
6 Reviews
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The Aftermath (2019)
A great concept, disappointingly presented.
25 March 2019
My father was one of the first British officers of the occupying forces...I was 4 when my mother and I travelled to join him in January 1947. I was hoping and expecting to see a film which encapsulated my memories, but much of it was overblown and inaccurate. Why on earth could they not get a decent German actor to play the German widower? Skarsgard stumbles through his German lines with a very poor accent...spoiling the whole reality. Very poor research in many areas.....not least to the use of two Union Jacks on the wings of the colonel's staff car, one of which was upside down ( Note, Mr Kent, the wide white part of the St Andrew's is always towards the base of the flagstaff). Thank goodness for Keira Kniightley....she rescued what would otherwise have been a total disaster
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Black humour at its action-packed best.
11 February 2019
And Neilson is just the guy to bring it. Laconic, capable....just ideal for the crazy character lead. ...some of the acting was a bit weak, but not his. Non-stop entertainment cleverly filmed. Probably not a blockbuster, but a well-spent and thoroughly enjoyed couple of hours.
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Just beautiful, touching and superbly done.
17 May 2018
Anyone who has been struck by the lightning bolt of an affair that came out of nowhere will identify 100% with this one. I had read the book many years ago, but never seen the film until this year (2018). Eastwood really has produced a classic masterpiece. As others have said, the (over)acting by the son which really grates a bit, but after the 'flash forward ' shots of his the relief and enjoyment of getting back to the sensitivity and passion of the affair is all the more enjoyable. The fact this film is still fresh and grips one's attention after nearly 25 years speaks volumes.
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Tully (2018)
Great acting, but more for girls (and mums) than boys..
7 May 2018
I went along as a hubby, and enjoyed the whole..but a bit like the acting, though, it was more of a girl thing than a boy thing.:the two leading ladies were great..the two husbands..not so much. Slow ( boring?) and disjointed in the early scenes, it starts to come alive and mean something for everybody when Tully steps in. Unexpected twists to re-enliven your interest towards the end. But perhaps the worst blooper I've seen in a movie for a long time ....: as anyone who has tried will tell you...NOBODY can ride a bike like that after what they had had to drink! ".
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A low-budget remake of an extraordinary event which leaves out major parts of the story and slants others.
18 March 2018
The fact that the raid also took out most of the Ugandan Air Force on the ground was never mentioned. And in the final credits and 'what then happened' there was no mention of the fact that the Air France captain was awarded the Legion d'honneur , and the rest of crew received gallantry medals for staying with their passengers throughout, was not mentioned. That will not go down well in France. The dance routine 'overlay' of the actual raid is both ridiculous and overdone. The political slanting of the whole has been well covered by others.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
stars for the actors only...otherwise a load of junk..
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Amy does a great job , but why she let herself into this serial boredom heaven only knows. The only good thing this movie has done is confirmed our decisions that several of the 'professional' critics (and those offering Oscar recommendations) about whom we were skeptical are, indeed, either incompetent or taking backhanders from someone or some place, and have blacklisted them. How anyone with wide-ranging movie experience and even average intelligence can think this is a good movie beats us. Books can do leaps forward and backward in time easily, movies have to be more adept....the efforts on this movie are abject failures, and only add to confusion in what is a poorly and boringly slowly presented plot. Far too many leaps of faith. Even the cinematography is poor.Oscar nominations (among others) for cinematography and film editing. What???
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