
10 Reviews
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One Life (2023)
Outstanding movie that makes you cry - bittersweet
27 March 2024
For me, I love movies that have happy endings, but I also love history films. Needless to say, the two are not always compatible. This movie doesn't require you to know an extensive background of history, yet it guides you along. If you don't know what's ahead, neither did (Sir) Nicholas Winton. He was just an average guy who did something extraordinary. He knew he couldn't do everything, yet he did everything that a person could do - and he had help.

(Sir) Anthony Hopkins carries the movie with his usual Hopkins flavour, but the rest of the cast also contribute significantly to make this movie fantastic. The acting was top-notch from everyone, including Johnny Flynn (the actor who plays the younger version). Babi Winton shows that a woman can be powerful without needing the political correctness to overcompensate for anything. The whole movie just fits in an organic way. There's no politics; it's all about the humanity.

I absolutely loved this story, even though it made me cry throughout it. 10*
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The Beekeeper (2024)
It's not perfect, but it's fun, so that's why this is a 9
14 February 2024
This movie is just fun to watch. It's got that John Wick feel but much less gore (there's still a little bit). It's a movie that doesn't exactly take itself seriously, which is a good thing. It's one of those movies that you go and have an escape. Sometimes a movie doesn't need to be overly philosophical or pretentious like some iterations of the Matrix. The writing/acting isn't as bad as some people have you believe. Jason Statham plays himself like he does in all the other movies. He's basically The Transporter, a cold calculating killer. And that's okay. He fits this role well.

The action scenes are pretty over the top, but that's exactly what you're paying for. If you're going to watch this movie for the 'realism', you're watching the movie wrong.

Go watch the movie with some friends, have a good time, and don't take yourself too seriously.
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Wild Cards (2024– )
Surprisingly good. Light hearted drama with a lot of fun dynamics
10 February 2024
I didn't actually know what to expect when I started this show. It featured a lot of Vancouver and had two characters with their own motives. But after seeing these actors play out the show, I am hooked. The writing is actually pretty good. It's self-aware on a lot of things that one might point out (i.e. "WAIT! The police procedures can't do that), so they address it in the same episode.

The creator of the show intended it to be more light with a taste of dark. The actors have good chemistry and I really like them. I didn't know much of Vanessa Morgan, but she REALLY works well as that character who doesn't follow by the rules.

And this show really flourishes with her performances. Gianncarlo (Cole) is also FANTASTIC. I really like the emotions he displays. He's not simply a wooden character. There's a lot of depth that hasn't been explored yet.

Love the show.
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Migration (I) (2023)
Very cute, funny, and beautiful
27 December 2023
To be perfectly honest, the story wasn't that special, but the movie makes up for it by being funny and beautiful. It was so much fun to be like a bird and seeing things from their perspective. For me, it made me forget about the present and enjoy the show. I really enjoyed it.

I wished that the movie explored WHY Mack (the main duck) was so scared about leaving home. Maybe a flashback or two would've helped. It would've also been nice to know that his dream was always to travel the world, but maybe he was too scared, so this was his growth moment. The villain was also pretty unnecessary, but that being said, it was just so much fun.

This is a good movie for the adults and the kid. My mom enjoyed it. She laughed - and that is worth the ticket of admission.
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Beautiful cinematography, stylistic and minimalistic action
6 September 2023
First thing about this movie: this movie is incredibly shot. We get a GOOD look at Italy and we feel like we are a part of this city. It's extremely well done.

The second thing about this movie: Denzel is amazing. The director - Antoine Fuqua (previously in Training Day) is reunited to make this masterpiece. This movie is very character-driven, so anyone watching this will UNDERSTAND why Robert McCall is such a beloved character.

I took off a star because of the pacing issues. It's a little slow at times, but it's clear they wanted more story than action. The characters are good. The actors did a great job in making you like or hate them.

There's a quote that I'm paraphrasing here, but the idea is there. A good man doesn't know if they are a good or bad person.
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Fantastic movie, full of fun
11 January 2023
This movie deserves a higher rating than 6.3. Come on. This is great for the kids and great for the adults. The animation is beautiful and story-like, and at the same time, the movie is very tongue-in-cheek with what 'we' expect fairy tales to be.

Maurice the cat, thinks he is the main character, obviously, but contrary to the title, the other characters are just as amazing. It's this silliness that makes you feel invested in the characters. Hugh Laurie does an amazing job as a prideful, yet sensitive Maurice. Himesh Patel is Keith, the boy with a low sense of confidence in himself, and Emilia Clarke is the colourful Malicia. The mice in the story also play a fun role, but I don't want to give the details or spoilers away.

Watch it - you'll love it. It's a great movie for kids and adults alike.
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If it's not a 10, it's a 9. It is certainly more than a 6.
19 October 2022
Have a heart, people. This movie has a lot of charm. The visual effects were good. The character development was good. And the music - wow. The singing was SO good.

While it may not be a perfect movie, it gives you some laughter, crying, and just pure bliss. As another reviewer said, there are no adult themes. There's no agenda pushing (i.e. Politics of any kind). It does the job of letting people become kids again.

I really enjoyed Javier Bardem's vocals and acting performance. I can understand why some people thought he wasn't a nice guy, I thought he was, but didn't know how to express that kindness. He is a schemer, no doubt, but he always believed in Lyle. And we all do, deep down.

The cast and crew (all of them) deserve recognition for this heartfelt film. Would I watch it again? Heck yeah.
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Turning Red (2022)
Disappointing, unfunny, and deserving of a 1
21 March 2022
First off, I love Disney films. I think they have so much charm, and the characters are often relatable.

I really can't say that about this movie - and before you roll your eyes, I'm Asian too.

I don't really like the 'Westernization' of the stereotypes that they portrayed here. The parents using language that just doesn't fit a 'fob' family (i.e. "delinquents"). The only truly likeable character was the dad. Everyone else was basically a spoiled 'perfect' brat that hadn't gotten over their maturity issues.

The overprotective mom is a thing, but there was no reason for Mei Mei to remain popular, given how outlandish the entire family behaved. The 'jokes' were so cringey. I'm really surprised they made it through quality assurance. I honestly could tell you that I chuckled maybe two times the entire movie. I was so bored, and I really wanted it to end.

4Town wasn't bad, but they were a useless part of the movie. They represented nothing meaningful to the main characters. And the mom exposing pictures to people - god, that would never have happened. If the writers had any clue about Asian culture, it's that they'd keep that stuff INSIDE - NEVER exposing it.

If you talked back at your Asian parents like that, you'd be disowned. Shame to the Asian family would be grounds for that.

I truly cannot recommend this movie at all. It's likely my 1 time that I vote this a 1 - and I love all sorts of movies.
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Good movie - and I don't agree with Paul Haakonsen's review.
22 May 2020
So this is a late review but I just saw this movie on TV.

This was a really good movie. It's not perfect and the explosion/fire scenes just look terribly done with the CGI. That being said, the acting was really good. It made you wonder who was really the good or bad guy.

I don't see why it's "confusing". I thought the plot was fairly easy for me to predict. The story was coherent, if not completely satisfying. The previous reviewer probably didn't understand the conversations that were going on.
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Movie with a Moral Message
19 February 2019
The four characters are your quintessential anti-hero characters that get entangled in the life of the criminal underworld. The movie has some slow pacing, but bare with it because it has a little bit of everything: action, drama, girls, humor (albeit ever so unexpectedly).

I think it's a really worth watching if you're into HK mindless action shootouts, but want character development too.
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