cop but the scene that is flashed to shows him trying to be tough but it was bad acting. You did not get any sense that it could be something real. The supporting actors are even worse.
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The Rebel (1959–1961)
One of the best series there was
7 November 2015
This is one of the best series that was made. The Rebel was a term given to the South and if anyone studied their untainted history they would see that they were not Rebels but good people. One person wrote derogatory comments which many liked. Jonny Yuma was a man and he went about doing good and seeking justice unlike the northern people. It shows a contrast which exists to this day about greed and helping others, The South was better at helping others while the northerners were greedy. That is what the civil war was about. The Northern greed as they needed the south's wealth. the North took it by force and labeled the ones who wished to leave the union as rebels. It is a great story of how the south stood for people and would help those in need.
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One of the dumbest movies in History
17 May 2015
This movie lacks in plot and substance. The script is actually stupid. I suppose it is trying to say that you do not have free will. The movie is so bad that you can walk away for 30 minutes and return and know what is going on. I am sorry that I lost the time watching this movie. I have not read the reviews but judging from the rating I think people loved this empty sorry excuse for a movie. If it was a book It would not sell. On the other hand, If they were trying to say that corporations manipulate people and their thinking, it made a point. If it was trying to say that God is a corporation and the "chairman" then they are way off base. The secret people may be symbolic of the secret service but the entire movie is just made like a Stephen King movie, just plain weird.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Do Not Watch you will be bored to death
21 March 2015
After 30 minutes you are still not interested. The 30 minute time frame is the cutoff for interest. The lines in the movie are so idiotic that a three year old could have written them. I think people that wrote good reviews actually were getting paid to do it. My wife likes chic flic's but this one is so stupid and the dialogue is so stupid that only an idiot could like it. The scenes are ridiculous, the police in the story are stupid and do not act like police. The main character which happens to be Ben Aflec of should i say Aflac, is searching for clues that his wife left after she disappeared and how can I say how bad the script is. It is for an emotional response from women. Men do yourself a favor and DO NOT WATCH.
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Grudge Match (2013)
A movie you can walk away from
8 March 2015
This is a movie you can actually walk away from and come back in twenty minutes and know what is going to happen. How it got good reviews is beyond my knowledge. At 57 minutes in you get your first laugh which is really a chuckle. This movie is a bomb. I can go to sleep watching it. Perhaps they were trying to make a statement about the confusion which children have when they really do not have parents. I do not know what the story is really about. The musical score is really bad. It is not like what you would expect from the other movies Sylvester Stallone made. I wonder what happened to him. This is really a bad movie. I am sorry I wasted 2 hours on this lame movie.
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John Wick (2014)
Music ruins the movie
8 November 2014
The movie was good but I must say that the musical score was terrible. It actually ruined the movie. Whoever wrote that score should be fired and the producer that allowed it should never produce. If one could put a good musical score to this movie it would be great. The music overpowers the story and the action. I am graceful for giving it a 4. If it was not for the music it would have been a nine. It amazes me how a bad musical score can make a movie bad to watch. The Acting gets a 9.5 the movie gets a 4. The Music in the movie ruins the movie. The story is just OK but is not much of a story. There is no plot except revenge. The action is good but is overpowered by the horrible music. They should learn from 007 that the music should actually fit what the action says. If you want ghetto music with 007 action watch this. If you want action and can not stand the ghetto music turn the sound off because the dialogue says nothing.
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Good movie just out of context
3 November 2014
The movie is very intense and worth watching but I would not take the motive of the movie to be worthwhile. It has the old theme of the cold war that Russia is the enemy. The real enemy and the ones who do terrorists threats is not Russia but Islam. This would have been more realistic if it was set in an Islamic country but we must make the old hatred new and say Russians are the enemy. The photography is good and the acting is very good. It is the message that is not good. I give it a six because the message is bad. This is 2014 and Russia is not threatening the world with terror and has never threatened the world with terror. The movie ignores who the the real terrorists are and tries to focus on Russia rather than than the real terrorists. Is it worth watching? Yes but insert Islam for Russia and you can get the point.
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The Homesman (2014)
26 October 2014
There is nothing redeemable about this movie. I read a review that said after 10 minutes the person was intrigued. I question who paid him to say that. I watched the movie because I like Tommy Lee Jones. This is the most boring movie with no story line. If you like insanity, you will like this. It reminds me a Stephen King novel that he refused to publish. If you really like boredom, and wish to have a movie to put you to sleep, watch this movie. You will be sorry that you watched it. I don't know if Tommy Lee was trying to make his first time as director or if it is a just plain bad script. There is nothing about the movie that is realistic but just something in the mind of a novelist that never did his research concerning the history of the plains people.
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