
11 Reviews
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Not bad but not worthy of the 9 star either....
17 July 2016
Enough said. But since I have to write a review, I will say this series is NOT in the league of Game of Thrones, which IS worthy of the high 9 rating. Sorry to say, but it's pretty much every cheesy 80's sci-fi B/Horror movie wrapped in one, with equally cheesy Goonie-ish actors. I gave it a slightly above average rating for the acting ability of the Eleven..the other kids constant, loud bickering and cliché teenage love/angst was getting unbearable by the 5th episode with no reprieve in the episodes that follow... Ryder & Modine did a decent enough job. The only thing which really irked me with Ryder was the awful shaggy haircut she had.
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The Railway Man or The Failway Man...
3 March 2016
I love WW2 movies. I really like Colin Firth. I'm not entirely a huge fan of Kidman, but she's okay. ( not that I think she acts terrible, but always seems to just over do it, rather. Except in 'The Other's..' she was great in that...) I don't know what it is exactly, but for how terrible the suffering this young man was supposed to endure through his ordeal as a POW, it just almost came across a bit cheesy on this film. Like a Lifetime TV movie. Not that I enjoy watching blood , guts and gore, or the misfortune of others. It's just usually with this type of film, I feel a sense of misery, or anger, or foreboding or SOMETHING with the situation within the story. This film just didn't have that affect on me. I felt nothing, but a bit bored. Right from the beginning. For this type of story, I just felt it was executed poorly. The story itself is good and of course the acting is as good as one would expect from the choices. It just didn't have the WOW factors that make my heart race with trepidation or elation. It will not be a movie that will stick with me. I'm being nice and giving it a 6...
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Wait for Redbox on this one..
19 February 2016
I'm not entirely sure how to rate this movie, because I can't decide if I liked it or not, so I just gave it a 5. On one hand, the cast was good. Atmosphere/setting was creepy. Attire & score was on point. Some "WTF" moments in the beginning that had you wanting to see what was to transpire..but...It just kind of left me feeling flat from the middle towards the end. The premise was good & it had so much potential to be great, but I left feeling 'meh...I just didn't see any solid, fluidity to the story and the ending came just when I thought it might start getting good...Basically, it just lacked a solid story. Instead there were a bunch of great beginnings, and that was that. The dialect I understand was spoken to the time period, but the way they spoke it, with accents and pace, made it somewhat difficult to understand and decipher at first. It was hard to keep up with what they were saying, which got to be annoying. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more had I found this movie on Netflix or Redbox, with subtitles & lower expectations. While it's not an awful movie, I don't see the 7.8 rating it had at the time I saw it. I give it a solid 5.
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Return to Sender (I) (2015)
Not as terrible as some of these reviews imply...
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so it's not going to win major awards, but it's a decent little flick that deserves more credit than the 1-4 ratings. Maybe those who gave it such a low rating didn't really grasp the meaning with the story....I guess "All that glitters isn't always golden" comes to mind. It's not always who seems likely to be the TRULY evil ones. Some people are a product of their environment ie. being abused as a child & then turn to crime & turn into bad people (sociopaths)and some people are just born with something missing inside, one who is just truly evil -although from outer appearances one would never know as they come across very normal even successful (psychopaths) and what happens if these two collide, if one tries to make a victim of the other??.. I think this movie tries to give an example of just that & which one will most likely triumph. That's my take on it anyway...
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Not even worth the dollar on Redbox
1 January 2016
This movie tries to hard and fails miserably at being a horror, (?) or even to make sense. It is beyond dull and will lose your interest within 15-20 minutes. The 'entity' is neither scary or convincing. The effects/makeup are overdone and look very plastic and cheap. The direction is terrible and it seems as if they couldn't decide on what genre they wanted to make this movie to be...Horror? Sci-fi? Suspense? There are plenty of movies that can pull off the multi-genre pretty well. This is not one of them. This movie pulls off nothing in fact. I really could not recommend this movie to anyone other than someone who is having a hard time falling asleep. This would be sure to cure anyone with insomina. Yes, it is that bad....
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Don't buy into the hype!!
27 December 2015
I went to this movie because my guy wanted to see it, and I definitely am owed one big time!!! I don't know why the hype. This movie was terrible. There really is nothing more I can say, other than don't waste your time or money. Bad choice of actors, terrible attempt at humor and the story was all over the place. No real direction and no real great effects. Trust me, you will be waiting/wishing for it to end halfway through. I couldn't get past how terrible Princess Leia sounded and looked for her age..I get that people age, but geeze she sounded like an 80 yr old grandma who smokes 2 packs a day and looked to be the same age as Hans Solo ( which is not good considering he is 73 & she's only late 50's!) Take my advice, wait for redbox or if it comes to TNT or FX in a few are not missing anything..
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Decent, not addictive ...
8 November 2015
The concept is great...the acting is's just becomes bit redundant after awhile. Also, my biggest problem is the casting...By no means am I a racist but, ( so all you race card pullers may want to discontinue reading from here..) the casting for Guinevere aka Gwen is so horribly off! Since when was Gwen black?? Since when was there even blacks in medieval times kingdoms?? Not only that, but this actress put it nicely ; a bit (a lot) homely to be playing a main character role of a woman who wins the hearts and desires of a future King and top Knight??!! I believe this actress must have known someone connected with casting as there is no way anyone in their right mind would otherwise cast her..The actress who plays Morgana is much more suited to be Guinevere and vice- versa...
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The Gallows (2015)
This awful movie will have you begging to be on the hanging end of a rope before it's over...
24 July 2015
Do not, I repeat, Do not fall for the made up 10 star reviews...( It's obvious those affiliated with producing this garbage want to pique the interest of others so they give fake ratings & reviews, hoping others will be interested enough to see it- & they make more $$) Take it from me, Wasting my $ & time on this terrible so-called "movie" left me leaving the theater very upset I wasted $ on this trash & annoyed. All found myself wanting to do, was to drop-kick the blonde, camera-holding, guy. (.Whoever decided THAT guy has any talent in acting, needs to have their heads examined.,I can only surmise he has a family connection or paid to be in the film) The story/ acting was way too cheesy to be scary. I have nothing positive to say about this film. It was just plain junk. When I went to see it, it was opening weekend, therefore, there weren't many reviews or ratings accumulated to get a real idea of whether or not it was going to be any good. I believe this crap actually had a 6.1 rating...Now, for horror movies- I considered that to be relatively high ( even from just a couple hundred ratings) Wow, was I duped!! Now,after seeing ( most of ) the movie ( ended up walking out, it was THAT BAD) and then seeing the 10 star reviews, I KNOW the ratings on here can't be trusted...( until you see at least 5,000 - 10,000 people rated it) SO- save your $ , time & irritation -skip this boring, sad excuse & find something better...
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Director/Writer has serious issues to workout within himself....
29 March 2015
First off, it's an embarrassment to admit to even watching this filth. I will not call this garbage a 'movie' because it is not. What it is, is proof that this world is spiraling downward & full of sick, evil, amoral people. What type of people pay to turn some wackjob's sick fantasies & anal/fecal fetishes into a film to molest people's minds?? I mean, who sat there and listened to this wacko so-called "director/writer" discuss his putrid visions and decide it was a great idea to bring his disgusting thoughts to fruition??. Tom Six needs to be institutionalized & those people @ the studio need to be fired. And those so-called actors??.. What a laugh! Hopefully they were paid well enough to go back to school to find another career, because I'm sure being in this killed any chance they had to be taken seriously in Hollywood. Can you imagine Brad Pitt or Sandra Bullock in something like this, even at the beginning of their career when they were unknown?!! I can't believe this crap is on Netflix. ( or maybe I can) It really should not be so easily accessible for young viewers. It's disturbing to think that this trash can infiltrated & soil the purity of young, developing minds. Those affiliated with creating this atrocity sold their souls & are a disgrace to humanity. I'm sure one day they'll regret making this filth. That is if they have any dignity left.
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It Follows (2014)
It Follows to Nowhere
21 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I seen this film @the Main Theater in Michigan, which happened to host a Q & A with the Director & Producer after the show. I was pumped, as I read many raving reviews about this movie online & figured I was in for a nice scary, little treat. Not the case. Don't get me wrong, there were some creepy moments & the movie does get you anticipating of what's going to happen next, or "what is this 'It' thing, where did It come from, and WHY is It Following??? But after almost 2 hours later & the movie ends, yeah-you never get those questions answered! (Even at the Q&A, I don't feel IT was REALLY answered, other than the concept came from nightmares the director had of people or something following him in his dreams but never gets him..) ..huh??..Really?.. ..

OK, so it's not the worst movie. It has a few moments, but it's definitely not all it's hyped up to be (Think back to the 'Blair Witch Project' hype.) & hopefully not the "best horror film of the year" as some say, because that will mean the rest of the horrors coming out this year will truly suck bad.. Anyway, The acting/ setting/ production was good, they did really well on their budget for what they had to work with. Also, music was OK. In fact, it may have been too good for the story, because it was creepy & made you believe something really good was going to happen, but at the climax, you get nada-lotta.

Unfortunately, the best part of the movie is the very beginning, but the rest of 'It Follows' , followed to nowhere but a let down from what I expected, which is sad because it had so much potential to be scary good...
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Dark Summer (2015)
Movie does not deserve a 4 star rating!!!
17 March 2015
Wow! Just wow.... How in the world did this movie ever make it out of someone's horrible, drug-induced imagination into a film? First of all, I couldn't even begin to allow myself to understand or comprehend what this "movie" was supposed to be about, thanks to the AWFUL soundtrack that was so distracting, annoying, and what may be: the most terrible piece OF CRAP that was ever to be produced! The music producer to this garbage should be fired & never be allowed to cause further torment, headaches & ear damage to poor, unsuspecting viewers. It's painfully obvious the score was trying to imitate a Trent Reznor style, but doesn't even begin to come close to being SO FAR AWAY from it! The soundtrack definitely ruins what positive aspects there may be to the film, it's THAT BAD!! As for the actual movie itself- Maybe it's OK, if you're heavily sedated on some kind of mind-altering drug! The whole pretense of the film MIGHT have been decent, MIGHT have been almost watch-able, if it weren't for the shaky camera, sub-par, terrible acting of one of the most important characters in a horror film- the ghost! How she landed the role-is beyond me, as she is completely unconvincing and actually brings a cheesy, amateur, homemade feel to the already poorly directed film. There really is nothing worth giving a a good review about this movie. The actors are forgettable, the make-up/visuals are not even worth mentioning, and the soundtrack....I don't even want to go there again! If the writer to this story had different direction, it could have been a somewhat decent flick, but unfortunately, this was a COMPLETE FAIL-all the way around!!! Don't waste your time & if you do; have plenty of Advil & Xanax handy for the headache & frustration you'll get.
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