
46 Reviews
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The Reading (I) (2023)
Not perfect but that's hard to do these days
27 May 2024
This movie is pretty good there were a couple spots I was a little disappointed, but it was worth the watch for sure. I like up and down spots. I like the flip twist and I like the actors. Most of the acting was pretty decent. The women carried the movie for sure not to be rude. You know Mo'nique knows how to transform into her roles. She's very talented. I wish she was in more but we all know so sort of stupid story why.

The two young women killed it too I will look them up and keep an eye out for their skills as well. Some negs, I could tell the script writing and budget was a little lower, but smart to bring the professionals in to even it out som. Overall it's a good horror. Loved the scene at the table before it went down and loved the quack-a-doo trash talk coming from Mo the whole rest of the time. 😂😜
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Inside (I) (2016)
15 June 2023
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These films that depend on shock and murder instead of good suspense and new ways to make an old tired typical slasher movie better deserve every bad rating they get.. The minute that woman made her stab her own mother in the throat and then watched her stab her best friend in the back and she still did nothing but run like a little b^@$ch is where you lost me. And this calm coo coo woman with a knife can be a complete obvious stand out but yet get the jump on an entire group of people repeatedly as well as get the jump on a couple cops no problem. So over the same garbage year in and year out. Use youre brains and pay the writers what they're worth so we get some fresh material. I gave starts cause the work and acting was there its the pathetic unbelievable story that rakes the nerves.
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Row 19 (2021)
Good movie
4 June 2023
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Overall pretty decent film. I probably gave higher stars than I should have because I really enjoyed the whole plot twist ending it made the rest of the movie come together better than while you're watching you may lose interest in some spots. So yeah It's 100% slow burn nothing much happening cept a few moments to wait for the next. They probably could have filled it out a little more with maybe more than seven passengers on a plane that probably would have never took off with that few people. The acting was pretty solid, always amazing when kids can keep up with the grownups.. and again the ending was great something different as far as why the whole movie took place. Definitely sad they all couldn't make it.
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The Wretched (2019)
Great movie
23 April 2023
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Wow very impressed with this movie. Watching on Hulu I was waiting for a typical B horror movie and I was pleasantly surprised. Had a great pace, good acting, I like the whole plot and the type of monster getting away with killing kids the way it did for decades. I like that it wqs able to carry on by swapping bodies and made people forget they even had kids. That's about all I have to say about it but since it requires 600 characters I'll give another shout out to the two leads they did lead it well for young actors and really the whole cast i liked. Good special effects. Again a pleasant top notch horror that got slept on.
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Not too shabby at all
2 November 2022
I enjoyed the film. There were production issues with editing and story breaks a little withCGI but thats forgivable for me when I enjoy all horror sci-fi movies. I enjoyed the overall filming in this outback town, no small feat it was all shot in daylight- thats impressive. A lot of these smaller budget films use cover of darkness to hide their imperfections. I enjoyed the story line, acting was good, and overall a movie I had no issue watching for some entertainment. I gave higher stars to show respect for those who have none. This is not a less than 4 movie when you take all into consideration as a good reviewer does. Bravo to the cast, crew and production.
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Bacurau (2019)
Great movie!
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this movie did a lot with a little. The acting was so good yet convincing they weren't actors. So that means the writing was outstanding. There were a couple spots the words struggled but the realism of it all made this movie top notch for me. I do hate the senseless killing , but the revenge killings I found myself thrilled when the murderers were slaughtered each time. If I seem a little overzealous its because I see what hard work was put into this production and I felt I was literally watching something that could have taken place in a small town in the middle of no where or not on the map. The way they shared a type of culture that would exist this way was fascinating. A Dj who speaks on a loudspeaker to give news and conduct the master of ceremony role. To the prostitutes setting up shop everyday. The lack of food but sharing in a community when they get some from their crooked government who has forsaken them and brought this on them. Anyway this is a gem of a movie. Im gonna read up on it. Oh the special effects were great. This is a Tarantino type movie I know he doesn't own this type but thats how I know this type of movie very subversive and graphic realistic and just usually damn good. Bravo to all the cast, crew, and production!
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Grimcutty (2022)
Yeahhhhh. NO!
17 October 2022
This could have been a good movie just terrible writing and the message is sickening. Trying to be different I guess but still comes across as a terrible almost disrespectful message to an already stretched thin group of parents. All I see is if you worry for your kids you actually hurt them and go crazy for doing so lol. I dont have kids and this movie from the start to finish makes me soooooo thankful I don't. The movie was almost a 5. I always take into account production and hard work put into it. It was there I think the warped message made it ridiculous and I assume the monster was supposed to be that obviously bad but I don't get why that would be. Anyway. I miss happy endings in horror movies too. They all changed in the 2000s and now the bad guy always always wins. So lame and disheartening. Kinda like the new society we live in. Yeah I just noticed how bummed out this movie has made me. Ughhh.
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I liked it
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is hit and miss for folks it seems. The rudeness of folks reviews is beyond me. The movie has views and scenes that are so beautiful. The simple wake up routine and prep to the mountain inthe morning was so real so just something so simple makes me happy to watch. If any of the actual John's behavior to Pam during this ordeal is true then that woman deserves much more credit for sure. Perhaps there are inaccuracies but I don't care its a MOVIE based on truth. You almost always have to suspend some amount of belief when watching a MOVIE. I suppose maybe they took the truth and amplified it too much but also keot it too real if that makes sense. Like the interaction seems real, minus some of the lines like him acting like a child and the early stuff but maybe he was that way for many reasons like the cold, half dead, or he was drugs and or a mental break for oblivious reasons of him being there in the first place. So its not Hollywood glitz and action. I think that turns folks off. This is just a more realistic down to earth experience these two had with dome attempts to make it a little more "intense". I appreciate this story and how it was told. Props to cast and crew I see you even when the disrespectful tools don't.
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Not to shabby for a B
1 October 2022
Hey hey. This isn't for you spoiled new age horror fans. This is a decent one for us long time horror fans who watch em all. Low budget, not to good a script, super B movie so it's watched and judged as such. Actors werent great, but pretty good and they had an old school veteran supporting the movie so that also bumps it to a B+ movie. Effects were reminiscent of late 80s early 90s. I liked the storyline overall. I dug it and appreciate watching. Thanks for your hard work to the cast, crew, and production. This 600 words thing is still the most ridiculous thing ever. Not sure how much longer I'll keep leaving reviews.
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A Day to Die (2022)
Yikes this is bad
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
8 mins in and this is the worst editing I've ever seen. Thats the first reason im reviewing this before I quit.. The money is there but they spent it in the wrong spots. 2nd How ridiculous is this first rescue scene. Theyre basically attacking the bad guys and give two sh^ts about thehostages. WHO SHOOTS ROCKET GRANADES TO BLOW UP THE BUILDING THE HOSTAGES ARE IN????? I cant even continue if its this bad 8 mins in. No 3 strikes for me. Love Bruce.. damn shame this was his last film. This is a case of having the money to waste but the talent wasn't all there. The other thing is this review has to be 6ix hun characters. I cant think of much more to say when im saying this is a terrible movie. What a dumb rule. I suppose they wish to have people leaving less reviews. I can handle that. Ill give the same to this site.
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Not about Stevie Nicks
8 September 2022
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This is so not about Stevie Nicks. This is a Fleetwood Mac documentary. Its good as that but they're like click bait. We want to see about Stevie's life and we get the Fleetwood Mac documentary and how they all came about and rose up through the decades working together. I believe you can talk about Stevie without focusing on Fleetwood Mac. She is a fascinating person and while we know her from and leading and pretty much making Fleetwood Mac thieves they are ive always wanted to know more about her and her actual life.

Lastly theres this one guy just obviously hates Stevie and gives her off color compliments. Yeah he should be in a Fleetwood Mac doc to give his professional opinio but how disrespectful to put someone in talking trash about the so called subject of the film. I gave 5 stars because I love FM but geez NOT ABOUT STEVIE NICKS. Boooo on you click bait.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Love this show
2 September 2022
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I love the show for every reason the Creator says he wrote it. The whole show is so comfortable yet awkward I didn't even know you could feel both at the same time. Two favorite things - the singing from the character Billy. He's the epitome of this whole series the way he sings to comfort himself so it's also comforting even though it's weird. Love love love the song choices as well.

The other favorite is the last show that involves the hillbilly giant old truck guns blazing car chase. I was laughing thinking how these two old monster trucks are probably going 10 miles per hour screetching all over the place while they're shooting the entire town up and how many people have stray bullets coming in their door LMAO can't wait for season 2.
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11 August 2022
I assume you gotta have a buck or know someone to get this into a streaming service. Dont get me wrong I appreciate "B" movies.. I get made fun of for watching them. This however is college growth, not even to be rated yet, kind of production. The money being spent here is being wasted except.... Shout out to Eric Robert's. Love him for doing this favor or to have to do these crap jobs to make a living.

Ive seen tons of shorts on Alter and Screamfest that were 7 mins that blow this out of the water. Kudos to them for getting it made and getting Amazon to play it, but use you money on less because it would be much much more in this case. Work on all aspects lighting, sound, actors, the scripts/tales are decent if the production was there.

Sorry this is as nice I could muster. I watch anything and understand its hard work this. I hope you're a younging and will grow from this.
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The Twin (2022)
Good but annoying feature
8 August 2022
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Good average scare movie, but damn they could have halved the amount of times this woman either said or yelled ELLIOT!!!! So annoying. Like i don't want to meet an Elliott in life now kind of annoyed. The usual aloof father spending zero time with the scary kid while the mother deals with it and tries to convince everyone else sh^t is going bad.

Kid is naturally a little creepy as well. Hope he grows out of the look. Maybe its the long hair :)
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Copshop (2021)
So Good!!!
22 July 2022
As always the cast of vets were great. The overall production was spot on and the writing was great hard to do with action 50% of the time maybe more. They even held the story together without needing all the outside people to distract from this fight to the end. Bra-freaking- vo to Louder. She is one bad a$$ action star. They wrote her cool demeanor with amazing lines to fit her looks and acting abilities perfectly. I was convinced not to mess with her, but that she had a heart of gold to cherish and give your all for as well

Great movie. Definitely going into the archive to watch again and again like a good classic.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Come onnnnn
8 July 2022
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Ok this had the makings of an awesome show instead it kept going and going and going with the ridiculous idea that this woman would continue to be so delusional and all those around hwr would keep destroying all their lives for this charade. The end of season 2 was great but should have come sooner. I hope Season 3 breaks the crazy chaining just to unbelievable this woman is in that deep a state of denial and an entire community is just going along while they're sane. So annoying. Clean is up.
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Men (2022)
Come onnnnnnnn MAN!
4 July 2022
I tried and tried to like it ... I went through the the artsy fartsty audio and video stuff and the message of women dealing with men in life but this was just too much. The ending was heinous ... my guess.....Women have men and they turn on them or her guilt chased her around and around until it threw up on itself. I dont fricking know and don't want to.
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Good movie
3 July 2022
I liked this movie. I've done LDR and it was tough but you figure out how to get in the same place at some point. If two folks refuse to compromise than what's the point. The main catalyst being which career to "sacrifice " Im pretty sure giving up being a star pianist on tour is a lot bigger, than being a lighting something or other. She still didn't seem to be very important when she reached the goal of her hardworking career. She was still always getting yelled at and doing manual labor. She acted as though she couldn't do the same job with the so called "love of her life". Who literally offered her the same and better position that was so important and solved their LDR problem. I found that comedic.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Yes but Ugghh!
2 July 2022
Liked the movie, but I always hate when during the movie im consistently questioning the stupidity that is necessary for that movie to exist. Meaning.....WHO LIVES LIKE THAT WITH WINDOWS THE SIZE OF A WHOLE WALL AND NO WINDOW DRESSING!?!?!?!?!? 😆😆😆😆 suspending belief can be tough sometimes.
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The Stay (2021)
Not bad!
30 June 2022
In a world of overly criticizing folks, I'm looking at this for face value. We got a movie that could be "better" if the budget was there, this is obvious. Props and bravo to the actors, they did their best. The lighting was a problem, some of the audio was a problem, some acting was not good but again I'm guessing this is all budget constraints. If its not, then spend the money and get those major flaws fixed. Again, this movie is not too shabby overall. Not sure of the background of this guy Hamm but hey good on you! You got a movie made and put on Amazon that is no small feat. At times, i like seeing these more "amateur" movies. I've always been a fan of "B" movies. I'm capable of using my imagination and appreciate all film work... well almost all of it. Good luck to all of you who worked on the film.
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Intentions (2003)
25 June 2022
I always pay homage and respect to the OGs doing these movies for our LGBT community when we had little to nothing. Be it good, great, or even not so good... I stillwater most grateful to have something in a time it was so difficult to find our stories and for filmmakers to get done and get an audience. Thank you to all who made it.
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Another disappointment
19 June 2022
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Seems these thriller and horror writers of today cannot figure out how to make good endings. Keep feeding the negativity of society in which the bad guy always always win. Its not a twist anymore for this to happen. It's depressing and annoying to see this type of terrible character control the whole movie and win in the end. I will absolutely not recommend this.
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Elves (2021)
Come on writers!
5 May 2022
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This show could have been amazing. Had all the makings a something fresh in horror. I suppose that's why I still rated it a 6. The writing was the complete problem. How do you make alllllll the characters so atrocious. I wanted all of them to die well ironically except the "bad guys" aka granny and the main dude (forgot his name) the family is just a selfish terrible idiotic unit who came and ruined their lives. Granted they should get rid of tourism with that kind of issue going on. Lol. No way these people exist unless they're 2nd grade level adults. Hell maybe no even then. Not sure how the writers didn't notice their work was garbage the rest was great. Sorry to be harsh but I just kept saying what a bad little girl and what a bunch of idiots and omgosh they ruined those people's lives they need to get killed to stop this all.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Love it
24 April 2022
This movie just spoke to me. I don't know why but I know exactly why. Nick Cage is in my top 5 maybe #1 man when I think of it. Stellar movie. Love when a movie is so unique but can speak to every human. Thank you.
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The Motive (2020–2021)
I give it 5 strictly for production work respect. Im sickend by the topic and star
11 April 2022
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Woooowwwww apparently Isreal has a terrible Psych system. The guy is clear as a day a Psychopath. Brilliant and emotionless. That like psych 101 lol. I am dying inside to see these idiots who support him justify his actions. Theres no justification. He got single digit sentence... manslaughter at that ... im sick at the Isreali justice and psych system. I guarantee he will do it again. If he snuffed out his whole family without a blink of an eye or drop of a tear. No one means a thing to him. Theyre fooling themselves obviously and have a touch of that crazy in them as well obviously. So frustrating watching this and seeing this disgusting existence if a man just go free.
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