
5 Reviews
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
A near masterpiece
3 November 2014
My friends randomly told me to watch this movie, and I was expecting something decent. What I saw quite nearly blew me away. I'm probably going to view it again. Very few times have I finished a movie, and have still been thinking about it hours later. Cloud atlas is the only other one that comes to mind. I thought cloud atlas was a masterpiece though, while this goes down as simply amazing. My only real gripes are a few minor continuity errors, mainly the fact that people's accents seemed to change for no reason sometimes, and there were a few ways that I think the story could have been told in a slightly more coherent fashion. And furthermore, one of the realities didn't really make sense to me. I'm sure some of my complaints were intentionally put there because I think the viewer is supposed to be lost throughout this whole movie to some degree. Aside from this though, it was perfect. This movie had some amazing directing and was visually stunning to say the least. One thing I can't understand though is why this movie wasn't known to me until a few days ago.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Good, but has a few annoying pitfalls.
11 September 2014
Overall, it's a well acted, well written show. It's funny entertaining, and the overall plot is very good. It achieves what it wants to most of the time, but there are a couple things on this show that annoy me to no end. Some of the music annoys me from time to time, and there's also the aspect that almost every character not part of the main cast ends up being a bad guy sooner or later. And the one thing that annoys me most about this show. All of the men are slightly to moderately dorky looking, and all of the women in the show are insanely hot. It's just unrealistic. And it's not just that it's unrealistic, every woman on the show has to appear at some point wearing little more than a bra and panties, and I'm sure they would appear nude in nearly every episode if they were allowed to. Seriously, if she's a woman on the show she will appear nearly naked at least once, even if she only appears in one episode. I can only think of one or two exceptions to this rule that I can think of. And if Yvonne Strahovski doesn't appear in a bra and panties, you can guarantee that a lot of shots of her cleavage will be present. So if you can be entertained by attractive women for hours on end, you;ll think this show is perfect. If you want actual substance, this show will be OK, and will become boring at points. I get it Yvonne Strahovski and Sarah Lancaster are hot, but 4 boobs can't carry a show.
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The story and production are equally awful
6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start off talking about this film objectively, and leave the horrible (and inaccurate) themes of this movie aside for the time being. First off, I have trouble figuring out how this movie made it to theaters. It's acting, editing, directing, score, basically every aspect of the movie, felt like I was watching one of those awful low budget ABC family made for TV movies. Then there were three or four very loosely connected story lines that completely distracted from the main one. One of the had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of them, and served no real purpose, aside from offending Muslims (more on that in a second. Overall, even if I didn't think this movie had an awful message to it, I would say the production quality was absurdly awful for a movie the made it to the big screen, and making 62 million dollars. With the majority of that money coming from Christians that feel they have to like it.

Now to the story, and what a story it was. The only people that wouldn't find this movie offensive are Christians, and if you're a good Christian, you should also be offended. How might this movie be offensive to almost all belief systems you ask? Well, the writers seem to think that morality can only be born from Christianity. Every character in the movie who isn't a Christian is evil. There's the fourth story line in this movie, that has absolutely no link to the rest of the movie. It follows a Muslim girl who has been in the closet about being Christian. It exists solely to show that Muslim fathers are all evil and abusive. The movie also shows that atheists are all arrogant, narcissistic tools whose whole life purpose is to ridicule Christians for their beliefs. The professor insults his Girlfriend for being a Christian. He makes people refute their belief in God. This professor cares about nothing more than ruining the main character's life. He even states that he will destroy the main character's chances of getting into law school after he fails to prove the existence of God. The antagonist is a hilariously unrealistic caricature of what idiot Christians think atheists are. Then at the end of the movie, the professor admits to hating God. Showing all Christians that atheist are just faking, and all secretly hate God. Which is one of the most insulting things you can say to an atheist. I don't hate God, I think God doesn't exist because there's no need for a God to exist. Then there are the inaccuracies. The main character uses circular reasoning (after stating how circular reasoning is an error in logic). He quotes outdated theories. He states facts completely incorrectly. For example, he said that the bible is over 2500 years old. So overall, this was a poorly made movie ripe with inaccuracies and expresses the world view of a Christian who plugs their ears whenever someone tries to express an opinion that isn't their won. Finally, what I feel needs to mentioned most. This movie attempts to perpetuate the inaccurate view the Christianity is under attack. Every single Christian in this movies is the underdog. They're surrounded by atheists (or the evil muslims) that will attack their beliefs as often as they can. This view is absurd considering that you can't get elected unless you're a Christian in this country. 7 states even ban atheists in public office.

The only type of person who I could imagine liking this is someone who feels obligated to like it because of their faith. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities to it. A rare movie that truly deserves a 1/10.
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Maniac (2012)
Almost brilliant.
27 July 2014
This movie deserves a decent review just because of the cinematography. It truly felt as if you were seeing from his eyes. I'm not quite sure how they did it, but it looked amazing seeing Franks reflection in mirrors with no camera to be seen, especially when the shot pans away to something else. As for the narrative, my title says it all. I'm not quite sure what the film was missing. The POV perspective was interesting. It makes you feel as if you're trapped in the character's body, as he seems to be trapped in it in a weird way. It feels like he doesn't want to be doing the things he does, and the first person perspective really enhances that. I felt that parts of the movie were amazing. My problem was that during parts of the murder scenes, the film lost it's intelligence, and just felt like another slasher movie. The main character is clearly a deeply disturbed man, and the psychological angle to the film was excellent. But the murder scenes felt like they just added in random crap to make it creepier. And at parts it focused to much on gore. Overall, I'd say this was a good movie. It did a few things wrong, and there's just something about it that I can't really put my finger on as to what was wrong with it. If there had been a few changes, I think this movie could have been an easy 10/10. But lastly, Elijah Wood can really do a creepy character well.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
One of the worst shows I've ever seen.
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first few episodes of this show, and couldn't take it anymore. I don't know how I got that far to be completely honest. Every character was one dimensional. It was as if they were trying to make every single character a stereotype. Guess who the moral compass is? The police chief! Guess whose a sarcastic cynic. The teenagers. The acting was incredibly sub par as well. I only watched the first couple episodes, but it makes me mad that they didn't try digging under the dome. Now I know they would come up with some BS like "if goes down to far, we can't dig under it!" But at least that shows that they but some thought into it. I'm sure they would end up attempting that at some point, but I am annoyed that that's not the first thing they tried. Everyone knows that they would have made that attempt immediately. They did a horrible job at accomplishing whatever it was they were trying to accomplish (I think a microcosm). I wouldn't recommend this show to my worst enemy. I can't figure out how this got renewed for a second season.
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