
7 Reviews
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Viper (1994–1999)
a great show, even after it lost some concepts
30 December 2017
I loved the addition of Westlake and Frankie was better than ever. The car was still awesome and all new tricks for its gadgets were added.

The show had some great adventures. I think it did suffer losing Astor and the futuristic element (and its worth noting that we are now IN that future..complete with drones, flat screen tvs and the equivalent of vid phones) and was thrilled he at least returned last season (I assume that is NOT a spoiler since you can see his name right in the credits and if a synops is ever added to those last season shows it'll probably have his name attached.) That isn't to say I didn't like Cole: its simply that Astor had the whole backstory tied into the Viper and I really missed that rogue element.

The only terrible thing about it: it ended too soon, right when it was picking up speed again in my opinion. Personally I suspect 'rating sabotage' (which is what I call it when the show keeps bouncing around day/time slots in an era where the only way to find it is a TV Guide that had to be printed - and a change after that meant finding your show was like hitting a moving target.) And of course, it just took to long to find its stride after being revamped after the first season.

I would've loved to see more seasons: the season/series finale was a great wrap up but it also had potential to take it into some new unexplored character arcs plus tie up some loose ends from first season.
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Viper (1994–1999)
I loved this show
30 December 2017
The only bad thing about this is that it changed so drastically the next season. In spite of this being listed separate from the later seasons, it has the same car and characters (although Joe and Julian didn't return until season 4.) But this first one was the best and most unique. While I loved Westlake being added in later seasons, I'm sorry the show in later seasons lost the 'rogue' edge it had and that so many characters vanished. I liked the way it was developing and always felt Joe was (as Frankie put it) part of the Defender. Just as the car went from ordinary Viper to Defender, Joe was a guy from the wild side that no one would've suspected had a 'defender' mode. I liked how the team had their independence but were gradually gradually able to work with the law but not UNDER anyone's authority. I am really thrilled its finally on DVD. It had a nice mix of sci fi, mystery, action and...that rogue element that just made it unique. Shame on NBC for letting it go!
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Father Brown (2013– )
loving it
30 April 2017
This show is such a contrast to all the procedurals we seem stuck with in American TV mysteries. I find Father Brown's kindness and compassion one of the most endearing things about it. He's not just another sleuth that sticks his nose in where the police don't want him. He's one that is after saving the lost souls - even the killers. The way Father Brown treats everyone as redeemable gives the show a unique and refreshing twist.

The rest of the cast makes a great dynamic and none of them are indispensable.

The police being rude can get old at times, I'll admit.
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Finally played and loved it
1 April 2017
I loved how this was a multimedia release and had read the books, comics and had the tie ins years ago. But alas, nothing to play the game on! Well GOG finally released it and I just finished it on 'easy'. I did NOT find easy to be easy! But I enjoyed the way its story ties into the book and comic. The only thing really stopping me giving it 10 is 3 little details. 1. Some of the scenes were too dark. Whether it was an age thing or what, it made it hard to see to navigate. 2. auto aim was atrocious. Never worked if the robot shooting at me was beneath me.

3. Dash has an annoying habit of running off cliffs. Hitting back space, crouching, sometimes nothing stopped him. Finally I found a Logitech Gamepad worked better than the keyboard.

I did find the swoop riding fun when I got the hang of it and the space combat was great!

The graphics are dated. But that's okay because those dianoga monsters in the sewers are one thing I do not want greater detail on.

Given its age it was a great game and reminded me a lot of the Dark Forces series. I just wish it had let me do the aiming!
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The Ewok Adventure (1984 TV Movie)
Loved it
1 April 2017
When it came out I was a kid and it was a good movie. It's true it doesn't have the high quality of the movies released in theaters, but it was made for TV and had a lower budget. But the story is great and a fun adventure. I still love it years later. I found it interesting to find that apparently Lucas made this for his daughter who loved the Ewoks. So that makes it a 'family' adventure for him too.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Tried too hard in all the wrong places
5 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In their quest to overwrite all that came before and make this an acceptable substitute for the prematurely ended The Clone Wars, they have tried WAY too hard to make it like the original Star Wars trilogy. The end result: its anything but original. Part of being THE original was just that: it was new.

In Example: Instead of using new music with movie music to highlight certain events, they just jammed the original soundtrack in. (As opposed to TCW which only used it for highlights.) Ezra: Aladdin in space. Maybe if they hadn't intentionally made him LOOK like Disney's Aladdin and not intentionally reminded us by calling him street rat, it would have felt like Star Wars instead of an Aladdin Star Wars mash up.

The animation in characters has gone seriously down hill from the Clone Wars. In Example: Ezra: plastic hair? The Wookiees: they look like the Empire took time upon capture to force them to go sit through a mass grooming and hair brushing. We KNOW they can do better: Chewbacca showed up in the Clone Wars and looked great.

The Stormtroopers helmets don't match either the prequel period, Clone Wars or Original trilogy, or even a cross. They basically look squashed, presumably because they are trying to turn 2D Mcquarrie art into 3D. I guess now I know why that design was modified from the movies: it makes them look like there is no room for a full head, let alone gear, in the helmet.

Continuity conflicts and unlikely technology: No way, no way, can a tractor beam be jammed. If it could be done, Han Solo, guaranteed would've had a way on the Falcon. He had all those modifications for that very reason.

Ezra's slingshot. A normal slingshot with a thermal detonator would make a bang and might make sense as being cobbled together by a desperate and creative local thief. But an energy slingshot that can incinerate troops does not make sense in the hands of a same thief. I'd expect that tech from a budding bounty hunter maybe. Or even an undercover bodyguard where blasters are outlawed. Local thief? No.

The bag. There is no sensible jailer on this planet or any other that leaves the prisoner locked up with the bag and only later thinks to search him.

Personal dislikes: pink armor. I don't mind small doses of pink, graffiti artists, or armor. But near total pink armor just isn't Mandalorian.

Did I find anything good: Yes. McQuarrie art is always great in the backgrounds. The story itself might have had potential. But there fierce desire to make it so much like the original trilogy killed it, as did intentionally adding the Disney stamp of Aladdin to Ezra. If I wanted Aladdin, I'd be watching that not Star Wars.
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A widely varied look into the Clone Wars era
5 October 2014
There are only 2 kinds of episodes in my mind: The ones I liked and the ones I had to be in the mood for.

I'll start with why I only gave it 8 out of 10.

1. The first season being out of order was very confusing to keep up with. 2. The way they aired them one got tired of certain styles: for instance, a couple of weeks with the droids before you get back to the war. Whereas if they'd done a week of droids, skipped to the war or the politicians and so on, the variety would always have been fresh. 3. The way they ignored or killed beloved Expanded Universe stories. This didn't happen often but when it did..ugh. (Example: what did they do to Quinlan Vos?! And what they did to Evan Piell was a conflict with an ending written in a very popular story. Besides which, one episode for Evan Piell was far too little.)

Why I gave it the 8:

1. I loved seeing Anakin Skywaker and Obi-Wan as heroes and friends. Also we see how that heroism of Anakin's can be twisted when those he loves are at risk. 2. I loved seeing Ahsoka Tano grow, and how that relationship affected both Anakin and Padme. 3. I loved seeing the various Jedi in action. 4. I even liked the ones with Bail Organa and Padme, because it gave a bit more to them than we see in the movies. Since Organa helped form the Rebellion, this is good stuff. 5. The animation was excellent and kept improving. 6. The stories were widely varied with something for everyone. Scary? Got it. Mystery? Got it. Western style bounty huntings, assassinations, pure war it. All of it. Funny stuff: Got Jar Jar and the droids (this comes under 'in the mood for' for me.) 7. We saw all kinds of worlds and ships and environments.

This show was at it's peak when Disney cancelled it. I think this is a real tragedy as it was just moving toward meeting up with Revenge of the Sith, and we would see Anakin becoming more disillusioned with the Jedi and how the various characters influenced that, for better or worse. The way it ends in Season 5 (and I won't say) is a guarantee that he was in for some tough times.
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