
17 Reviews
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NCIS: Sydney (2023– )
Where is Hal McElroy when you need him?
24 January 2024
If you want to see a solid crime procedural set against the magnificent backdrop of the Sydney Harbor, with strong well-acted lead characters who have chemistry and a great supporting cast in well-written dramas, watch WATER RATS over on Freevee. Not this.

Olivia Swann is THE most miscast actress I have ever seen, in a role that makes her out and out molar-clenchingly ludicrous. When she comes on screen, my 'suspension of disbelief' evaporates, even though the rest of the cast is fine.

Then there are the over-dramatic plots. Nuclear secrets, kidnapping not just anyone but, of course, a main character's kid. Please. I guess since Americans are involved the plots have to be BIG.

William McInnes, how did they lure you into this mess? Australian TV is so much better than this. Water Rats, Blue Heelers, Sea Patrol, try those.
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FBI (2018– )
It could be better
3 October 2023
It's not a bad little show, but it would be better with two other lead actors. Peregrym has two expressions --confusion and hatred -- and Zaki has one -- threatening arrogance. The rest of the cast is fine.

And then there's the loud, bombastic, pulse- pounding, old-school soundtrack. That's in case you don't realize from all the drawn guns, crouching and carrying- on that they're closing in on the kill.

Never fear, though, they'll carry out the kill Seriously and Earnestly. Because they do everything Seriously and Earnestly. The show probably fines them for gratuitous smiling.

But at least it's a scripted show and not based on a comic book. Small favors.
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Beauty and the Beast (1987–1990)
Team Diana!
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I sneered and muttered about "fairy tales" when theis was first on, but after seeing Ron Perlman in "Alien:Resurrection" I became a fan of his. So when I found it being rerun now in 2022 I discovered this show was wonderful. (Certainly lightyears better than the lame reality shows the networks are pawning off on us now.)

The romance was laid on thick, but it worked because of Perlman, I couldn't understand why Catherine didn't pack up and join him in the tunnels but maybe listening to her little girl voice would have driven them up the wall eventually. I had the same problem with Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra -- two beautiful women whose voices simply weren't right for the weightiness of their roles.

I am really sorry the show didn't continue longer with Jo Anderson after Catherine's bizarre and abrupt "death," because the chemistry with Anderson was palpable. Her Diana was a super character, and she deserved more episodes and development than those last ten that she was in. Anderson had the presence and passion worthy of playing against a character like Vincent. Yet they haven't even bothered to include a photo of her Diana in the program's Photo Gallery. Shame!
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Solid and Scary
13 January 2022
An unusual plot that makes one unsure whether this is is a science fiction or a suspense movie. Nicely paced with some frightening moments.

Good acting, appropriate effects and a great location.
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As much fun as the 50's SF
13 January 2022
It starts off with sharpness and moves along at a brisk pace. Not very gory, not a terribly frightening movie, which to me are good points, just solid fun science fiction, like the old 50's movies but sharper and more stylish.

Lovecraftian is a good description. Low-budget, of course, but the director did very well with what he had. The lead actress is very good, the other actors provide good support.

I really enjoyed this.
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The Renovators (2011– )
A real reality show!
23 October 2021
I think this show is really interesting, because the contestants are doing real things, not goofy stuff like standing on one foot the longest. I wish the camera spent more time on watching the work going on. I really wish the interior designer thay hired did not lean towards such lurid, busy color schemes that no one could actually live with for long. Bile green and the strongest yellow I have ever seen do not make for comfort or elegance.
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Cagney & Lacey (1981–1988)
I can't believe I liked this show
4 July 2021
I enjoy reruns of old favorites as much as the first time I saw them-- except this one. It is just painful to watch. Tyne Daly's voice could grate carrots when she is upset, and her character is upset, nay, hysterical about something in every episode. Usually about something pretty ridiculous. Cagney's character is on full boil at all times, exuding all the charm and calm professionalism of a snarling pit bull. Cagney is routinely impatient with the public, dismissive of victims, and rude to coworkers when she's not at home chewing up the unfortunates who intersect her private life. Lacey behaves more professionally when not preoccupied with the numerous personal non-issues that occupy her in most of the shows, although occasionally a case triggers an earth-mother-level of empathy or the hysteria (and that screech). The only relief from the volcanic temperature these two maintain is the few minutes in which they actually do police work. The other police characters mostly just provide a quiet backdrop, and the only other character with meaningful screentime is Lacey's husband, a great character who provides some sense in the family segments of the episodes. At the time this show first aired women were struggling to be accepted in occupations other than mother, teacher, and secretary and so these two were heroes of their time. I think in today's world (and TV shows) their coworkers would be suggesting they take time off and therapy, or some tranquilizers.
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Major Crimes (2012–2018)
A super ensemble show--including Rusty
13 February 2021
This show is at least twice as good as its predecessor. They really enriched the ensemble aspect and increased the emotional depth. The fascinating evolution of the relationship between Raydor and Rusty alone makes it so much more than the previous show. Now when I see bits of the Closer, it just seems so...shrill. I would love to see more of the excellent actor who portrays Rusty, Graham Patrick Martin, as well as Mary McDonnell (Raydor), G W Bailey (Provenza) and Michael Paul Chan (Tao). It is absolutely astonishing to me to see so many negative comments about the character Rusty, who is the beating heart of "Major Crimes." Great work, people. If they can plan a new NYPD Blue series following the son of Sipowicz, they can certainly produce a new series giving us Mayor Raydor, Police Chief Rusty, City Comptroller Tao, househusband Flynn, and saltily genial advisor Provenza.
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Welcome to Foster Care
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie any American should be required to see. This movie is almost unbearable to watch. It is even more unbearable to know it is based on a true story. The reality is that the foster parent system in the US is broken and a lot of foster parents are taking children in strictly for the cash, little of which is spent on the children. The "foster parent" in this story is certifiably a sadist, but even the ones who are not are people you likely would not allow to adopt a goldfish if you knew them. That's foster care.
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Titanic II (2010 Video)
Fun in freezing water
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bruce Davison is a respectable actor, and his appearance would suggest the possibility of a passable entertainment, but wow. The special effects set on Arctic ice where the actress is so obviously somewhere warm as toast are genuinely laughable, but I guess they had to save money for the numerous disasters to which they subject that ship. Have you seen a ship suffer a disaster in a movie ? You will see it happen again here, at least once. Most of the acting is hysterically awful. This movie is not bad -- it's really raucously, rollickingly, delightfully bad.
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The Prophecy (1995)
2 September 2020
I pretty much agree with the other reviewers here. I am not a believer but it's a good movie and Christopher Walken is always interesting. What I found startling is that for at least 1o minutes I thought that Thomas was being played by Christopher Meloni from Law and Order SVU. Their voices are identical, especially when Koteas' voice is pitched low and soft. The main difference facially is that Koteas has much thicker more prominent eyebrows, and he has a lot more hair. They have aged differently but in this movie they could have been twins.
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The Resident (2018–2023)
The Resident is a GREAT show
15 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a great cast and storylines.

When they first made someone an out and out murderer, I was afraid they had gone too far, and in the first season. However, there was a recent case in Florida of a doctor doing exactly what this "doctor' did, and this must be pretty much how they got away with it for years. If you plan on ever being sick, you need to watch this.

The only new scripted show I can stand. I love it. And it just got even better.
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Skyline (2010)
Low budget-- but terrific use of it
15 July 2017
This is a juicy SF movie far better than a lot of big budget junk. It's as if people into science fiction were actually involved in its production. It begins typically -- pretty young things are partying when trouble starts to interfere, but it improves and then ends on an unusual and haunting note. Action fans AND SF fans should find it satisfying. If you see it, you will likely want to see it again.
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Wes Studi rocks Geronimo
12 January 2014
An interesting movie. It is more character-driven than action-oriented, although there is plenty of action.

When Studi is on-screen, this movie pulsates with life--he's just great as Geronimo. In comparison, everyone else seems to be kind of walking through their parts. This may well be the director's attempt to portray the contrast between the organic and passionate lifestyle of living with the Earth versus the mechanical and passionless bureaucratic bulldozer-like takeover by soldiers and settlers. However, the portrayal of passionlessness should not be quite so studied and passionless.

Again, Wes Studi is great. Watching his performance makes the whole thing more than worthwhile. This movie and this actor should be more well-known. And his name belongs on the cover sleeve, however the actual screen time of each actor works out. At one important point in the story he makes a speech that is not in English, and the language makes no difference. The meaning is there.
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Pale Blood (1990)
17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Watch this movie for George Chakiris' perfect, perfect performance. I saw it on late night TV and there were some indications that scenes near the end had been cut out to make it TV-acceptable, or else the plotting became slightly choppy, but then it proceeds nicely to the ending. The traffic scenes used to take us through the daylight hours are a nice touch. There is a satisfying twisty ending. Not a great movie, but for me, Mr Chakiris' performance was a 10, and the reason I rated this movie so highly. Bela Lugosi set the standard. Chakiris is one magnificent standard-bearer and no one has done it better. The female lead Pamela Ludwig seems a little gauche in comparison, and one of his achievements is that his performance somehow highlights this AND works with it to highlight his character's sense of more-than-human age and experience. Ludwig is cute, and she gets better. Hauser is boiling over the top from his first scene, as his character requires, and I guess his fans would like this movie, too.
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Emily of New Moon (1998–2003)
Wonderful series, kind of based on 3 great books.
14 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was captivated by the bits of this I've gotten to see (it comes on just before I am leaving for work) and then I was completely taken by the episodes I got to see the few days I was out sick or on vacation.

I confess I was at first interested in the books in order to see how these themes had been covered (the laudanum, kidnapping, etc) and as I suspected they were add-ons, and probably necessary to hold the audience. But the books are absolutely delightful, and the writing about nature is absolutely magnificent.

So: Watch the series, then read the book. (All ages--I am well beyond the original target audience age, I think).
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Almost a masterpiece
30 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It seems to me that the key to this movie is the mystery of the banked blazing passion of the character of Claire Bloom. It looks like sexual passion, but as the movie unfolds it reveals itself as raging agony.

She inscribes scenes of terribly flawed men too willing to sacrifice others, scenes of terrible losses, scenes intended to make the viewer KNOW what rotten hopeless greedy self-centered vicious little apes we really are. This woman is a deeply civilized person who has suffered losses so terrible she is driven to travel in time and torment a surrogate for the man who caused them. She does it with exquisite controlled cruelty--the tattooing. The stories get closer to what really happened to her. She leaves in order to refrain from the culmination of her passion, which would be murder and not sex. She doesn't care that Steiger himself never hurt her because she knows now there are no innocents.

And Rod Steiger is perfect--he FEELS like her innocent victim. All he wanted at the beginning was to be with this beautiful woman. It's just that she is incandescently bitter at humanity and he is human. He is no innocent, and by the time we meet him he knows it well. He knows every person who looks at his skin illustrations learns that s/he is no innocent, either, and then hates him. He is now as embittered and vengeful as the woman was, and that's her revenge on humanity.

But then there's the stilted, awkward, vacuous non-performance of the other guy. It was as if they grabbed some carpenter's assistant to read through the script with Steiger because the real actor was passed out in his trailer. I thought Rod Steiger got more acting-back from the dog. (Many here seem to respect this actor--maybe in some other movie, but not this one.) This is what prevents it from being a masterpiece.
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