
8 Reviews
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The Split (2018–2022)
Simplistic greatness
14 December 2022
Just an amazing show - that pulls you into the weave of all these simple and not so simple relationships within a family, full of love but flaws. With season 1 and 3 being my favorites.

The acting is superb and extremely well cast. This is a story about the main character, however, also does an amazing job with its side stories plus with additional side stories outside of thar to keep it fresh and from becoming monotone. All without subtracting from its main focus.

It makes you feel all the feels and is incredibly well-made, from how it looks and sound to gove you the right feel of the show.
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Lady Chatterley's Lover (2015 TV Movie)
It was okey, could of been significantly better...
23 August 2022
The cast drew me in... and although I didn't suffer through it because of positive performances from Jodie Comer & James Norton. More was left desired from Richard Madden, but mostly Holliday Garainger. From my perspective she didn't match the level from the rest of the cast. Especially the dialogue and facial expressions that got me, cause I just didn't buy it (and yes, I know what sort of movie I was getting into but I usually feel okey by the somewhat awkwardness, but unfortunately not here.)
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Red Notice (2021)
Not bad nor great but definitely enjoyable
21 March 2022
At end of the day liked more than disliked. Visually its great, really entertaining and up to standard action-mega-movie par however... the *script* had me flinch couple of times and think "okeeey". I was just expecting.. better. Mainly Gadots lines, but also Johnsons (and usually not apposed either in right setting) but these were not good enough. Reynolds saved it in this aspect. Without his comedic flare & wit, personally, I think it would have been too bad to handle.

It had lot of potential, and still really is through and through pleasing for the eye and story line is entertaining.

There definitely is other action movies significantly better, but when/if a sequel comes around, I won't mind putting it on a lazy weekend when wanting some comedic action that is entertaining and easy to watch with the right amount of twists and turns.
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House M.D.: Finding Judas (2006)
Season 3, Episode 9
Detective McBully story arc
10 February 2022
... deducted at least 1 star in rating per episode.

It was simply annoying to watch - (thankfully) surrounding main stories were just as good as usual to pull it through.

I wonder if the 'bigger vindictive bully bullies the less bullying bully' filled any of the purposes the writers intended it to..?
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
Carr does not miss a beat
2 January 2022
Despite the mixed reviews there is two things that sets him out from the rest:

1. There's not many stand-up comedians (if almost any) that can keep you entertained in specials for a solid hour - of just them on a stage - without one feeling bored at a point or another and eventually turning it off two thirds in cause that one good joke in the trailer has already passed and now you have suffered through enough to know its not going to get better.

Well... except for Carr. I think he is one of few that never has me or my partner watching the time and always leave one wanting more.

2. He truly shines when it comes to hecklers. Many SUC choke or has comebacks worthy of the playground however both the speed, accuracy and puns in his response are as ever brilliant.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: A Tale of Two Bandits (2019)
Season 6, Episode 5
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean Hitchcock is as abhorrent as hilarious...but the exchange between Holt and him at the bar, when Holt returns to "save the night" is just a receipt on just that. And why its getting 7 instead of 6. Rosa's drunk-dialing leading up to it was a nice segue too-she's like the rest of us.

Personally feel the Judy/Peralta adventures have run its course. Still enjoyable, but becoming a more 'been there seen that'. The excitement in their dynamic was the unpredictable Doug, you truly never knew what was going to happen and when you thought you did, you still didn't. Nice twist and try with his sister, however predictable, which was the opposite to the experience of Pontiac bandit and why so hilarious. Nevertheless, it's always fun to see the deceiver get deceived!
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Tolkien (2019)
Extremely well-produced...
14 November 2020
...insight into the marvelously inspirational beginnings of Tolkiens world.

Did not know what to expect from this - actually about Tolkien - when pressing play, and believe that was an advantage.

Cinematically beautiful and visionary awaking made, it brings one straight to the edge of the in between , which is JRRs world of reality and 'Middle Earth', as we know so well. From the start hints to that this story is about what JRR lived, perceived and envisioned, while not so much about specifics of creating LotR per say.

Would point out, for someone who as a kid was read his work aloud, and envision his stories, just as is portrayed in this film, that of course adds a sentimental value which positively heightened my appreciation and also understanding of this interpretation. Especially with a parent whom which both had an appreciation for the written, and later excitement of theatrical, rubbed of on his kids.

Without the background of experiencing either the books, movies (or even so the history of JRR and it all), or lack of appreciation for what Middle Earth is, I can see how the movie could become lost on others.

Of course, some might feel like it did not portray JRR's actual writing of books, or give enough attention to them. But in actuality it does more than that. With same tenderness and fluidity, as Tolkien himself saw and wrote, life and fantasy comes together in this movie to relay that.

As read, in a fellow review above, which reflected (and complimented) the excellent portrayal of male tenderness and sentimental vulnerability without removing any masculinity. I couldn't agree more about how refreshing it was to see again, not since watching the trilogy... which was also pointed out. This hadn't been gathered into thought by myself yet, but ever so evident made one of the most rewarding and fundamental aspects of the film. And in such binding together the main notion of brotherhood, from Tolkien's life and characters in LotR. These constant underlying nudges & mentions to detail big or small, spoken or unspoken, referring and intertwining LotR & Tolkien again, showed just how thoughtfully construed and done the movie was.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
A smash
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really impressed by all aspects surrounding it. Even thou I knew Kaling had a finger in it-who's usually good at balancing wit with depth-it still surprised me with level of layering.

For a Scandinavian white girl in her 30s; I found this more relatable (as much as an Netflix/Hollywood production can get) than any other teenage drama with a predominat white/western cast. Even with its focus on the Indian heritage growing up in an American society it managed to share the specifics of those two worlds, but also broaden and bridge it so it was recognizable for most culture clashes. The diverse (or real/normal as I see it) cast and story was more believable than many similar productions.

At first I thought "w-t-f is McEnroe narrating!?" but it worked better than imagined because 1: That 'screw you' attitude he personified during his career, was a good complement to enhance, extend and make Devis temper more relatable 2: Adding to that awkwardness during a teenagers life could probably not been presented better than the most white generic male acting as the voice inside of an american/indian girls coming of age sophomore year. Even Sambergs guest episode as narrator proved to be really well thought out for character relation.

If I would have one negative thing to say.. it would be that for the millennial 'Wisteria Lane' (Desperate housewives) was far to recognizable to not be noticed. And had me wondering "wait who's of the housewives houses is the V family living in?" when I should of been focusing on the scene at hand But that also says a lot if thats the extent of criticism, since Hollywood backdrops are re-used all the time.
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