54 Reviews
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Brilliant and absolutely hilarious!
22 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am such a fan of movies like this! I love black humor comedies. I saw this at the $1 movies a local theater in my neighborhood has on Wednesdays. And I had been going every week for the past three weeks and since most of the movies that were playing were films that I had already seen, Hot Fuzz was pretty much my only choice. And I was in the mood for a comedy too so I decided on this one. I wasn't sure about what the plot involved and I wasn't even sure if I'd like it. I did know it was from the same people who had made Shaun of the Dead. I've only seen bits and pieces from that film. I'm not a big fan of zombie movies so I kind of steer clear from that one. Zombies freak me out! LOL. But I decided to give this one a try anyway. and I'm glad I did! The plot is pretty simple. Nicholas Angel (a brilliant and hilarious Simon Pegg) is a police officer who has just been recruited to the London countryside because his co-workers are jealous of his work. There he finds that the officers in the police force don't take their work seriously and are often very lazy and uninterested in saving lives. They think police work is all fun and games. And Nicholas tries to bring some rules and commitment to the force and do his job. But this little town has a dark, dark secret. There are gruesome murders being committed by a person in a dark hooded cloak. And while Nicholas Angel is interested in capturing this murderer and solving these murders, his fellow co-workers just want to sit back and eat doughnuts.

*****SPOILERS!!!***** But once Nicholas discovers that pretty much the whole town is in a wicked covenant and they all have been committing these murders (just because the victims didn't' live up to the covenant's standards or had some kind of flaw), they start hunting down Nicholas and try to get him to join. But he flees out of town and after a while comes back, armed with machine guns, rocket launchers, shotguns, handguns, grenades, and other weapons and ammunition. He, along with his buddy Danny Butterman (Nick Frost), wander back into town and start opening fire on the town. And come to find out, the whole town starts shooting back! Even the priests and the nuns! This climactic gunfight scene is the best scene in the film, in my opinion. It's hilarious, brilliantly directed and acted, and dark. But what makes it so funny is that no one dies and only a few people get shot in the foot or the hand. But no one gets fatally shot! And then the gunfight moves into a grocery store where they use buggies and boxes of food as weapons too. So freaking hilarious.

This film was brilliant and incredibly funny. Sure, it was a little dumb at times but it was supposed to be!! And like I said before, that gunfight was the best scene in the movie. Even if you get bored in the first half, you should definitely stay for the gunfight. Some of the death scenes were a little gory and graphic, such as a man having a concrete church steeple landing on his head and a woman having a pair of gardening shears stuck in her throat and blood spurting out everywhere. And then that became a joke between the police force "she slipped and fell and landed on her garden shears!" they would say because they didn't' believe there were any murders going on.

Any fan of Shaun of the Dead will enjoy this and even if you haven't seen that film you should see this one if you're a fan of black humor comedies. I'm glad I saw this film and I think it's one of the funniest films I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of comedies, as I am a huge fan. I was not disappointed in the least with this film and I will own the DVD! Thank you for reading my review!
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Not as good as the first two, agreed. But still funny and incredibly cute!
22 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first two Shrek films. My family and I are still quoting lines from those films. The first Shrek is a classic and how can you not love Eddie Murphy as Donkey? And I loved the introduction of Puss 'N' Boots from the second film. Antonio Banderas voiced that character deftly. So I was anxious to see the third film, Shrek the Third. Especially hearing that Shrek and Fiona were having a baby. And the trailers for this film made it look like a total laugh-fest. Well, it definitely was a laugh-fest. My parents and my sisters and I were howling in that packed theater. I know I laughed so hard at times my eyes were tearing up. I know one scene that made me laugh was when Fiona was trying to tell Shrek she was pregnant and the horn kept blowing on the ship. I thought that was cute. All the actors did well. Mike Myers is always brilliant as Shrek, as is Cameron Diaz as Fiona and Eddie Murphy as Donkey. But I thought Justin Timberlake as Artie was really the breakthrough performance. Yes, he did talk a lot but he played the irresponsible young "prince" well and he made you feel sympathy for him in all the confusion that was going on. And I loved the characters of Snow White and Cinderella, especially the scene where they were exacting their revenge on Prince Charming. That was hilarious. And the baby nightmare scene was a laugh out loud scene too. And OMG, how cute were those baby Ogres? They were adorable! I want one! Just kidding. And then the baby Donkey/Dragons were so funny looking but they were also adorable. Hard to believe Donkey was a daddy. LOL.

Anyway the only thing, I think, that made this film not as good as the first two was that it seemed to drag on and on in the last hour or so. Just when you think they were done defeating Prince Charming and putting him in his place he would run away and they would be chasing him again. We just wanted to see Shrek and Fiona have their baby already!! But overall this film wasn't a total disappointment and I really enjoyed it. Of course I pretty much love any film that makes me laugh hysterically. Now, I will admit that this was a little too adult for the young children. Some of the jokes were very adult-oriented and even I couldn't believe they would use them in a children's movie but thank goodness SOME children don't get that kind of humor. But I know the little boy who was sitting next to me in the theater thoroughly enjoyed it. The Shrek films are a great franchise and I think they should make more. I love Shrek! Thank you for reading my review!
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Wild Hogs (2007)
What a funny movie!
22 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was fortunate enough to be able to see Wild Hogs at the $1 movie theater on Wednesdays. I had planned on going but wasn't sure of what movie to see. So then my family and I decided we wanted to see a funny movie and Wild Hogs was the only comedy playing so we decided to give it a try. We thought that a movie that has John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen and William H. Macy in it all at once had to be funny. And we were not disappointed!! John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen, and William H. Macy are four middle aged men who have been best friends for years and have always been "biker buddies". But they all have families and careers now and are devoted to them, which gives them no time for the bikes. But then one day Woody (John Travolta), who's wife has just left him and has recently filed for bankruptcy, calls up the guys and tells them that they should go on a cross country road trip just to get out. But he doesn't tell them that the real reason he wants to go is because of his recently broken home. So they all agree to go on this road trip and become the "Wild Hogs" again. And once they set out across the west, the laughter and excitement ensues.

Their adventures include going skinny dipping in a lake, only to have a family with kids show up and go swimming with them. They go camping and accidentally set their tent on fire and are forced to sleep outside curled up next to each other. Then a gay park ranger (a hilarious John C. McGinley from "Scrubs") shows up and thinks they feel the same way he does about men. Then in New Mexico they end up in roadhouse full of biker gangs and get criticized for not being "real bikers" and end up being in a barroom brawl. To keep from being killed, the ever so naive Dudley (brilliantly played by William H. Macy) sells his bike to the leader of the biker gang (Ray Liotta). When they leave, halfway down the road Woody realizes that Dudley needs his motorcycle back so Woody goes back to the roadhouse and accidentally sets it on fire while trying to steal the bike. Then that causes the "Wild Hogs" to flee and hideout in a Chili Cookout parade event. There Dudley falls in love with the hostess of the cookout (Marisa Tomei). But Ray Liotta and his gang have found the Wild Hogs and want Dudley's bike back. But Woody won't give it to them and now the Wild Hogs must save their backs.

All the performances were great, but I think the one who really stood out was William H. Macy as Dudley. He was such a naive computer nerd with a heart of gold who was prone to accidents. I laughed every time he and the guys would be riding their bikes and he would turn his head to smile at them, and when he looked back he would run into something and get knocked off his bike. It happened to him several times in the movie and usually a joke like that would get old but it didn't' in this film. I laughed every time. And it was only him that it was happening to! Until the final scene in the film when all the guys got knocked off their bikes!! That was classic. John Travolta was his usual self but I really liked his character and he was like the "leader" of the Wild Hogs. I loved how it showed that he really cared about his buddies. Tim Allen as Doug was hilarious as ever as a hypochondriac dentist who couldn't eat cholesterol but always tried to find someway to do so. His character in this film was very reminiscent of his Tim Taylor character in his 1990s show "Home Improvement" which I used to watch on a regular basis. And then Martin Lawrence as Bobby was funny as ever as the main black guy who always brings "black" humor to his films. And I'm not being racist when I say that. I especially loved how he was afraid to confront his wife at the end of the film because he hadn't told her where he was going on the trip with the guys. And then Ray Liotta was his usual creepy self as the head of the biker gang. He had some funny lines but he didn't' deliver them in a funny way. He didn't smile very much and it seemed out of place in a comedy like this. But it was still a very funny and entertaining film. I think anyone who enjoys light hearted comedies that involve a circle of friends going on disastrous road trips will enjoy this one. I sure did! Thank you for reading my review!
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Will Ferrell's Funniest Film!
11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Blades of Glory is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. I loved it so much. I'm a huge fan of Will Ferrell anyway and I've always found him to be a comic god, but this film was just icing on the cake. Come on, Will Ferrell as a professional ice skater? It just had to be funny! The plot is pretty simple. Will Ferrell and Jon Heder (Napoloeon Dynamite) play rival ice skaters Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy McElroy who get into a fight and are banned from the championships. But then one day one of Jimmy's obsessed fans named Hector finds a loophole in the championships. Chazz and Jimmy can compete in the finals if they have a partner. So then Chazz and Jimmy decide to become partners, despite their hatred for each other. Then they must compete against brother and sister Stranz and Fairchild Von Strausenberg (Will Arnett and Amy Poehler) who are among the greatest skaters in the history of ice-skating.

Some of the funniest scenes in this film included Chazz and Jimmy training to become partners and preparing for their stunts. Most of the jokes involve them being two men wearing tight leotards and touching each other's manhood during their performances, but they worked and they were funny! I don't recall any joke in this film falling flat. Will Ferrell was his usual loud, over-acting self doing disgusting things and being in his underwear, but it had me in tears it was so funny. I enjoyed this one more than I did last year's Talladega Nights. Jon Heder played a role a little different than Napoleon Dynamite and I was impressed. He was sweet and funny and cute and innocent as Jimmy. I didn't quite understand why his character was made out to be so feminine, but I still liked his character. One of the funniest scenes in this film is when Chazz (Will Ferrell) took off his shoes and socks and walked across the ice barefoot to show how much of a man he is. And then Jimmy stripped down to his underwear and slid across the ice on his bare chest to outdo Chazz!! My sister and I were howling at that scene. I loved all the skating sequences. Ice skating is a beautiful sport to watch. I love the hand movements and all the twists and turns the skaters do. Very elegant.

Will Arnett and Amy Poehler were equally as great as the brother and sister team who intended on winning and outdoing Chazz and Jimmy. Their relationship was a little creepy, as in some scenes they got a little too close to each other and in one scene they actually kissed on the lips!! But I thought it was so funny because Will Arnett and Amy Poehler are actually husband and wife. I found that interesting. I loved the scene where Will Arnett was chasing Will Ferrell through the building and they both had their skates on!! Craig T. Nelson was also great in a supporting role as Chazz and Jimmy's trainer/mentor. I didn't understand why the makeup people made him look so old but he was still great. He had some great one-liners as well.

Anyway, Blades of Glory isn't a great film by any means, but it is definitely fun to watch and anyone who is a fan of Will Ferrell or Jon Heder should enjoy this one. There are a lot of sex jokes in this film and it's not for the little kids, but it is still pretty funny. It will definitely keep a smile on your face. I love Will Ferrell! He is one of the greatest comedians of our time. I enjoyed this film so much and I will own the DVD!! I'm so glad I got the chance to see it at the $1 movie on Wednesdays! Thanks for reading my review!
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Disturbia (2007)
Very Good & Intense Thriller
11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was lucky enough to have gotten a chance to see this movie tonight at the $1 theater that I always go to on Wednesdays. My sister had wanted to see it because she's a huge fan of Shia LeBeouf and I had wanted to see it because it was a thriller. So were happy to hear that it was playing tonight and I'm so glad I was able to see it in the theater. It was very good. "Disturbia" involves a young man named Kale (Shia LeBeouf) who is in a devastating car accident that claims the life of his father. One year later while in class Kale punches out his Spanish teacher for making a negative comment about his father. Because of his actions he is placed on house arrest for three months. To occupy his time Kale uses his binoculars to spy on the neighbors. One night while looking out he sees his neighbor Mr. Turner (played with creepy finesse by David Morse) driving a car similar to the one that a local kidnapper/murderer drives and carrying a big blue bag with what looks like hair and blood all over it. After seeing that Kale is convinced that Mr. Turner is a serial killer. So Kale and his friend Ronnie (played by Aaron Yoo, who was hilarious) and this girl Ashley, who Kale had also been spying on, follow Mr. Turner and his actions and watch him through the binoculars and with a video camera to see if he is in fact a serial killer.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The only downfall it had, to me, was that it took quite a while to get to the suspense. The first half involved Kale getting to know Ashley and showing us how much he hates being on house arrest and finding things to do. But then the second half is when it started picking up and getting suspenseful. I enjoyed the second half better. This involves Mr. Turner finding out what Kale and his friends are up to and Mr. Turner kidnaps Kale's mother. Kale goes to Mr. Turner's house to find his mother and that's when Mr. Turner chases Kale and tries to kill him. That's when Kale finds out Mr. Turner's (many) secrets hidden within his house.

Shia LeBeouf was great as Kale. His eyes have a certain look about them; like when he is worried or scared you believe it. I thought he was an excellent choice for this role. And it was a very adult role for him too. Even though he is an adult, although a young one, this was a very mature role for him, especially with the mild violence that escalated towards the end. He gave a fine performance.

Aaron Yoo gave some comic relief to his role as Kale's friend Ronnie. Although I did think the comedy and some of the jokes were a little out of place for this film since it was a thriller and I felt that there were more laughs than screams, they were still funny and the whole theater was laughing. But it didn't make me like the movie any less. He was great in his role.

But David Morse was the ultimate creepy villain. Although he was a little underused in this film I felt, since we didn't get to see much of him. But every time he was on screen he was deliciously creepy and you just knew something terrible was going to happen when he showed up. And towards the end, he just kept popping up everywhere where you least expected it. He was an excellent choice for this role.

Overall, I enjoyed this film Disturbia. Sure, it's not one of the greatest movies ever made but it was definitely worth the time. Shia LeBeouf should star in more films like this. This film really showed off his acting abilities. I liked this film. Any fans of the genre should give it a view. The first half is a little slow, but the second half is much better and the most entertaining. Thanks for reading my review!
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Good Movie! I Loved it!
5 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had wanted to see this film because I am a fan of the two lead actors, Billy Bob Thornton and Jon Heder. And I had heard that it was a really funny movie. It had to be funny! The thought of tough guy Billy Bob teaching a self respect class is a funny premise anyway. And Jon Heder, the nice, quiet guy being taught by Billy Bob just adds to the comedy. And, being a fan of Napoleon Dynamite and Blades of Glory, I had to see Jon Heder in this film. And needless to say I was not disappointed in the least. It was as every bit as funny as I had hoped. But it also had some drama mixed in with it that I had not expected. But the drama worked in this film. And I was pleased. So basically the plot involves a loser meter-maid named Roger, played by Heder, who is nervous and prone to panic attacks and passes out when he tries to speak to a girl he has a crush on named Amanda, played by Jacinda Barrett, who lives down the hall from him in their apartment building. One day Roger's friend Dave, played by David Cross, tells him about this class that he took to help him build up his self confidence and get girls. So Roger takes Dave's advice and pays for the class and attends. It is taught by Dr. P, played wonderfully by Billy Bob Thornton and his assistant Lescher, played by Michael Clark Duncan. Dr. P teaches Roger and his classmates to take what they want, initiate confrontations, how to speak to girls and how to become the hunter and not the hunted. Which is one of the funniest parts of the film. It involves the guys chasing after each other and shooting each other with paint ball guns! And poor Roger gets hit in the crotch three times at close range! That had me rolling on the floor. And at the end of that scene Roger sneaks up behind Lescher and shoots him. And Dr. P praises Roger for that and Roger starts feeling better about himself. But then Dave tells Roger that Dr. P does not like to be outdone. He is the best at everything and he always will be. And after Roger is told that he catches Dr. P talking to Amanda, the girl that Roger likes. And once Roger realizes that Dr. P is trying to outdo him, they become rivals and start doing things to each other to see who is the best. That involves the funniest scene in the move where Roger, Dr. P, Amanda, and Amanda's witchy friend Becky, played by Sarah Silverman, playing tennis. Every time Roger serves the ball the ends up hitting Dr. P somewhere on his body. It is so funny. Had me in stitches! So then Roger is on a mission to find out what exactly is Dr. P's deal and what his background is. Then that is where the drama unfolds.

School For Scoundrels isn't the greatest movie ever made, but it's definitely fun to watch. If you liked Anger Management, as I did, you will probably enjoy this one. Fans of Jon Heder or Billy Bob Thornton will enjoy their performances in this film as well. Ben Stiller, Horatio Sanz, and Matt Walsh all have funny supporting roles as members of Dr. P's class. The only thing that annoyed me about this film was Sarah Silverman's character. Boy was she annoying! I know she was supposed to be that way but after about the third time she got in the way of Roger's plans you just wanted her to go away. But this film is a wonderful mixture of comedy and drama and I was not disappointed. I loved it. Thanks for reading my review!
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Not a bad movie...but could've been better
5 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for Ghost Rider. I wanted to see it when it was first released in theaters. Every time I'd go to the movie theater to see a film they would show the previews for Ghost Rider and that made me want to see it even more. I couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD. I was so excited about seeing it when I rented it last week. Well, to my surprise, I was a little disappointed. The story basically involves a stunt-racer named Johnny Blaze, who at 17 years old, sold his soul to the Devil to save his father from dying of cancer, only to have his father die in a terrible accident a couple of weeks later. Then when Johnny becomes an adult, played by Nicolas Cage, his mission is to defeat Blackheart, the Devil's son. And when Johnny is in the presence of evil he turns into the Ghost Rider, a leather-clad skeleton with a flaming head and flaming bike. He is the Devil's bounty hunter.

I basically enjoyed this film. The flaming skull was cool and I got excited every time Nicolas Cage turned into the Ghost Rider. But I was disappointed in how little we saw the Ghost Rider. He became the Rider, what, three times? And the way he done away with Blackheart's posse were so uninteresting and unimaginative. I was disappointed in the Ghost Rider's voice. What was that? Was it supposed to be Linda Blair in the Exorcist? Because that's sure what it sounded like! It was so cheesy! I was disappointed in the character of Blackheart. Yes, he was creepy. He gave me chills. But Wes Bentley's acting was dull and lifeless. He delivered his lines with no finesse. And the way he killed somebody! It was so uncool. All he did was put his finger in someone and they turned to stone. And the victims didn't shake or anything! It was a major letdown. Especially when the Ghost Rider saved the woman from being attacked and he told the guy to "look into my eyes" and his eyes turned hollow and he passed out. Every time that happened it had to be some of the worst scenes in the movie. But what I was really disappointed in was Nicolas Cage's acting. He's a fine actor. I'm a fan of his. But he was not a good choice for the Ghost Rider. He was wooden and put no life into his character. He was dull and he mumbled his lines way too much. He is not superhero material. Eva Mendes was okay in what little she had to work with. And as I said before, Wes Bentley wasn't a good choice either for Blackheart. He didn't put much depth into his character. Plus, the CGI they used for this film made it look a little shabby and cheaply made. I know it wasn't' at all a cheap film, but I felt it looked that way.

But the things I did like about the film were the motorcycles stunts at the beginning when Johnny Blaze would jump over helicopters and semi trucks. I liked seeing the Ghost Rider ride on his motorcycle. I loved seeing Nicolas Cage turn into Ghost Rider. I loved the scene where the Ghost Rider grabbed the helicopter and said "you're pissing me off!" Yes, that was a little cheesy but it made me laugh. I loved the scene where the Ghost Rider touched his bike and then it changed. That was cool. And the fight sequence at the end between Blackheart and the Rider had some cool moments too; like when the Rider threw fireballs at Blackheart and the Rider's gun changed. But it was still a little disappointing.

Ghost Rider is not a bad film. But it had so many things wrong with it like I have mentioned above. For the most part, though, it is not a children's movie. Children who are younger than 12 or 13 should not see it. There are some extremely creepy parts that would probably give young children nightmares. And the Rider's voice alone might make them scared. Especially the final scene where all the souls are pouring into Blackheart and his face is demonic is definitely one of the creepiest parts. It even creeped me out and I'm 22! So please don't let your young children see this. It is very aimed at teenagers and adults. Anyway, I liked this film. I would own it. Not the best superhero movie ever made but it's still pretty fun to watch if you have nothing else to do. But if you're looking for a GOOD superhero movie, then pass this one up. You will be sorely disappointed. But it was still pretty good. Thanks for reading my review!
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X-Men (2000)
Cool film. I enjoyed it!
6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've never really been a fan of comic book-based films but ever since I saw Spider-Man 1 & 2 I believe I have become a fan of comic book films. I love the Spider-Man movies and so when X-Men came on I felt like I just had to see it. And astonishingly I enjoyed it. I love the action and the fight scenes. They're so amazingly choreographed and sequenced and I love the fact that they're so interesting to watch without being bloody and graphically disturbing. They're cool. I loved all the characters. Patrick Stewart was great as Charles Xzavier and I loved Sir Ian McKellan as the deliciously evil Eric Lensher/Magneto. He is one actor who never fails at playing the creepy, intelligent villains. Famke Janssen as Jean Grey, James Marsden as Cyclops, Halle Berry as Storm, and Anna Paquin as Rogue were all awesome as the superheros, the X-Men and I enjoyed all their characters. But I think Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was the one character/performance that stood out the most. Mr. Jackman WAS Wolverine. He had his look down pat and he was so masculine and confident. And I found it hard not to like Wolverine. I believe he was my favorite character. But I liked them all. My favorite scenes were when the X-Men were using their powers and trying to save the world. They're so much fun to watch and it makes you anxious to know when they're gonna use their powers. And I also loved the fact that the action wasn't cheesy in this film. Most superhero films have cheesy dialogue and villains that have cheesy super powers but this film didn't' have that. I loved all of it. X-Men is a great action/superhero film and any fan of comic books or films based on them should watch this. And even if you're not a fan of comic books I think you will enjoy this one for the top notch performances. I really enjoyed X-Men and I'm glad I finally gave it a view. I had kept refusing to see it because I had no interest in comic book films but this one was great. Thanks for reading my review!
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Awesome sequel!
6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Spider-Man 2 is an awesome sequel. I originally had no interest in seeing this films, as I was never a fan of comic books or movies based on them. But a couple of weeks go I saw the first Spider-Man movie and I loved it. So I had to watch the second one. And I wasn't disappointed in the least. It has all the elements the first one had; action, a great storyline, a great villain, a love story, betrayal, and superhero status. In this film, Spidey must save New York City from the indestructible Doc Ock, a.k.a. Dr. Otto Octavius, played to perfection by Alfred Molina. He's a scientist who constructs a Geo-thermal "sun" that sucks up everything in its path and will destroy NYC if it cannot be stopped. He becomes a tentacled monster after a science experiment with this "sun" goes terribly awry and these mechanical arms are fused to his spine. And he is out to get Spider-Man as well. Meanwhile, Peter Parker starts realizing his feelings for Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) as does she realizes her feelings for him. And he starts losing his desire to become Spider-Man and save the world after being a full time student, having a full time job, and dealing with the death of his uncle takes a toll on him. But when the Doc Ock kidnaps Mary Jane and threatens to do away with her, then Peter Parker realizes he's destined to be Spider-Man and that he's NYC's hero.

The action sequences in this film are breathtaking. Especially the one scene involving Spidey and Doc Ock on top of a subway train. I loved Doc Ock the villain. He was genuinely a nice guy at first but once that experiment went awry he became evil and destructive. Alfred Molina was the perfect choice for that role. James Franco was great as always as Harry Norman, who is still out to avenge is father's death and find out who Spider-Man is. Kirsten Dunst was great as Mary Jane. I don't normally like her but she was sweet in this film. And Tobey Maguire is always great as Spider-Man. He has that boyish charm and boyish good looks and he makes you want him to be your hero! The only part of this film that I thought was a little disturbing and overly violent was when Doc Ock was being operated on in the hospital and his tentacles "came alive" and killed all the nurses and doctors. I thought that was a little too graphic and violent and would probably scare children. But that was relevant to give the viewer a little insight on what had happened to Dr. Octavius and what he has become. Anyway Spider-Man 2 is a great film and any fan of comic book films should watch this. And if you're not a fan of comic book films then you should watch it for the action. I loved this film and I'm glad I watched it. I'm such a fan of the Spider-Man films now! Thanks for reading my review.
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The Prestige (2006)
Great movie with superb acting
25 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard great things about this film when I rented it. And I have to say that The Prestige was a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had so many twists and turns and kept me guessing until the very end! Christian Bale plays Alfred Borden, a gifted magician who's tricks are so mind-boggling that they seem almost impossible to perform. Hugh Jackman plays Robert Angier, an equally talented magician who is good friends with Borden. But one night during a show one of Angier's tricks goes horribly wrong and his wife Julia, played by Piper Perabo, is killed. And Borden is partially blamed for the accident because he tied the ropes on Julia's hands differently. As a result of the accident Angier and Borden become rivals. They show up at each other's shows and make their tricks malfunction. One night Borden performs a trick so mind-boggling and visual that Angier sets out on a quest to find out how exactly he did it. His search for the answer delves him deeper into the mind of Borden and what really happened to his wife during that fateful trick.

The Prestige was also a beautiful movie. The cinematography was excellent and the costumes were stunning. But what really made this movie great was the superb acting. Christian Bale was excellent was Alfred Borden. He spoke with a wonderful English accent. It rolled off his tongue perfectly. He made you love him because he was such a talented magician but he also made you hate him because of the way he treated his wife and the things he done to mess up Angier's tricks. Hugh Jackman is always great in any role he plays. His character Robert Angier was sympathetic and emotional and he made you feel the heartbreak he was going through. You could tell that all he wanted to be was a great magician and that he just wanted his wife back. I loved his character. The always great Michael Caine had a great supporting role as Cutter, Borden and Angier's mentor who taught them how to be the masterminds at magic. Scarlett Johansson was average as Olivia, Angier's assistant who becomes romantically involved with Borden. And Rebecca Hall was great as Sarah, Alfred Borden's neglected wife. Then David Bowie was good as Nicola Tesla, a legend in magic who Angier turned to for advice to be the best magician ever. But I enjoyed all the acting. There wasn't a performance I didn't' like.

The Prestige is a wonderful piece of film-making. It was wonderfully directed, written, and acted. Any fans of Christian Bale or Hugh Jackman should watch this. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'm glad I rented this. I truly loved it. And I loved the twist at the end. I was not expecting that and I was enthralled by it. It was superb. This is a great movie. thanks for reading my review!
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A Man Apart (2003)
Typical but pretty decent Vin Diesel action flick
22 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had bought A Man Apart back in February, having never seen it before. I had finally gotten around to watching it tonight. I've always been a fan of Vin Diesel and I have to say I wasn't disappointed with this one. This was a pretty decent action flick. Sure, it was the typical Vin Diesel movie. You get to see him punch someone, you get to see him yell and raise his deep voice, and you get to see him wear muscle-revealing tight T-shirts. OK, sorry, I just had to throw that in there! Anyway on to the plot. Vin Diesel plays Sean Vetter, an ex-gang member-turned-narcotics officer who, along with his partner Demetrius Hicks, played by Larenz Tate, takes down and arrests powerful drug cartel Memo Partel after 7 years of chasing him. Once he's locked up they think their worries are over. But turns out there's a new drug cartel named Diablo. And one night while Sean and his wife Stacey are asleep, Diablo's men come to their house and start shooting. And Stacey is killed in the crossfire. Then Sean goes on a mission to take Diablo and his men down and avenge his wife's death, leaving a trail of dead bodies and bloody mayhem behind him. And during his mission he delves deeper into Diablo's world of drugs and, in an interesting plot twist, finds out that Memo sent those men to Sean's house to kill his wife because he knew that was the closest thing to Sean's heart and to get revenge on Sean for locking him up.

I really enjoyed A Man Apart. There haven't been many Vin Diesel movies that I haven't liked. The violence was a little graphic and disturbing for my taste and could have been toned down a little but it didn't distract me from figuring out the plot. And I loved Vin Diesel in this film. I thought he played the heartbroken, lost, nothing-to-live-for widow well. There were certain scenes that made you feel really sorry for him and you could almost feel his pain. This was definitely a different turn for Vin and I really enjoyed him in this film. Any fan of Vin Diesel or any action fan will enjoy this one. I'm glad I bought it. Thank you for reading my review!
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Spider-Man (2002)
22 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I never had an interest in seeing Spider-Man. But it came on TBS tonight and there was nothing else on TV so I decided to watch it. And to my surprise I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've never been a fan of comic books but I love the Batman and Superman movies and now I'm a fan of the Spider-Man films! Tobey Maguire plays Peter Parker, a shy, nerdy, high school student who is in love with Mary Jane, played by Kirsten Dunst. One day Peter is bitten by a genetically altered spider and instantly gains spider-like powers, such as climbing walls and shooting webs out of his hands. Once he becomes Spider-Man, the name the townspeople gave him after he rescues them from fires and robberies, he has to battle the Green Goblin, aka Norman Osborn, played with creepy perfection by Willem Dafoe. Norman becomes the Green Goblin after being fired from his job and taking revenge against his employees. Norman's son Harry, played by James Franco, is one of Peter's closest friends and competes against Peter for the affection of Mary Jane.

The best parts of the film is when Spider-Man and the Green Goblin are battling one another. They are wonderfully choreographed and edited. One of the best battle scenes is right towards the end. Willem Dafoe was great as the Green Goblin. No one could have played him better. He just has that creepy look to him and how he even used a different voice when he was becoming the Green Goblin was effectively eerie. Tobey Maguire was good as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Even though he is a little too boyish looking for me he still had that unique charm about him that made you love Peter Parker. He was sweet and made you wonder why Mary Jane would never give him the time of day! I know a lot of people didn't like him as Spider-Man but I did! Kirsten Dunst was also good as Mary Jane. To me she seemed to play all the other characters she plays in her other films but I liked her. She was sweet. And James Franco was sweet and charming as Harry Osborn.

Spider-Man is a great comic book based movie and I really enjoyed it. I'm glad I actually sat down and watched it. The action scenes were spectacular, the costumes were cool, and all the characters were lovable. This is a great movie. Thanks for reading my review!
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Happy Feet (2006)
Cute, Sweet, fun, and an Absolute Delight to watch!
21 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Happy Feet from 2006 is everything I'd hoped it would be. It was funny, cute, fun, and charming all at once. I enjoyed this film immensely and it is definitely a film parents should watch with their children. The plot is pretty simple. Memphis and Norma Jean are penguins who have given birth to their baby Mumble. But Mumble is no ordinary penguin. One day in class his teacher and all the other baby penguins realize that Mumble can't sing. But he can dance. But they think dancing is out of the ordinary so they all treat Mumble as an outsider and forbid him to dance. And one day while he's out looking for food he becomes hunted by a hungry sea lion and ends up in another part of "town" where there are smart and sassy penguins. And once he's there and he befriends the penguins he finds some objects that belong to the "aliens" that are responsible for the scarcity of the fish that the penguins eat. And so Mumble sets out on a journey to find the aliens. And when he does find the aliens he's captured and put into an aquarium for the "aliens", who are really humans, to visit and look at. Then, once he's released from the aquarium, he goes back to his hometown to see his parents and his friends and he's still treated like an outcast and blamed for the food shortage. And they still don't believe him when he's telling them that it was the aliens that are taking the food. He's almost forced out of the group again until the aliens appear. And he starts dancing for the aliens and they cheer and the group of penguins realize that Mumble's dancing is a good thing and they allow him to stay in the group.

The scenery is breathtaking and all the penguins were cute. I loved Hugh Jackman's Elvis Presley-inspired voice for the role of Memphis and Nicole Kidman was great as Norma Jean. The singing in this film were some of the most delightful scenes. It certainly put a smile on my face to hear the penguins singing songs by Prince! And the penguins, especially the baby ones, have great one-liners and their tiny voices alone are a sure bet to make you smile. And Robin Williams is always great as a voice for a cartoon character. You gotta love his character Lovelace in this film and his narration was great too. Happy Feet is a wonderful film and any child, or any fan of penguins for that matter, should see it! I'm glad I did. My 15 year old sister and I were smiling the whole time. Definitely a must see! Thanks for reading my review!
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Good movie. I loved it!
11 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I found Man of the Year from 2006 to be a surprisingly good film. I've always been a fan of Robin Williams and I love his comedy. It worked in this film. He plays Tom Dobbs, a comedian/talk show host who decides to run for President of the United States after one of his audience members makes the suggestion. And surprisingly he wins! I loved the scenes involving his campaign. The jokes he told were actually funny and none of them fell flat. I was laughing pretty much through his whole speech. His humor was right on cue. I agree with most of the people who commented on this film when they said that the advertisements and trailers for this film were misleading. It was a funny film but only in the first half. The second half developed into a political thriller when the twist was revealed.

****SPOILER ALERT!!**** The second half of the film turns dramatic when Eleanor Green, played by Laura Linney, reveals that Tom Dobbs isn't really the President-Elect. She was an employee of a company called Delcroy, which are the headquarters for the computers where all the presidential election votes are stored. She's fired when she says that the computers went haywire and all the electoral votes were screwed up. And that's why Tom Dobbs wasn't really elected President. So when she tells Dobbs about this mishap, the bosses of Delcroy go on the run to hunt her down and keep their secret. And that's when Man of the Year turns into a political thriller instead of the typical Robin Williams comedy. But it worked in this film. It was very interesting to see what would happen next. It never got boring. I was pleased with the ending. Tom Dobbs goes on Saturday Night Live to tell a couple of jokes and that's when he reveals to the country that he wasn't really elected President and that it was a mix-up. And then he tells some more jokes. I loved the fact that SNL alumnis Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were actually in this film too. I love Saturday Night Live! Anyway, Man of the Year won't win any awards and honestly it will disappoint those Robin Williams fans who are looking for a laugh out loud comedy from him. But those of you who are tired of the creepy Robin Williams and want to see him in a light hearted film, then you should see this one. I really enjoyed it and was not disappointed. It was worth the rental price. Thank you for reading my review!
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One of Jack Black's Funniest Films
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
2003's The School of Rock is a really good film. I love Jack Black anyway and this was one of his funniest films. His humor is top notch and to me, not only does he have a great sense of humor and great comedic abilities, he's just a funny guy to look at! I don't mean that in a negative way either. I think he knows he's funny looking and that he uses that mug to make people laugh too. He has great facial expressions. I think that's what makes him one of the best comedic actors of this generation. He plays Dewey Finn, a slacker who decides to substitute a classroom of children after the real substitute is unable to attend. But Dewey has no idea how to teach a classroom of children or where to even begin. But he's doing it because he desperately needs the money. So, having no idea how or what to teach the children today, Dewey decides to break out his guitar and talk to the children about music and playing in a rock band. He teaches them about AC/DC and the great bands of the 70s and 80s and he teaches them about music notes and how to play an instrument. And the children become very interested. Then Dewey realizes that the children have no self confidence and that they have amazing talents that they refuse to show and use for fear of what other people will think. So he decides to bring the children out of their shells and open up by forming a rock band. So he teaches the children how to become great singers and musicians. And that enables the children to realize that school can be fun and that they should always use their talents even if they say to themselves that they have no talent. Everyone has some kind of talent! I thought this was a great plot. And even though it does sound a little silly, Jack Black makes it work. It is a joy to see him teach and perform with the children. It was a joy to see him work with the children on how to hold and play their instruments and how to use their voices. He made the children smile and laugh and the children grew to like him. I loved the finale when he and the children and their band, "The School of Rock", were performing their big concert. The children were so cute when they were singing and it is so much fun to see Jack Black sing and perform in concert. He exudes energy and charisma and he makes playing the guitar funny! And he seemed to enjoy working with kids too. Joan Cusack was great as the uptight teacher Mrs. Mullins. She had no sense of humor and I loved how Jack Black made her come out of her shell too. Joan is always a joy to watch in the films because she is a great actress. And all of the child actors were great too. They were so cute and funny and you just loved all of them. None of them were disappointing.

The School of Rock is a funny and entertaining film and any fan of Jack Black should see it. I loved every minute of it and even if you don't like Jack Black I think you should see it if you love comedies. You won't be disappointed. Thank you for reading my review!
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Borat (2006)
Hilarious and Truthful!
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
2006's Borat was a hilarious and truthful film. I watched it with my parents and we laughed until our stomachs hurt and tears were coming out of our eyes! Sascha Baron Cohen was so perfect as Borat and he made you believe he was actually from Kazahkstan. Even though it was a very funny film, to me what made it so great was how truthful and realistic it actually was. The people Borat encountered and interviewed were real people, not actors. Their opinions were real. Their ideas were real. That's how real people in the world today think. They hate Jews, they hate Muslims, they hate anyone who is in this country illegally and anyone who is not white or black. And even the whites hate the blacks and vice versa! And to me it's just sad. It's sad that today, in 2007, there are people out there in America who still hate black people. I have an uncle who is so racist that it's just stupid to hear some of the things he says. And even though it's terrible to think about and it's saddening, it's true! And that's another reason why I loved this film. It showed a perfect depiction of how Americans think these days. It showed their opinions about the Iraqi war and illegal immigrants and President George W. Bush. Sure, it was offensive at times but I didn't find it offensive because it was real. And people have to realize that reality can be offensive. But even though it was offensive it was still freaking hilarious. How can you not laugh at two naked men, one skinny and one overweight, fighting over a woman and running down the hall of a luxurious hotel, still fighting and yelling at each other, and still naked!! And shouting Arabic curse words at each other!! That was the funniest part of the film. My parents and I were howling!!! I was highly disturbed over this scene because these two men are naked and each other's genitals are at opposite ends of their bodies (you'll just have to see the film to understand what I just said, if you don't already) and I"m watching this film with my parents!! And I'm 22 years old! But it was still so funny! I laughed until it hurt! Anyway, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit of Glorious Nation of Kazakstan was a brilliant and intelligent film and anyone who's looking for a good laugh should see this film. But if you're easily offended, I would not advise you to see it. But if you're not and you love to laugh, then you should rent this great film. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for reading my review!
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Mean Girls (2004)
A Surprisingly Good Film!
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I found 2004's Mean Girls to be a very good film. At first I had no intention of seeing it as how I am no fan of Lindsey Lohan but it came on TBS a couple of days ago and there was pretty much nothing else watchable on TV. So I decided to watch it. And surprisingly I found it to be quite good and enjoyable. Lindsey Lohan plays Cady Heron, a high school student who has just moved to America from Africa and she is starting a new school. There she meets a group of girls called The Plastics, who are the most popular and beautiful girls in the school. But the leader of the Plastics, Regina George (Rachel McAdams), is very mean and selfish and rude. She pretends to be your friend and says nice things to you but once you walk away she turns and says something mean about you. The Plastics entice Cady to join their group and Cady, desperate for popularity and for the Plastics to like her, accepts the offer. Once Cady is a Plastic, she starts to realize that they are not who they seem to be. She notices that Regina is two-faced, spoiled, rich, and snobby. And that her friends are under her rule. They seem to be just like her but they're really just going by what she says because they want Regina to like them. Cady realizes that Regina is a very mean girl so she does all that she can, even involving Regina's friends, to embarrass and humiliate Regina and let everyone know that Regina is not a nice person. But during the process of humiliating Regina, Cady realizes that she too has become a mean girl. She breaks free from her "normal" friends who are just the opposite of the Plastics. She uses guys to gain popularity. And she even humiliates her teacher Mrs. Norbury, played by Tina Fey, who also wrote the script. But then all this humiliation makes everyone who once liked Cady to turn on her and realize that she is not who she seems to be. She has turned into a mean girl all because of the popularity she thrived for. So now Cady must realize that being popular doesn't always mean being the nicest and most well-liked person in school. She has to realize that being popular can also make you into a mean girl.

This was a very interesting plot. Although it has pretty much been done before dozens of times, this one was different because it had an intelligent script and top notch acting. Lindsey Lohan was good but I think the real acting credits should go to Rachel McAdams. She made you hate her character so much because she was such a mean brat. She was so evil and conniving that you just cringed when she opened her mouth. You knew she was going to say something degrading. She was unable to be liked!! And she was a very convincing mean girl. I don't normally like teen films like this but I enjoyed this one. It was smart, intelligent, witty, and truthful. It definitely gave you a smart inside look at how high school girls really are. A really good film written by Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live. Thank you for reading my review!
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Roll Bounce (2005)
Fun and Entertaining! With an awesome soundtrack!
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
2005's Roll Bounce is a fun and entertaining film. I had no interest in seeing it but my mom wanted to and so I rented it from Blockbuster and watched it last night. And I was pleasantly surprised. This was a fun and quite entertaining film. Bow Wow plays Xavier Smith, a teen who lives with his father and younger sister and who's mother has just passed away. He and his friends love to roller skate and one day their beloved skating rink has been shut down. But luckily a new and improved skating rink called Sweetwater opens up. It's owner is a brash, cocky, and handsome guy named Sweetness, played by Wesley Jonathon. Sweetness is an excellent skater, and so Xavier and his friends find out that there's gonna be a skate off in a couple of weeks, so they make a plan to outskate Sweetness and become the best skaters ever. Yeah, this plot does sound a little silly but it was really fun. To me the most entertaining parts of the film were seeing everyone skate and do their skating tricks. Mainly because I never learned to skate and I wonder how they do it! Skating was always so difficult for me. I never could do it! And then seeing these kids on that roller rink skating makes me wish I had learned! It looks like so much fun! So it was very exciting to see these kids perform different methods of skating. All the actors did fine jobs. Especially Bow Wow. He had some great one-liners and he's a cute guy and he seemed to have a lot of fun doing this movie and doing all that skating. He was a blast to watch. And the actors who played his friends had some funny one-liners too and my mom and I were laughing a lot. This was a very funny film also. I forget his name but the actor who played Bow Wow's dad was also really funny. He was a joy to watch too. Nick Cannon was OK in the small role he had. He didn't add anything special to the film and we could've done without him. But he was still pretty funny.

But even if the plot of the film sounds silly, I think you should definitely watch this film for the awesome soundtrack! Anyone who grew up in the 70s with 70s music will enjoy it immensely. My mom was loving it! She just kept mentioning how much she loved the soundtrack and she was singing almost every song that came on! I was born in the 80s but I still enjoyed the soundtrack too. And for me that was what added to the excitement of the film. Even if you're not entertained by the skating, you will definitely be entertained by the soundtrack and the music! This was a fun film and I'm glad I rented it. Thank you for reading my review!
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The Departed (2006)
Excellent Film!
9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
2006's The Departed is an excellent film. I'm not normally a fan of gangster films and really had no intention of seeing this film. But my mom was dying to see it and so I watched it with her. And I'm a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and seeing that Jack Nicholson was playing a mob boss I knew that it had to be a good film. And I was pleasantly surprised. It was worth the rental price at Blockbuster. Jack Nicholson plays mob boss Frank Costello, who's mole, Colin Sullivan, played by Matt Damon, is a cop who has just been promoted to a detective. But the police academy has no idea that he's Costello's mole. Leonardo DiCaprio is Billy Costigan, a recent graduate of the academy who has been hired to infiltrate the mob and bring Costello down. Mark Wahlberg is Dignam, a tough-talking cop who is working on the Costello case. His partner is Queenan, played by Martin Sheen. The plot gets a little complicated when all these characters cross paths in their attempts to catch Costello but it also is an exhilarating thrill to see who will find out who's the mole and who's the fake. This film kept me on the edge of my seat. There was so much tension that it was almost unbearable. The violence was a little graphic and anyone who doesn't like blood or doesn't like to see a lot of blood will feel a little uneasy watching this film. And anyone who doesn't like a lot of swearing and curse words will also feel uneasy. But The Departed wasn't just about blood and profanity. It gave you a look inside the mob and how ruthless and vile they can be. It showed you what can happen when secrets are revealed and when other people's trusts are broken. The most exciting scene for me was when Matt Damon found out that Leonardo DiCaprio was the one who was bringing down the mob and when Leo found out that Matt was the mole. Leo called Queenan's cell phone and Matt answered! That was such a tense moment and my whole family who was watching with me gasped. When I had rented this film the guy at Blockbuster told me that the ending was unbelievable. And boy was he right!

**SPOILERS!!!** Matt Damon comes home and when he opens his door he stops and is in shock. Mark Wahlberg, the cop, is standing there and he raises his gun and shoots Matt Damon dead. Then the film is over. And in a couple of scenes before that Leo had slept with Matt's girlfriend. And Leo gave her an envelope that said "if something happens to me, open it". And then Leo is killed by one of Costello's men. We see her open the envelope but never know what it said. So after the film ended my family and I are all wondering what was said in the envelope and then it came to us. Of course Leo knew that Matt was Costello's mole. So in the envelope he told her about Matt's real identity and that she should let Mark Wahlberg know and do something about it. So that's why Mark Wahlberg killed Matt so he would no longer be a part of the mob and be a threat to anyone. And we thought that was clever. An interesting little plot twist! :) I thought all the actors were top notch. Jack Nicholson never disappoints. He was his usual badass self and you knew something bad was gonna happen whenever he was on screen. Matt Damon was basically his usual self that he is in all his films. But he was good. Martin Sheen was great and I was very shocked to see him die. Mark Wahlberg was his usual badass cursing self too, and even though he did get an Oscar nomination, I didn't see what was so special about his performance that earned him that recognition. The real recognition should've gone to Leonardo DiCaprio!! To me his performance was the best in this film. He was basically the only likable character and he was good and you felt bad for him when you saw all these horrible things that were happening to him. And I was really disappointed when he met his demise. That was totally uncalled for!! I didn't see why he had to die. There were no weak performances in this film and I think that's what made it so great. And Martin Scorsese's direction was top notch too. He deserved that Oscar. And I'm glad this film won Best Picture too. It is an excellent film and I'm glad I saw it. It's definitely one I'd like to own. This is film making at its best! Thank you for reading my review! :) :) :)
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Little Man (III) (2006)
Not great by any means, but definitely amusing
1 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Little Man from 2006 is not a great movie by any means. I rented it last night because I was looking for something funny. I had never seen this film before but I have heard awful things about it. But I decided to give it a view anyway. I tend to like the films that most critics hated. I thought it was pretty funny. The plot is pretty simple. A dwarf named Calvin, played by Marlon Wayans, and his partner in crime Percy, played by Tracy Morgan, steal a valuable diamond from a jewelry store and are supposed to give it to a ruthless crime boss, played by Chazz Palminteri. But when Calvin and Percy are being chased by the cops, Calvin dumps the diamond in a lady's purse. So in order to get the diamond back Calvin decides to act like a baby who was dropped off at a doorstep. Vanessa and Darryl, a childless couple, find Calvin and decide to keep him and raise them as their own. Because they think he's an orphaned baby. And Vanessa was the lady who's purse the diamond was dropped in.

Sounds absurd right? You bet it is! It certainly is one of the worst plots for a film that I have ever heard of. But it works in this film. And seeing Calvin, actually a 40 year old man, dress up in baby clothes and lying in a crib and being held by the adults was pretty funny. There are several scenes that made me laugh. It didn't' bring tears to my eyes by any means from laughing but it was good mindless entertainment. I wouldn't necessarily call it one of the worst films I have ever seen because I didn't think it was that bad but it's definitely not good. Sure, there were some scenes that made you think, "oh, come on, how could they have not known he wasn't a baby? how could they have not realized that?" and it does make you roll your eyes but it was still funny to see this "little man" get his diamond back. Some of the sexual innuendo did go a little too far at times and we could've done without that but I thought it was still pretty funny. One of the funniest scenes that come to mind was when David Alan Grier was singing to Vanessa and Darryl in the restaurant when Vanessa was trying to tell Darryl that she got the promotion. That scene generated the most laughs. Anyway Little Man isn't one of the greatest films ever made but I think any fan of the Wayans Brothers will like this one. It's definitely not for the easily offended. I enjoyed it though. Thank you for reading my review!
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I, Robot (2004)
Exciting and Very Entertaining
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I, Robot from 2004 is a very exciting science fiction film. I was never bored at any moment. I love Will Smith anyway and he was perfect for this role. His humor and demeanor is just what this film needed. The plot is pretty simple. It involves the death of the President of the Robot community. Everyone says it was a suicide but detective Del Spooner, played by Smith, suspects it was murder, especially after he finds a robot hiding at the crime scene. Further into Spooner's investigation he finds that the robots have been programmed to disobey the three laws of robots and turn on their human captains. This movie was very entertaining. Even if you get bored with the plot the stunning visual effects will keep you interested. The climax, involving the robots turning on and killing each other was pretty much the most entertaining part of the film. And it involves Del Spooner and Susan Calvin, played by Bridget Moynahan, shooting at the robots. The CGI robots are a blast to watch and look at. The more you watch this film the more you forget that they're actually robots. They're so much like humans. Also, during the climax, Spooner and Calvin must fight off these robots, all the while trying to apply a tube of nanites to V.I.K.I (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence), the "mother" of these robots who gave them life. The nanites must be injected into V.I.K.I to kill her because she has programmed them to turn on themselves and their human companions. So that was highly entertaining to watch also. I, Robot isn't one of the greatest movies ever made but it definitely has some of the best visual effects I have ever seen. Any fan of science fiction, robots, or Will Smith will enjoy this. I didn't think I would but it came on F/X today and there was nothing else on so I watched it and really enjoyed it! And I'm glad I did. Thanks for reading my review!
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Stay Alive (2006)
A little boring, but manages to conjure up a few scary moments
23 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had no interest in seeing this film, as I am not a fan of horror films or films based on video games. But my sister was begging me to watch it with her so I did. "Stay Alive" from 2006 is about these students who play a mysterious video game called Stay Alive that isn't even on the market yet. One of their friends was killed while playing it so they decide to play it to investigate. At first it seems a little creepy. You have to defeat the villain of the game, a lady known as the Blood Countess. And if you don't defeat her and she kills you and the words "Game Over" come up on your screen, then you really die. Or if you pause the game, like one student did, she comes to kill you anyway. So now the students must keep playing the game and actually become part of the game to defeat Blood Countess. I did think that this was an interesting plot and it was conceived well. The acting was mediocre. I think the only character that got on my nerves was Frankie Muniz. Stick to Malcolm in the Middle, Frankie! The killings were a little gruesome but they weren't gory. I can think of only two really gory parts that were cringe-worthy. A girl is hanging upside down and she gets her throat cut and you see a waterfall of blood splash over her face. And then a guy gets his jaw pulled apart, but you don't see that on screen. He's sitting inside his truck and all you see is the windshield and the side windows get sprayed with blood. A guy gets run over by a horse and carriage and you see his body being trampled but there's very little blood covering his face. Nothing graphic. Actually, the killings in this film are the most interesting and entertaining parts of the film. Other than that it's quite boring. In between that it's basically about the students who are still alive doing research on the Blood Countess and talking to people who are affiliated with the game. All those parts are boring. If you're a die hard gore fan, you will be disappointed by this film. But if you're a fan of movies based on video games, then you will like this film. Other than that I wouldn't recommend it. I don't hate this film and I don't hate my sister for making me watch it. I just think it could've been a little more entertaining. But all in all Stay Alive is a fairly decent film. Thanks for reading my review!
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Titanic (1997)
A Guilty Pleasure! How can you not love this film?
23 March 2007
Titanic from 1997 is a wonderful movie. It really is. For me it's such a guilty pleasure because even though it's good, it is definitely clichéd and the love story in it is so ridiculous. But how can you not love this film? This movie has everything. Violence, nudity, sex, a love story, romance, disaster and special effects. The story line is pretty simple. It's about the Titanic, the "unsinkable", biggest ship in the world, at the time. On the morning of April 15, 1912, it hits an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sinks to the bottom of the ocean in less than three hours. Over 1,000 of the 2,000 passengers on board are killed. Pretty simple, right? Well, to add to the drama, there's a love story involved. Rose DeWitt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet, is a wealthy young heir who is engaged to the handsome and rich but arrogant and controlling Cal Hockley, played by Billy Zane. One night she decides to try and commit suicide by jumping off the boat. A poor loner named Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, sees what she's about to do and coerces her into aborting her decision. As she's climbing back over the railing, she slips and nearly falls into the icy ocean. Jack grabs her arm and pulls her to safety. But two of the ship's crewmen hear her screaming and come to her aid. They see Jack on top of Rose and think he has done something awful to her. He is about to be punished until Rose convinces Cal, her fiancé, that Jack was only saving her after she slipped while looking at the propellers. And from then on Jack is infatuated with Rose. She has stolen his heart. Even though Jack has no money and no ambitions, Rose can't help but fall equally in love with him. He is sweet and charming. After a sweaty fling in a car at the bottom of the ship, the couple go up on deck and embrace. It is then that they see the iceberg and the ship hits it.

The first hour of the film focuses on the budding romance between Jack and Rose. It is somewhat entertaining but for me the real entertaining part of the film was the second half, which focuses on how the ship sank after hitting the iceberg. There are plenty of breathtaking special effects. And of course you have to have a clichéd, out of place scene mixed in with it, including Rose's fiancé Cal shooting a round of bullets at Jack and Rose after seeing the two kiss and hug. But then again it's kind of exciting to watch these scenes because they make you think, oh my god, these events are happening while the ship is sinking! This movie was very sappy at times, but it is still a great film to watch. This movie will make you cry, laugh, and keep you on the edge of your seat all at once. There are moments where you will get bored with the love story but it's worth sitting through to see the carnage of the ship sinking. I'm glad this film was a hit. It is definitely one of the greatest films ever made and it's so hard not to love it!! All the actors did fine jobs. I'm glad I have this movie in my collection. Thanks for reading my review! :) :) :)
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I love this movie!! And I don't even like horror films!
23 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight from 1995 is an awesome movie. I bought it because I'm a Billy Zane fan and had heard and read so many reviews about his performance in this film. And boy, where they right! I'm not even a fan of horror films, but this one is so cheesy and campy and silly and fun! And I"m not a fan of gore either, but surprisingly I was able to handle the gore. I guess because most of it was green goo! Billy Zane plays The Collector, a demon who is in forever pursuit of Brayker (William Sadler), because Brayker has a key that The Collector desperately wants to get ahold of. But Brayker won't give The Collector the key because then that would be the end of all man kind and The Collector and his horde of demons would rule the world. So The Collector chases Brayker to a run down hotel in a remote town and when Brayker refuses to give up the key The Collector summons his horde of demons to wreak havoc on the hotel's residents. So now Brayker has to get rid of all the demons and the residents must try and escape the seductively evil Collector's enticing offers to possess their souls and turn them into demons. And the only way to keep the demons from entering the hotel is to seal the doors and windows with the ancient blood that the key is filled with. This movie was so entertaining. I'm a fan of the TV series "Tales From the Crypt", but this film version is so much better. I think most of the film's success has to do with the amazing performance from Billy Zane. He was so perfect as The Collector. He was deliciously creepy, sexy, funny, and scary all at once. At one moment you're falling in love with his intense stare and friendly smile, and then the next moment you're frightened of him by seeing the horrible things he does to the residents to get his key. Billy was perfectly cast and there is no other actor that comes to mind who would play The Collector better. William Sadler was equally as good as Brayker. You felt so much sympathy for him and his character was likable. Jada Pinkett was also outstanding in one of her early roles. She was funny and cute and likable too. She was a great heroine. The rest of cast, including Thomas Haden Church, CCH Pounder, Dick Miller and Brenda Bakke all did fine jobs as well. I don't' think there was any performance I didn't like. I love Demon Knight because it's a horror film that is scary, funny, sexy, and creepy all at once. There are so many funny scenes and funny memorable quotes in this film. There are hardly any boring moments in the film. Although I will admit that only the scenes that involve the Collector are the most entertaining ones. The Collector is one of those characters that you love to hate because he's so evil!! Demon Knight isn't one of the greatest movies ever made but it's certainly fun and classic and fans of horror shouldn't be disappointed. I'm sure glad I bought it!! Thanks for reading my review! :) :) :)
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Stupid? Yes. Funny? HELL YES!!
13 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dude, Where's My Car? from 2000 is one of my very favorite movies. I love stupid movies like this anyway, OK, SOME of them, and this one was/is an absolute treat. I love Seann William Scott and Ashton Kutcher and of course it's icing on the cake having those two in this film. This film is stupid, yes. But so funny!! This is one of the funniest stupid movies ever. I love it!! The plot basically focuses on two potheads, Jesse and Chester, played by Kutcher and Scott, who wake up one morning with no memory of the previous night's events. They're unable to find Jesse's car and basically go on a quest to find it. Which involves their twin girlfriends's trashed house, expensive gifts they don't' remember buying, such as cell phones, a car, and jumpsuits, a suitcase full of money that belongs to a transvestite stripper, and the need to find a device called the "continum transfunctioner". Sounds ridiculous? Of course it does!! All stupid movies like this have ridiculous plots. But I think that's what makes it so entertaining. The jokes don't fall flat in this film and some of the events that the guys are involved in are so funny that it'll bring tears to your eyes. Seann William Scott and Ashton Kutcher were perfect for this film. They're comedic abilities were right on cue. Of course this movie won't go down in history as one of the greatest films ever made but it certainly is one of the funniest pieces of mindless entertainment. I love this film dearly and it makes me laugh every time. This movie isn't for everyone and those who aren't fans of stupid movies like this shouldn't watch it. You'll definitely have something negative to say about it if you're not a fan. But I love Dude, Where's My Car? and I'm glad I have it in my collection. This film is so funny!! Thank you for reading my review!
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