
2 Reviews
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First Descent (2005)
Heart was in the right place but just really didn't pull it through
7 December 2005
this movie had massive potential and they did some good things with it but just couldn't pull it all together.

basically these five riders go up to ski back country peaks in Alaska. the riders are of 3 veteran riders around 40 years old each and two youngsters, a male and a female who have both been highly successful. the premise is good to document their trip along with accounting for the history of snowboarding and of each rider.

what goes wrong is this: they spend way too much time discussing the history of snowboarding. basically if they would compile the history better and shorten it up they would have an excellent movie. i understand their want to illustrate the many aspects of the history of the sport and it is hard to sum things up on an entire subculture but it just needed to be done.

the movie was 2 solid hours and probably an hour of it was talking about the history and really just repeating where it came from (skating and surfing) and the fact that skiers and the rest of the world didn't want to acknowledge snowboarders. which, most people know these two facts anyways, so i just didn't feel it needed to be talked about at such length. just shorten up that and make it into a 1:15 to 1:30 minute movie and we would be sweet.

it was really a good concept and i like how they paid many respect to roots instead of just trying to market to the cool, young, more daring snowboarders and fans.

its just too long. really is still an important flick, though. i would say wait until video but unless you've got a great, big TV, you might want to shell out the 8 bucks to see it in theaters. or if you've got a dollar theater around that the movies go to after they are done at the reg. theater then go see it there.
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Saw II (2005)
30 October 2005
yikes, was this bad. not at all psychological or demented like the first. no cool puzzles to work out. no changing scenarios, all one plot line. not twisted. just a movie trying to bank off its predecessor. an absolute waste of money. this one played out more like an action flick than a psychological thriller which is what i considered the first one. the only cool part was a the end there was a twist; but it wasn't even much of sideswipe. when the twist was revealed the reaction was mainly that of predictability. i had high hopes for this as the first one was awesome. but it fell short miserably. it did not follow the same psychological thriller format with differing scenarios. and i have no idea how out of almost 2,000 votes its got a 7.5. i gave it a 5 b/c the acting and directing was a least okay. plot and intelligence were nonexistent.
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