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A different direction
5 May 2014
I remember seeing the first Nightmare On Elm Street on VHS in my teenage years. And to this day its one of my favorite top 10 horror films of all time. The whole idea of a dream demon invading the teenagers dreams on Elm Street in Springwood was so interesting and a whole new concept from the over done killer wearing a mask killing people. When we got introduced to Freddy Krueger played by Robert England we saw a character that came onto his own and didn't copy something else that had been done to death. I loved everything about the first film and then when I got done watching it I watched part 2 with the same excitement and wondered if it could pass the first film in suspense and horror. I can say this film didn't come close to the first film in terms of horror. I will admit its not the worst in the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise but it isn't close to the best. I just didn't think the whole story of Freddy trying to get back into the real world was logical. The whole point of Freddy being a dream demon is because hes about killing teenagers of the adults of Springwood who had hunted him down and killed him when he was a human. He was about getting revenge and tormenting the kids because the adults cant protect their kids in their dreams. Freddy trying to get back into the real world just goes against his whole revenge where the adults cant protect their kids approach. I also felt the characters were just coming off as too macho and tough at times. I felt like they didn't come off as teenage kids with normal teenage lives. Another approach was the character of Lisa. Normally a female is always the one who stops Freddy and is exstablished throughout the film. But she really didn't get much screen time in this as Jessie did and she really didn't start fighting Freddy until the final maybe 30 minutes of the film. To me this film was average. Again its not the worst but not the best. I still think the worst film in the Nightmare On Elm Street film was Freddys Dead the Final Nightmare. If you want to pass the time then go for it and watch the film. But don't expect the film to be as good as part 1.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
One of the best shows ever
6 December 2013
I remember a decade ago being a total X Files fan. I loved the drama and episodes that fallowed the paranormal. And I thought when the show ended that I wouldn't see another show come along that was a lot like the X Files. Until Supernatural came along Now I hadn't seen the show when it came out in 2005. But I did know one of the actors Jenson Ackles from My Bloody Valentine 3D. And I looked online and decided to read the reviews of the show and they were all positive. So I decided to check it out.

And now that I've seen the first 7 seasons of the show I can say this show lives up to its label as a drama suspenseful show. And I had read that the show was inspired by the X Files and the Twighlight Zone. Taking nothing away from those shows because had they not existed, Supernatural likely wouldn't exist. But I think Supernatural has surpassed those 2 shows in every way.

I liked the backstory about Sam and Dean trying to find their father who went missing and avenging their mother and Sam's girlfriend who was killed by the same demon. And I liked the side episodes when they weren't hunting the yellow eyed demon, they would hunt other spirits, vampires,shapeshifters. It showed that their was other evil things out there besides the yellow eyed demon.

But another good thing about this show is it makes you feel like this is a horror show with the acting and story telling.

I recommend this show for anyone who hasn't seen it. You wont be disappointed. I actually wasted no time on Cyber Monday buying them for 10 dollars a season.
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The movie that started it all
5 December 2013
I remember when I was 14 and getting into horror films I had heard Friday the 13th was considered a popular film with horror fans. I decided to see the movie and see for myself. I had already got into the Halloween films and decided to give the film a try. Friday the 13th for its time from the horror era was original and proved it was more then a horror film. The actimg while not perfect was better then a lot of B rated horror films from the remake era we get today. I liked how they shielded the killer's identity until the end of the film. Who was the killer. Was it one of the counslers? That was the main question during the film. In a way it was logical to believe that one of them was the possible killer. But instead it was Pamala Voorhess who we knew nothing about. But we soon learned her reasons for becoming a killer. Betsy Palmer played the character perfectly. She had a real cool calm approach and when you saw her you thought, there is no way she could be a convincing killer. But she proved people wrong. And add on the whole being Jason Voorhess with the whole, KILLER MOMMY,KILLER thing was just creepy. But I also liked the dark feel this movie had. And the creepy music which went well with the film. Overall I liked this film. And it did go onto become a cult classic amongst horror fans and that's no surprise. But it also spawned several films that fallowed. Sadly just like the Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street series, the Friday the 13th films started to go downhill. They went onto span several more films. I recommend this to any fan today stuck in the remake era of films who hasn't seen this film and wants to see what original horror is all about.
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The Showdown we all waited for but got mixed feelings when we watched
5 December 2013
I remember hearing about this possible showdown between Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhess in horror magazines. Then I remembered when Freddy briefly appeared at the end of Jason Goes to Hell with his hand ripping through the ground and grabbing Jason's mask and pulling it under. And it had fans excited because we knew it was coming. But what fallowed was years of script problems and planning and very slowly the interest started to die down. Then in 2003 it was finally going to happen. It finally hit theaters and I went and saw it From the beginning I had my doubts this would even be a good movie. I had heard of a unknown director making the movie named Ronny Yu. I had no idea who he was or seen any other film he directed. I was let down that no one from the Nightmare or Friday films was directing it. And add on Kane Hodder wasn't allowed to play Jason because the director needed someone taller to play Jason which I felt was silly considering Hodder is considered to be the best actor to play Jason to this very day. But I still wanted to see the film and went through with it.

I will admit the storyline was better then I had hoped. How the teenagers of Springwood are being given a drug to help eliminate the fear and erasing Freddy Krueger from their minds as if he never existed. It was a nice way to explain what happened to Freddy Krueger and how he wasn't around anymore and the whole needing fear to do what he does. So he brings in Jason Voorhess who was in hell since the Final Friday. But Jason soon becomes so out of control that it becomes harder for Freddy to kill when he is at full power so the showdown between them soon comes along.

But while this film did have a decent story I couldn't help but feel slightly let down that they didn't bring back past survivors from both Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th films. It would make sense considering the backrounds of Freddy and Jason and it would have been a perfect fit to have someone from both films come back to help out. But we didn't get anyone. And I felt that while the fight scenes were decent and the effects were better then I could have hoped, I was let down that this felt more like a Freddy film then a joint film. I mean we hadn't seen Freddy since the New Nightmare film in 1994. But another thing is Jason was seen more of a victim then a killer in this film. Almost like you felt sorry for Jason instead of fearing him. To me it just didn't do it for me. He didn't come off as someone who was a killer but someone who you feel for and that was just kinda of wrong

I will admit the film did slightly better in terms of story and acting was pretty average. But that's really all I can say about this film. I've heard rumors of a sequel but I don't think I would care to see it. This is one movie that should have been a one time deal with no sequels. After all too many sequels can be a bad thing. Why do you think the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th films started out good but went bad over time. But knowing movie companies today with wanting to make money we will get another film.
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Halloween (2007)
The Remake Era
20 November 2013
I remember when I was 14 years old. I was in high school and a friend talked me into horror films and I remember hearing a lot about the original 1978 Halloween film. I had heard it was one of the best horror films ever made. And when I did see it I became a fan of the films and I understood why the film was one of the best horror films ever made. Still is. It was dark, creepy, good story telling, good acting but it also proved it could be more then just a slasher film about a killer killing people in a town on Halloween. And it wasn't surprising that Halloween inspired film makers to try and do something as good as or even be better then Halloween throughout the 80s-90's era of horror films. Years passed and after several Halloween films we entered in the era of remakes. I had already seen some good and some bad remakes in my run as a fan of horror. Some remakes were on par with the original while some actually surpassed the original film. I thought My Bloody Valentine 3D surpassed its 1981 original film. I thought the remake of Night of the Living Dead in 1990 was on part with the 1968 original film. But when I had heard they were doing a remake of Halloween I became a little curious and worried at the same time. The questions began to pop into my head. How would it do, would it live up to the original. In time I would find out I remember seeing this film for the first time and I just felt that this film tried to do something different from the original but instead made more mistakes then it intended. The biggest mistake was the beginning of the film when we were introduced to Michael Myers. And how we got to know more about his childhood and how he came to be a killer. I have always known and felt that during a horror film you cant ever explain too much about what you want to be scary. This was the mistake Rob Zombie made In the 1978 film we knew Michael Myers killed his sister. But while we wanted to know more about Michael part of us didn't. That's what made the original Michael Myers more then just a killer wearing a mask. Michael was a evil presence that made you want to know more about him but you didn't want to. The whole backstory into Michaels childhood was explained way too much where when he did become a adult and return to his hometown he was just a guy wearing a mask. He didn't have that dark evil feel to being Michael Myers. By explaining too much into the fear Rob Zombie eliminated the whole purpose of a Halloween film. That was to be scared. And while the film started out different with the whole backstory into Michael Myers when the time did come to the main story it was really just a film trying to copy the original. The kills might have been different but overall it was basically the same film. I don't hate the acting performances in this movie. I understand the actors could have done just as good if anyone directed the film. I will say its not the worst Halloween. But this film couldn't live up to being as close as the original
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Finally a remake that is worth seeing
30 October 2013
As a long time horror fan I to have always felt that some horror films should never have remakes considering that remakes intend to not live up to the original film. Remakes end up either copying way too much or make changes to the story that just end up not being worth the watch. But when I did see My Bloody Valentine 3D I decided to give the film a watch. Considering that when I saw the DVD in stores I suddenly remembered the long forgotten 1981 original. I will say story wise this film managed to be refreshing. Rather then go down the same tired routine as remakes do of copying origoal films, this film actually managed to interest me with something new. While the characters were the same in a sense, the writers managed to put them in different situations. And I liked how when the backstory was explained that years later of what became of the town. In the original the town always seemed to be happy and cheery even during the knowledge of a Valentines Day killer on the lose or when they know of the killers intentions on Valentines Day or what that kiler did 10 years prior, they were all too happy over Valentines Day and that just annoyed me. In this remake the town is still effected by the terrible events of 10 years prior and I found that to be more interesting. But I also liked how they switched the fates around of Tom Hanniger and Axel Palmer. I wont ruin who the killer is in the film if you haven't seen it but your going to be in for something different when the mystery and killer are revealed. Overall the film is darker and more serious in terms of the original. But to be fair the original was from a different time era of horror films. Now today everything is constantly remade and not original anymore. But this remake I feel surpassed the original 1981 film. Because it tried to be more serious and original and not just do the same tired copying original films and doing the same routine stuff that's been done to death. You don't see remakes doing this at all.
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Batman: Arkham City (2011 Video Game)
The Sequel to Arkham Asylum
30 October 2013
In 2009 us Batman fans had the joy of being given the real Batman game we always deserved in Batman Arkham Asylum. But when I heard the news of a sequel I had mixed emotions. I wasn't sure if another game could be on par or surpass the 2009 game. And who was going to voice Batman and the Joker again? Well in 2011 my doubts were once again gone. Batman Arkham City came out and I had to wait awhile to get the game because there were a lot of people inside the store. I got home and played the game. From the opening minutes of the game and the graphics were just amazing. Somehow Rocksteady that made the game made the game even better with more darker and more serious acting. And I loved the open world environment that made Arkham Asylum look small in terms of size. But once again Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprised the roles of Batman and the Joker. However as many fans knew this was the last time Mark Hamill played the Joker. So it was a great way for him to retire to role of the Joker and pass it on to someone else. But once again Kevin and Mark had great chemistry. I found the storyline to be excellent. While Hugo Strange was a top notch villain for the game I was more interested to see where it was going to go with the Joker. Since he was dying of his illness from the chemical he suffered from in Arkham Asylum And the game controls were the same as Arkham Asylum which was great. Considering I always found it annoying when a video game company changes the controls around for silly reasons. But I did have slightly small tiny complaints. While Arkham City was huge in size I found it really annoying having to back to the same place more then once. Example.

1. Having to back to the steel mill twice. 2. Going through the subway twice 3. Going to the courthouse twice.

I just thought that with Arkham City the size it was that a villain wouldn't be foolish to go back to a place after Batman finds them the first time. It just lost a certain freshness to it. But despite the small tiny complaint this game is better then Arkham Asylum. Rarelly does a sequel in a movie or video game series surpass the first one. But Arkham City does. I highly recommend this game if your a Batman fan. You wont be disappointed
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Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009 Video Game)
The Batman game we all wanted for years
30 October 2013
I remember when I came acrossed this game in 2009 and had no idea of its existence. In that time period I wasn't exactly crazy about Batman video games only because a lot of the older games were so bad that I just didn't have the thrill anymore as a fan of Batman to buy it or play it. I mean we had some really bad games for past video game consoles that were just really bad. Like Batman Forever for SNES. But then I read the reviews on Arkham Asylum and saw video and screen shots of the game. So I decided to give the game a try. But also to help get my interest back I remember hearing about Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprising the roles of Batman and the Joker from the best Batman cartoon ever Batman the Antimated Series from years back. So I bought the game and I gotta tell you. All my doubts were erased. The game finally gave us Batman fans the true Batman game we were never given from years back. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill are still top notch voicing Batman and the Joker some 20 years later. Its like they never lost a step or sound different in anyway. And they still have great chemistry together. But I also liked how they made the controls in the game. They don't make it too hard but they make just right. Not like Batman Forever for the SNES where you had to hit select and up button at the same time crap just to use you grapple gun. But the story is what got me hooked. Arkham Asylum is a bad place no one wants to be. It was dark and full of crazy lunatics you don't ever want as your friend. My only small tiny gripe with the game was that even though Batman did have a small batcave on Arkham island, you couldn't just do upgrades in it. You would think that if Batman did have a bat cave there he'd have it filled with weapons and stronger suits. Having to collect the riddlers riddles just to get all this was slightly annoying. But in closing this game makes up for the crappy Batman games we had from years back that we were never given. The acting, the story, the game play. Its about time we were given a game for being die hard fans of Batman. I highly recommend this game to anyone who hasn't played it. If you like Batman you are going to love this game. Go get it
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Batman: Arkham Origins (2013 Video Game)
A nice prequel in the series
29 October 2013
I remember hearing about this game coming out nearly a year ago. And right from the start I became excited because I've been a die hard Batman fan since I was 6 and the previous 2 Arkham games were amazing. But then I began to have mixed emotions as the months fallowed. I heard that Rocksteady games wasn't making the 3rd installment in the series and I was worried because some new video game would screw up the series where we get a game too kid friendly and PG like and too much like that crappy 1997 Batman and Robin film. And I had heard that the game wont fallow the previous 2 games and I was let down by this considering I thought that a instant sequel to Arkham City was needed since their were a lot of questions fallowing Arkham City and I thought a 3rd fallow up game was needed. And of course finding out that Kevin Conroy wasn't voicing Batman and that another actor was needed to voice a younger Batman had me very worried. So in overall the question was could a prequel game really live up to the previous 2 games?

Well I got the game yesterday and I can say it does have its pro's and cons.

The Pro's. The open world environment. Gotham City looked just amazing and dark which helped keep the feel of the previous 2 games intact. And the idea of 8 assasians coming to Gotham City to kill Batman for 50 million dollars was very interesting. And it was nice to see the Black Mask getting more time in the game. And some of the villains in the game I never expected to see ever were in it. I also liked how it was the same control system as the previous 2 games because I had this belief the new video game company would change everything around to make it harder. The Con's. The off by a couple of second glitches. Every time I get into the batwing the game slightly freezes up. This was too familiar with Arkham City. When Arkham City came out I remember how that game had lots of bugs. Mainly the whole box popping up and the damaged download content crap that caused peoples game systems to constantly reset. I also found it slightly strange that Batman has the same weapons he did in Arkham City. If Origons takes place years before the previous 2 games shouldn't Batman not had had the same weapons he had in Arkham City. And if he did have these weapons the whole time shouldn't he had them when Arkham Asylum and Arkham City came along?

The verdict.

I will admit when this game was coming out and after hearing info on it I almost didn't get the game. I had worries from the start that this game wouldn't be as good and this game would likely end the series with a whimper. But I will admit it surpassed my expectations. Roger Craig Smith did a great job voicing a younger Batman. As did Troy Baker with voicing the younger Joker. And I was delighted they kept the dark atmosphere of the other 2 games intact. You cant have Batman be in a non dark feel. It just wouldn't be the same. So Warner Brothers Montreal. You did a great job. I rate the game as a 9. I recommend the game to anyone who hasn't played it.
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WWE Royal Rumble (2006 TV Special)
Not bad but not too good
22 March 2006
Royal Rumble 2006 will go down as a 50-50 pay per view. it had some good matches and bad matches.

1. Kid Kash vs Funaki vs Paul London vs Nunzio vs Jamie Noble vs Gregary Helms. Awesome match. It was kind of slow at first and it was shocking to see a Helms in a Smackdown match when he was on Raw. The match started getting good maybe 5 minutes into it. All 6 of these men continue to amaze fans with there fast and furious moves. The ending was a little disappointing. 5/10 2. JBL vs The Boogyman. Not a good match. Lets face it. I have said it once I will say it again. Just because you look like a great heel or a great face by image dosn't make you a great wrestler. Image is not everything. And these 2 men proved it. JBL did his usual punching and kicking and 1 move then back to punching and kicking. And the boogyman proved why he still has a long way to go. Why they put him in the match with a higher card wrestler is beyond me. Of course it was nice to see Gillan Hall who always looks great now that the mold came of her face. But this match was the worst on the card.2/10 3. Mickie James vs Ashley. Trish Stratus was the guest referee. This match was pointless. It made no sense as to why the womans title wasn't defended and why Trish wasn't wrestling on the card. Mickie James proved she is a great wrestler. A little better and more improved then Ashley who seemed really lost in this match. If you look real carefully you could see Trish mumbling instructions in this match to Ashley who was clearly not ready for a big match.3/10. 4. The Royal Rumble Match. Better then last years. Some new wrestlers were in it and some old ones that you never thought you would see again like Tatanka and Goldust. The ending was surprising and it was a little sad knowing that Rey Mysterio finally gets put into the main event picture because Eddie Guerrero passed away. But this Rumble match was OK. Of course we could have done without the Sprit Sqaud who interrupted the match before it started. 5. Edge vs John Cena. Not a bad match. Edge does his best to carry Cena through this match who amazingly did more then 1 move this time instead of his usual punching and kicking and doing his FU. Edge got great heat from the crowd. I was disappointed that Edge lost the title to Cena. Edge is clearly the better wrestler then Cena and why he didn't get to keep the title longer is beyond me. 7/10. 6. Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry. This match was OK. Kurt Angle did his best to carry the much heavier and slower Mark Henry who seemed tired out after 5 minutes. Mark Henry might be a great heel but this match was slow and kind of boring and surprisingly short. 5/10
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WWF Over the Edge (1999 TV Special)
The night wrestling changed
19 November 2005
Ever since I was eight years old I have been a big wrestling fan. It didn't matter what federation I watched. WWE,WCW,USWA. To me the action is all I watched it for.

May 23rd 1999. That was my 19 birthday. I ordered Over the Edge and I was just expecting another pay per view. But this time. I was wrong. Instead that was the night one of the best wrestlers to come out of Canada a true human being fell to his death due to a stunt gone wrong. Not much you can do to change the situation. But what happened affter Owens death made me very mad.

Rather then ending the pay per view and doing the right thing as human beings the WWE decided to protect what comes first and that was the money by keeping the pay per view going as if Owens death never happened.

I gotta tell you. Vince Mchmaon has made some stupid decisions in his life but this was by far the stupidest decision he ever made.

And this crap with saying Owen would have wanted the pay pew view to keep going. Give me a break. When someone dies on a pay pew view its comon sense to stop it. Thats like a police officer shooting a robber or a mugger with a run and then just leaving the man to die so he can go home and call it a day as if the mans life never mattered.

But no matter what happens. Owen will be missed and thanks for the memories for all the times you gave us.
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Friends (1994–2004)
A show to remember
2 November 2005
I was only 14 years old when this show came out. it took some time for me to really get into it. I didn't care much for the first season but as the show went on from Season 2 to season 10 I really got into it. If I had to pick one character I liked the most was Chander Bing. His sarcastic/witty attitude just makes me laugh. Of course there was some really touching and sad moments on the show. Like the one where Ross and Rachel go on a break or when Joey tells Rachel that he likes her or when Monica and Chander find out they might not be able to have a baby. Another thing besides the stories that make this show worth watching is the amazing chemistry between the cast members. Jenifer Aniston,Courtney Cox,Lisa Kudrow,Matt Leblanc,Mathew Perry and David Swhimmer all had chemistry despite on the set problems between David and Jen from season 9 and 10. But over all if your ever having a bad day and you want to come home and watch TV this is the show to watch. 10/10
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The worst in the series before the remakes.
18 October 2005
I remember when this movie came out a lot of people including me were excited but wondered how it could even be possible. Considering the events of H20 with Michael Myers getting killed due to decapitation. I thought this would be very confusing and would need to be explained. I was glad that the Laurie Strode character was braught back and they explained the whole story that it wasn't Michael Myers but a paramedic that Michael switched places with. And Laurie Strode was put into a insane asylum. But then when she was killed off too easily by Michael Myers in the beginning of the film no sooner did the film go downhill.

The opening story goes like this. Some teenage kids are picked in some contest to spend the night in the Myers house where Michael Myers once lived. It was some goofball reality show decided to hosts the contest and pick teenagers to go into the house. Needless to say this was a early silly plot. While the Myers house did look slightly dark and would fit almost with Michael Myers being a killer, I just couldn't see the logic of this story. This film has way too many downsides to it.

1. Weak plot. I never could understand why Michael Myers killing Laurie Strode was at the start of the film. In H20 Michael had to break into someones home and find the info on where she was located and living. In this film he just shows up at the hospital where she was. No explanation as to how he did this. And Laurie Strode got killed way too easily. I think she should had been more active in the film considering she was traced back to the very first film. And to kill her off that easily and that quick just didn't do it for me. And while the back story to Michaels survival was interested and it did show Michael wasn't just a killer in a mask but very smart and cunning, why didn't the guy who he switched places with just take off the Michael Myers mask and reveal himself to Laurie before she killed him? Yeah he couldn't talk but he still could remove his mask. Couldn't he? 2. I never saw the logic how Haddonfield would let some reality show let kids into a killers house like that. And there were no police officers there to keep things safe. I thought with a well known killers past, their would have been tons of police outside the Myers house. And did you notice house the house was so easily axcessable? People could just walk into the house. 3. I didn't like Michael Myers in this film. He didn't have the dark creepy presence he did in previous films. He was just a guy in a mask. That's it. It didn't have the same feel. 4. Busta Rhymes. Up until this film I didn't even know who the hell this guy was. But I found his character really annoying. The whole using kung fu on Michael was so stupid and pointless and made Michael look very stupid. This was a attempt by the film maker to add comedy to Michael Myers. In other words it made fun of him. This is a rule you never break in a series because it makes the killer look very weak and foolish. This is why Paramount Pictures said to the director of Friday the 13th part 6 Jason Lives. The director was told do not make fun of Jason by putting him into situations of comedy and corniness. And that's what the director of Halloween Resurrection did with Michael. 5. And during the scenes where people were watching the whole thing in the Myers house go down and people getting killed why didn't anyone try to call the police? Or how no one in the neighborhood even heard what was going on.

This movie just didn't do it for me. I thought with Jammie Lee Curtis in the film it would be more exciting and have a Halloween feel to it. But to kill her off and mislead the fans was just insulting. This movie didn't have the Halloween feel to it. They could have done a better job with this film but failed. I don't know if this film is worse then the Rob Zombie remakes but overall it wasn't a good film. Pass on it
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Bloodsport III (1996 Video)
Not as good as the 2nd Bloodsport
10 September 2005
When I first saw bloodsport 2 I was so impressed. Bloodsport 2 had everything. Lots of fighters,a ruthless villain{Demon} and the character of Alex Cardo was cool. The story was good. A man sent to prison and makes friends with a man who becomes a mentor to him. And the man teaches him the Iron hand and Alex in return fights in the Kumite to win his friends freedom and to honor him for making Alex a changed man.

Then we come to Bloodsport 3. I was expecting another good movie. Instead I was let down. Don't get me wrong. The only good part about this movie is the fight scenes. Thats it.

This movie didn't have many fight scenes. Or for that matter many fighters. And the main villain/fighter the beast,is no where as awesome and ruthless as the Demon from the second film. He seemed slow and tired at times and it looked liked they had to stop the fights just so the guy could regain his breath.

Not to mention the storyline. What was the point of Alex having to go re learn martial arts if he already knew how to fight. All he would have to have done is use the iron hand on the beast and win the damn thing.

And the fighters in this movie wern't as good. They seemed skinny as hell and arrogant.

This movie shouldn't have been made. Or it needed another storyline. A better storyline. Stick with the first 2 films. Don't waste your time on this movie. It will disappoint you start to finish.
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WWE the Great American Bash (2005 TV Special)
Better then last years
25 July 2005
This is the second Great American Bash that the Smackdown brand has held. Now upon ordering this pay per view I was kind of worried that I would get a repeat of last years Great American Bash. Last years was one of the worst pay per views. But I was wrong. This years gave us more then what last years did.

Match 1. Animal and Hedenrech vs MNM. OK match. It was nice to see Animal back in the WWE affter Hawk died months ago. This was a OK match. Hedenrech needs to work on his matt skills a little better but he keeps improving with every pay per view that goes by. MNM is a great young team. But as of late they seemed to be the only team out there. The WWE needs to expand the tag team divisions on both Raw and Smackdown. Match 2.Christan vs Booker T. This was Christans first Smackdown pay per view since jumping from Raw to Smackdown. Pretty good match. A lot of Booker T sucks chants during the match since Christan seemed to be the favorite to win this match even though Christan was the heel and Booker was the face. Booker T needs to learn some new moves. Match 3. Chris Beniot vs Orlando Jordan for the US title. This was a good match. Beniot proved why he can go into a match and carry anyone over. Orlando Jordan isn't the best wrestler around and its funny at times listing to Tazz accidentally call Orlando Jordan, Shelton Benjamen from Raw. Big difference Tazz. Non the less this match did deliver some good wrestling action. Good moves. This was Chris Beniots first match upon coming back to Smackdown from Raw. Match 4. Undertaker vs Mohmaed Hussan. This feud got a lot of heat from the boys at the UPN network. Hassen did a angle with masked men pretending to be terrorist on the same day of the London terrorist attacks. And this ended up being Hassens first and only match on a Smackdown pay per view. This match was really violent at the end and it could have been a bit better had there been more build up. Match 5. BWO vs the Mexicools. This was a 6 man tag team match. Didn;t pay attention to it that much since the days of wrestling groups seemed to be over. Match 6. Torrie Wilson vs Malenia. This was a brawl and panties match. OK match. It would be nice if Smackdown would create a womens title and make Torrie Wilson and others show more wrestling holds in the ring instead of the getting tired Braw and Panties match. Match 7. Batista va JBL for the World Title. This match had a lot of hype. This was Batistas first Smackdown pay per view since coming to Smackdown. Finally Smackdown got a real champion and not the paper champion they had with John Cena. This match started out good but it got boring really quickly because it was just punching and kicking. And the match had a bad ending. It wouldn't hurt JBL to learn some new moves.

Overall this pay per view wasn't perfect. But it was a step up from last years.
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Halloween (1978)
The horror film that started it all
2 July 2005
Halloween is the horror movie that started it all. A killer killing teenagers which seems to be copied quit a lot these days. The only other movie that compares to Halloween is Friday the 13th. But overall Michael Myers is one strange killer. I guess this movie was so good because it had this dark feeling about it.Each shot was dark and that mysterious music which made it even better. Jamie Lee Curtis did a fine job as the quite but vuneralbe Laurie Strote. But Donald Plesance stold the show as Dr Loomis. A man obsessed with Michael Myers.

Whenever Halloween comes around and this movie comes on I would recommend seeing this movie. Its a classic
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
A good TV show that always kept ya relating to your probloms
30 June 2005
Rosanne will go down as one of those shows that focused the everyday lives of what every American would go throw from time to time. Such as raising kids,trying to get by when it comes to money.

You've got Roseanne Connor who plays a at times loud mouth,sarcastic,tough mom who can drive anyone nuts,she picks on her older sister Jackie,she takes cheep shots at her husband Dan,and when it comes to her 3 kids. Well its safe to say her only son DJ was her favorite.

Dan Connor was the husband who always worked hard but always had a sarcastic side to him just like Roseanne. But at times Dan would show he can be a bit scary when he gets mad or when he gets into fights with someone. Just ask Fisher.

Becky Connor was the stuck up and some times pushy older sister who was always at the center of insults and jokes from her younger sister Darleene. She would go onto fall in love with,run away with,and get married to the famly enemy turned famly nice guy Mark.

Darlenne Connor was the real sarcastic one who didn't smile much and just kind of kept to herself but always had a joke or insult for her older sister Becky or younger brother DJ. And at times she wasn't afraid to get sarcastic with her mom and dad.

DJ is the youngest son. Quiet at times and some times up to no good. Is always ready to step up and rat out his 2 sisters to Roseanne.

This show was really good and funny until the final season when John Goodman left the show for awhile to do other movies and TV show appearances but he did come back half way through the season. But non the less the show will go down as a classic. You can still catch the reruns on nick at night. 10/10
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The X Files: Resist or Serve (2004 Video Game)
They finally got it right
27 June 2005
When I heard that they were making another X file game I got a little worried because the last game bombed. So after waiting and waiting and then the day came to go and get that game,I brought it home and played it and I was just surprised and greatly pleased with all the new improvements. And the creepy music that makes the game really feel like your watching the TV show. Over all what makes this game really good is the dark graphics and real life voice overs of Mulder and Scully played by David Duchovny and Gillan Anderson. Other characters appear in the game like Alex Krycheck and CGB as well as the late lone Gunmen. If your a X file fan then you are gonna love this game. 9/10
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Skip this one
31 May 2005
I remember buying American Ninja 2/3 on the same DVD and I heard bad reviews about 3 so I looked at the box and decided for a second. Do I dare attempt to see this bad movie. So as time went on I finally decided to see it. And I gotta tell. I was let down. I saw the first 2 films and compared to this one, 1 and 2 blow this movie out of the water.

David Bradley looked really lost during this movie. Steven James did OK as Curtis Jackson but if you look very carfully he looked really reluctant to be in this movie and he looked very pale at times from his cancer. And what can you say about the ninjas. Geez. These guys have gotta be the stupid ninjas around. The ninjas in the first 2 films put up more of a fight. For example. In the scene where Bradley is watching the female fight the ninjas from the top of the building. And these guys just walked right into it. The women just lightly swung the sords and these guys went flying. I mean come on.

And finally. I didn't like seeing a American movie with Michael Dudikoff. This guy was awesome in the first 2 films but he wss smart to turn down this movie. The Joe Armstrong character is more tougher and believable then Sean Davidson character played by Bradley.

Skip this movie.
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WWE Royal Rumble (2005 TV Special)
Not the best Rumble ending but pretty good
29 May 2005
This Royal Rumble basically had the message of wrestling these days. Gimmick and image are more popular then wrestling ability.

HBK vs Edge. Pretty good match. A lot of heat for Edge who was just starting out as a heel again and what better way to go into a match with HBK. It kind of got a little slower at the end then usual. Overall this match gets a 6/10. Undertaker vs Hedinreich. Not a good match. Undertaker had to carry Hedinreich through this match who seemed to be really lost and screwed up his moves. It did get interesting to see Raws Gene Snitsky and a bit later Kane come into this match. Overall the fans seemed more interested when this match ended. 2/10 Kurt Angle vs JBL vs Big Show. This match was slow at first but got pretty good at the end when Angle managed to speed up the match.Kurt Angle did some really good wrestling moves and proves he is the best wrestler out of the match. JBL and Big Show put on a slow match. The ending to this match was bad. Over all this match was a 5/10 mainlly because of Kurt Angle. Randy Orton vs HHH. Good match,surprising heat for Randy Orton who was the face in this match. Randy proved he can go the limit with any top star. This match also marked the first match HHH has wrestled where someone dosn't run down and save him from a loss. Over all this match was about a 6/10.

Royal Rumble match was OK. Some surprises. Some not so good surprises. I was kind of upset that Kurt Angle wasn't given enough time in this match. But over all this match had a guy who I never thought would be pushed so soon. I won't tell ya who wins. I give this match a 8/10
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The Cartoon that changed TV
29 May 2005
This was the cartoon that started it all. Batman the antimated series was the best cartoon show ever. It captured the way Batman should be. Quiet and mysterious and little is known about him. The first 2 seasons were good. But by the time the final episodes came around they kind of made Batman a little soft. Not as soft as he was in Batman Forever and Batman and Robin movies. But they made him talk more and more to the public and it just kind of got me a little annoyed.

But overall this show had many good episodes. Like Perchance to Dream,His Silicon Soul where Batman battles a robot of himself,and of course who could ever forget the famous if your so smart,why arn't you rich episode where we meet the Riddler for the first time.

On top of the episodes they made the show nice and dark and every time the title of the episode comes up they make it sound really mysterious and scary.

If you get a chance go pick up all 3 volumes for DVD
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A good movie
29 May 2005
Dawn of the dead will go down as one of the best horror movies ever. This movie unlike other horror movies had a feeling of weirdness to it. Thats what made it so good. The effects could have been better but what do you expect from a movie from a different time in which the horror movies didn't have the fancy effects you see today in horror movies. This movie is a bit different then the remake of 2004. This movie was more story and less violence. I kind of thought the main characters were a little corny at times and seemed like they wern't acting the right way during a certain situation.

I guess the best scene I liked was the truck scene where Roger and Peter are trying to block of the doors to the mall with trucks. And from there everything went wrong. I won't ruin it by telling ya what happened.

But if you get a chance I recommend picking this one up.
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Summerslam (2004 TV Special)
Pretty good pay per view
28 May 2005
Summerslam has always been a pretty good card. This one had a few weak matches but overall it was a pretty good pay per view.

1. Paul London,Billy Kidmen,Rey Mysterio vs the Dudley Boyz and Spike Dudley. This match was a classic example of speed vs Power. It started out pretty boring at first but then when the match began to speed up then it got better. London and Kidman are a overrated team. Mystero is still good to watch. The Dudleys need to add more speed to there matches. They appeared to have put on a few pounds in this match and that wasn't a good thing. Spike proved to be a pretty weak heel. Not the best match on the Summerslam card but not the worst. 4/10 2.Kane vs Matt Hardy. Well this match was kind of slow at first and the fans seemed not to care much that Kane dominated this match. This would be the last WWE pay per view for Matt Hardy following the whole Lita/Edge affair. Hardy put on a good match and Kane seemed to be enjoying being the heel and not the face. I won't tell ya whats gonna happen in the end. I give this match 7/10.

3. John Cena vs Booker T. Not a bad match. COuld have been worse. Booker T proved he was the better wrestler in this match but the fans for some reason think Cenas gimmick is what makes him a good wrestler. WRONG. Cena may be good on the mic but take that away people wouldn't cheer the guy. Cena barely came out of this match alive. Still not the best match but not the worse. 6/10.

4. Edge vs Y2J vs Batista. Pretty good match. A lot of heat for Edge from the fans. His hometown fans. Anyways Batista looked really slow in this match. It got good when Edge and Y2J got it on. Pretty good match. 5/10.

5. Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero. Awesome match. Angle and Guerrero show fans the way a wrestling match should be. Less punching and kicking,more holds and fast paced speed. Angle proved why he is the better wrestler in the WWE today. I give this match a 9/10.

6. HHH vs Eugenne. OK match. But it got boring fast and predictable. Anoother HHH victory after getting help from Ric Flair. HHH needs to try to win a match for once by himself.

7. Undertaker vs JBL. Not a good match at all. This was the slowest match of all and JBL proved why he can't wrestle. Undertaker had to carry JBL through this match who looked to have also put on more weight. This match got slower at the end and the outcome of this match proved why the WWE writers are getting desperate. this match will never be as good as matches like Kurt Angle vs Chris Beniot Brock Lesner vs Undertaker. 1/10 8. Randy Orton vs Chris Beniot. Pretty good match. Fast paced. There were a few missed spots and it started what was the shortest world title reign ever of Randy Orton. Still it was nice to see a clean match where are no wrestlers interfering. Chris Beniot proved why he was a great champion. 9/10.

Good pay per view. Not the best but not the worst
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WWE Great American Bash (2004 TV Special)
Man what a rip off
28 May 2005
I just went to Walmart of all places to get a wrestling DVD{not good choices guys} and they had the great American Bash on DVD so I thought what the heck it looks pretty good. So I bought it,got home and watched it and man did I feel ripped off. I had more trouble trying to stay interested in this then I did trying to actually watch it. They had like 2 good matches but the rest of the card had slow boring matches.

1. John Cena vs RVD vs Renne Dupree vs Booker T. The first match for Booker T and Renne Dupreee since the pointless draft of Smackdown and Raw of 2004. I guess it started out OK but the match got kind of stupid as it became more of a 1 on 1 match when just 2 of the 4 wrestlers would fight each other and there would be 2 more wrestlers outside the ring doing nothing. Its a fatal 4 way guys. That means all 4 wrestlers are supposed to fight in this. Anyways I'm no John Cena fan but I thought he really kept the crowd interested in this. So did Booker T. They have pretty good chemistry. I give this match a 2 out of 10.

2. Charlies Hass vs Luther Reigns. This was a terrible match. Charlie Hass how far you have fallen since your tag team days with Shelton Benjamen. Charlie Hass did have to carry Luther through this match who looked lost at times and didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. This match got really good when it ended.

3.Billy Gunn vs Kenso Susuki. Another bad match with missed spots. The match itself was so and it was hard to stay interested. You would think after 10 years of being in the WWE that they would push Billy Gunn better. But this had to be the worst match ever.

4. Rey Mystero vs Chavo Gurerrero. Good match,high movies,great fast paced action. Finally it was starting to get good. Rey and Chavo work great together and they managed to wake up the fans in this match. This is the way a wrestling match should be. Fast paced and more then just punching and kicking.

5. Hardcore Holly vs Mordeci. Not the best match. Hardcore Holly put the rookie over and the fact is the WWE much like the way they are using Billy Gunn,are doing the same thing to Hardcore Holly. Used to push wrestlers that can't wrestle.

6. Eddie Guerrero vs JBL. Man this was the match that start a pointless JBL push. The guy can't wrestle at all. All he does is punch and kick. Not a bad match but I feel sorry for the WWE having to let Eddie lose the title to a man with no ability rather then keep the title on a man who has ability. And people wonder why Smackdown ratings have been down since JBL won the title.

7. Undertaker vs the Dudley Boyz. This match wasn't what it could have been. I was expecting more violence in this one. The fact is this match was more of a tag team match then a 2 on 1 match. And the way they handled this storyline was awful. The Dudleys are OK but this wasn't the storyline for them. The Undertaker put on a OK match but he was better of as the American Badass. Besides if you look real carefully the Undertaker looked really bored during this match and looked like he didn't want to be part of this Paul Bearer abducting angle anymore.

I gotta tell ya after seeing this pay per view it makes me wonder what ever happened to the heart of the WWE. Skip this pay per view by any means.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
The truth is out there
28 May 2005
The X files was one of the best shows. When it started every story was nicely done. David Duchovny and Gillan Anderson proved they have great chemistry and work well together. The first eight seasons were really good. Season 9 however didn't do so good because of the absence of David Duchovny who many people thought would rejoin the show full time for the final season but chose to just give it up. The show did do a lot of the carees of David and Gillan. And Robert Patrick and Anebeth Gish were pretty good as Doggett and Reyes but they didn't have that feel that Mulder and Scully had. But in the end the show went down as a classic. I recommend the first eight seasons. 10/10
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