
26 Reviews
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Emanet (2020– )
22 November 2020
Good vs evil. Innocent maiden, hard-hearted man, several wicked women and a beautiful soul who is mentally challenged. Man slowly changes but not real quick. Slow paced Turkish daily soap opera. No sex, nudity. I gave it a 10 even though they aggravate me with too many closeups. Drives me crazy how long they focus on heroine's face after each scene she has!!! The relationship of the brothers Yaman, Ali & Zyha is why I watch.
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Code 37 (2009–2012)
Awesome acting by all co-stars!
19 August 2018
This is not a series for the the conversations between the characters is very graphic and explicit (x-rated). The actress Baetens is absolutely one of the best female detective leads I have ever watched. Along with her team and their personality quirks, this series is fun watching just to watch them rather then for the actual storyline itself, as some episodes make it easy to guess who the bad guy is. But, what a diverse/comical/pathetic/endearing team of detectives they are! It's unfortunate the whole series is based on graphic sex-crimes as these characters would have appealed to a broader audience otherwise.
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Insider (2016–2017)
Addicting story, incredible drama, suspense, action!
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You must watch a few Turkish series, to begin to appreciate the art-form this country exports. Next to the USA Turkey sends out more films to the world. Their stories are extremely popular world-wide. Their series are very detailed, and in no hurry to finish in just a measley 2 hours. This series ICERDE was over 80 hours in length.

I finished ICERDE in a long binge! The Producers, the Directors and the Writers were 360% incredible with their ability to keep this storyline making sense. The director was able to capture great facial expressions that reflected the emotions, or feelings of the characters in scenes without the character uttering a word. Each actor hired for this series has reason to be very proud of their work, especially Catagay & Ulas, the heroes. Hollywood will NEVER be able to replicate this masterpiece of story-telling. I was on the edge of my seat the entire series, and not one actor had to get naked or have on-screen sex, which is Hollywood's standard. I am so impressed with the country of Turkey and their film-making business. American TV is so boring, I am losing interest in the TV shows I used to watch! My only distraction was the tight pants the actors wore! Yes, they looked good in them, but I wondered how the guys could move around with such agility!! 10 star rating from me.
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The Brave (2017–2018)
Forget the negatives and enjoy a piece of fiction!
16 January 2018
I watch this show because I love the camaraderie between the main characters. They really care about each other and I don't care what the plot is I'm going to watch it just for that reason! Anne Heche the main star does a tremendous job. She is a great actress and does not deserve any negatives. What else do I like about her character? Her clothes are loose fitting, she's got short hair, and she doesn't wear 6-inch heels (at least all the time)! When I watch other police or crime dramas, they always have the female characters in 6-inch heels with clothes so tight they wrinklle, low-cut tops tops, (and boring long straight hair). So unlike the real workplace and normal women. Producers (like Harvey Weinstein) in charge of these shows, should be made to answer by the "me-too" movement because they are so sexist the way they dress these women characters.
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The Brave (2017–2018)
Really like this show
20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am going to be so aggravated if NBC cancels this series. It has good plot lines and actress Anne Heche is so perfect and believable in this role. The rest of the cast is also excellent and I love the camaraderie between the characters. The guys are just great together and besides that they are all so cute and masculine! Hope that's not politically incorrect! Maybe we can get Netflix to take over!?
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Almost fell asleep!
5 October 2017
The movie was extremely slow moving, very little action, and soon I caught myself falling asleep! I was with two friends and I thought to myself, "maybe I'm just stupid but I'm not getting this". Afterwards I found out my two friends almost fell asleep and also did not get it either. Now these 2 friends have 3 Masters degrees between them, so I knew it was not just me! All three of us later discussed how some of the main characters just made no sense at all in the story line. We loved Gosling and Ford, and the photography was beautiful, but the story line was dis-jointed. The best action scene was at the very end. When the movie finished there was just a couple hand claps and I could hear others making negative remarks. This movie needs to go back to the cutting room.
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Mar de plástico (2015–2016)
The Best Cop Series, better then all USA series!
23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I did not waste my time watching this entire series. It had a "feel good" finale, so I came away not being depressed as some series leave me. The acting is great, the writers did a great "whodunnit", and the director got us emotionally involved because all the characters had well developed personalities with emotions, especially the killer! The second series continues the mystery, do not stop at the end of the first series just cause you think they caught the killer, because maybe they did not!

USA cop shows, such as Blue Bloods are boring compared to this Spanish series.

The main character of Hector does not hog all the screen time, (yet he is my favorite). The three main cops each have a story line of their own, but the best is that these three cops, Hector, Salvo and Lola stay in a working relationship throughout the entire 26 episodes.

I loved it, and I wish they would do a third series with same same actors who played Hector, Salvo and Lola! Wow! All of them easy on the eye.
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Norskov (2015–2017)
Another great International series.
10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I binged the entire 10 episodes. This is not an action flick. It went slow and methodical. What I particularly liked was the friendship/bromance between the three leading men.

Another bit of fresh air was that the writers went outside the usual plot line that most every movie or series offers, and that is this: Usually when there is a discretion and someone knows something another person should know, they do not tell that person, and this way the writers drag a plot line out. I was pleasantly surprised to see this did not happen in this series except at the very end, when we are all hit with a revealing secret that totally surprises us. It is a whopper!

After watching a few subtitled series it is pleasing to encourage others to give international series a try as the subtitles do not distract from the story at all! I watched it on Walter Presents.
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The Hunter (2014)
10 stars except.....
8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gave it 5 stars instead of 10 stars for the fact that all the females in this series were there for sex and sex alone. The main female character was so shallow that I, a viewer, had only disgust, no sympathy for her. After a few episodes, wondered why the main character of Andre was so dumb to be full of "lust" for her! Besides that, Andre was supposed to be a more honest cop? Why did the writers have him be so dishonest towards his brother by pursuing a sexual relationship with his brother's wife? If not for that, this series had a great story-line, and Caua Reymond did a great acting job.

I came away wondering if I want to watch anymore Brazilian series, mainly because I am questioning if women in Brazil are only looked at as creatures for sex? There were too many topless women in this series, but no bottomless men. The topless scenes were for gratuitous purposes only and added nothing to the story-line.
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Another good Turkish drama and love story
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Those Turks really know how to play a love story out! The main characters are tall, dark and handsome brothers with a little sister they dearly love. The love between the brothers is demonstrated throughout, which is nice. I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 because the female characters are dressed in extremely tight clothes that are very unattractive to their figures! I am guessing that is because in Turkey they are not allowed to have sex scenes, so they make up for it by tight fitting clothes on the actresses. Do they not notice how ridiculous their figures look in those clothes which are at least 4 sizes too small?

There is a lot of yelling and crying in the movies, by both men and women, as they are very demonstrative with their emotions. This is their culture. The series ends on a good note. It can be viewed on Netflix but the title is changed to "You Can't Run from Love".

Of course I could find some criticism, but not with the acting. Even programs like NCIS have their flaws, mostly with the story-line, but this show has a great story-line that ends well. Their budget is not that much, but in spite of that the series is well worth watching if you like love/romance mixed in with crime/police action and are a little tired of the same ho-hum drama in the USA.
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The Night Shift (2014–2017)
Dumb Script Writing! Get your act together!
30 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I so wanted to enjoy this series, mainly because I liked the characters of TJ, Drew and Jordan. Right now am watching Season 4 episode 2. It ends with TJ receiving a cell phone call from Jordan who is back in the states. TJ is covered in blood and grime, not even had a chance to clean up from his mis-adventure and now he is answering his cell phone? Why did he not just call for help when he was on the run and rescuing Syd! Good grief writers!

Besides that, the drama back in the hospital is ridiculous and just plain dumb. Real ER physicians must be laughing at the errors with the hospital procedures. I could forgive that and continue watching except for the dumb scrips. The best storyline is back in Syria with TJ and Syd. The friction between Paul and his dad is also stupid. Scott's character does not work either. The first and second seasons were best. If this is the best they can do, I predict this series will be cancelled at the end of the season. The producers of this program must not care about it anymore.
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Dominion Creek (2015–2017)
This is binge worthy!
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Are USA citizens not aware of this series? I am the first review!

It has a tough and rough, not for the squeamish, storyline. Having said that, the violence is tastefully done, except for one scene in the first episode of season 2. I had to cover my eyes.

What captivates me is the relationship between the brothers. That is why I watch. They love each other, but have such different personalities, so they often clash.

The very last scene in season 2 episode 4, with the brothers eyeing each other from across the street, was in my opinion a work of genius by the director! Can't wait for season 3. On Acorn.
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Case (2015– )
Intelligent story-line with great acting.
21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it moves slow, but that is nice for a change. USA TV series can be so redundant and stupid. This series, as many overseas series, are more intelligent! I binge watched entire series in one day cause I could not wait to see what would happen in the next episode, 9 in all. The actors look like real people, not Hollywood stars with all their make-up. The female lead is a plain Jane. Some nudity, more of the female, except there is some full frontal male nudity towards the end of the series. The subtitles do not distract from the story. If younger girls watch this, I would like them to get the guts to not let men manipulate and take advantage of them. Go to someone in law enforcement and get these creepy men put away!
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Brave and Beautiful (2016–2017)
Fantastik romance & drama! Excellent story-line quality!
2 April 2017
What wonderful luck to come across this series! I urge all to give it a watch as it just gets better and better. It has romance and drama without the redundant swear words or sex scenes of USA TV. I am on episode 7 which means I have binge watched at least 13 hours and can't stop watching!

The supporting cast is great, and the two main stars are beautiful to behold (besides being great actors). The chemistry between them radiates off the screen. We learn to care about all the characters because of the great writing and directing. This has mundane USA TV beat by far!

I am finding that the Turks really know how to produce a worth-while story! The worst thing is trying to find the series on You-Tube with English subtitles and HD quality, so,I am hoping that Netflix, Hulu or Amazon will soon pick it up.
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Can't Buy My Love (2017 TV Movie)
Movie is sweet and gentle, not boring! Hallmark quality.
25 March 2017
I disagree with the reviews that said this was a boring movie. Those reviewers should not view Pixl movies, for they are all "old fashioned" with no swear words, no nudity, no sex, no murders. So, naturally this is a boring movie for some.

It is not often I watch a Pixl movie, but when I do it is because I want to watch a movie that will leave me calm and refreshed. This movie does just that. The two main actors come across so natural and lovable. I am pleased they consented to star in this simple, yet sweet production. Everything about this movie was nice, the photography, the co-stars and the directing. It was as good as any romantic Hallmark movie. If you like Hallmark, then you will like this movie.
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Only You (2014)
A Masterpiece! Awesome! 10+ stars!
22 March 2017
Lately I have discovered that watching foreign films with subtitles has given me the opportunity to enjoy some above average cinematic entertainment. This is one of the best movies I have ever watched. I was totally captivated from beginning to end.

I was only into this movie (Netflix) about 15 minutes when I realized I was watching a masterpiece. There was only one swear word in the whole movie with no nudity. So tasteful and refreshing. There is some violence, but not gratuitous,and only in part of the movie. Don't let the opening scene shock you away. This movie has a beautiful and uplifting ending. Kudos to the director and production team. They deserve it. I would never have thought I would love a movie made in of all places, Turkey!
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100 Meters (2016)
Top of the Line Movie! Needs more attention!
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies I have seen. I will buy the DVD for my collection. Even with the subtitles it was great! I give it a 10 star even with the f___ words! I am also glad I did not read any critical reviews ahead of time that might have discouraged me from watching this on Netflix. Hollywood would have spoiled this story. The Spanish production was great. In the title it says this is a comedy, but I did not see it as thus. It is dramatic, but not depressing drama. You instinctively know it is going to have a good ending and that he and his crabby father-in-law will grow close. This is a movie that leaves you feeling good at the end. Give me more movies like this! Too bad they used the F word because it could have a much larger audience.
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Striking Out (2017–2018)
Great Irish TV!
19 March 2017
There is just something so fresh about Irish programs. American TV is so redundant. I binge watched the 4 shows of the first season, and am so disappointed only four! From the very first I wanted her fiancé not to be written out of story cause I am hoping there is redemption for him, but of course with lots of drama and interactions between him and other characters. Writers doing great job stirring up our empathy for him. I am more interested in the relationships between the characters then I am in the actual plot line of each episode. Relationship between characters is why we read books or watch TV & movies and this show seems to be moving in that direction, and why I will be looking forward to season 2. So hurry up and get it on Acorn TV!
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Put Tom Keen back in Blacklist or remake Redemption!
10 March 2017
By episode 6, Redemption has begun to redeem itself. But, I dislike the character of Scottie for one reason only: poor script writing for her character. I liked the idea of Scottie being his mother when she was first introduced in Blacklist, but not anymore. She is a stupidly written character! Writers really bombed with her.

There are two characters on this series that should cross over to Blacklist, Nez Rowan and Tom Keen's father, Howard Hargrave, otherwise get rid of the rest of them. None of them are worth wasting our time getting to know.
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Taken (2017–2018)
At first I loved this show! BUT.......
7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First two episodes got a 10 from me. After watching episode 4, I have to say some of the dialogue is too dopey! And the scenes in the mall where the good guys were trying to not be noticed by the bad guys was ridiculous. Writers, directors, need to step-up the game or this show is going down. I love Jennifer Beals, but not in this show. It just does not work. Would rather have someone like Helen Mirren be their boss. The rest of the cast is great. Love to see more of their interactions with each other. Maybe the writers should watch Line of Duty to get an idea of what makes a series a hit!
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On Strike for Christmas (2010 TV Movie)
Kept a Smile on my Face
25 March 2016
I gave this a 10 because it did what movies are supposed to do: make us feel good. Ignore the negative criticisms made by some reviewers and just enjoy. Even though the grandmother was obviously too young looking, it did not keep me from enjoying the movie. By the way, David Sutcliffe was about 41 when this was made, so he certainly was old enough to be the father of teen boys. I put this movie in the category of the Hallmark movies.

This is a wholesome movie and I had a big smile on my face the entire time. I love the more dramatic series such as Daredevil, but once in a while it is nice to take a break from murder and mayhem and watch a simple, clean movie. Teens would probably find this boring, but not this old lady and many others like me out there!
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Very very Interesting and well done but Nick has (had?) a problem!
8 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I became a fan of Nick Carter after watching him in season 21 of Dancing with the Stars. I became a fan of the Backstreet Boys after watching this awesome documentary. They are great guys as well as gifted musicians!

Nick talks about his dysfunctional childhood and about his fighting parents and how their behavior deeply hurt him which is very obvious in the scene where he takes the guys back to see the home he grew up in and then visits his old school where he breaks down in tears after his teacher gives him a gift.

In this documentary Nick has a shouting/screaming name calling tirade at Brian. I am/was very saddened at Nick's loss of self-control and the hurtful remarks to Brian. Nick was repeating the very same behavior of his parents! I hope when he watched himself in this movie that he recognized that fact.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
So far Jessica Jones is a victim not a survivor
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I anxiously waited months to watch Jessica Jones because I love Agent Carter and Daredevil but after binge watching 6 episodes of Jessica Jones I am so disappointed.  She is a depressing person.  So far she plays the victim instead of a survivor.  Her power of strength and speed seem to falter at times, and at other times is incredible. 

But the most disappointing thing to me is the sex scenes, especially the scene where the cop Simpson has his face in the crotch of Jessica's girlfriend Trish Walker (under the blankets but still explicit). Some things are better left to the imagination. This show has gratuitous sex just for the shock value. The producers have cast talented actors, especially Krysten Ritter, but the storyline needs a whole lotta uplifting. I really don't want to watch further episodes, but will, just hoping for an improvement. If not, I won't be waiting around for the second season. On 2nd thought decided not to waste my time on this series. There are too many other choices of much better quality to spend my time with.
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A nice old fashioned Walt Disney type of show.
24 August 2015
As soon as I started watching this movie I knew it was going to be a stress free feel good movie. After watching a lot of dramas that build up tension and create high blood pressure I was ready for a story without murder, infidelity, crime etc. I was not let down. It is a simple production with a simple story. I had a smile on my face almost the whole time and caught myself chuckling once in a while. The two youngsters in the story must be either the daughter and son of the star Paul Snider or his niece and nephew. They were very good little actors as was Paul Snider. I would highly recommend this movie to those who want a clean family movie to sit and watch with their younger children. Reminds me of the good old days back in the late 50s when as a child I would watch Walt Disney on Sundays at 6 pm.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
Loved it, then got so aggravated at those responsible 4 storyline.
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I binge watched season 1 and 2 on Netflix and could hardly wait to watch seasons 3 and 4. I loved the storyline and characters (except the bad guys, but isn't that what we are supposed to do?).

I started my binge on season 3 today, but with each episode I was getting fidgety as something was not quite right. Then in episode 6 Cullen (coldbood as could be) shot Jasper Prescott smack dab in forehead killing him instantly. My heart sunk, and from that point on my liking for the show immediately went downhill.

Normal people like me love heroes, and even though I did not like it when Cullen hung the boy, it was justifiable but not this cold blood murder. The writers should have at least had the guy try to kill Cullen first! I can't connect with that kind of leading character.

The other annoying thing for me was that I was hoping they would kill off those yucky bad guys of Durant and Gunderson. I got so tired of watching these characters, as they brought a depressing atmosphere to the show. The writers kept nauseatingly putting them in my face. A person can take just so much of that, and that is the reason I decided to read the plot synopsis for each episode and why I started skipping several episodes.

The actors were all great (considering what they had to work with).

There was much better potential for better story plots. And another thing: I am sick and tired of how Christians are portrayed as weird by these writers. Not sure I will continue to watch.
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