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Love mystery thrillers
7 September 2006
Completely unexpecting and terrifying, The Wickerman is a must see. I saw this movie last weekend and found the movie a lot better than expected. Nicholas Cage performed magnificently to pull off the sick twist to the story.

Unlike the original movie that took place on a remote mysterious Scottish island, this movie brought to life a sheltered community in the Puget Sound off the Washington coast.

Based on old 70's flick, a story written by Anthony Shaffer, Neil LaBute (producer) brought back this horror to big screen with a thrilling 21st century roller-coaster bang.

Here's a quick synopsis: The main character goes on a journey to investigate the disappearance of a young girl. He discovers that the locals are weird and unhelpful, and becomes determined to get to the bottom of the disappearance.

Loved it.
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Beerfest (2006)
Downright Funny
27 August 2006
Beerfest has got to be the funniest movie of year. It's one of those classic movies you just watch with your buddies and laugh your asses off over and over because some of the scenes just catch you off guard. And trust me if you love drinking and can relate in one way or another to some of these drinking scenes, you'll laugh hella hard. Beerfest isn't trying to beat out other comedic movies rather it brilliantly just let's the humor ride on its own level without force feeding comedy to the audience; naturally funny, laugh so hard you cry typa movie, Beerfest is simply downright hilarious. I totally recommend everyone to go and watch this movie because it's different and it's guaranteed to make you laugh.
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I loved it!!!
11 July 2006
Straight off the bat, the movie takes you soaring through the sky and it hits you right in the heart with its superman feel. Starring Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacey, Superman Returns really takes Superman to a new level. With the a new fully developed storyline, Superman returns after five years of searching for his homeland, to a motherly Lois Lane and Lex Luther on the loose ready to take over the world again.

But the movie was truly amazing in that it intertwined our latest technological twist and tricks to the movie making it an up to date adventure in the skies. All of the scenes were beautifully choreographed and I must say Brandon Routh looked beautiful in all of them.

I also have to give credit to Kevin Spacey, his great acting skills really gave a delightful sprinkle and taste to the film. There were moments I found myself laughing quite historically in the theater because of his acting skills.

Completely full of surprises, one of a kind, uniquely put together, solid great film, Superman Returns is definitely a must see.
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A Romance with Patience
25 June 2006
The Lake House, a new film released on Friday, brings light to a new kind of romance- a romance with patience. Starring the famous duo from "Speed," Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves costar again to ignite theaters and enlighten their viewers with a unique and obvious chemistry. This time the two moved away from endless bus rides and crazy killers to star in a lightly toned timewarped film about two people that fall in love, but live in two different time periods.

The movie brings an edge, a twist to romance—a couple that fall in love but have no idea who the other person is. Typically we see hot and saucy movies where couples jump in the sack together and can't keep their hands off of each other, but this movie seems to almost support couples that fall in love for the sake of personality, chemistry, words and interests. The movie promoted an interesting unconventional concept from what we normally see on big screen.
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ATL (2006)
Skating is in
4 April 2006
What many people refuse to believe is the accuracy in socio-economic depictions of dramas and routines of young black teens that ATL brings to life in theaters. As I glance over the several reviews written by critics who seem rather shocked that skating is actually a hip-hop trend makes me even more convinced the world knows very little about what really goes on in the vines of trends and threads of hip-hop. (Skating has been "in" for a while now...anyways) ATL expressed reality artistically, which makes the movie more, in my opinion "fun." The movie scopes into the lives, gives reasons for deprivations and answers from where, what and why do people find a haven in where they "kick-it," and who they "kick it with" I think ATL is a good movie because what it really expressed to me is the strife to... just making it.

Heck, I never went skating, I mean, I'm not a very trendy or hip-hopish type of person to boot, wouldn't fit in. So the movie provides a perspective and although I may not be so into rap, the movie still gives a strong statement, so I like it. It motivates me, kind of like, Hustle and Flow.

Overall, ATL was a lot better than I expected, especially the acting, who knew Rapper T.I. can light up the screen.
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Firewall (2006)
Just a Good All-in all movie
14 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While many critics argue Firewall was rather typical, sitting in a crowded theatre of intense muscles and eyes glued to the screen is enough to justify the traditional suspense thriller. Given, the movie took a rather dull storyline and simply spinned it in big screen, but with the up to date perks fueling audience interest and personal relation to the movie's suggestions as to how a typical family interacts, many viewers left the movie with positive opinions and remarks. Personally, I was surprised by how great the stretch of the suspense the movie intertwined in the film. But even more to see such positive audience reaction, give or take, everyone felt the, "I need to pee but don't want to get up feeling"— during the movie. Rather than spoil you with scenes and giveaways, I'm just readers know that it all in all it was a good movie. Ford didn't let me down one bit and although he is a bit old, the movie somewhat humors it. Great movie, worth your money so go watch it!
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Syriana (2005)
Syriana: the smart scripts that speaks
16 December 2005
Syriana, starring Matt Damon and George Clooney, reveals a possible honesty in foreign political corruption. The movie starts out a bit discombobulating, but the ending unleashes a truism in our society. Directed and written by Stephen Gaghan (Screenplay for Traffic 2000), the script for Syriana shows not only a smart liberal-approached storyline, but also how much the American and Arabian lives becomes juxtaposed by oil politics. Based on the non-fiction book "See No Evil" by Robert Baer, Syriana takes its viewer step by step through the birth and processes of terrorism; and tears at the roots from where all violence and corruption derives.

The movie starts with the introduction of a character, Bob (George Clooney), an American CIA agent who works in the Middle East for years witnessing the destruction of social injustice. The movie then turns light to the American governmental affairs and its due process to make oil business proposals and governmental decisions to promote oil driven businesses in the Middle East. Bryan (Matt Damon) struggling to survive in America's capitalistic society thrives to introduce business opportunities in the Middle East; but before completing any deals with reformer and leader, Prince Nasir, all the characters, including a young Arabic man suffering from American politics and social injustices, end up experiencing sacrifices beyond comprehensible.

The movie leaves its audience stunned with a raw realism that the world we live is not a pretty picture, and all the beliefs you trust can be questionable. Although the movie definitely wouldn't exactly be a "feel good movie", its thought provoking and enlightening, and I don't think it was ever meant to be a "feel good movie." The movie shows a perspective worth learning, considering and understanding. And although the movie takes the viewer through a roller-coaster of different lives and people objectives at the beginning of the film, the movie ties in brilliantly to connect not only the characters lives, but the lives of the audience and everyone's lives who have capitalistic motives.
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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Got me Laughing!
3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that sets the bar for noir films, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang starring Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer gives theatres everywhere something to look forward to in November. With toxic pulp humor, the movie, directed by Shane Black (Lethal Weapon) doesn't only send laughter through the air, but truly reveals what low-budgets films can accomplish, a film with raw honest hilarity. The movie sets aside stereotypes and puts a fresh look on both sexuality and life. Ironically the movie focuses on something more important than the profanity and rated R scenes, the movie sends a message about fate and making choices. KKBB starts the movie with an introduction to the character named Harry Lockhart (Downey Jr.), a petty thief who narrates the story about how an incident changed his entire life. Lockhart first frantically stumbles into an audition room for an acting role in a detective movie after being chased by cops. He then partners up with Gay Perry (Kilmer), a detective who offers to train him for the screening for the movie auditions, by having Lockhart follow him around. Although Perry is tough, strong and witty, Perry is also gay, which sets a paradox between the two characters, Perry and Lockhart. The movie heightens thereafter, when the two characters witnessing the covering up of murder; and dead bodies start showing up in the strangest places. The movie is 100 percent pulp and humor.
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